Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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I just had a rated OU battle in which my Stunfisk used yawn against a Mega Sceptile behind a substitute. The yawn failed. Yawns are not supposed to be stopped by substitute.


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    786 KB · Views: 314
custap berry bug?! custap skarm lead, 20%, uses brave bird against azumarill, but azmuarill kos with auqa jet. i had max speed on skarm. doesnt the custap berry make my move +1 priority? since both attacks have +1 prio then, i should have attacked first.
custap berry bug?! custap skarm lead, 20%, uses brave bird against azumarill, but azmuarill kos with auqa jet. i had max speed on skarm. doesnt the custap berry make my move +1 priority? since both attacks have +1 prio then, i should have attacked first.
No, Custap makes you the fastest in your priority bracket. Skarmory essentially then uses Brave Bird with a Speed stat of 999 or smething like that due to Custap
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but, whenever I login to Showdown, I get a message that I've been locked from talking, even though I can talk alright. What could be the reason?
Roster showed both Bastiodons, zoroark and no magmortar, at least on my screen.


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So I was playing vgc 2015 and saw this after I closed my battle, so no replay but I had a landorus out and it had protect on its moveset, however, I was not able to choose protect at all, like I was taunted, but I wasn't taunted...
So I was playing vgc 2015 and saw this after I closed my battle, so no replay but I had a landorus out and it had protect on its moveset, however, I was not able to choose protect at all, like I was taunted, but I wasn't taunted...
It might have had the item assault vest which only allows using attacking moves
I think it means that it isn't able to have the move at level 5.
I don't think that's correct, though, as any pokemon can inherit a move learned by it's breed thanks to ditto breeding. In short, a level 5 Magnemite should be able to have discharge if it's parent did. This is why I think it's an error that Discharge isn't allowed to be used by Magnemite in Little Cup.
I don't think that's correct, though, as any pokemon can inherit a move learned by it's breed thanks to ditto breeding. In short, a level 5 Magnemite should be able to have discharge if it's parent did. This is why I think it's an error that Discharge isn't allowed to be used by Magnemite in Little Cup.

It only works that way with egg moves. For moves in its level up pool, it must be present on both parents, which you can't do with genderless Pokemon.
For some strange reason, I keep getting paired up with people in the 1000 rating when I'm up at higher ladder (1700s)
I know this isn't suppose to happen and never happened since Pokemon Showdown normally pairs up players based on their rating, especially on more active ladders.
I've also seen people complain about this during chats in the OU room and would like it to get fixed if possible.
This is the 4th time this happened this month
Not sure if this is considered a PS bug, but some styles are bugging for me lately

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I'm not sure if it's just me, but the mons sprites and trainers seem to be off place when I battle, is there any way to fix this? It happens to a lot of styles that used to work before...


  • Screen Shot 2015-10-03 at 6.03.20 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2015-10-03 at 6.03.20 PM.png
    22.4 KB · Views: 279
This was a glitch I found when playing my friend in triples, all until the last 2 or 3 moves were fine.
In the last two moves, I know that gallade can't reach volcarona, but machamp could, but when i selected gallade hits no-one and for Machamp to use stone edge on Volcarona, i kept trying to click on volcarona and it wouldnt work, it would just remain the same choosing screen. I tried to use other fighting moves of Machamp on volcarona but clicking on volcarona failed, so i had to use protect. But another glitch happened an the Castform. When I used protect because it was the only working move on Machamp, it didn't allow me to pick any move for Castform and thats why in the replay, machamp used protect 2 times and castform used sunny day 2 times even thought it was already sunny. This is a new glitch and you could see the chat in the room at the time too
Alternative link: http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/battle-randomtriplesbattle-277714190
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