Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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When trying to play a doubles match, I got this message:

"Your team was rejected for the following reasons:

Diancie may not be shiny."

If there's some reasoning behind that then I'm curious to know it, but if not then I guess it's a bug. After some testing it actually lets shiny Mega Diancie go just fine, but if regular Diancie is set to shiny the error pops up.
Not a bug. Legality of certain shiny Pokémon were updated.


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Hello, For some reason a few pokemon have been getting uneven substitutes despite being at an even amount of hp. The following replay is of two Simipours, Drifblims and Politoeds one with even hp and another with uneven in the replay simipour works fine however the politoed and Drifblims both register as uneven despite one being even.

here is the replay - http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/customgame-284719319

and here is the team pastebin for proof of EVs - http://pastebin.com/pr7yvTdT
Hello, For some reason a few pokemon have been getting uneven substitutes despite being at an even amount of hp. The following replay is of two Simipours, Drifblims and Politoeds one with even hp and another with uneven in the replay simipour works fine however the politoed and Drifblims both register as uneven despite one being even.

here is the replay - http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/customgame-284719319

and here is the team pastebin for proof of EVs - http://pastebin.com/pr7yvTdT
Politoed has 321 HP and 322HP if it is given 0 and 4 HP EVs respectively, neither of which are divisible by 4. Therefore, their sub takes less than 25% of their max HP. The same principle applies to Drifblim since it has 441 HP and 442 HP when given 0 and 4 HP EVs respectively.

However, when Simipour is given 4 HP EVs, it'll have 292 HP, which is divisible by four. In that specific case, its sub takes exactly 25% of its max HP.

To put it shortly, the HP taken away by subs doesn't depend on the HP stat being even or odd, but on the HP stat being divisible by four or not.
I found something strange : somebody used Fissure in 2nd in a gen 1 random battle and the move didn't failed. It's on turn 5 in this battle : http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen1randombattle-285069270

Normally in gen 1 OHKO moves can only work if they are used before the opponent, not after.
I think it's dependent on speed, not move order. Those Mews has the same speed stat and so it didn't fail because neither was greater.
There's a bug with the interaction between Shadow Force (probably all moves with a charge turn) and Healing Wish (likely all "suicide" moves).

When you use Healing Wish and are faster, and the opponent tries to use Shadow Force, you should disappear instantly, as shown in this video:

However, on PS!, when you use Shadow Force, it fails due to "no target." See this replay: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/anythinggoes-285434904

As you can see in this replay: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/anythinggoes-285817545 it appears to be a bug with all moves with a charge turn, though I didn't test any of the others in game.
So I've encountered this twice today (only tried playing twice) when I start a random battle. The battle appears as a 1v1, I can't see my team so I obviously can't switch. After the 1st mon goes down the rest of my team appears and the battle will continue like a normal random battle. I can hover over where the pokeballs are supposed to be and it will say not revealed. This lets me now that its still a 6v6 but being forced to stay in with a mon isn't a good thing. When I look at the replay it shows the pokeballs and looks like a normal random battle. Again the problem is at the beginning where I cant see MY TEAM and am not allowed to switch. I'm not sure if my opponents had the same problem as they didn't mention it. 1st opponent stayed quite, 2nd quit immediately. Also this is my 1st "post" and I'm not sure if I did anything wrong but some answers or a fix would be nice.
If you /ds !protect or /ds !hiddenpower, Pumpkaboo-Super apparently cannot learn it. However, if you /learn Pumpkaboo-Super, protect/hiddenpower, it can. So for some random reason, /ds is bugged but /learn isn't for Pumpkaboo-Super. Oddly, the other Pumpkaboo forms are totally fine.
I have found a bug related to battles, on PS.

I have a ladder account, Chime-Ladder, which is registered, yet whenever I finish a battle, since I registered it during a previous battle, it always shows me the Register an account to protect your ladder rating message:


In that Screenshot, you can see the message, and the change password / logout, and a Mod, Jin Of The Gale, Confirmed that that account was indeed registered.

I tried refreshing, and after 2 refreshes, it worked, and the message disapeared.

This isn't a major bug, it's just a visual one, as the rating is indeed saved, even after refreshing, but I just thought i would point this out.
So I found something odd with /modlog.


So this is what my Modlog normally looks like if down with a space in between Sir and Kay. Now if you drop the space this will happen:


So as you can see, despite them both being the same account, they will have different modlogs if you add in/ take out spaces which ended up causing some confusion. Because if you do /roomauth in a given room, it will automatically drop any spaces in someones name. So if you copy and paste a name from the /roomauth list and then /modlog them, you'll end up with something that isn't accurate.
so I was playing a random battle with a friend where he had a wobbuffet at 40% hp and I had a Golurk out at full hp. The first turn he destiny bonded me and I rock polished which doubled my speed which should have canceled the destiny bond however the next turn I went first because my speed was 2x and I used earthquake and killed him however instead of him just dying destiny bond took me out too even though it should have been canceled by rock polish.
We seemed to have run into an issue with Darkrai and it's Bad Dream ability and this keeps occuring (Battles tested were on Anything Goes)


Error parsing: |-damage|p2a: Steven Stone|264/301 slp|[from] ability: Bad Dreams
TypeError: Cannot read property 'sprite' of null at Battle.resultAnim (http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/js/battle.js?v0.9.4a:2910:16)
"Replays uploaded from third-party servers can contain errors if the server is running custom code, or the server operator has otherwise incorrectly configured their server."

I think that's on the side of the server running it.
I've found yet another visual glitch in battle:


As you can see, in the sprites that show my party, Zoroark, Sableye and Sharpedo are still active, but it's Mandibuzz, Sableye and Sharpedo who are active, as you can see in my party / switch selection

This is probably because Zoroark was Illusioned as Mandibuzz during the match.
I found a very frustrating bug on Smartphone Website version.

I use an iPhone 5S, and on Smartphone, when you want to select an attack, you need to click on it twice. One click show you the attack info (like when you put the mouse on the attack on PC version) and one other click for confirm the move, and then your pokemon attack.

Like this : https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.ne...=f9fd840b89891f9a04e891b57122d59a&oe=56CCAD8A

But when you click on the move Substitute, the info-text-windows is so huge that the windows cover ALL your screen ! And you cant again on it !!!

Like this : https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.ne...=cb77e57342fbe1e50b49c9ccb60d1764&oe=56C25811

So you cant use Subtitute (and all other attacks with huge description I guess...)
I test on others browsers like Chrome, Mozilla, etc.. But the result is the same..

Hope you will fix that quickly :( i play most of the time on my phone and without Substitute i can't win with my new team...
I found a very frustrating bug on Smartphone Website version.

I use an iPhone 5S, and on Smartphone, when you want to select an attack, you need to click on it twice. One click show you the attack info (like when you put the mouse on the attack on PC version) and one other click for confirm the move, and then your pokemon attack.

Like this : https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.ne...=f9fd840b89891f9a04e891b57122d59a&oe=56CCAD8A

But when you click on the move Substitute, the info-text-windows is so huge that the windows cover ALL your screen ! And you cant again on it !!!

Like this : https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.ne...=cb77e57342fbe1e50b49c9ccb60d1764&oe=56C25811

So you cant use Subtitute (and all other attacks with huge description I guess...)
I test on others browsers like Chrome, Mozilla, etc.. But the result is the same..

Hope you will fix that quickly :( i play most of the time on my phone and without Substitute i can't win with my new team...
I'm having the exact same problem. Would it be possible to at least add something like a "/use substitute" command that you can type in the chat to get past this problem?
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