This thread is dedicated to information and discussion about the Generation 5 Doubles Metagame, BW Doubles
- Evasion Clause: Players cannot use the moves Double Team or Minimize.
- Moody Clause: Players cannot use a Pokemon with the Moody ability.
- OHKO Clause: Players cannot use the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold.
- Species Clause: Players cannot use two Pokemon with the same Pokedex number on the same team.
- Sleep Clause: Players cannot put two Pokemon on the opposing team to sleep.
Players cannot use the following Pokemon:
- Mewtwo
- Lugia
- Ho-oh
- Kyogre
- Groudon
- Rayquaza
- Jirachi
- Dialga
- Palkia
- Giratina
- Giratina-Origin
- Arceus
- Reshiram
- Zekrom
- Kyurem-White
Players cannot use the following moves:
- Dark Void
- Gravity
- Swagger
Players cannot use the following item:
- Soul Dew
The following are key differences between BW Doubles and later generations:
- Steel resists Ghost and Dark
- Gems exist and confer a 1.5x boost
- Knock Off has 20 base power
- Ability-summoned weather conditions are permanent
- Follow Me/Rage Powder have +3 priority (same as Fake Out)
- Standard Singles Sleep Clause is enforced
- Grass Types are affected by powders, Electric Types can be paralyzed
- Sleep Timer resets on switch-out
- Wide Guard / Quick Guard can fail like Protect
- Double Protects work 50% of the time.
- Critical Hits do 2x Damage
- Various Special Attacks have adjusted BP, PP, or Accuracy.
- List of notable changes:
- Air Slash has 20 PP instead of 15 PP
- Assurance has 50 BP instead of 60 BP
- Aura Sphere has 90 BP instead of 80 BP
- Blizzard has 120 BP instead of 110 BP
- Draco Meteor has 140 BP instead of 130 BP
- Dragon Pulse has 90 BP instead of 85 BP
- Energy Ball has 80 BP instead of 90 BP
- Fire Blast has 120 BP instead of 110 BP
- Flamethrower has 95 BP instead of 90 BP
- Glare has 90 Accuracy instead of 100 Accuracy
- Heat Wave has 100 BP instead of 95 BP
- Hidden Power has variable BP, ranging from 30 BP to 70 BP, instead of a flat 60 BP
- Hurricane has 120 BP instead of 110 BP
- Hydro Pump has 120 BP instead of 110 BP
- Ice Beam has 95 BP instead of 90 BP
- Knock Off has 20 BP instead of 65 BP
- Leaf Storm has 140 BP instead of 130 BP
- Meteor Mash has 100 BP and 85 Accuracy instead of 90 BP and 90 Accuracy
- Muddy Water has 95 BP instead of 90 BP
- Overheat has 140 BP instead of 130 BP
- Surf has 95 BP instead of 90 BP
- Tailwind has 30 PP instead of 15 PP
- Technoblast has 85 BP instead of 120 BP
- Thunder has 120 BP instead of 110 BP
- Thunderbolt has 95 BP instead of 90 BP
- Will-O-Wisp has 75 Accuracy instead of 85 Accuracy
- List of notable changes:
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