Does anyone think either Pokémon (Zapdos/Raikou) will rise to OU upon the release of its DW ability (Lightning Rod/Volt Absorb respectively)?
I'd think Zapdos would probably move up to OU when Lightningrod gets released. I've been using Specially Defensive Zapdos on a Sand Stall team and in this metagame it is by far it's best set. It's one of the best answers to Tornadus-T without having to use Jirachi and when Lightningrod gets released it will be able to fare just as well against Thundurus-T aswell. Specially Defensive Zapdos also beats Genesect and Scizor, while doing okay against Sheer Force Landorus too. I really can't wait for it's release, I expect it's usage to increase a lot.
As for Raikou, I probably wouldn't expect it to increase to OU. While it does get Lightningrod just like Zapdos, it lacks the recovery that Zapdos has, and can use ever so easily. It doesn't matter if Zapdos is Stealth Rock weak, switch in on Tornadus-T and Roost on it. Raikou has a lot harder time without recovery and cannot perform a defensive role as well as Zapdos. I think Zapdos has a certain niche being there are only a few decent defensive Electric types, and Zapdos is the arguably the most notable of those. That's not to say Raikou won't improve as a result of Lightningrod -- it's still a great offensive check to the therians, and could be used in some Volt Turn chains with Genesect and friends. However, I feel like Zapdos will benefit that much more from it and that will be enough to push it back into OU.