CAP 10 CAP 10 - Name Submissions

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Aragorn's shrimp appears to be fairly big, so I referred to it as the tiger prawn, one of the largest prawns in the world. However, the name I currently am thinking of relates to the family the tiger prawn comes from: Crustaceans. Aragorn's prawn also has the ability to change the color of its lights when it uses different elemental attacks, so elemental also came to mind, as did candela- a unit of luminous intensity. In the end, I decided to submit a few different ideas as submissions and come up with a final submission later:

Tigracean: Combines the Tiger prawn with the use of crustacean. Also gives CAP10's name some aggressiveness to it imo.
Tilamenta: Again, Tiger is used and combined with Elemental.
Prawdela: Ehh, Prawn and Candela, but whatever.
Stuck on either something along the lines of Crawpere or Krawpere (krawdad + ampere) or something like Crayohm or Krayohm (crayfish + ohm, also a play on 'crayon', from the multicolored luminescence in the supporting art.

....yeah, the C versus the K is killing me. Leaning towards the C currently, but still not sure whether to go Crawpere or Crayohm....actually, Cyclohm kinda took the 'ohm' bit, could go with Crayomb and borrow from the Coulomb instead....or maybe something like Kritaic (krill + voltaic)....damn, I got way too many names floating around up here to pick one D:

Leaning towards Crawpere at the moment. Guess I'll decide in the morning....
Crawpere seems a bit forced to me. Crayomb is a bit better, but I think Craylomb would be a better way to combine Crayfish and Coulomb.

So, yeah, I'd recommend Craylomb if you want to go along that line.
I call dibs on Krilowatt. [Krill'-oh-waht]

It's a mixture of Krill + Watt, and also is a pun of Kilowatt. Deals with electricity, "krill" makes it sound cuter and weaker (which it won't be the latter), and overall, I really like it.

I truly support this due to the primary typing being Electric. I feel that the electric nature of this pokemon needs to be drawn out more. It looks oddly like a normal type or a water type due to it's coloring and shape. Because of that, I truly like Krilowatt as it puts an overtone of electricity into the CAP. Also, the CAP is cute. Anything too heavy or mature wouldn't give us an accurate discription of this CAP.
Final Submission:

Malacowatt (Malacostraca + Watt) Malacostraca is the class that most crustaceans belong too, and Watt is to bring out the electric in the name. I find that the name flows quite nicely
Final Submission

Jolt + Twerp

It's funny that with a base 151 hp, out of all the designs, we've ended up with a shrimp. This name celebrates the irony by emphasizing the "smallness" connoted by "shrimp". Jolting little twerp...


Submissions I like:

I call dibs on Krilowatt. [Krill'-oh-waht]
This is a beautiful pun, if such a thing exists. The "Kilowatt" aspect also tends to add a sense of grandeur and cuteness to it simultaneously.



Jumbo (shrimp) + Volt/Bolt. Pretty simple to remember, too. The Jumbo also helps explain the 151 HP.l
Another great submission that I've liked since the moment I heard it. It's extremely simple and somewhat cute sounding too, making it a great fit.
Final Submission:
Well, nobody was commenting on the good/badness of it, so I will just finalize it and leave it how it is:

Anrillay (Anti + Krill + Ray)
Anti as in counter, the purpose of CAP10
Krill, because it is like a krill/prawn/shrimp -Though due to the bulkiness, this may not make much sense, as krill are very TINY!
Ray has multiple meanings, Ray as in what it will attack with (I can picture rays from its antennae); light ray, as in electromagnetic spectrum; also taken together "rillay" is similar to relay - which can relate to electricity.
Rill is also a name for a small water rivulet/stream

Good luck to all submissions!
Final Submission


A corruption of Trawling, a method of fishing, often used to catch Shrimp.
Also, sounds like Crawler, which CAP10 is likely to do, with it's many nimble legs.
(I.E. Crawling along the ocean floor).
Final Submission


This is a reference to Krill (duh) and lith is a play on the words lit and licht (german for light). Lith also refers to Monolith (a large geographical feature) which implies large bulk, which CAP10 has in abundance.
Ok, can you guys stop trying to be funny/clever and submit names you'd actually be able to see on a Pokemon? If I see one more shrimp pun, I'm going to vomit.

CAP10 is supposed to be a Pokemon, not a funny caption you put on pictures and send all over the internet.
we named a pokemon fidgit so i don't see where this is coming from

i really like overkrill, it's catchy and cute, so i'm trying to think of something that would work like that, since that is the name we should be shooting for with this little prawn/shrimp

so final submission
freestyle, the fastest swimming style and volt, a unit of electricity


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Final Submission

(a bit like crawdawnt but with a 'p')

Shrimp are biologically classified under the Caridea species (type Caridea into Wiki and you get linked to Shrimps). Throw 'amp' on the end of the word for a little flavour displaying the electricity and you have a catchy little name.
Ok, can you guys stop trying to be funny/clever and submit names you'd actually be able to see on a Pokemon? If I see one more shrimp pun, I'm going to vomit.

CAP10 is supposed to be a Pokemon, not a funny caption you put on pictures and send all over the internet.
You'd better find a bucket. You do know that no matter what name is selected, there'll be at least one set CAP10 set called "ThunderPrawnch," "IcePrawnch," or "FirePrawnch," right? It's going to be practically unavoidable.
Final Submission:


Pronounciation: Ra-ka-volt

Origin: räka [Swedish word for Shrimp] + Volt


This CAP seems to be a bit of a Swiss Army Knife, so what better than the swedish word for Shrimp in it's name? Not only does 'Raka' sound cool, and mixes with 'Volt' almost perfectly, but it's also accurate, being a shrimp.
Final Submission


Simple, short and too the point. Krill is a tiny shrimpy invertebrate and Ohm is the measure of electrical resistance.
Final Submission

Final Submission


Scoon sounds water-like and tap sounds electric-like. It sounds right. Was going to submit it for Cartoons's. That shit would have fit perfect.

Also Mountain Dewgong, let me introduce you to Cyclohm.
Final Submission: Camaglo

The Spanish word for shrimp is Camaron, which I thought was very fitting given the use of shrimp in Spanish culture and cuisine, as well as in New Orleans where Spanish influences are very prevalent. That plus "Glo" makes something I think is both sleek and fun to say.
Throwing my support behind Kinesta. It pulls in CAP history and we need a Pokemon that knows how to party. This CAP and the original Kinesta share two of three types, so they're similar enough for this to fit. It also gives the general intelligence level of this Pokemon.
I really like Fuzznip's suggestion of Crevescent. Not only is it a very pretty name, but it also makes reference to the electric element of CaP10. I feel that a lot of the names suggested communicate quite well that it's a water creature (shrimp/prawn/krill etc), but miss the more unique aspect.

Crescent + Flourescent/Luminescent works on two counts in an accessible and well-sounding parcel.


You can call me Jiggly
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Final Submission


H20 for water.
Ohm, though used by cyclohm, is the best electric fit.
Final Submission:


Pronounced: Pen-nay-a-day
Penaeus monodon (Scientific name for Tiger Prawn) + Faraday (Michael Faraday)

It gives us a "prawn" reference which isn't very well-known, and is similar-sounding to Faraday, who is a key member of the people who discovered how electricity works.
Despite the fact we're using prawns, it's latin which is a scientific and "smart" language, so the puns aren't very useful, and it sounds intelligent.

@Kinestra: I don't like this name, simply because it's the name of someone else's design which they submitted. It also isn't as smart-sounding as you may believe, as it doesn't sound intelligent at all.
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