CAP 10 CAP 10 - Policy Review Committee

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This is the thread for people to apply for membership on the Policy Review Committee for the upcoming creation project. Do not suggest other people.

The Policy Review Committee performs the following key functions:
  • Selecting a Topic Leader for the CAP Project
  • Creating Policy Review topics
  • Voting in Policy Review polls
The Policy Review Committee selection process is designed to be open to any qualified members. This is not a popularity contest. Policy Review Committee applications are open to anyone with an established record of recent, active involvement on the CAP project. The main purpose of this thread, is to force members to overtly request to be a part of the committee, and be willing to advertise their recent track record of involvement on the CAP project. That's it. Selection to this committee should have nothing to do with whether a person is "liked" or "disliked" -- but you must be "active".

All Topic Leader nominees will be automatically applied for membership on the Policy Review Committee, after the conclusion of the Topic Leader vote. Anyone that is active enough on the CAP project to seek the TL position, is assumed to be active enough to desire a position on the Policy Review Committee. However, just because the TL nominees are automatically applied for membership on the Policy Review Committee, does not mean they will be automatically selected. See the Policy Review Committee Guide for more information.

This thread is strictly for PRC application posts. Do not post support for any applicants, since this is not a public poll. This is not a discussion topic about the Policy Review Committee, so please do not ask questions about it here.

Here are the rules for Policy Review Committee application posting:
  • Candidates must have been actively involved over the past two most recent CAP projects or the past six months, whichever is shorter. Voting is not "active involvement". Lurking is not "active involvement". You must have a strong track record of making intelligent posts and contributions to the project. Active playtesting on the CAP server is a highly valued contribution to the project.
  • You must have a clear understanding of the CAP process and rules. If you are not familiar with current policy, you cannot expect to participate in changing it.
  • Current PRC members are no longer automatically accepted onto the new Policy Review Committee. All members must apply equally, and all members will be evaluated equally.
  • PRC applicants should post an application in the following form:
    1. In a short paragraph, characterize your recent involvement with the CAP project on the forum.
    2. In two or three sentences, characterize your activity on the Create-A-Pokémon Server and/or #cap.

    3. Link to a few posts in which you supported a choice with competitive reasoning and/or link to a few of your posts in a Policy Review thread.
  • Make application posts only. A sure-fire way to prove that you do not understand CAP rules is to go off-topic in this thread.
1. I was part of the cap revision committee where I helped revise the caps. I've been active in cap for like the last 3 caps. I helped with the cap threat list too. Stellar, a few others, and I submitted a moveset for Cyclohm.

2. I am a driver on the cap server. I'm on the server most of the time when I am on the computer and i usually battle and chat on it. I'm an active play tester there as well. Also I'm a vop in #cap
I'd like to participate in the PRC. I've been a very active member in the CAP forum and CAP server.

In CAP 9, my submitted movepool ended up being the chosen movepool for Colossoil (yay for me), and I also suggested the name Rebound for Colossoil's new ability. I also took part in most, if not all, discussion threads. In CAP 8, I also took part in the discussion threads all throughout it.

I was recently awarded the privilege to moderate the CAP server, so I think that shows that I'm an active user on the server. I'm also active on the CAP IRC channel.
I would like to apply for PRC.

I mostly lurked during CAP8, although I playtested Cyclohm a little torwards the end. I was active throughout the entire playtesting of the first 6 CAPs, including the lull during the middle of playtesting. I voted in every poll (and helped count votes for the Concept vote) for CAP9 and playtested Colossoil. I recently contributed Aerodactyl to the CAP Threat List and I participated in the playtesting of the CAP Revisions. While I'm not the most active in the forums, most of my free time I spend on #cap. I hope to get more active in the forums, especially during CAP10.

I am currently a driver on the server and 12 on the CAP Ladder (if that counts for anything). I play CAP, NU and LC and I am mostly on the server whenever I'm free. I have voice on #cap and I spend most of my free time there, as well.
I'd like to become a PRC member.

While my role during CAPs aren't as clear cut as others (I.E. making posts in the fourm) I do, however, debate the merits of almost anything and everything involving the Pokemon we are currently building. I do participate in some of the playtesting, so I can get a feel of the pokemon.

I helped Tennis and darkie (and of course you, Doug) build /cap/ up. I added in pokemon sets, and helped out with whatever anyone needed.
I'd like to become a PRC member.

I playtested quite a bit in CaP9, and a little bit in CaP8. I submitted base stat spread for CaP9 (130 base speed ftw), but it it did not make it to voting. I worked in the CRC to revise the first 3 caps.

I spend a lot of my time on #cap, where I had HOps before the revamp. I am currently without status. I used to be a driver on the server, but my power was taken away for careless walling of '*'. I play a lot of CaP.
I'd like to become a PRC member.


I'm a shoddy mod on CAP, I'm currently one of the only few vopped on CAP, I've been playtesting CAPs since Syclant. I am the CAP 7 Playtesting expert, and I was also CAP 9 da best's TL. I had aops before the revamp, though before the revamp probably doesn't mean much! I've been with CAP for over two and a half years or so. I'm a strong minded person who isn't afraid to call somebody out or comment on a huge flaw as well.

For the server I've consistently been on the top of NU and CAP leaderboards, and I'm really in tune with most of if not all of CAP. I participate frequently in PR threads (ones that I have an opinion for, anyways). I've written about 3-5 or so smog articles ion CAP as well as an article on how to be a good TL, as well as writing an article on how to playtest atm with Elevator Music. I am a tutor in Battling 101 who often teaches my tutees CAP as they are usually very interested. My tutees have been able to get to the top of the leaderboard as well.

Please consider me.
Honestly, my forum activity has always been abysmal. About 1/3 of my posts are in CaP, but as you can see that isn't too many. However, I do carefully consider each option before voting and form my own opinion on matters rather than just going along with the general "groupthink." I helped cyberzero determine the Competitive Move slates for CaP 8 as well. If it affects anything, I do plan on being more active this CaP >_>

However, on the server, I am one of the most active users, as I'm sure anyone will attest to. I have been a driver on the server longer than any of the other current drivers barring cyberzero. I play CaP, LC and NU frequently on the server, as well as moderate the chat using my driver powers. I'd like to consider myself at least somewhat knowledgable on all of the metagames played on the server and am always willing to help new users learn the ropes. On #cap, I occasionally contribute to intelligent discussion and was formerly a hOp prior to the "revamp."

Thanks for your time!

edit: also, while i didn't post a whole lot on the discussions, i read extensively and voted responsibly on the CaP revision committee
I would like to participate in the PRC.

I have been active in CAP since Kitsunoh, which are the last 3 CAPs. I like to voice my opinion in the competitive aspects of the pokemons that are intended to be made, and I also partake on all of the polls. Sometimes when someone needs helps with movesets and/or their stats submissions, I offer my help as well.

I always go on the CAP server, I am a driver there and an active playtester, which is my favorite way to contribute to this project. As for #cap goes, im on everyday participating by arguing the competitive aspects of the CAPs, which is in what im more knowledgeable.

Please consider me for a position in the PRC.
I would like to submit an application for the PRC.

I have submitted a concept suggestion in every (I believe) CAP project since the process was revonavted back in CAP4 (including one which was considered for the voting process during CAP8). In addition I have voted in just about every poll I can, I have worked on and submitted both artwork, sprites, and names in numerous projects, and recently, I tried my hand at a stat spread for Colossoil.

Unfortunately due to computer issues on the laptop I formerly used for Shoddy, I have not been active on the CAP testing site. However, before this incident, I stopped by on occassion to the testing site, normally running a RD team or NinjaskPass team to test how CAP pokemon fared against "normal-meta" teams. While I haven't been on recently I have, in the past, done battle with every CAP, excluding Colossoil.

To prove my dedication to the success of the project, I provide two links, one to my CAP8 Concept Submission, and one to my pride and joy CAP9 Stat Spread Submission.

Thank you for considering my application. Go CAP10!
Id like to be considered for the PRC.

I have been active in the Cap project for a very long time (I believe i was on the server by rev). although I don't spend much time on the forums, i plan on being very active in this next cap and I've also been paying attention to the forums for a long time and voting in the random polls.

On the server and #cap, i have been very active. I'm almost always found on the server and considered a "regular" and have been testing out the CaPs or just talking on the server. I have also gotten the title of CAP Playtesting Expert which shows that I have been on the server playing almost every day. I have recently been hanging out in #cap as well within the last 2 months and was given a voice , but then was taken away with the revamp of the channel. I am also a driver on the server and am very active, and will be in the future.
To hell with it, I'll throw my PCR application to the hat as well

I've been active in CAP–and that's properly active, not just lurking or voting–since the day that Pyroak was first being created. During Colossoil's creation, I was MUCH more active than I have been. Usually I'd just throw in a concept submission and a base stat spread and not do much after that, but along with that, I've also suggested Colossoil gets Self Destruct (don't look at me if you still don't like it) and I took a stab at making a name and a movepool for it. And I'll admit that I usually went for the option that was bandwagoned to hell and back, but at least I made the effort to give a (competitive) reason behind it.

I've even playtested Colossoil for a while, something I've never done with the other CAPmons before (apart from the first revisions of Scylant and Revenankh). I was mainly trying to see if Screech was actually viable on the thing. I've had my successes with it, but the victories I had with the team were mainly due to Revenankh and a Cresselia I used at one stage. I made a warstory of a battle with dragonites using my 'Screeching Colossoil', which you can see in my signature. Unfortunately, tennisace locked it for essentially not being a large enough wall of text, so you can't comment on it. But dragonites and I had a nice quick back-and-forth battle as described in the warstory.

One more thing. As you can see here and here, you would've seen me post a few times that I thought Colossoil's stats should be as close to Garchomp's stats as possible. I strongly believed at the time that Garchomp's stats were ideal for Colossoil, because not only did they allow him to survive some super effective hits, but they also allowed him to fight back against carriers of such attacks. Right now, they actually aren't way off what I originally intended, as I shall prove below:

Garchomp's Stats:
PS:245 PT: 174 SS: 143 ST: 155

Colossoil's Stats:
PS:227 PT: 157 SS: 127 ST: 155

^See? Not far off at all. So overall I'm happy with Colossoil's creation (although it could do with enough speed to at least tie with Celebi, which I was fighting for), and I hope this continues with CAP10.
I want to be part of the PRC.

I have been fairly active throughout the last 2 CAPs - even if I have been here for a lot more - and I participated heavily to the recent CAP Revision process (especially in Revenankh's case, my contribution have been crucial throughout both the stat spread and the ability). I am also quite active on the server (as underlined by my place on the CAP leaderboard and my driver license) and on IRC. I think I can make a good contribution to this CAP, too.
I like to submit my application to the PRC.

I've been fairly active within last two CAP projects. Actually to be honest with everyone I've been actively contributing my fair share of reasonable options and Pokemon "aspects" within every CAP project since it ever since it began. I even held the position of Topic Leader in CAP3 so I greatly understand the rules that were placed years ago. While I'm not fairly active on the CAP server in recent months I do understand the metagame enough to make sensible decisions when it comes to discussions involving new CAP Pokemon or changes to old one. I did playtest the first three or four CAP Pokemon on Shoddy before so I do go out and try these new creatures out. Please consider me for a spot on the committee, I believe that my contribution over the years has been enough to make me worthy of the spot.
I would like to put my name in the hat again.

I have been a contributer in CAP for quite a while, lurking since CAP5 and actively posting since CAP6, including the recent revisions. My activity hon the server in recent months has been sporatic at best due to computer and real life issues, but when everything is working (should be soon) I am very active. I have never been one for IRC, partly because my old computer didn't like it, so I am lacking there. However I know how the process works quite well and hope to be considered.
I would like to be considered for the PRC.

As far as activity on the forums is concerned, I think that my activity there is for the most part sufficient. I participated heavily in the creation of Collossoil, and contributed at almost every stage. I also participated moderately during Cyclohm and Kitsunoh. Most recently, I was a member of the CAP Revision committee, and took part in the discussions and voting about all of them (most notably Syclant and Pyroak; I contributed very little of my own thinking to Revenankh). I also intend to contribute heavily in CAP10 as well, regardless of whether I am accepted into the PRC or not.

As for the CAP shoddy server, I am certainly not as active there as I am during projects on the forum. I always make a point of playtesting the new CAPmon as soon as it is available on the server, but my presence tends to wane to the end of the playtesting period, though I will occasionally play in the CAP metagame once in a while. I find the way that an individual CAP develops rapidly from its introduction fascinating, though I am not one for laddering.
I would also like to be a part of the Policy Review Committee.

I have been active in CAP for the past two creations now. My stat spread submission and movepool for CAP 9 both made it to their respective final polls, and I made what I consider to be quality posts in each of the competitive discussion threads. I was in the CAP Revision Committee, as well, and was active in each of the Revision threads.

On the server, I've been playing as often as possible. I have three alts in the 1400s, but I don't necessarily have the time to storm the ladder besides being an average battler to begin with. I like trying out new ideas and teams most of all. On #cap, I am a former HOp who is currently status-less, although I am on whenever my computer is on, so I can keep up with discussion, even if I'm not directly participating.

Links (interesting option):
CAP 9 Stat Spread Sumbission
CAP 9 Movepool Submission
Policy Review Response

Thank you for the time and energy you've spent reading this application.
I'd like to become a PRC member.

I have been fairly active in the previous two CAP creations and I was involved in the CAP Revision Council, so I'm confident that my activity has been reasonable. I have also been participating in CAP since Revenankh, and I lurked during Syclant, so I'm also confident I know what CAP is about and its goals.

My activity on the server, on the other hand, has been sporadic at best; I'm intending to rectify this as soon as possible, as I have more free time nowadays. I used to have Voice on #cap before the revamp; I spend a lot more time on the IRC server than I do on the ShoddyBattle server, which is something I'd like to change.
I'd like to be a member of the PRC

  • Though, I was inactive on both forums and server for a few months. I have always contributed to CAP a lot whenever I got the time.
  • I have been active in the CAP since between the creations of Pyroak and Fidgit, But spent most of my time on the CAP server to playtest them. Though my activity on the forums is somewhat low, my activity on the server has always been high. I would always enjoy being on the server if not battling, then discussing about Pokemon and/or the CAP Project.
I would like to be a member of the Policy Review Committee.

I have been active with CAP to some extent since the creation of Kitsunoh, but my activity has greatly increased since the creation of Colossoil and the playtesting in preparation of the competitive revisions. I was significantly involved in the revision process, and voted on each of the changes made to the CAPs. I am one of the most active players on the CAP server, both ordinarily and during playtesting. I am also active in #cap, and a driver on the CAP server.
I would like to apply to be part of the policy reveiw committee as well.

While I may not have as much experiance as the other applicants, joining at the VERY end of CAP 8, I was heavily involved in CAP9.

Actions I took during CAP9 most notibly included getting the ball rolling on Collosoil's Ground typing. I was also was involved in the ability, and movepool sections heavily, although, my supported ideas came 2nd in those aspects.

My activity on the Create-A-Pokemon server is not massive, due to me joining only somewhat recently, so having to learn the knowledge about the previous 7 CAPs before I joined, a formidable task. [Also the reason why I didn't aid in the revisions] My activity on the CAP server also includes the NU ladder.

As this is my first PR application, I think it is a good idea to include links to some of my posts in CAP9.
My intial 'Go Ground!' post
My second 'Ground' post, this time discussing it's merits over Dark, and the weaknesses of Dark. - My inital suggestion for the secondary typing, Dark/Ground.
Build Bias Discussion Post
My first veiw on abilities.
My post in abilties poll

I'd say those were my main things in shaping CAP9, or tring to do so. My posts in later parts ended up not having a massive effect.

If I'm not accepted, I understand, due to my lack of experiance outside CAP9.
We have reviewed all the applications, and we feel that the members listed below have sufficient experience, participation, and understanding of CAP Policy to participate in setting policy for the duration of the next CAP project. After the TL selection vote is complete, all TL nominees will be reviewed for inclusion on the Policy Committee, and new additions will be edited into this post. The selected Topic Leader will be automatically added.

Congratulations to the CAP 10 Policy Review Committee!

Deck Knight
Gothic Togekiss
The Hybrid
Umbreon Dan
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