CAP 18 CAP 18 - Name Submissions

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Alright, so I finally came up with a mantle name that I was happy with:


nos (from nosferatu) + therm (i.e. heat) + mantle (already explained); when spoken aloud it sounds an awful lot like nosferatu

One problem though: Nosthermantle is 13 letters... Fake edit: Actually, what about Nosthrmantl? Again, I kind of like how it looks with vowels removed. It gives it sort of a Germanic feel, which fits with Nosferatu being a Germanic vampire. That's just me though, what do you guys think?

I would suggest Nothermantl instead. The missing e in the middle looks sloppy to me, but replacing the s with a th sounds and looks good.
Let me do another WIP


It is composed of "Arson", to burn, and "Mari", a stem meaning "sea".

Pronounciation: Are-sawn-ih-mayr-ee

I have only one WIP left, so any opinions would be helpful in helping me refine my name.
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pyre + octo + terror. As a a fire-induced vampire squid, I think the name describes it well.

Pronounced: pyre - Oct - arrow


Terrify + fire

Pronounced: Ter - ih - fire

I have come up with

I would like too here opinions of which is best. I am unable to decide completely but am leaning toward abysmantle but want feedback.

Woktopus (Wok + Octopus)

Squauté (Squid + Sauté)

I'm a bit late in the submissions, but I might as well try this out! Both of my submissions are cooking-related because food is always good. I think Woktopus has a nice ring to it, though the word "wok" is kind of random compared to the design; it does suggest burning, however. The dialytic mark in Squauté has precedent in Flabébé, so I hope it's allowed. In terms of the name itself, I think the "uau" in the middle is a bit clunky looking, so if anyone has any suggestions for how to fix it that would be cool.
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(Lava + Mollusk)

Draculusk (Dracula + Mollusk)

Steamallusk (Steam + Mollusk)

I don't know if you can tell but I kinda want mollusk to be incorporated in the name lol

Derived from;

mancer: One who controls fire.
Mantle: The mantle is the 'head' of an octopus or squid in anatomical terms. its not actually the head at all, but a sort of sack which contains all the organs. Also can be related to part of the earth's core which is obviously relating back to fire, as well as vampire capes and stuff.

The fact that the two blend kinda seamlessly into one word is just a bonus.
I've got a few WIP names here, and I'll stick with the one with the most positive feedback for final submissions. Anyway, here they are!
My last WIP post.


Pyro is for fire, obviously. Octo is octopus. Find is my abbreviation for "fiend", in order to meet character limitations.



I would appreciate feedback on all three WIP's so I can finalize, especially this one with deciding which letter needs to be cut.

This and Arsonimari are my preferred choices.

However, I am editing Tentagnid to make it nicer to the ears.
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Alright my last WIP:


I was thinking that most pokemon names are noun-based way more often than adjective-based like my other two WIPs. So while trying to think of a noun-based name that wasn't taken, this is what I got. Tbh, I'm surprised nobody else has used it yet. Anyway, if you haven't figured it out by now, the name is Magma + Abyss. It has a fire reference, a water reference, and a slight darkness reference. I'm thinking about removing the second "s", so feedback is much appreciated! For reference: Magmabys. (MAG-muh-biss)

Also, I want to say that Scaldevil is a great name, Doug!
Okay, I'm gonna use my last WIP, because it's worth a shot, right?


Combination of "Thermal" + "Pyre", and also "Vampire"
Pronounced as "thurm-payh-uhr"

Thermal, to represent the most obvious example of heat in the ocean, hydrothermal vents, and pyre, to represent a pile of burning wood (which could be for the purpose of burning a dead body), as well as to connect it to the Vampire squid's scientific name. Together, the name also sounds similar to Vampire, again tying it to the Vampire Squid.

Comments would be greatly appreciated, I'm currently stuck between this name and Boilopod.
Second WIP:


Camouflage + conflagrant

Thought that using the actual species for name parts will be overused and a bit common (but a lot of suggested names that use the species names are well done nonetheless).
Basically, since GLUrS's design reveals a scary face (skull?) that is a shade more orange than the rest of its body, it shows us one of its defense mechanisms, a facade; camouflage.
In addition, since the CAP is a vampire squid and turns itself inside out to hide itself in the abyss, it can also be recognized as camouflage.
-flaggr is not a real suffix. Conflagrant things are things set ablaze, on fire.
Conflagration can also be used there. The extra -gr was my own little twist to make it sound threatening, and also to prevent others from pronouncing it as camouflaudʒer.
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Smolder/Smoulder + Maelstrom

A burning whirlpool is kind of neat. I could also drop the "U"



Smolder/Smoulder + Kraken

The legendary Kraken but one emitting powerful heat.

I am currently leaning towards Smolken. I like that it is shorter, easier, and the Kraken is just so cool. The problem is that it sounds a little generic. Any ideas?

Edit: Smollusk? Very simple. Almost a Gen 1 name... (Seel is by far the worst name of all pokemon)

Pronunciation: SKWID-nuhngk
IPA: ˈskwɪdˌnʌŋk

A portmanteau of squid and quidnunc, pretty simple.
Quidnunc means: "A person eager to learn news and scandal," which I thought fitted in with the analytic ability quite well.

I was not sure if it would be good or not to turn this into Squidninc in order to create a combination of Squid, quidnunc and ('n) ink (inc).
The reason I have my doubts about this, is because I think the quidnunc reference might get lost by turning the u into an i.

Another name that sprung to mind was:
Vasquire. This would be a combination of Vampire and squid.
Pronunciation: VAS-kwi-yer

If anybody prefers a name, or has any feedback/critique at all, I would appreciate it.

Vampyric (Vampyrotheusis + pyro + benthic zone (deepest area of a body of water))


For my last WIP, another variation on the "vampyre" idea. Evokes "vampiric" and possibly "Pyrhhic," as in a Pyrrhic victory: you might be able to kill Vampyric, but by the time you manage it, it will have already fulfilled its role, letting its teammates finish the job. This probably won't get as much support as the simpler Vampyre, but I liked the idea and figured I might as well post it.

Kraken + Caustic


Ignite + Abyss


Dracula + Mollusk/dusk

All I've got.
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An change to my WIP:


Pronounced: PIE-ri-slooth

IPA: ˈpaɪrɪsluːθ

It's almost exactly like it was at first. I changed one vowel sound to make it sound a bit more natural. It now looks and sounds like it could either be "pyro" or "pyre" + "sleuth".
Some WIP action incoming.

When I first saw naming, my first thought was immediately Charybdis, the Greek octopus-sea monster-thing. I love the ideas presented already revolving around it, but I've got one I'm going to throw out there.
Aestybdis - coming from the Latin verb, aestuo/aestuare, meaning to blaze, along with the root Charybdis, which has already been explained.
Pronounced: ICED-ib-dis.

And another two WIPs, for giggles.
Incegon/Gorgink - Both coming from incendo/incendium/whatever Latin word you want for fire + Gorgon, the tentacle-haired evil ladies of Greek mythology that would turn you into stone if you looked at them. In addition, we get the added bonus of "ink" being pronounced in there.
Pronounced: INK-ay-gone & GORE-geenk

Just trying to throw in some other ideas that really haven't been touched at all.
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