In this post, I want to go over first the concepts I really like, and then comment on some of the other ones. Also I ran out of steam as I went, so I'm probably going to revisit this post and elaborate with more pointed feedback. If anyone wants feedback more immediately, please feel free to reach out to me on Discord / PS! / Smogon PMs.
Concepts I like:
Offensive Team Support (the concept formerly known as "Trickster Cleric ")
I want to highlight Voltage's concept because I think, like myself, everyone's got the wrong idea about this concept. After a discussion with him on Discord, Voltage originally named this concept after a Dungeons and Dragons sort of cleric, which differs heavily from the Pokemon sort of cleric. What Voltage is really looking for was an offensive support Pokemon along the lines of Grimmsnarl, which focuses on supporting its teammates offensively (hence the new title). I hope that the submission will reflect this perspective on the concept by the time it hits Final Submission. Of course, Aromatherapy / Heal Bell / Wish / Healing Wish are options for this concept, but I think making an offensive support Pokemon could make for an interesting project.
I can get behind this one. I like Pokemon that, on team preview, you need to guess between two very different roles. It can get annoying when the Pokemon is very good, but I think it'd be interesting to make a decent utility Pokemon that can be a sweeper if it wants to be.
Out of all the item-based concepts I've seen, this is one of the ones that appeals to me a little more than the rest! It reminds me a lot of contrast is key.
My favorite concept of the bunch! Although I've just endorse two role-based concepts, this one is different. I really think it'd be interesting to explore other options than just pivot -> sweeper. Hazard control <-> setup (think SD Excadrill, Generation 7 SD + SR Rockium Z Garchomp, SD + Defog Silvally in lower tiers, etc.) has a lot of potential too!
Compress to Impress (Formerly Role Call)
Certainly interesting; I just think it'll need to be discussed thoroughly in concept assessment which roles we want to compress so that we don't try to make it compress too many roles - that's not the best either!
I like this one a lot because it deals with Generation 8's new mechanics...or lack thereof. I'd love to explore how to punish switches now that the ultimate switch-punishing move is literally not in the game.
I think this one is pretty interesting! It reminds me a little bit of Kyurem-B too (before it got Dragon Dance and Icicle Spear, of course...). I think these Pokemon end up being not min-maxing due to movepool constraints or metagame constraints, but it'd be interesting to actually explore that in a process.
Again, I generally don't like item-based concepts, but this one is pretty decent. I'm wondering whether the removal of Hidden Power is a good thing or a bad thing for this could really incentivize at least Yache Berry by making it 4x weak to Hidden Power Ice. Not sure. I'll parrot again that this Pokemon will have to WANT to run those resist berries rather than a choice item / Life Orb / Leftovers, but it's still a neat idea.
Revisiting Plasmanta's concept would be really cool honestly. I think there's some potential here with this one.
Landorus-T 2: Centralizing Boogaloo
I'm nervous about achieving *healthy* centralization, in that it could easily become *unhealthy* centralization, but it'd be an interesting experiment to look at for sure. Especially now that we have a metagame that doesn't have Landorus-T being the star of the show.
I can get behind this one. I like exploring abilities a lot!
And for the concepts that I'm not such a fan of / could use some improvements. For most of these, I find myself a little uninterested in them because I can't envision an interesting and/or reasonable end product.
I think you actually need to pick which concept we would revisit. If our concept is "pick a concept," we aren't actually picking a concept with the vote after this stage...which is the point of the vote. I don't think revisiting certain concepts is a bad idea, but, in my opinion, you need to be the one who pitches which one we go back to.
Ah yes, the hail concept once again. I just don't think there's enough to work with for Hail. Slush Rush doesn't even cover hail chip damage immunity like Sand Rush does :(
The Aftermath is Secondary
This concept isn't synonymous with Serene Grace, which is the sentiment I've seen about it on Discord, but I'm not as excited about this one right now.
Terrain just...doesn't have much going for it. Sure, it's powerful, but there's not many dimensions you can take it, especially ability-wise. Granted, I'd love to see a CAP with a surge ability, but I don't think that's enough to design a CAP around.
I can definitely see the learning objective with this one, but the concept doesn't really give much direction to begin with. We know that setting entry hazards and boosting is good tempo, so what are we really working towards, or learning really?
This one just doesn't appeal to me because it screams being a sweeper...either one that sets up at the end of a match because it can NEVER come out in the middle of the match because it has to "make the comeback." Cawmodore is the perfect analogue: it NEVER comes out mid-game because if it takes any damage, setting up with it is a nightmare for the user. I'm just not a fan of making a hit-or-miss sweeper.
We've had so many of these in previous generations that I'm wondering if we'd be treading new, interesting ground with this one. I like the Syclants, Pheromosas, Greninjas, and Kerfluffles, but I find myself personally uninterested in this one :(
Instead of making a Pokemon that's deathly afraid of Knock Off and forced to run Eviolite, we could make a Pokemon that's fully evolved and doesn't
really mind how Knock Off is a super spammable move. If we want to make a bulky Pokemon, we'll just give it high defensive stats in stat stage.
Since I like to run offensive playstyles, of course I'm not going to vibe with this one as much. I don't necessarily
dislike this concept, but we did just make Equilibra, which definitely shifted the metagame towards being less offensive by throwing out Doom Desires and making Focus Blast harder to use. I'm ready to take a different approach this new CAP.
Compare and Contrast: A Monotype Story
CAP builds for the CAP I'm not sure how this one is supposed to work. The playerbase we have is familiar with CAP, so we build for CAP.
Invincible Juggernaut/Passive Aggressive
I think Reuniclus basically defines this concept, and I'm not sure how much room there is to take with this concept. Also, going for STAB Body Press as your only offensive option is a really terrible idea in a metagame where Jumbao and Mollux are kings of the metagame.
I can't really come up with a reason why I don't like this concept, but I also can't find any reason why I would like it. I'm feeling exceedingly indifferent to it. It's well-written though.
This concept feels like the stat drops concept that I've seen a lot with extra stuff tacked on, honestly. Given that I was never too excited about the stat drop concept, I just don't feel that excited about this one either.
Forme changes may not be unprecedented in Pokemon, but they are in CAP (excluding Mega Crucibelle). CAP doesn't have the process set up for making a forme change.
Customisable Core Crusher
I have to say - I really liked this concept before, but now it sort of scares me. On one hand, it's really interesting in the builder when you have a Pokemon that gets to pick and choose among all of your counters. On the other's not fun in the builder when you have to cover all of those sets for when you inevitably have to face that Pokemon. I'm a little worried about the end product for this one.
Not even going to sugar-coat it: I hate this concept. Equilibra vs. Equilibra is the worst thing ever and I don't want to make a CAP that does that again.
I think this one is interesting, but think about how we made Jumbao - rather than run intermediate sets between its most offensive and most defensive sets, it really just runs either extreme. I'm wary of the concept because I'm not sure how well it could be pulled off.
Specific Abilities are not allowed. This applies to existing abilities and new abilities. Do not attempt to circumvent this rule by mentioning specific battle effects that can only be achieved by the implementation of an ability. For example, the following phrases would be illegal:
"This pokemon should have a defensive ability like Intimidate or Marvel Scale..." "This pokemon has an ability that steals the opponent's held item..." "When this pokemon is switched in, all weather conditions are nullified..."
Toxic has been explored for...ever. It's nothing new, and I think there are better concepts to explore now.
I feel like moves like Psyshock, Foul Play, and Body Press - the ones that don't do what moves usually do - are pretty ingrained into Pokemon now. There's not much novelty behind using this moves. Meanwhile, I think most of the type-changing moves end up being pretty gimmicky the rest of the time.
I don't understand what you mean by "flexible," and you use it throughout your entire submission. Can you define what you mean a little bit better using terms based on competitive Pokemon?
In your justification and explanation, can you elaborate what your envisioning using Pokemon terms, rather than vague verbage or TF2 terms?