CAP 32 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 1

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Celesteela is Life
Fire / Fairy
Ice / Ground
Grass / Steel
Fire / Psychic
Electric / Flying
Water / Flying
Ghost / Electric
Fire / Flying


I am the Scientist now
is a Site Content Manageris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Top CAP Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a member of the Battle Simulator Staff
Fire / Flying
Grass / Steel
Fire / Psychic
Water / Flying
Ice / Ground
Electric / Flying
Ghost / Electric
Fire / Fairy


formerly JAGFL
is a Pre-Contributor
Fire / Fairy
Grass / Steel
Fire / Psychic
Ghost / Electric
Ice / Ground
Fire / Flying
Electric / Flying

Water / Flying
Grass / Steel
Electric / Flying
Fire / Flying
Fire / Fairy
Water / Flying
Fire / Psychic
Ice / Ground
Ghost / Electric
Ice / Ground
Fire / Psychic
Ghost / Electric
Fire / Fairy
Electric / Flying
Fire / Flying
Grass / Steel
Water / Flying

mission failed dragon/fairy bros, we'll get em in a future cap...
Fire / Fairy
Fire / Psychic
Ice / Ground

Water / Flying

Fire / Flying
Electric / Flying
Ghost / Electric
Grass / Steel


Mind the bad garmmar.
is a Pre-Contributor
Fire / Flying
Fire / Psychic
Fire / Fairy
Ghost / Electric
Ice / Ground
Electric / Flying

Water / Flying
Grass / Steel
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