1: We have our defining moves, all of which are offensive to some extent. How important is having a STAB-bonus in order to optimize the value we get out of using them? Do any have any noteworthy attributes (secondary effects, BP) or relevant coverage types that could give them flexibility one way or another?
Alluring Voice, Overdrive, Psychic Noise and
Sparkling Aria all are fairly low Power moves, that certainly would love a STAB boost to them to become a bit more threatening.
At the same time all four of their types are fairly good coverage move types, which means they might find solid applications either way.
I don’t think any of these moves really necessitates being STAB if:
1) They aren’t the only method of activation for Throat Spray (implying there is another STAB move that activates Throat Spray)
2) They are the strongest of that type coverage in the movepool (making them the best coverage option to be run)
Clanging Scales is technically strong enough to be used as non STAB option but Dragon moves are generally not as great as coverage as they only hit one additional type SE.
Imo Clanging Scales is the only move on this list that requires STAB pretty much always.
Boomburst is on the other side of the Spectrum, where I think it should never be a STAB move, just bc the power difference between moves becomes so vast, that clicking anything but Boomburst becomes less appealing and directly takes incentive out of Throat Spray.
Clangorous Soul obviously can’t be STAB and doesn’t have to adhere to Dragon for this process.
Following the logic of the above, this CAP should have
1) Dragon as STAB option if we go with Clanging Scales
2) One of Fairy, Electric, Psychic or Water as STAB option if we go with Alluring Voice, Overdrive, Psychic Noise or Sparkling Aria and have at least one of these moves boosted by STAB.
3) no STAB on Normal moves
Unless we go with Clangorous Soul, in which case there are other criteria, that can be met.
to what extent do we value our resistances, STAB combination, and core matchups when actually using sound moves to activate our Throat Spray?
Given that this Mon wants to be offensive, the first consideration should be STAB coverage as that usually determines the value of an offensive threat. This holds true especially if - following the logic from the answer to the first question - we use one of the weaker Sound moves as STAB option, having a good spread of SE hits is a requirement for any Mon that uses less strong offensive moves.
Now the method of boosting we are going for (unless we pick Clangorous Soul) puts us into a unique position, where we have more room for coverage or additional STAB options, which somewhat alleviates the need for the Sound STABs to be super high power or wide coverage, which in turn allows us to possibly focus some more on any defensive utility our typing can provide.
Thanks to having more open moveslots going with weaker STABs and coverage that reaches the same power level seems viable.
One thing I find intriguing is the question whether it is an issue or maybe even a benefit, that some of the sound moves we picked face an immunity. Is it a problem bc it inhibits momentum and might block this Pokémon from boosting entirely or can it be a benefit not risking to whiff by clicking the single use activation on the wrong turn.
Is it better for us to have a STAB (or STAB combination) that possesses excellent offensive synergy with our defining sound moves, or better to generally focus on using our defining sound moves as our main form of STAB-boosted damage output? Why?
With the exception of Clanging Scales and maybe Sparkling Aria none of these moves is cut out to be the main STAB due to their limited power. I think any of the other moves requires an additional complementary STAB typing with high power options or to be run with a second high power attack of the same type.
The main reason for this is the limited nature of our boosts as Throat spray only gives a 1 stage boost. Move Power is the largest modifier of damage output besides boosts so if we (likely) don’t have additional boosting - except for if we go with Clangorous Soul - having higher base power moves will be a very large part of the effective damage output of this Mon.
Is it better to have a typing that possesses excellent offensive and defensive flexibility but lacks STAB on the targeted sound move, or better to have a more committal offensive typing that easily slots on an offensive sound move at the cost of defensive flexibility? Why?
I think this shines through in previous answers, but except for Boomburst idt any of these moves really can function both off STAB AND as main activation of throat spray. I definitely can see most of these Sound moves as coverage given their great coverage types, but I expect, that we will always want a STAB option that also activates the item.
I also believe that typings that can provide a strong alternative alongside the sound activation move are going to be better as STAB than those that can’t provide a second STAB of the same type.
1) At least one STAB should hit very common pokemon for SE damage, 2) Your stabs + your coverage should generally hit most members of most defensive cores for SE damage, and generally be hard to wall, 3) you should resist common revenge killing typings, 4) your defensive typing should provide several switchin opportunities.
Looking through the list of moves we gathered from defining moves I think all of them fulfill requirement 1 and generally are bery good offensive types that allow to hit several important defensive mons SE.
Fairy is maybe the least defensive targeted typing of these as it mostly hits Arghonaut, Great Tusk and Ting Lu and has much better coverage into offensive mons.
Electric is great for hitting both Bulky Waters and Venomicon or the rare Steel Bird.
Psychic Noise is a bit more targeted in Hitting the bulky Fighting types as well as Venomicon and has the added benefit of shutting down recovery of even mons that resist it.
Water hits obviously the Bulky Grounds as well as Heatran, which isn’t shabby either.
Dragon similar to fairly seems more targeted towards offensive Pokémon but the higher BP of Clanging Scales and the generally neutral nature of Dragon mean it’s still very spammable into more defensive Pokémon.
Most of these moves also seem fairly solid as complimentary STABs or coverage, except for their generally low inertial damage output.
Except for Alluring Voice none of the typings really provide defensive utility against the most common revenge killing options and Water and Psychic are weak to some of them as well. We’d definitely have to look to the secondary typing to shore up these issues if we go with one of the moves STAB types.
Except for Psychic Noise all of the move options we have already provide solid defensive utility for offensive teams.