CAP 4 CAP 4 - Art Submission Thread

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I penciled this even before the typing poll was finished. I finally got the time to ink and color it. I have a whole lot of backstory behind this thing. I'll post it later, if there's any interest in it. I really enjoyed drawing this one.


Aye carumba... If only I had PhotoShop or PaintShop Pro, I could try to color my drawings that well... alas, I can only sketch.

I'd certainly vote for this one.
There are lots of great entries, but Doug's has really caught my attention. Looks poison, looks ground, looks fast, and looks durable. It also has added bonus points for being some sort of snake and looking completely original.

I definitely want to read the backstory.
I don't think I've commented on your art yet.
I like it Cartoons.
I think you have one of the best designs so far.
It really gives the feel of a fast Utility Pokemon that has an unpredictable movepool, which is exactly what this Pokemon will turn out to be.
I definitely agree with taking out the drill. It's unnecessary, and it was the main reason I thought it was too mechanical.
Definitely go with those changes.
Wow...Daddy Big Hands looks surprisingly cute. I have to wonder how the hell it move around, considering the placement of all it's limbs in relationship with it's tiny body. Keep imaging it having a weird gate/stride as it walk over toward some point.
Replacing the drill with a stinger was a good idea, but make the joints a bit smaller to make it look a bit more natural. Also, make the arms a bit thicker.
You know, in the other picture, I thought the jewel on its head was its mouth, and its head was upside-down. I saw it eventually, but another thing that's cool about it is that you can see it either way. :)

I still like my idea about the Oho Jee being a preevo into the Daddy Longlegs. But I'll take DougJustDoug's advice and keep my mouth shut about it...

Great job, Cartoons! It really does look much more organic now. :)
Holy Shit! Great Idea Chrono! I’m seriously surprised this didn’t come up earlier. This also kinda renews the feeling of awe I usually associate with creating new pokemon. Ninjas rule.

What better animal to be a ninja than the meerkat! It’s ground dwelling, it’s fast and speedy, it has a mischievous look that is perfect for team support, and what better defenses are there than hiding underground? A ninja is great for the poison typing as well: I mean look at the most well known poison trainer, Koga. He’s a ninja!

I could go on about how perfect this idea is by saying how justifiable moves like trick room, spikes, toxic spikes, rapid spin, and the screens are. Even gravity and tailwind are plausible because of how mystical and magical the ways of the ninja are. Here is a visualization of this great idea.

*cool artwork*

Oh my God that's so adorable!

Doug, your snake is amazing!

Cartoons, I like the edits you've made.
Hey. here's an idea:

it's based on a texan horned lizard. and its coloured a little like an arrow frog. It's designed so that it can fold in its limbs and turn into a top. dont ask me why. anyway, with that said, i think i'll still vote for cartoons...​
Cartoons, that looks good. The stinger makes a case for Rapid Spin just as much as the drill, so I think this new design looks good, and works just as much as the old design.

Also, I don't think I said this before, but I really like the design because it looks fast, defend itself to a certain extent, and Encore!
You know, in the other picture, I thought the jewel on its head was its mouth, and its head was upside-down.

I actually thought this, too, and that the spike was a little decoration-type-thing for its "hat".
I think it actually looked better and cutesier when I was confused and the "real way" is a bit too spidery for me. If it's not too much, Cartoons!, could you turn it "upside-down" by making the "ears" into "feet" again, etc.?

The reason for this is because Wish seems more plausible and I can imagine it raising all its hands up and standing on its stubby feet on occasion to "rest", perhaps even to spin its arms around itself quickly for a Rapid Spin.
I've been browsing around here for a while, (since the naming thread for scylant) but it took me a long time to sign up. I really want to draw here but i can't draw... my votes for daddy longarms right now and smogimp coming close. i think dougs is too intimidating to be a utility poke...
Hey! Zantimonius! Cool lizard, man.

Perhaps you could draw it in its folded up form? I'm diggin' it.

Doug, I really like the form you've given your snake, but it's belly may be hard to reproduce consistently. Maybe I'm biased, but it seems a functional Pokemon design is one that an animator shouldn't have too much trouble animating for the tv series. Otherwise, yeah, I'm on the boat, cool design.

Also, because I've been itching for an excuse to animate something...

The hand-guy using the physical and special variations of his main STABs:

Jesus Christ Cartoons your design blows me away. I imagine the long legs using rapid spin in and similar way to Hitmontop (kapoera is it?) and just using his hands to flip himself round and round very fast
OK, fuck it. Cartoons wins hands down, period. His creature elbowed Blissey in the face. No one's else has. XD Also, with that animation, it is MUCH MUCH easier to see your creature, whereas the other two have arms and legs and joints flying every which-way and that makes it difficult to fully grasp.

If it's not too late to call this one, I'd want to suggest trying to get a traditional posing for him (for like the sprite) a la traditional spiders; that, or the one with it in the ground if it would be spending more time underground. That just looked cool, like diglets of doom XD

I need to carefully choose when to post mine again... because like I said, "fuck it". After Cartoons posts, there's gonna be like a page and a half of talking nothing about him lol
Zantimonius: That is the most badass looking thing I've seen in this thread. Could you possibly draw it in the "top" form you mentioned?
Hey. here's an idea:

it's based on a texan horned lizard. and its coloured a little like an arrow frog. It's designed so that it can fold in its limbs and turn into a top. dont ask me why. anyway, with that said, i think i'll still vote for cartoons...​

So far this one has my vote. Badass.
Cartoons... I love Handymon! It just... wins! I love elbowing Blissey in the face and the Earth Power at the end is just icing on the cake! You have my vote!
Cartoons, I absolutely love your design now.
I'm pretty sure I'll vote for that.
It's so unique and again, it fits the style so well.
Cartoon's FTW.

I was gonna post this really cool frog creature, with this wierd tail, but my scanner isn't working.
Hey! Zantimonius! Cool lizard, man.

Perhaps you could draw it in its folded up form? I'm diggin' it.

Doug, I really like the form you've given your snake, but it's belly may be hard to reproduce consistently. Maybe I'm biased, but it seems a functional Pokemon design is one that an animator shouldn't have too much trouble animating for the tv series. Otherwise, yeah, I'm on the boat, cool design.

Also, because I've been itching for an excuse to animate something...

The hand-guy using the physical and special variations of his main STABs:


I change my vote i like this better!!!!!!
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