CAP 5 CAP 5 - Part 14b (Pokedex Entry Poll 1)

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not quite too old for this, apparently
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Break the Mold-
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latinoheat said:
Name: Break the Mold

An OU viable pokemon that goes completely against the stereotypes of its typing.
Type: Rock

Offensive/Defensive Bias: Offensive 20-40
Physical/Special Bias: Special -20 and lower
Base Stat Rating: Very Good
Base Stats:90/60/65/120/70/130 Speed Last
Primary Ability: Levitate
Secondary Ability: Technician

Art By yourDeadGrandad

This will be a bold poll. You all get three votes each, all worth one point each. When voting, just put the numbers. Also, I'm attempting to correct the ones with bad grammer/plural issues. Remember that Stratagem is a species, and like sheep, its the same word: one Stratagem and multiple Stratagem.

ss4_hybrid said:
STRATAGEM'S is held together due to magnetism, it is able to dispatch it's scythe-like claws from it's body from about 15-20 feet to surprise an d attack it's pray.

ss4_hybrid said:
STRATAGEM'S sharp claws are used to dig within the earth absorb nutrients to make it's claws sharper and it's rock body harder to be able to protect and defend itself from predators.

Kamen Rider said:
STRATAGEM'S pecular shape is a result of the wind erosion it constantly experiances moving at high speeds. The older a STRATAGEM gets the smaller and more streamlined its body will be.

Nasty Pass said:
Wild STRATAGEM catch small Pokemon for food by hiding their four claws separately among rocks in quarries and mountainsides and launching them at their targets when they come between them. Their favorite targets are RATTATA and the occasional DELIBIRD.

Avocado15 said:
The stones that make up STRATAGEM'S body have a unique chemical compound that is still foreign to most scientists.

Avocado15 said:
It is said that when a STRATAGEM becomes truly content, it will break off a piece of its body as a present for its Trainer.

Darkflagrance said:
STRATAGEM'S body is held together by a magnetic field. It manipulates electromagnetic energy to use a wide variety of attacks.

DesignOfAges said:
The bodies of all STRATAGEM have a north magnetic pull, making their bodies able to levitate apart from each other.

DesignOfAges said:
STRATAGEM love rubies and will go to great lengths to find them.

diablojd05 said:
Possessing sharp scythe-like limbs and menacing speed, STRATAGEM are known to decapitate wild DELIBIRD in the blink of an eye.

FMC20 said:
STRATAGEM actually possess their own weak center of gravity that they are somehow able to control and fluctuate.

ParadOxymoron said:
As tests of precision and agility, STRATAGEM are known to strike mountains at key structural points. In the artificial avalanche that ensues, they dash from boulder to boulder, dodging every stone.

iBojangles said:
STRATAGEM'S highly streamlined body allows it to reach massive land speeds. Many vehicle designs are modeled after it.

iBojangles said:
STRATAGEM are said to be highly energetic. One of their gems can power a small town for a day.

Mr_Goodbar said:
STRATAGEM were said to have first appear after a terrible thunderstorm in Sinnoh long ago. Very few have ever caught more than a quick blurred glimpse of this Pokemon.

Mr_Goodbar said:
STRATAGEM roam in volcanic regions, thriving on the intense heat. They're spontaneous and destructive nature has prevented much exploration in these areas.

Evil Lord said:
STRATAGEM have sharp scythes, which they rarely use. They prefer their electromagnetic powers.

Evil Lord said:
STRATAGEM were first found in Oreburgh City. Since that time they have spread all over Sinnoh, and are a menace to other pokemon and people alike.

brutal satyr said:
STRATAGEM is a Pokemon that is believed to come from space, henceforth they are usually found around Moon Stones.

brutal satyr said:
STRATAGEM is said to be related to MAGNEZONE even if they live on other locations due to the same magnetic fields around them.

Opterown said:
STRATAGEM'S air of mystery is attributed to its elusiveness and uncanny abilities.

jagged_angel said:
The levitational abilities of STRATAGEM enable them to easily navigate steep mountain slopes in order to chase down swarms of SYCLANT.

jagged_angel said:
In a sandstorm, STRATAGEM use their magnetic fields to gather sand particles around themselves and improve their defences.

Bad Blissey said:
The gems on STRATAGEM'S head are very valuable. They are said to emit an aura close to the one at Mt. Coronet.

Tsukikage said:
Stratagem have been known to make people sick because of its high elctro-magnetic field.

Tsukikage said:
Nicknamed "The Living Meteor," STRATAGEM travel so fast that they leave a trail of fire behind them.

Fishin said:
The rocks that compose CaP 5's body are made of an unknown material. It seems to be able to manipulate this material with ease, whether or not the rocks are connected to the head.

Torterra said:
STRATAGEM'S sleek design is a result of erosion from near-constant sandstorms in its habitat.

Torterra said:
STRATAGEM hunt Cacnea and small desert animals silently and quickly, using its magnetic abilities to float and strike its target from above.

UsainBolt said:
Many believe that <CAP 5>'s gems are cursed. It is said that one falls asleep for 1000 years when looking at them.

Leman said:
The claws on STRATAGEM'S limbs are acctually rather brittle. Instead of using those for stabbing, STRATAGEM'S uses them as a launching-pad for its various energy attacks.

Chaoscrippler said:
Due to their incredible speed, STRATAGEM are rumored to have formed from the meteorites that have collided with the earth thousands of years ago.

crobatchop said:
In extreme danger, the gems on its body glow to imtimidate the threat and remind the others.

crobatchop said:
When the gems of its body is growing bigger, it can absorb more energy from the atmosphere to create harsh sandstorms.

Scoopapa said:
STRATAGEM are said to live deep within caves. They use their glowing crystal eyes to lure in prey.

Dragonknight08 said:
STRATAGEM build hives by shooting their claws into cliffs at extreme speeds. Their hives are built very high up on cliffs, thus making them a rare sight.

Dragonknight08 said:
STRATAGEM swarms lived in high up cliffs millions of years ago, before RAMPARDOS, and even before OMANTYTE. great amounts of STRATAGEM fossils can be found in certain cliff structures today.

Hazmat said:
STRATAGEM uses its 10 eyes to see enemies from all angles. It then exploits their most debilitating weakness with great precision.

Hazmat said:
<CAP5>give off strong magnetic waves in large numbers. This can induce a wide range of negative side-effects for those who stray too close.

Krow said:
STRATAGEM's body has a metallic apperence, though the rocks that create is body are actually very rare pieces of earth collected from deep underground.

Krow said:
STRATAGEM are most often found areas with raging waters or high wind speeds, these two factors can cause STRATAGEM to get smaller, though faster as well.

assassinlucario said:
STRATAGEM use their electro-magnetic field to navigate around deserts to hunt for CACNEA and and even LARVITAR. Their streamlined bodies allow it to maximize speed in order to catch its food.

Chaos Wolf said:
STRATAGEM can often be found as a mining assistant, it can detect minerals under the surface and pull then close for it's trainer.

Chaos Wolf said:
STRATAGEM has formed a symbiotic relationship with SABLEYE, STRATAGEM digs up food, while SABLEYE defends them from attacks.
3, 16, 26

16 needs the word "they're" changed to "their". It also should probably have the word "these" changed to "those" -- but that's not a misspelling, it's just a style thing.
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