CAP 6 CAP 6 - Art Submissions

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A "Final Art Submission" will consist of two things - a "Main Design" and "Supporting Material". A Main Design is the only required element of a Final Art Submission, Supporting Material is optional.

Main Design
The Main Design is intended to follow the same general posing and layout as the "Official Art" for existing ingame pokemon. The Main Design is the definitive design for a given pokemon and should be suitable for display in the CAP Pokedex section of the upcoming CAP Website, and any other CAP propaganda where a picture of the pokemon is needed. As such, the design should be "plain" -- a basic rendering of the pokemon itself, with no extra frills or artistic embellishment. The comparison to "Official Pokemon Art" is only applicable to the basic content of the Main Design; it does not imply ANY standards or guidelines regarding artistic style or rendering technique.

The following rules of content must be followed for the Main Design:

  • It must be a single pose of a single pokemon. No other pokemon can be included. Only one pose rendering is allowed in the picture.

  • It must consist of the pokemon on a plain white background. No additional background detail or settings may be included. No additional background colors or patterns are allowed.

  • No props, action effects, move effects, or additional objects can be rendered on or around the pokemon. If a prop is part of the pokemon's basic design (ie Farfetch'd Stick), then it is acceptable. A basic rule of thumb is -- anything that would not be appropriate in a game sprite, should not be included in the Main Design.

  • Any 2D full color digital or traditional media may be used, so long as it contains a distinguishable outline on the subject in contrast to the background. 3D media are not allowed.

  • It must be no larger than 800x600, no smaller than 320x240, and must be in a compressed digital format. Uncompressed bitmaps and/or high-resolution images are not allowed.

  • It must be a digital rendering or a scan of a traditional drawing. No camera pictures are allowed.

  • It must be an original artwork by the person making the submission. Lifts, swipes, copies, or alterations of other artists' work are not allowed.

Supporting Material
While the rules for the Main Design are somewhat rigid -- there are almost no rules when it comes to Supporting Material. Action scenes, movement studies, interaction with other pokemon, animations, sculptures, cartoon strips -- anything goes! Also non-art supporting material is also allowed. This includes detailed descriptions of the art, background data, stories, etc.

All supporting art and information must be related to the main design in some way. This rule is intended to prevent artists from posting unrelated art, in an effort to gain more attention or promote other designs or artworks.

Final Submission Post
All artists must make a Final Submission Post in order to be considered for the Art Poll. The post must be titled "Final Submission". The post should have the Main Design at the top, and Supporting Material (if applicable) below it. All supporting art must be included as links or as linked thumbnails no larger than 150x150. Do not include full images of supporting art in the Final Submission.

Only make ONE Final Submission Post. If you wish to change your Final Submission, then edit your post. Do not make a new one, even if you delete your original post. Any delete + repost will be treated as bumping, and subject to moderation.

General Posting Rules
  • Artists can post any work-in-progress (WIP) artwork, in order to solicit feedback or to help develop ideas. WIP artwork does not need to conform to the standards of a Main Design. It can be in any medium or stage of completion. But, it must be related to an original art design by the poster.

  • No post can contain more than 800x600 pixels of included art. If an artist wishes to post art in excess of the 800x600 limit, they should post links to the additional art or use linking thumbnails. Each thumbnail can be no larger than 150x150.

  • All posted art must be in a compressed digital format. Uncompressed bitmaps or high-resolution images will be deleted.

  • No art submissions should be modified by others without the explicit permission of the original artists.

  • Using other submissions as "inspiration" for an original artwork is allowed. However, "stealing" of designs is prohibited.

  • Do not post to state your intended design. Such posts are a weak attempt to "reserve" an idea, and serve no constructive purpose. If you aren't going to post an actual design, then don't tell us that you are "working on it".

  • No bumping or begging. If your design received little attention or commentary, don't bump it. Even worse, don't make a post begging for feedback. There are PLENTY of eyes viewing every post in the thread. If your design is any good, people WILL comment on it. If your design gets no feedback, then your design isn't very good. The silence IS the feedback. Take the hint.

  • No posting of design ideas in search of an artist. This is an art submission thread, not an idea submission thread. If you can't draw, then don't post your idea. If you really want to see your idea submitted, then commission an artist and ask them to post it. But don't solicit artists here.

  • No posting of art or pictures intended to "give ideas" to artists to draw a design. This includes pictures of real life animals, character artwork from other games, or even Pokemon artwork. It spams up the thread and detracts from the original art submissions. It is acceptable for artists making a submission to post their inspirational references as part of their Supporting Material.

  • Do not declare any artwork as "the winner", "is clearly going to win", or similar. It's fine to post praise or support for an artwork, but don't make a statement of fact indicating the results of a poll that has not been conducted. Such posts are premature and insulting to all the other competing artists.

  • Do not post that a design does or does not "look like a Pokemon". Such comments are unable to substantiated or refuted. I don't care if it is "just your opinion" -- it's a bullshit comment. It indicates the existence of an official published Pokemon artistic style guide. Such a guide does not exist, so don't act like you've read it. If you like or dislike a design, that's fine -- but don't imply the existence of defined Pokemon style rules as "reasoning" for your opinion.

  • Do not post that a design "looks like a Digimon". It's a cheap shot, and you know it. See rule above.

  • Do not post questions asking for help in making a submission. If you don't know how to draw, ink, color, scan, save, compress, crop, thumbnail, or link an artwork -- don't ask for help here. This isn't a tutorial thread. By the way -- Google is your friend.

Art Polls
All art polls will contain the Main Design and, if applicable, a link below it titled "Supporting Material". This will link to the artists Final Submission Post. If the Final Submission contains no significant Supporting Material, then no link will be included in the poll below the Main Design.

Art submissions for the art poll will be selected by the Topic Leader, based on preference and feedback in this thread. There is no process for overturning the Topic Leader's decision. If you are not comfortable with this stipulation, then do not make an art submission. Do not post any complaints here or in later threads.

To assist, this is our Pokémon so far:
Concept said:
Name: Decentralizer
Description: A Pokemon can check a majority of the current top 5 Pokemon.
Type: Water / Fight

So that's my first design, It's got like, some sort of sword and shield thing going on... but with a paddle and a turtle shell :/

I really like it actually :3
nice atyroki!! i could definitely see that. i like that you've drawn it in your own style, but it could very easily fit in with the rest of the sugimori gang.

how would you feel about changing the color scheme a bit? i get the green, and it definitely looks water/fighting, but i'm not a big fan of this particular shade...donno. it looks awesome.
(insert awesome art here)

So that's my first design, It's got like, some sort of sword and shield thing going on... but with a paddle and a turtle shell :/

I really like it actually :3

It's Kappa Medicham!

That's both good and bad though, considering it might be too similar to a previously existing pokemon.
I also don't like pokemon that have extra, inorganic tools. Most of the pokemon with tools are in the first generation.

EDIT: I actually favor the forehead attachment and the shield, but dislike the paddle...also I have no problems with coloring, and like the overall design. Congrats on being first!
Teenager Mutant Ninja Kappas anyone?

Atyroki that's an excellent design for an Water/Fighting and personally I love the color selection used within the picture. My only two complains are the shell on one arm and it's forehead attachment. Personally I think adding a small cap like hat on it's head would look better and removing that shell bracelet off it's arm would give it a more balanced look.

Edit: Or you could add another bracelet onto the other arm and give it this appearance of dual Megaman blasters.
Like I said, the shell bracelet was meant to be like, a shield, since people want this thing slightly defensive :/

I could easily change the colours though, any suggestions?
Doesn't look like a shield to me. Looks more like Megaman's blaster except with additional holes on the side. Remove the bottom half of the bracelet and you have yourself a small shield.

If you want an color suggestion how about Dark Olive to a Black in coloring, like Red Eared Sliders? It's already got this Kappa/Turtle feel to it, might as well color it like a realistic freshwater turtle.
With me just looking at it, it seems too green? not obviously water enough for people who can't see the shells (esp in sprites). anyways, that's just what i think
Doesn't look like a shield to me. Looks more like Megaman's blaster except with additional holes on the side. Remove the bottom half of the bracelet and you have yourself a small shield.

If you want an color suggestion how about Dark Olive to a Black in coloring, like Red Eared Sliders? It's already got this Kappa/Turtle feel to it, might as well color it like a realistic freshwater turtle.

Well, its hand is sticking out of the shell, and I like the rounded, organic look of the complete shell. Wait for more than two people to comment on the shell to change it, I think.

Also, not all water-types are blue. Goldeen is orange. Ludicolo is pretty green. Milotic is not really blue. Because its a kappa-type thing, I don't see green as a problem.
I like the design a lot.

For people remarking about the green -- Politoed is mono-Water and is completely green. I think green is perfect for Atyroki's design. If he goes blue with a turtle shell it might look too derivative of Blastoise.
Well, its hand is sticking out of the shell, and I like the rounded, organic look of the complete shell. Wait for more than two people to comment on the shell to change it, I think.
I think that's what's bug me about it. It's because it's a complete turtle shell and it's soo close to it's wrist, it give me this "Mega Buster" feel towards the whole thing. The angle in which it shown is also making me believe it's less a shield and more of a cannon/bracelet. To me, removing the bottom half or widen the actual shell would fix that problem.

Also, not all water-types are blue. Goldeen is orange. Ludicolo is pretty green. Milotic is not really blue. Because its a kappa-type thing, I don't see green as a problem.
I don't have a problem with the green coloring myself, make it more in taste with it's kappa heritage. I only gave him an alternative coloring since he asked for it.
i love the design. the only nitpick i have is the paddle as being to farfetch'd (heh). maybe have an offensive hand that's more like a cestus?
Wow! Great design, I'm amazing you could come up with something that good so quickly!

Just a small nitpick about the 'shield' as it kinda looks like a cannon. Perhaps just half of a shell (the top) placed on the outside of the arm? If you could make sense of that, hehe ^_^

But anyway, I really like that idea. Kappa's are always cool, especially since this one looks ninja-esque fitting the Water/Fighting concept. Awesome!
Well, I figured I might as well try helping the CAP, so made this image.

Yes, it's really horrible and blocky, I made this in flash in about 20 minutes. It's really just to propose a concept.

How about a Karate Octopus?

Also, Atyroki's Kappa thing looks awesome :D
@ The Mantyke

Brilliant idea....

Atyroki's is great too, I have no idea how you guys manage to have something up so quickly.
Maybe the shield thing could be a bit bigger?
Wow, Atyroki's Kappa is awesome! It reminds me Harimaya and Gallade, and I love those pokemons.

Anyway, I work in CAP6, but I'm sick and I'll stay in bed some days.

This is my "first" submission [xD]:

Harpon Fighter.


It's an amphibian [maybe I'll change for a Male Mermaid -I don't know the translation, but I called "Tritón"-], with a harpon-look like tail [maybe I'll change for a Trident -but Empoleon already have one].
Harpon Fighter can combat in or out water, grabbing its opponent [like Escorpion in Mortal Kombat].

I'll improve it, with the Style Bias Poll results.
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