CAP 6 CAP 6 - Art Submissions

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Mk, I am at a library now and therefore am able to post the "pure" png format of the colored Merman Tessenjutsu warrior.


I'm not sure if it fits within the size requirements and I'm unable to edit the size at the library, so if anyone like Doug would be so kind as to edit the size and perhaps update my post with the corrected size, we can all be happy. Depending on how much time remains in submissions, I will do some supporting artwork now as I find this design too good to just scrap and start anew.
I really like the design KoA with the organic roots of it but I think the fighting-type aspect of it needs to be more defined since it is akin to a water type alakazam and could do with maybe more muscular arms or making the webbed hands look more threatening in its pose.
That was one of the difficulties with this fella. Fighting with fans hardly looks intimidating at all and coming up with a better battle ready pose even more difficult. I could probably add a bit more bulk to his arms, but I fear that too much to derive too much attention from his fan-fins, which was what I wanted to emphasize the most being that it's the core of his design.
KoA, your design already screams fighting type to me...I wouldn't change a thing and get some supporting material :]

fans were always some of the coolest weapons
Alright then! Some of you guys' submissions are looking pretty sweet. Mine however, is sitting in a dark corner crying because he was unappreciated. And i'm completly fine with that. It took me 5 minutes to come up with the design and 5 minutes to make it on my computer. So I completly re-did it on good old fashion paper and pencils:

It's like, 4 times better than the old one. The old one didn't have any fighting spirit, and this guy has gloves and a neck band to show that he's lookin' for a fight.

Also, just because CAP6 is on the defensive side of the spectrum does not mean he needs shell shields and what not. This viper is slimy and is like a stream of water. Meaning he is fast, isn't hurt by boulders and has a lot of force.

You can tell by my post count that I ain't experienced, and I may not even vote for this guy because everyone elses submissions are amazing.
I just wanted to throw him out there... ...thoughts?
That's alot better Elegy of Emptiness. His torso looks a little strange though - a very human set of shoulders then nothing on his chest. It looks like something's missing is all. I really like the tail though. I'd say to keep a common theme running through the design, maybe put fins on his head or back or arms.
im liking the drunken seal master. pretty unique idea although i cant really imagine the seal doing those types of moves. redesign it to be a different sea creature perhaps? just a thought.
im liking the drunken seal master. pretty unique idea although i cant really imagine the seal doing those types of moves. redesign it to be a different sea creature perhaps? just a thought.

I really liked the play on balancing the ball on the nose to balancing the cup on the nose thing, and the awkwardness of the sea lion makes it mesh so well with the whole drunken theme. I don't think I'll use I different animal unless the majority agrees that it's unreasonable.

I never imagined a mouse shooting electricity out of its cheeks until pokemon came around, so I think this is pretty reasonable :]
Initial quick drawings of my "Battle Brawling Tortoise", lol

Complete with in built knuckle duster fists and spiky shell plated hide. He does does it all from Hammer Arms and Focus Punches to Rapid Spin and Spikes, Mega Horns and Earthquakes to Withdraws and Roaring.

Imo, he certainly looks like the kind of pokemon with a defensive bias, yet physical attack capabilities. Could easily be justified with almost any abilities we gave it as well as move pool.

He's a tough cookie who cares about nothing else other then crushing his opponent into a pulp!!



I'll do other more refined and colored drawings if he receives any decent feed back.


It looks like King DeDeDe and Bowser had an accursed lovechild.

Which is not to say it is bad or anything.
Considering the sole ability of this poke is now officially 'Unaware', I think Nardd's drunken sea-lion thing is the only poke that really fits.
Considering the sole ability of this poke is now officially 'Oblivious', I think Nardd's drunken sea-lion thing is the only poke that really fits.

It's Unaware, not Oblivious, which is a huge difference, since Unaware is infinitely better than Oblivious. Unaware ignores enemy stat boosts, Oblivious ignores Attract.
Bah, my mistake, just got the names mixed up. Thanks for correcting me. Edited.

Though, I think my point still stands. No offense to anyone.
True but the name of the ability can always be changed if the chosen design doesn't seem appropriate. Also, I was wanting this post to be my final submission post as I just finished the last of my supporting material sketches, but as I'm on my phone I'm gonna have to get some help on this here. Please bear with me for a bit...
Considering the sole ability of this poke is now officially 'Unaware', I think Nardd's drunken sea-lion thing is the only poke that really fits.

Since the only pokemon with unaware in the actual game is bibarel.
And spinda doesn't have unaware.
I don't think I'm wrong in saying that you don't need to be drunk or have comical spirals for eyes to be unaware.
I've got an idea for a pokemon, but I'd just like to get an idea of if people think it is a good idea before I go and draw it.

My basic idea is a bubble with four arms. I'm thinking about building off of this, does anyone have any ideas?
I've got an idea for a pokemon, but I'd just like to get an idea of if people think it is a good idea before I go and draw it.

My basic idea is a bubble with four arms. I'm thinking about building off of this, does anyone have any ideas?

I'm not sure a bubble is very durable :/

at least it wouldn't take anything from grass knot, lol
I'm going with the platypus idea I had earlier. Here's the original design:

And now the updated one I'm going with.


I just did some basic coloring right now until I get some comments, so it'll be easier to change the colors if I need to later on. I tried to make it look more platypus-like than Golduck as I saw someone mention a similarity on my first design.
After many trials, here is my EELIGATOR:


Forget what I said about voting for some other submission; mine rules!

Many thanks to Jagged Angel, as he was kind enough to tell me something was missing. So I went out and found it...
Thank you very much! Every time I look at his mouth, i'm reminded of a staple remover. Maybe this viper will help you remove your staples?
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