Project CAP Teambuilding Competition

congrats to spoo on winning! Cyclohm is surprisingly not buns in ORAS like it is in SS, so if you like the mon, this is the meta and team for you!

It was only inevitable, but this week, we are looking at Stratagem! Stratagem has taken cap by Diamond Storm with its Meteor Beam set, matching up surprisingly well into a number of the tier's offensive powerhouses such as Venomicon and Weavile. How will you contribute to CAP's own Classic Rock Revival?

Deadline: March 19, 12:00 AM GMT -7
:ss/stratagem: :ss/nihilego: :ss/landorus-therian: :ss/tapu-fini: :ss/magnezone: :ss/celesteela:


(click on sprites for link)

This team is probably relatively self explanatory, utilising Meteor Beam Spam to break through my main three breakers shared checks, with Magnezone trapping the likes of Ferrothorn, Scizor, Excadrill, and Libra which our Beamers struggle to break consistently. Landorus-T alongside Tapu Fini form a short-term defensive core, as the team aims to win as quickly as possible. Generally, Gem breaks early game for Nihilego / Celesteela to snowball and clean the weakened team.

s/o dex for helping me w this
:zeraora::stratagem::landorus-therian::volcarona:/:aurumoth::celesteela: chromera minisprite continues to be goofy pt. 10000

i've been spamming this team to death in tests and some tours and i feel like it's a really solid 6 despite being kinda funny, mostly because of the chromera set. basically i wanted a gambit user but all common gambit mons are expected at this point, and every time i click final gambit with chromera the most common response i get from someone is "we gave it that?" after having just sacrificed a mon they really needed lol. scarf gambit auru is better in almost every way, and if the team is public then the surprise factor with mera isn't worth near as much, but it's still a fun move to click

the gameplan is basically to lead mera/auru t1 and force a 5v5 situation which should almost always be in your favor. the evs on lando guarantee that boom ohkos venom-e from full while maximizing special bulk - sort of a wack set, but i find it's a nice compromise that can still net kos and momentum for the team while not sacrificing on the utility and defensive stability that make lando so valuable in the first place. rocky helmet is also by far the best item on it imo, mostly catching u-turns from opposing lando to better facilitate zera/volcarona later in the game.

you're then left with the combination of zera/strata/volcarona/steela to try and force a win - strata usually performs a midgame breaker role ime, but if the opponent has poor speed control it can just as easily win the game outright. zera and volcarona are known to have solid synergy too, doing a great job at overwhelming lando together while still taking advantage of some of the other mon's checks, eg volc shits on ferro and zera is good into flyings. steela is going to be a strong late-game cleaner in many games but is arguably more useful for the defensive traits it offers as a bulky steel that's still offensively threatening in its own right.

there are some annoying mons to load into like rotom-w, scarf blace, knock lando, spdf pex, spdf hippo etc but overall this is a pretty consistent squad from my experience. since this is public and you have less surprise factor with scarf mera it could also be worth looking into replacing it with a 5th sweeper, idk, up to you. enjoy :heart:
:dragonite: :heatran: :tapu-fini: :landorus-therian: :stratagem: :slowking-galar:

Fairly easy to pilot BO. Dnite + Strata cover all the generic cap brokens, aka Roak, Venom-P, Reve. Heatran is an insane breaker, and forces lando into range for both Dnite and Strata, as well as forcing a toxic onto Johto-Slowking. Landorus-Therian is able to run a rare physdef spread on this team, and I love that. Slowking-Galar means I beat enemy strata, provides FS support to assist Heatran breaking, and Tapu Fini beats Weavile. This team qualled me for Ladder Tour.
Aight let's head on to voting!

adem's Ultralight Beam
spoo's Meraman
avery's Beamer Boy
quziel's Dragonite + Stratagem Bulky Offense

Voting will occur until March 20th, 12:00 AM GMT -7
This week is a tie between spoo and adem! Both teams utilize the quickly rising Stratagem quite well and are an absolute joy to play with (god knows I've been spamming the ladder with them already)

This week we are looking at Syclant! The og CAP has had a rough time of it in SS despite gaining access to Triple Axel due to Weavile's presence in the tier and everyone's favorite Steel-types Ferrothorn and Corviknight; however, it seems that special sets have popped up as a viable option due to Syclant unique coverage. Can you make the bug work?

Deadline: March 28, 12:00 AM GMT -7
late woops


binpin innovating SS CAP sets in god's good year of 2022??

I made this pretty quickly just a bit ago so it's untested, NP Clant is dope though and benefited a lot from Kyurem's ban making its same answers much less common. Knock from Weavile hits basically all of Syclant's relevant switchins, and between Ferro blocking opposing Ferro's leech + spiking, Chomp wearing down opp Fini + rocking up, and Pex doing Pex things, Clant turns into a breaker with surprisingly bad longterm defensive counterplay. U-turn Clant and offensive grounds also have great synergy, although I wasn't sure what to make Chomp's coverage move and ended up on edge to just bully flying-types like Venom more. Biggest threats are probably a well-played Zera (non-Lando builds u_u), CM Tbolt Clef, maybe Venomicon still idk, offensive Zapdos is very annoying too. Overall I think it's solid enough tho