Cartoon Network Goes Real

I was curious and turned it on to see a show called "Survive this". I watched an episode in which a 16 year old girl got medical attention on the first day because she got her lip caught in her pocket knife.

I assume this is a comedy.

Isn't golf going to premiere on CN soon?


INTellectual gamer
is a Tiering Contributoris a Past WCoP Champion
Like everyone else, i loved the old shows.
Some of the new ones suck and some are good.

CN Real is okay now
I was curious and turned it on to see a show called "Survive this". I watched an episode in which a 16 year old girl got medical attention on the first day because she got her lip caught in her pocket knife.

I assume this is a comedy.

Isn't golf going to premiere on CN soon?
Lol that was great
Golf? Slamball is already killing me. If they add more sports I'm done. Like not permanently, but it won't be one of my "go-to" channels anymore. And thatll suck.
Cartoon Network DIED

It really is a shame what happened to Cartoon Network. When classic shoes like Dexter's Lab, Tom and Jerry, and Samurai Jack ran out of new episodes, instead of continually airing them, they were cast away, never to be seen again. It broke me.

Most seek an explanation to this disappointing act, to why Cartoon Network Cast away all of these masterpieces, only to replace them with mediocre and idiotic shows such as Chowder, Camp Lazlo, and Johnny Test. They plagued and destroyed CN forever. I once held the greatest and utmost respect for CN, but it has drained away from me as of late. My proposed explanation to this calamity is this: CN is simply trying to keep up with society and it's demands. As far as children are concerned, entertainment (television oriented entertainment) has been transformed into stupidity and cheap humor.

The reality shows that are airing now are destroying what little respect I have left for CN, and destroying CN itself. It was one called Cartoon Network for a single purpose and a single, pure reason. TO NETWORK CARTOONS. I am insulted by how they claim to call themselves Cartoon Network, yet deplete what little cartoons they have left, good or not, and replace them with idiotic "reality shows".

Nick is different. The shows they broadcast, Cartoon or otherwise, are aimed more at children. A lot of the shows I view there today are horrid and displeasing to my senses, yet they still stick to their idea of "kids shows". Spongebob (a strange personal favorite, despite the fact that it contradicts most views exhibited within this post) , while incorporating stupidity, a repetitive plot, undersea characters, and humanistic ideals all into one cartoon, still wins my respect from any show over those currently broadcasted at Cartoon Network. It's adorable, and for the most part, kid-friendly. Nick is kid oriented, except for at night, when George Lopez and Family Matters come on. However, no ordinary children would stay up at these hours, and it clearly announces that the shows are more teenager oriented, so you can always be sure what you are watching is true.

Cartoon Network=Cartoons?

I think not. These people are trying to take advantage of the rapidly decreasing attention spans and lower levels of intelligence among humans to trick us. While my message may be a bit foggy and unclear, it is in fact that way because I have alternated between at least two different, yet closely related topics:

1. Cartoon Network is lying about their name
2. Cartoon Network is destroying itself in order to keep up with trends, fashion, demands of society, and lack of overall creativity.

Most of you will not read this, fewer will merely skim over it and read the first an last few lines, along with the bold. underlined, and italic text, and maybe 1 person will read this entire document. I just hope this post is long and boring enough to grab attention and express my opinion.
I agree. It was indeed called Cartoon Network for a reason, and that reason was to show cartoons. And, last I checked, 'cartoon' and 'reality' were polar opposites. Chowder is actually one of my favorite shows on CN, because:

1. The characters constantly break the fourth wall
2. Chowder is kinda adorable, when you think about it
3. If you think about it, Chowder is actually sugarcoated adult humor, with jokes only teenagers and adults would get
4. Chowder is entirely FICTIONAL

Many find the show juvenile, and indeed it is, but it at least falls under the category 'cartoon'. And is that not what 'Cartoon Network' is supposed to be about?

EDIT: I LOVED Xiaolin Showdown when it was on. What an epic climax to END THE SERIES ON.

I agree. It was indeed called Cartoon Network for a reason, and that reason was to show cartoons. And, last I checked, 'cartoon' and 'reality' were polar opposites. Chowder is actually one of my favorite shows on CN, because:

1. The characters constantly break the fourth wall
2. Chowder is kinda adorable, when you think about it
3. If you think about it, Chowder is actually sugarcoated adult humor, with jokes only teenagers and adults would get
4. Chowder is entirely FICTIONAL

Many find the show juvenile, and indeed it is, but it at least falls under the category 'cartoon'. And is that not what 'Cartoon Network' is supposed to be about?

EDIT: I LOVED Xiaolin Showdown when it was on. What an epic climax to END THE SERIES ON.
Well, I do watch Chowder occasionally, and do find it humorous and entertaining sometimes. I was merely using it as an example to represent the regularities and demands of todays culture, and their obsession with stupidity. I apologize for making that post misleading, by making it seem that I completely hated those shows, when in fact, I was just expressing the opinions of others (and maybe a little of my own) as common examples. Some of these shows really are stupid, yet I find my self watching a select few of them sometimes.....
Nick is different. The shows they broadcast, Cartoon or otherwise, are aimed more at children. A lot of the shows I view there today are horrid and displeasing to my senses, yet they still stick to their idea of "kids shows". Spongebob (a strange personal favorite, despite the fact that it contradicts most views exhibited within this post) , while incorporating stupidity, a repetitive plot, undersea characters, and humanistic ideals all into one cartoon, still wins my respect from any show over those currently broadcasted at Cartoon Network. It's adorable, and for the most part, kid-friendly. Nick is kid oriented, except for at night, when George Lopez and Family Matters come on. However, no ordinary children would stay up at these hours, and it clearly announces that the shows are more teenager oriented, so you can always be sure what you are watching is true.

Most of you will not read this, fewer will merely skim over it and read the first an last few lines, along with the bold. underlined, and italic text, and maybe 1 person will read this entire document. I just hope this post is long and boring enough to grab attention and express my opinion.[/quote]

Well, I read it. And your post gives me an idea...why doesnt CN Real just come on at night or in the late evenings? Like how Nick at Nite appeals to teens [I love George Lopez, never met anybody who didnt like it, and some of my more boring friends such as my ex watch family matters and the nanny], CN Real could come on to appeal to teens at night. Don't get me wrong, I do like the integration. Lets me catch up when I miss episodes of BrainRush. Just suggesting another way they couldve marketed it.

Well, I read it. And your post gives me an idea...why doesnt CN Real just come on at night or in the late evenings? Like how Nick at Nite appeals to teens [I love George Lopez, never met anybody who didnt like it, and some of my more boring friends such as my ex watch family matters and the nanny], CN Real could come on to appeal to teens at night. Don't get me wrong, I do like the integration. Lets me catch up when I miss episodes of BrainRush. Just suggesting another way they couldve marketed it.
I love George Lopez, and I find it very entertaining, even the episodes that I have already viewed. As far as Cartoon Network goes, perhaps they are still unsure about what to do with the new direction they are taking. Maybe their mass output of new shows, Cartoon or otherwise, has made them less organized, and less appealing. I hate when there is nothing on television except for Cartoon Network and The Othersiders. Not only is the show annoying because everything they see or hear is marked 'haunted', but because their constant screaming scares the crap out of my six year old sister. Perhaps Airing certain shows at night would help with their image, and their organization. I mean, last time I checked, no 6-year old girl wants to watch Survivor or whatever it's called, Where whiny girls eat grasshoppers and frog-legs. A little bit of organization and effort is all that is needed to draw some people, such as myself back to Cartoon Network.
Well, I do watch Chowder occasionally, and do find it humorous and entertaining sometimes. I was merely using it as an example to represent the regularities and demands of todays culture, and their obsession with stupidity. I apologize for making that post misleading, by making it seem that I completely hated those shows, when in fact, I was just expressing the opinions of others (and maybe a little of my own) as common examples. Some of these shows really are stupid, yet I find my self watching a select few of them sometimes.....
Actually, my post was the misleading one. I didn't mean to criticize your post in any way. In fact, I agree with everything in your post. I only meant to address the point that CN does have a little worthwhile programming left on the air. Sorry about the misunderstanding.
Actually, my post was the misleading one. I didn't mean to criticize your post in any way. In fact, I agree with everything in your post. I only meant to address the point that CN does have a little worthwhile programming left on the air. Sorry about the misunderstanding.
Mine was really misleading. My post made it seem like I was criticizing all shows on Cartoon Network, when in fact I was only expressing the views of society, with maybe a little of my own opinion thrown in there. Certain shows I do actually find very stupid and displeasing to watch.
I think Cartoon network should stop and think, and realise that their channel is called CARTOON network, and not Sh*t network or "The competiting crap network".

Im from the UK, and ive seen this stunt performed before by Toonami and boomerang. The "live action" shows ruined both channels, and they were forced to remove them. Toonami was later cancelled because of this.

If Cartoon network want to show crap shows, then they need to rename themselves "Fail network".
I watched this game show where they ask questions on a roller coaster.. was interesting but I doubt i would ever watch it again.
I watched this game show where they ask questions on a roller coaster.. was interesting but I doubt i would ever watch it again.
You mean Brainrush? Imo, it's not really bad, per se, just that it runs on a station that, as many others said, was used to show cartoons and animated series.

Actually, why did network blocks like Miguzi and Toonami get removed? If I was too late for the party, and that question was answered, please guide me to it, but... Toonami's run on CN was one of the few things it had left before they tried to drag the pony as far as they could while it's on the track, tired as hell, by showing off even most Teletoon shows, and now... Thinking Reality TV would be the big thing.
Actually, why did network blocks like Miguzi and Toonami get removed? If I was too late for the party, and that question was answered, please guide me to it, but... Toonami's run on CN was one of the few things it had left before they tried to drag the pony as far as they could while it's on the track, tired as hell, by showing off even most Teletoon shows, and now... Thinking Reality TV would be the big thing.
It's just like I said before: Cartoon Network is killing itself in effort to keep up with the desires (or what they think the desires are) of society. They are killing themselves for the pleasure of other people, when in fact, most people liked CN just the way it was before all this reality TV thing hit.
It seems to me as though they think that that's what kids want these days. If you've noticed, Reality shows seem to be sweeping the nation as the newest craze ever since Survivor and American Idol first debuted. It doesn't surprise me that the cartoon networks out there (Nickelodeon, Disney, and Cartoon Network) seem to think that that's what kids want.

Personally, I think that we're weening kids off of cartoons too early just because they don't want to invest the time and money into animators, or when they do, that it has to be 3D like Jimmy Neutron.

Kids want stuff that is good and stuff that they can look back on when they are our age and not be embarrassed to say they actually liked it.

Unfortunately, we as adults have clouded minds too. Remember when you watched a certain show to the point where you loved it and were obsessed with it, but then you re-watch an episode or a movie now, and you can't stand it because it's so cheesy? That's what's happened with our views on the newer cartoons.

Just because we think it's bad does not mean that it's not to the same, or similar standards, as some of our favorites that are no longer on the air, like Angry Beavers or Ren and Stimpy. Those shows were incredibly stupid, but we loved them because that was what we grew up on.

The problem with American cartooning right now is that there is no real genre for our age group, aside from Anime. We need to talk to big companies like Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network and tell them what we want. We want more cartoons for our age group. That doesn't mean more Batman Beyond or Robot Chicken. We want something in between that's funny, but not gross or stupid.

We want something in between that's funny, but not gross or stupid.
And maybe even a show that follows an actual sequencing of episodes. I thought that Avatar on Nick was ok for a while, but when they ended it, and left so many cliffhangers behind, I started to dislike the show.

We need something new, something that will stick with us, and even younger children, for years to come.
Any1 watch Megas XLR? That was one of my faves before it got canceled. Good comedy, decent action.

And I second the opinion that CN should focus on gaming. If they profiled tourneys and gamers I'd definitely start watching. Plus they'd face no competition, plus nearly everyone games now.

They did, it was called thats crap too .
Wow I've been gone for a while. I think the discussion here may be over. But just to comment, i think Cartoon Network may not be looking at the kids and thinking they want reality shows. I think CN Real is targeted more towards teenagers like my friends and i (and pretty much every other teenager i know who isn't trying extra hard to be cool), evidenced by the rampant alternative music used in its commercials, as well as Andrew W.K. leading the network's efforts. Most kids nowadays have absolutely no idea who he is, but some teenagers vaguely remember him. Plus, his party rock genre definitely isnt for kids. Has anybody noticed theyve started showing less reality shows lately though? I guess the shows aren't getting good ratings or something like that. And BrainRush / Destroy Build haven't had any new episodes after the sixth, which is rather lame. Who orders six episodes of a show and leaves it at that?
I honestly cannot stand the new shows. cartoonNetwork is a channel for kids...except for late night. It should be kept that way imo. Yound children don't need to watch bogus shows that corrupt their minds. My younger cousins are just obsessed with The Othersiders. It's just a even crappier version of the adult show, Ghost Hunters. The new shows are just absolutely lame. Example: Destroy Build Destroy. Wtf kind of crap is that?!...seriously...
Like most posters here, I use to watch Cartoon Network as a kid with shows like Kids Next Door, Foster's..., etc.

I have decided to see what airs on Cartoon Network now and I see a trailer for a live Scooby-Doo...

Ahh, what has became of Cartoon Network? Have they sunken into what society view as acceptable and make reality shows because it is the "hip" thing to do?

And why is there a show where they hunt ghost? Based on the previews, I don't even find it mildly amusing compared to Ghost Hunters. And I don't even like Ghost Hunters.

All reality shows are scripted anyways.
I'm still mourning Toonami. I must have watched it 3 hours a day when they played the entire series of Dragonball Z back to Back :o

Do they have ANYTHING credible now? Noooo

As somebody previously mentioned, when they ditched Dexter's Laboratory, it was always gonna go downhill.
Besides Dexter's Lab, does anybody remeber all the kickass superhero shows they had on CN? I used to watch the shit out of Batman:The Animated Series (not only one of the best cartoons out there, but by far the best Batman cartoon) and Justice League.
I'm with Tarquin, losing Toonami was devastating. I used to come home everyday and watch Toonami from start to finish, and enjoyed it as a kid. Then it ended and that m-thing came on, I can't remember what it was called but all I remember was that it was that underwater stuff. But now, no cartoons, no nothing. Chowder is the only thing saving CartoonNetwork.

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