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#351: Castform, the Weather Pokemon
(I apologize if there is another Castform thread, I did not see one. This is a discussion on Castform himself and not whether or not he'll be banned. This is also my first analysis so please be kind. Thanks!)

HP: 70 / ATK: 70 / DEF: 70 / SP.ATK: 70 / SP.DEF: 70 / SPE: 70

ABILITY: Forecast
[During weather conditions, Forecast will change the type of the Pokémon with this ability. In the effects of Sunny Day, Castform will become a Fire Type. During a Rain Dance, Castform will become a water type. And finally when it is Hailing out, Castform will become an ice type. Castform does not transform during a Sandstorm but its move Weather Ball will become a Rock type attack.]


Castform has always been one of my favorite Pokemon but that doesn't necessarily mean its of any use. However due to the prevalence of weather teams I have encountered on P.O., Castform is a decent choice and can even (sorta) counter rival weather teams as well as due to the Dream World abilities of both Ninetails and Politoed be a very interesting special sweeper with attack combination's not on anything barring Smeragle. Due to its lackluster stats sadly, Castform will most likely remain in UU/NU, but he's still still a very fun Pokemon to try especially with the new weather inducers in the lower tiers.

Level Up Moves & (bolded moves are noteworthy):

Start: Tackle
Lv. 10: Ember
Lv. 10: Water Gun
Lv. 10: Powder Snow
Lv. 20: Headbutt
Lv. 30: Rain Dance
Lv. 30: Sunny Day
Lv. 30: Hail
Lv. 40: [B]Weather Ball[/B]
Lv. 50: [B]Hydro Pump[/B]
Lv. 50: [B]Fire Blast[/B]
Lv. 50: [B]Blizzard[/B]

TM06 [B]Toxic[/B]
TM07 Hail
TM10 [B]Hidden Power[/B]
TM11 Sunny Day
TM13 [B]Ice Beam[/B]
TM14 [B]Blizzard[/B]
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance 
TM21 Frustration
TM22 [B]SolarBeam[/B]
TM24 [B]Thunderbolt[/B]
TM25 [B]Thunder[/B]
TM27 Return
TM30 [B]Shadow Ball[/B]
TM32 Double Team 
TM35 [B]Flamethrower[/B]
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 [B]Fire Blast[/B]
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Canon
TM53 [B]Energy Ball[/B]
TM55 [B]Boiling Water[/B]
TM59 Devastate
TM67 Retaliation
TM70 Flash 
TM73 [B]Thunder Wave[/B]
TM77 Psych Up
TM83 [B]Cheer Up[/B]
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute

Move Tutors/Older Gen Move Tutor Moves/Old TMs/Etc.

[B]Evil Eye[/B]
[B]Clear Smog[/B]
Lucky Chant
Future Sight
Psych Up
[B]Icy Wind[/B]
Sleep Talk
Defense Curl
Ominous Wind
Last Resort
Water Pulse
Shock Wave
Secret Power
Natural Gift
Sets (bare with me I'm not very good with them)

Castform @ Life Orb
Nature: Modest (+SP.ATK, -ATK)
EVs: 252 SP.ATK, 252 SPE, 4 HP)
- Weather Ball
- Energy Ball/Solarbeam
- Thunder/Thunderbolt
- Cheer Up

This set is mainly for use on Sun Teams. Fire, Grass and Electric has pretty good synergy. Also, this set takes care of Politoed should he ruin your fun by changing the weather. Castform will immediately gain a water typing and can attempt to KO the opposing teams weather inducer with Energy Ball and Thunder/Thunderbolt. Thunder may be preferred if you're facing a rain team, but thats not always the case so Thunderbolt is still a good option. Cheer Up is there to hopefully find a place to gain a boost in your SP.ATK if you force a switch.

As I said, I'm fairly mediocre with sets, but would like to hear what everyone else thinks. Please go easy on me. T__T
Just a nitpick, but I wouldn't say that Ninetails and Politoed are going to be UU. I have a feeling they will receive Abomasnow treatment in that they'll be used to set up weather in OU despite their stats.

Not sure if this falls under tier talk or deviates from Castform.
If Castform didn't have such lackluster stats, and had a sandstorm form, he'd be awesome this Gen. I've always wanted to use him, and double stab 100 BP Weather Ball sorta makes up for his lack of power. He could have really used an upgrade, though.
Just a nitpick, but I wouldn't say that Ninetails and Politoed are going to be UU. I have a feeling they will receive Abomasnow treatment in that they'll be used to set up weather in OU.

Not sure if this falls under tier talk or deviates from Castform.

Thats true. All in all what I was trying to say is that with their additions, Castform could be a neat addition to one's time as he's able to appear on both Sun and Rain teams with great moves on each. His stats hold him back but in a metagame that has weather gaining popularity, Castform hopefully has a niche somewhere.
I was thinking about using Castform until I realized that he had no way to deal with SS teams. Weatherball becomes a non STAB base 100 power rock move for him to wield against steel, rock, and ground types. He can't really do anything to annoy them.

?He might work against run and sun though. And maybe hail too if you're running flamethrower.
I was thinking about using Castform until I realized that he had no way to deal with SS teams. Weatherball becomes a non STAB base 100 power rock move for him to wield against steel, rock, and ground types. He can't really do anything to annoy them.

?He might work against run and sun though. And maybe hail too if you're running flamethrower.

While true, hopefully you'd still have your Rain Inducer to switch back in to change the weather. Castform needs a lot of support to work unfortunetly, but he can deal some fairly hefty damage when allowed.
He learns Hydro Pump / Boiling Water to hurt Rock/Ground, also has Energy Ball, as well as Flamethrower for the steels. Still too weak to do anything significant though, really. He has such an awesome movepool too.

I wish his stats were better and he had a SS form. I mean... why not? so strange.

Don't forget Solarbeam if you're planning to use it -on- a Sun team, and likewise Thunder for Rain, Blizzard for hail.
Thought: Silph Co. created Porygon, correct? And Castform was also artificially created. Well, Silph gave Pory an evolution to improve upon it, and an anonymous hacker created a messed-up one to provide an alternative improvement.


"Know what I mean?"
Castform needs an evo. Its got amazing potential and not much of a way to use it. An evo with stats like Kingdra would make it amazing for weather teams. Or at least Tail Glow or even Nasty Plot.
If only it got a Sandstorm form. (Is a dust devil form really that farfetched?) Anyway, Castform is still not good. Maybe a Choice set of some sort?

@ Choics Specs / Choice Scarf
Modest / Timid
4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
~Weather Ball
~Solarbeam / Energy Ball
~Ice Beam

@Choics Specs / Choice Scarf
Modest / Timid
4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
~Weather Ball
~Thunder / Thunderbolt
~Energy Ball
~Ice Beam

@ Choice Specs / Choice Scarf
Modest / Timid
4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
~Weather Ball
~Flamethrower / Fire Blast
~Surf / Hydro Pump
If that first set is for a sun team then shouldn't you use Solarbeam instead of Energy Ball? Also, I think Thunder's accuracy only goes down to 50% in sun so Thunderbolt would be better (correct me if I'm wrong).
i love this thing's design and wish it was usable, but those stats...sigh. couldn't all of Castform's Weather Formes gotten stat boosts + different distributions? say, 70/70/70/100/100/100 in rain? it would have a solidified niche as 'use only with weather and beat up the enemy with Weather Ball.'

I shudder to think how low the poor guy will end up in the tiering.
I wish his stats were better and he had a SS form. I mean... why not? so strange.

Because, despite his classification, Castform's forms are actually based off the states of matter.

Anyway, Castform getting access to Hydro Pump is no laughing matter. There are water-types who would kill for that. However, with equal stats and Cheer up, I'm surprised no one has tried to develop a Mixed set for him. Granted, his physical movepool doesn't have much to say for itself, but he does have some options.

BTW, what is that TM59 about? The name sounds intriguing.
If that first set is for a sun team then shouldn't you use Solarbeam instead of Energy Ball? Also, I think Thunder's accuracy only goes down to 50% in sun so Thunderbolt would be better (correct me if I'm wrong).

Changed it to be both. I had that set mainly in mind if a rain team had come in to ruin your fun and then you'd just be sitting there charging. But I put both in as a choice and edited it.

Kindrindra said:
Because, despite his classification, Castform's forms are actually based off the states of matter.

Anyway, Castform getting access to Hydro Pump is no laughing matter. There are water-types who would kill for that. However, with equal stats and Cheer up, I'm surprised no one has tried to develop a Mixed set for him. Granted, his physical movepool doesn't have much to say for itself, but he does have some options.

BTW, what is that TM59 about? The name sounds intriguing

His physical attacking side is not as amazing as his special but it could be done. Maybe Avalanche/Return/Fire Blast/Hydro Pump? I was also thinking of a Thunder Wave/Evil Eye set but Burungeru prob does that way better with Will-O-Wisp/Evil Eye.

As for TM59 which I think is Devistate is a 30 base power special fire move that when struck, if the opponent is holding a berry it will get burned off. I don't think it will get much use out of Castform since he needs to hit with the most power with the most powerful moves.
As for TM59 which I think is Devistate is a 30 base power special fire move that when struck, if the opponent is holding a berry it will get burned off. I don't think it will get much use out of Castform since he needs to hit with the most power with the most powerful moves.

Oh. That thing that used to be called Complete Burn. Shame.
Yah make great concepts but make them horrible and unusable and make super awesome shit over and over again without actually changing anything.
Real fucking nice Gf >_>.
Storm Trooper? lol. If he were to get a ghost/normal typing with cloud nine? Oh baby. But alas we are stuck with cutesy babyface.
Might as well use him under sandstorm. Special rock is greatly unappreciated, and power gem is only 70 power with horrible distribution.
Might as well use him under sandstorm. Special rock is greatly unappreciated, and power gem is only 70 power with horrible distribution.

A 100 Base Power Special Rock Move is pretty good although the lack of STAB that he gets with the other Weather Balls does hurt. And the residual damage from the Storm will hurt his effectiveness.

I've been thinking about building a team around him and maybe a dual weather team with both Politoed AND Ninetails with Castform as a team member.
Castform has lower base stats than Phione. Something's up.

Castform should get alternate stat distribution based on the weather, poor little guy would love to see use.
Go castform and permanent weather! I really like him, now if only he had a little more speed and special attack.
Isn't weatherball kinda unnecessary? It only has 5 more bp than ice beam/flamethrower/surf.
The point of weather ball is that it always gets STAB, even if the opponent changes the weather (Politoed is hit with a 112.5 base power attack by weather ball in rain, while flamethrower hits for a measly 47.5), and adapts to weather changes with one moveslot. You have room for other coverage options, most notably grass and electric moves. Weather ball trades off some raw versatility but the extra moveslots are useful.

Castform is outclassed in rain by most swift swimmers, and what sets it apart from other sun and hail sweepers is its awesome movepool and ability to adapt to opposing weather. I might run Thunder Wave on some sets to make up from Castform's mediocre speed, just maybe not where Doryuzuu is running around. Boiling Water is cool too. Expect to see some Castform in the lower tiers if Vulpix sticks around there.
of all the pokes this gen, Castform was the one that surprised me by NOT getting any buffs. where are the sandstorm and fog forms? or they could hve made the thing crazy by gining it Multitype or something.
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