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Hmph, Castform could be so awesome in weather team or weathercounter but no. Thunder and Weather Ball are his best moves and those could be deadly combo, but he can´t use them. I think weather teams won't be so popular lower than OU tiers (because of Drought and Drizzle) so there isn´t much place for him. NU wheather team sounds fun.
Hum. Damn, the only Good thing that Cast recieve this Gen was Boiling Water.

Rainy day + STAB + Burn 3 of 10 times = Awesome.

Anyway, WB was allways a shitty move, 50 BP only with some recurring STAB? no sir, thats shitty.
Hum. Damn, the only Good thing that Cast recieve this Gen was Boiling Water.

Rainy day + STAB + Burn 3 of 10 times = Awesome.

Anyway, WB was allways a shitty move, 50 BP only with some recurring STAB? no sir, thats shitty.

Well in the weather the BP of the move becomes 100 in Rain, SS, Sun and Hail. Boiling Water is interesting on him but I think he needs Hydro Pump for the power. Especially in Rain, it will hurt.
How about something like this purely for maximum coverage...or teh lulz.


Castform @ Leftovers
Ability: Forecast
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Rain Dance
- Sunny Day
- Weather Ball
- Hail/Thunder

Plan being that you go in and use whichever weather move will give you an advantage and then spam Weather Ball. Thunder is an option over Hail as it means you will get that powerful electric attack in the you'd miss otherwise. Just a little moveset that nothing else can pull off. Off course the poor sod will probably be killed before you could pull of a full sweep but it could dent your opponent...possibly?
castform is interesting and fun to use but is always let down by its horrid base stats. Still, it could be ok in things like NU or RU as above lead or perhaps this set my bro made...

Castform (F) @ Heat Rock Trait: Forecast
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Weather Ball
- Sunny Day
- Rain Dance
- Work Up

though to this day I still have no clue what it does; he apparently won some battles on PO all thanks to this set.
(also first post) ^_^
Castform needs an evo. Its got amazing potential and not much of a way to use it. An evo with stats like Kingdra would make it amazing for weather teams. Or at least Tail Glow or even Nasty Plot.
This. It needs an evo, although that would be 4, 5 if they make SS, evolutions. Nasty plot and tail glow would help but it would still be UU.
Can forecast be skill swapped? I want a fire type gardevoir, please.
As far as I know, yes. But Forecast has an AND Gate. It not only check for weather, but the Pokemon species as well.

Basically the Weather as to be changed and the Pokemon species must be Castsform or the ability won't activate.
The merit would be the castform would get the 1.5 defense boost and that it would get STAB on weatherball. That's all I can think of though.
The merit would be the castform would get the 1.5 defense boost and that it would get STAB on weatherball. That's all I can think of though.

You'll also get a reliable special Rock move in Weather Ball. Always useful, especially when you don't have Stealth Rock.

Under Sandstorm, Weather Ball is the best Rock attack in the game.
I love how everyone is commenting on "a reliable, special rock move", but I have yet to see Weather Ball Roserade anywhere except my own teams...

Give it a try, it's neat...

also, yes, Castform needs an evo...but so do a LOT of things. If you really want to use it, though, why not design a BP receiver? I'm sure this thing needs a Shell Smash passed to it a LOT more desperately than, say, a Metagross...
Hm, okay true. I thought Sandstorm was a Ground move, my bad. Um anyways you have better things to be smashing Nidoking, who does everything this bad boy does but better.
As far as I can tell, Castform's only redeeming factor to a Weather team is being a Fire/Ice Pokemon on a Sun/Hail team that's not weak to Stealth Rock.

Castform only got one good new perk: It now has an attack boosting move in Work Up.

Outside of that it's still Rotom without that nifty Electric/Ghost-typing but now it can boost it's stats, unlike Rotom. (Reliably at least) It's best niche is still a Choice Specs Pokemon for Hail teams.

If by some hail-mary Castform gets a Rotom treatment to his alt-forms in Grey and gets at least 90 Base Stats across the board, Castform miiiight be OU Pokemon (Sandstorm says otherwise), but until that day it's just an obscure Pokemon with a cool but shaky gimmick.
If only it got a Sandstorm form. (Is a dust devil form really that farfetched?) Anyway, Castform is still not good. Maybe a Choice set of some sort?

@ Choics Specs / Choice Scarf
Modest / Timid
4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
~Weather Ball
~Solarbeam / Energy Ball
~Ice Beam

@Choics Specs / Choice Scarf
Modest / Timid
4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
~Weather Ball
~Thunder / Thunderbolt
~Energy Ball
~Ice Beam

@ Choice Specs / Choice Scarf
Modest / Timid
4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
~Weather Ball
~Flamethrower / Fire Blast
~Surf / Hydro Pump

You could really run bilzzard on the ice set over weather ball, and expert belt could also work. The thing may not hit hard but it does hit a lot of stuff SE, right? That'd fake a choice item, and you could also take one of the attacking moves off and replace it with your weather move of choice, if someone switches in vulpix or snover in to ruin your fun.
when I think of Pokemon that need evolutions, Castform is the first Pokemon that comes to mind. screw Ninetails and Politoed, DroughtCastEvo, DrizzleCastEvo, SandstreamCastEvo, and LolhailCastEvo would be awesome. You could say "lots of things need evos" but really, Castform is in the best position of all to get them.
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