Cerib's Portfolio

I noticed that you have a way to allow members to provide their services, so this thread will be about obtaining the Badge. :3

I have 13 years of experience with Photoshop. I majored in Graphic Design. I have a fan page on Facebook, I will not post it here due to the rules, unless I have permission to link it in this post. I used to be a Graphics Leader on a previous Yu-Gi-Oh! Forum I was in and volunteered my services there as well. I have experience working with logos, posters, desktop wallpapers, forum signatures, Pokemon League Badges(Facebook Groups), some typography, magazine spreads, books, book covers, package design, and a whole mess of others.

I do requests, so feel free to drop one my way if you happen to want something.
If you want to request something, please be patient. I cannot guarantee my services for everyone, as I do not have a lot of free time due to work and other means. If you have a deadline for something and I know I can knock it out within that time, I may or may not do it. Keep things simple, please. My sketch work is not as good as I would like it to be. Keeping things simple means I will be able to work on as much work as possible for you guys.

Desktop Wallpaper
Dimension Size:
Person/Character You Want:
Text(If Any):

YouTube Banner
Dimension Size:
Account Name:
Channel Theme(Gaming, Blog, etc.):
Person/Character(If Any):

SmartPhone Wallpaper
Dimension Size:
Object of Choice(Character, Vehicle, etc.):
Text(If Any):

Facebook Trainer Cards
Friend Code:
In-Game Name:
Pokemon of Choice:
Character of Choice:
Text(If Any):

Forum Signature
Object of Choice(Character, Vehicle, etc.):
Text(If Any):
Small Details(If Any):

Forum Avatar
Object of Choice(Character, Vehicle, etc.):
Text(If Any):


Tournament/Business(Or Non) Name:

Art Direction:
Specific Details(If Any):



















More in the future!




^ Edited with Photoshop, coloured with Paprika, Grass, Charcoal, Coffee.
Last edited:
It's actually a liquor bottle. x]
The League's E4 was Alcohol themed, and one of them wanted Absinthe, also called "The Green Fairy." Xatu, although not being a fairy, it has wings, which could be mistaken for a fairy type. :3
Your art is amazing :] I'd like to request something for my signature. The quotes, although I love these people, are getting kind of stale so I'd like to request something to do with a suits and including my name in it. I'd like my name in the font, birth of a hero if possible. No deadline, take your time :] thanks
Your art is amazing :] I'd like to request something for my signature. The quotes, although I love these people, are getting kind of stale so I'd like to request something to do with a suits and including my name in it. I'd like my name in the font, birth of a hero if possible. No deadline, take your time :] thanks
I'll see what I can do for you. :3

After I finished it, I didn't realize that's what you wanted the font in, I though it said "front." x]
Here's what I have, if you'd like me to change it, that's perfectly fine seeing as how the mistake was on my end.
It's EXTREMELY basic, and I apologize for that.
Also, if you were talking about Playing Card Suits, you didn't specify, and I kind of made the subconscious connection of a dude in a suit and hero, once again, I apologize for that.

Ninety Nine

After I finished it, I didn't realize that's what you wanted the font in, I though it said "front." x]
Here's what I have, if you'd like me to change it, that's perfectly fine seeing as how the mistake was on my end.
It's EXTREMELY basic, and I apologize for that.
Also, if you were talking about Playing Card Suits, you didn't specify, and I kind of made the subconscious connection of a dude in a suit and hero, once again, I apologize for that.

Ninety Nine

It's still amazing mate and Birth of a Hero kinda works with it, that's a bunch mate :]
This art is great! May I request a YouTube banner?

2678 x 1600
I need an angelic looking Mega Absol, but make it not too pastel heavy. Make it like electronic and stunning if able. {I have a picture if you need it.)
This art is great! May I request a YouTube banner?

2678 x 1600
I need an angelic looking Mega Absol, but make it not too pastel heavy. Make it like electronic and stunning if able. {I have a picture if you need it.)
To be fair, I'm not entirely that great of an illustrator/sketch artist, yet. When my time frees up a bit more, I'll see what I can do for you.

Earth, I still need to work on your wallpaper. So sorry for the wait. :(
Oh, I'm definitely not a good person to ask for something like that. ._.
I can't exactly draw people that well, sorry.
Ohhh. xD
I thought you meant draw one out, haha.

That's cake work mang, I can prob do it for you tomorrow evening sometime. My bad. Haha.