[chill thread] electronic/remix

Da Letter El

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Saint Pepsi is fantastic; heard Fiona Coyne on the radio and have been a fan since.

Washed Out is excellent; Feel It All Around is probably my favorite track of theirs but they have a ton of awesome material.

Odesza just released their new album Return two weeks ago; it's pretty amazing and they're playing in New Orleans in just a few days (!). Memories That You Call is one of my favorites off their new album; I Want You is one of my favorite tracks of theirs.

Youtube channels:

Chill Masters

Majestic Casual




All of these youtube users (and some more; I can post more later if people want) have a lot of chill music and playlists for you to go through if you're searching for new stuff.

I have a ton more stuff I could share but I will leave it at this for now!

Chill wave is not dead!!!!
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Banned deucer.
great thread, I'll listen to all these when I have a bit more time on my hands

chaos: goldroom and the knocks are both great, although you've probably heard goldroom - embrace it's a great tune that I'd definitely recommend to anyone reading this who liked the hands remix chaos posted (which I did listen to, actually - not my favourite thing ever, but certainly not bad at all). on the note of goldroom/knocks, although I'm not really sure how chill you'd describe it as, the knocks - classic is something I'd recommend to anyone who wants to listen to more of their stuff.

Da Letter El: I love Memories You Can Call, odesza have some really good stuff I've been listening to more and more lately. mrsuicidesheep is an incredible resource for exactly the kind of music that I love. I'm not as into majestic's overall sound nearly as much although I do enjoy the odd song.

anyway, I'll drop some nice relaxing tunes you can really immerse yourself in:

nigel good - come home (ltn remix)
edu - action hero (progressive mix)
haring - canopée (if you like this you can't go wrong with haring - us too)
armas - feel the day
joachim pastor - kenia (this one has a really interesting vibe, something different)
our stolen theory - warmest day (nigel good remix)


i woke up in a new bugatti
posting my most obscure electronic artist for first contribution

xenu ill never stop being amazed by your taste cheers m8

chaos goldroom came to my country like 2 years ago and i went and it was really cool his style is super chill

His Eminence Lord Poppington II

proverb:the fish who eats most dies still too
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hey xenu a friend of mine showed me saint pepsi yesterday!!

sorry this doesn't have a youtube link!
definitely worth everyone's time to listen, though

do you love mariah carey because she is a strong independent woman or because you're ninahaza?
it doesn't matter, this is a great song even if you don't.

beats || CHILL
omg please help spread the love this guy is so criminally underlistened to i have to gush about him like a teenage girl who just got a puppy that fits in her handbag or whatever
bandcamp for those more interested - http://bsdu.bandcamp.com/

sorry i know im a rap fiend but rap can be chill too, whatever my mother says
a recent (fresh!) foray into boom bap by some niggas barely off the mainland
the excitement i feel from asian people finally being cool is in heavy contrast to the last-night bleary-eyed feel of this album, which deserves an entire listen

yea, if any of my three names was this cool i would be forced to make a modern r&b project and coat my vocal chords in thick dark toffee as well
this song is from their recent s/t EP and is more poppy (#TBT LOL!!) than most of their other stuff, but god damn is it hard to write a good pop song in such an oversaturated genre and god DAMN is this a good pop song

ręg łífē
so if you've already attempted to use the above to bed every potential partner in a 300-mile radius, STOP
and listen to some more r&b // slow pop // slow fucking.
this guy's only only crime is not putting out more shit

enjoy, friends


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
I've actually just been randomly wandering around youtube looking for this sort of stuff since someone in some faraway IRC server has been linking a "daily dose" of loli dance (from this) the past week.

I am definitely a super duper noob when it comes to this shit but good timing on this thread.


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Scene surprised you're not a big fan of hands, the chorus is amazing. and yeah i've heard embrace (as well as everything else he's done), i listen to a lot of electronic shit while programming. all those links are good but haring - canope in particular is excellent

tape-type that song is excellent thank you for sharing! i've actually never seen any electronic peeps live :(

gookie def. chill

anyway my post for today:

junior boys' first album "last exit" is super chill, here's a track.

jon hopkins - immunity is great late night music, try this track. this isnt the album version but its slightly more accessible
if you listen to the full album def. bring headphones

turn it up
everybody and their mother remixes my favorite ladies, and this one is ever so slightly off beat, but it sounds so good over this obscure chill kanye beat (madd rapper - ghetto)

Da Letter El

Officially internet famous
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Shaian: Tycho yesyesyesyesyes Dive is one of my favorite albums ever; I use Tycho for study, league of legends, and nothing better to do music and it's always fantastic.

I've been listening to a bit of Darius recently; it's got a sort of Disco vibe to it but I love it. Maliblue and Falling In Love are notable tracks. (Quite a few of his songs feel like they have too long of a build up though which can be annoying)

I don't understand why but Lil B and Yung Lean have some fantastic chill beats, whatever you think about their rapping abilities. The beat for Lil B's I'm God is incredible (I'm the Devil is the same beat but reversed, deepened, and slowed down and is also pretty cool). I'm sure you all will appreciate the music video to Yung Lean's Hurt, what with the Pokemon cards and stuff. If I'm looking for a laugh with a chill beat I'll listen to You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack.
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His Eminence Lord Poppington II

proverb:the fish who eats most dies still too
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clams casino has produced for lil b many times and a lot of it is v trill as beats
lil b can rap and make a good song, but if he's making like 5 a day inevitably most of them are gonna be trash. sorry i can't say that, i LOVE YOU LIL B

the main attraction of yung lean is his beats? his rapping is technically very underwhelming, as would be evidenced if you listened to him a capella (with or without autotune), but it often times meshes well enough with the beat. definitely a large element of novelty to the whole package though. still rep kyoto though.

Da Letter El

Officially internet famous
is a Community Leader Alumnus
I didnt mean to slight them at all; I went to a Yung Lean concert this summer and Kyoto was incredibly hype. Would recommend if he's playing in your area

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