One more thing

Don't forget to change "Despite being outclassed as an offensive Dragon Dance user by Dragonite and Salamence," to "Despite facing competition from other offensive Dragon Dance user such ass Dragonite and Salamence."

It's more consistent with the overview, and if DD Haxorus was truly outclassed, we wouldn't be giving it a set.
Not just that, but the pros and cons need to be complete sentences. If they're not fixed in an hour or two I'll rewrite them when not in class.
Ok so apparently you didn't understand that, ehh i'll just amcheck the pros and cons by editing this post

<li>M It has a massive base 147 Attack.</li>
<li>A Its access to Taunt to prevents phazing and crippling status.</li>
<li>E It is extremely difficult to counter.</li>
<li>Its ability, Mold Breaker, allows ing it to hit Levitate users.</li>
<li>T It has access to two great boosting moves in Dragon Dance and Swords Dance.</li>


<li>Weak It has low defenses, and is worn down by entry hazards.</li>
<li>M It has a mediocre base Speed.</li>
<li>F It faces competition from other Dragons, including Dragonite.</li>
I'm not sure this is entirely my place to say anything, but should Outrage be replaced with something like Dragon Claw? Fairy types can be easily switched into Outrage, possibly confusing Haxorus (not quite sure on that)
I'm not sure this is entirely my place to say anything, but should Outrage be replaced with something like Dragon Claw? Fairy types can be easily switched into Outrage, possibly confusing Haxorus (not quite sure on that)
Faries will be immune to outrage, meaning it won't get haxorus confused (I'm pretty sure?). It will be forced to switch out, but if haxorus wants to do anything it's got to make as much use of its base 147 attack as it can. Dragon Claw is simply just too weak.
Faries will be immune to outrage, meaning it won't get haxorus confused (I'm pretty sure?). It will be forced to switch out, but if haxorus wants to do anything it's got to make as much use of its base 147 attack as it can. Dragon Claw is simply just too weak.
Ah. Thanks for the clarification.
Also, Dr Ciel a couple things weren't implemented from that check correctly. At a quick glance you need to remove the (AC) and (RC) tags and fix the sentence "Swords Dance on something that it scares out, and obliterating the opponents team". It should be "Swords Dance on something that it scares out and obliterate the opponent's team"
My apologies, but there's one more thing you need to do.

The main spread on both sets should be: 120 hp / 252 atk / 136 spe

The speed loss is largely inconsequential in the current metagame; you lose out on outrunning Lucario, which admittedly sucks, but it's worth the significant boost in bulk. You also beat the magic Speed number (263). And finally, Jolly nature + max speed needs to be mentioned in both sets as an alternative.
Dragon Claw should be slashed on both sets after Outrage. Also, turn the checks and counters section to paragraph format and not bullets.
The Dragon Dance should be listed before the Swords Dance set. Swords Dance is only effective against defensively inclined teams (which are rare) and limited in utility versus offensive teams since your going to be revenge killed quickly.

DD gives you enough power to break through most balanced teams anyway, and its actually somewhat decent against offensive teams.
On the Dragon Dance set you have "Haxorus also isn't weak to Stealth Rock, allowing it to KO Bronzong and Rotom-W without locking itself into Outrage." but I think you mean "Haxorus also isn't weak to Stealth Rock and has Mold Breaker, which allows it to KO Bronzong and Rotom-W without locking itself into Outrage."
Hello and excuse me if I'm posting at the wrong place for this (getting this eerie feeling that I am.) I am fairly new to the competitive aspect of pokemon and I am trying to learn the ropes of it, but some things are still fuzzy. I am currently trying to soak up info concerning EV spreads. The following caught my attention in this analysis:

An EV spread with max Speed and a Jolly Nature is an option here.

PK Gaming's original comment explains the reasoning which leads to the main spread.

My apologies, but there's one more thing you need to do.

The main spread on both sets should be: 120 hp / 252 atk / 136 spe

The speed loss is largely inconsequential in the current metagame; you lose out on outrunning Lucario, which admittedly sucks, but it's worth the significant boost in bulk. You also beat the magic Speed number (263). And finally, Jolly nature + max speed needs to be mentioned in both sets as an alternative.

The first part was very helpful and clear. As of such I was wondering if someone could provide a similar short explanation regarding the Jolly/252 spe spread?
Jolly is useful if you absolutely want to outspeed absolutely everything in the base 85-95+ Speed tier (Like max speed Excadrill and Lucario) and it also lets you beat naturally faster Pokemon such Garchomp & Hydreigon that don't use a Speed boosting nature.