crazy_man's Hidden Power Breeding Program (Now with Nest Ball Treecko)

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Just realized that Sceptile can only learn Dragon Pulse via Move Tutor =( Just when Sceptilite is going to be released
True lol. Also just realized that Swellow can only learn Heat Wave through Tutor lol.

Note to self: Think before deciding XD

Expected to get Tutors?
I mean its going to happen, just a question of when.

Either another new Gen 7 game (rumor of Pokemon Stars announcement at E3) or the eventual Gen 4 remake.
Wow. Time flies doesn't it? Well, another question is: will they announce at E3 for it to be released later this year? I sure hope so!
Hey, are you still looking for a Shiny Noibat? I hit a shiny frame today and I was able to save it, so I can now print meh HA SpAtk pokes via egg swap. I think it prints Atk at 6-7 IV's (my other Noibat I printed ran at that), but I haven't checked for the Noibat I printed for you, but all other IV's print at 31.

Nest Ball F HA Noibat* IVs|31|6-7?|31|31|31|31| EMs:|Outrage|Switchroo|Tailwind|Snatch|
*Is nickname-able, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

I'm very interested in your Sassy Nest Ball Celesteela (I have Sun, and I don't plan on getting Moon). Let me know if you're up for this deal. Ty!
Sorry for the dipping out, I have a teaching-ish job and since it's near the end of the school year, things have been hetic.

I'm back for now tho.



After a lot of shenanigans, finally got a match:

31/12/31/30/31/30 Male Bold Bulbasaur /w Chlorophyll (Nest) knowing Giga Drain and Leaf Storm (TSV: 0083)

Just waiting for the redditor to respond.



You still up for the trade?
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Would it be possible to do a Modest Eevee with HP Grass? If you could, would you be interested in some of the following: Timid Cutiefly in a Fast Ball with 4 egg moves, Dream Ball Naive Carvahna with 4 egg moves, Moon Ball Feebas with 2-3 egg moves, Naive Dreamball Bagons with 4 egg moves, ModestLoveball Jangmo-o with 3 egg moves, and Moonball Murkrow and Misdrevous with 4 egg moves.
Just moved to my summer job, sorry for the wait folks.


Previous guy was lending his 3DS to friend so he couldn't trade, but I found another match.

31/2/31/30/31/30 Male Bold Bulbasaur /w Chlorophyll (Nest) knowing Giga Drain and Leaf Storm (TSV: 1089)



Yeah, I'm still interested.

Are you mainly wanting the female bulbasaur for breeding?

I have a few 31/odd/31/30/31/30 females but they are HP Water, which is fine if you only plan on using them for breeding.

Also I cannot remember if you wanted a female Snivy too. And what Hidden Power?


Leader Wallace

What ball did you want the Eevee?
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Just moved to my summer job, sorry for the wait folks.


Yeah, I'm still interested.

Are you mainly wanting the female bulbasaur for breeding?

I have a few 31/odd/31/30/31/30 females but they are HP Water, which is fine if you only plan on using them for breeding.

Also I cannot remember if you wanted a female Snivy too. And what Hidden Power?

Yes, I mainly just wanted both for breeding, so HP water is fine but I'd prefer fire. I wanted HP fire for Snivy -- a male would be fine if that makes things easier for you.
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Well for breeding a HP Water and HP Fire mon are virtually the same since if they are both 31/x/31/30/31/30 then the only difference is wether it's attack is even (fire) or odd (water), a stat that will be always be random if you get the right IV's inherited.

I have no problem breeding a female Snivy.

I actually got a HP Grass Eevee, how about an HP Grass Omanyte instead?


Nature? Ability?
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Well for breeding a HP Water and HP Fire mon are virtually the same since if they are both 31/x/31/30/31/30 then the only difference is wether it's attack is even (fire) or odd (water), a stat that will be always be random if you get the right IV's inherited.

I have no problem breeding a female Snivy.


Nature? Ability?
Modest with Swift Swim.

Well for breeding a HP Water and HP Fire mon are virtually the same since if they are both 31/x/31/30/31/30 then the only difference is wether it's attack is even (fire) or odd (water), a stat that will be always be random if you get the right IV's inherited.

I have no problem breeding a female Snivy.

No I understand, but it still makes things easier in case the atk IV is inherited and the one of the other ones is just a random roll. But either way it's fine, I just want to get Chuchu to you already :P

Shiny bulbasaur hatched!

Sorry for the long wait, guy was from Australia, which was a 15 hour difference between us, so was hard for us to met each other.

Can trade it tomorrow night, er later tonight.....
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I am interested in a few of your HP Pokes:

HP Fire Froakie (Dive Ball)
HP Grass Blitzle
HP Ice Pansage
HP Fire Flabebe
(Dive Ball Piplup when available)
(HP Electric Torchic when available)

I can offer the following Mons from your Wants List (or you check my thread :) ):

Shiny Amaura, Timid, in Pokeball, not sure about the Egg Moves
Comes with the Moves: Rock Polish, Earth Power, Stealth Rocks, Hyper Voice.
This was TSV-Match back in Gen6. Not nicknameable but I can Egg-RNG it in Gen6 to mine (or your if you want) TSV so you can nickname it.

Edit: RNGd you one in Gen6, just in case you are interested, if not, no problem :)

Shiny Brave Wimpod, Gen7 Egg RNG, Nicknameable on my sister's cartridge
Jolly Arceus, 20th Anniversary Event, Legal Wondercard, gen6 RNG, 31/31/31/31/31/31 Jolly
Rash Yveltal, Gen6 RNG on my Y-Cartridge
Adamant Solgaleo (crappy IVs but matches your Ball wants)
Modest HP Fire Magearna, SRd by me, 31/02/31/30/31/24
Naive Diancie, got a Legal Wondercard with crappy IVs and a restored Wondercard (was legal but I used it a second time) for 31/31/31/31/31/31

For the proofs please CMT.

Tell me what you think :)
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