Creative (and good) Movesets (READ THE OP FIRST)

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Hmm? I thought I'd try this:
Shellos @ Eviolite
Calm | Sticky Hold
252 HP/128 Def/128 SpD

This little fellow takes hits well after managing to get 3 Stockpile boosts. Scald to burn physical attackers, and is why the nature is more towards the special side. Toxic to stall, and Recover is to recover off damage, and lengthen Shellos' (did I use correct grammar?) life span, making it harder to kill once enough Stockpile boosts are gained. Scald also puts a big bump in the road for non-Guts physical attackers. Some calcs, I guess, for physical attackers:
--252 Atk Haxorus Outrage vs 252 HP/128 +3 Def Eviolite Shellos: 25.56% - 30.34%
--252 Atk Haxorus Outrage + Burn vs 252 HP/128 +3 Def Eviolite Shellos: 12.92% - 15.45%
--252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Close Combat vs 252 HP/128 +3 Def Eviolite Shellos: 27.81% - 32.87%
--252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Close Combat + Burn vs 252 HP/128 +3 Def Eviolite Shellos: 14.33% - 16.85%
--252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Close Combat + Critical Hit vs 252 HP/128 +3 Def Eviolite Shellos: 55.62% - 65.73%
--252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Close Combat + Critical Hit + Burn vs 252 HP/128 +3 Def Eviolite Shellos: 28.65% - 33.71%

Plus, once Terrakion gets one single defense drop from Close Combat...
0 SpAtk Shellos Scald vs 6 HP/0 -1 SpDef Terrakion: 56.48% - 66.67%
(That looks decent to me.)

Screw him even more with two defense drops!
0 SpAtk Shellos Scald vs 6 HP/0 -2 SpDef Terrakion: 74.07% - 87.96%
(Getting closer...)

And finally, have a chance at a OHKO with, count 'em, three defense drops!
0 SpAtk Shellos Scald vs 6 HP/0 -3 SpDef Terrakion: 93.52% - 110.19%
(58.97% chance to OHKO)
That shellos set looks great, but he has very few threats he can set up on, and no one's letting him get to plus 3. Post some relevant calcs, please?
Yeah, would you ever get 3 Stockpiles in..? And what does that have over Gastrodon?

Also, at the Togekiss in the holy mother of Arceus does TOGEKISS learn Drain Punch?
Yeah, would you ever get 3 Stockpiles in..? And what does that have over Gastrodon?

Also, at the Togekiss in the holy mother of Arceus does TOGEKISS learn Drain Punch?

No hands never stopped Electrode and Spiritomb from learning Sucker Punch; I guess Togekiss joined the handless punchers club? lol

All jokes aside, the Shellos set seems nifty on paper, and on the off chance you managed to set all that up it probably would be pretty good.

However it's unrealistic to think that Shellos can pull off three Stockpiles. You'd have to take down SO many threats on your opponents team before he could come out and do his job properly, which kind of defeats the purpose of the set.

BTW you did use correct grammar. :)
That shellos set is way outclassed by gastrodon still. Gastro gets lefties, can actually hit more competantly, and higher defense. He can do all of the stockpile/recover that shellos does, and won't die as quick. If your opponent lets you set up +3 they better have a good reason for that, or they are just not good players.
Here's a Pelipper set I've been running on a Rain Team:


Calm | Rain Dish
252 HP/128 Sp. A/128Sp. D

Rain Dish Pelipper can be a defensive beast in the rain, with it's good defensive stats and access to Stockpile and Roost. After getting up a Stockpile or two, Pelipper is capable of taking some decent hits that aren't electric. Scald is a very good attack that increases Pelipper's ability to take hits as well as cripple opposing physical attackers. Hurricane is a very powerful move in the rain, and the Special Attack investment is to help it hit a bit harder. Roost is to recover off some damage and continue to wall.
Okay, I must've forgotten to mention I was planning on using this in the GBU, since I never go around the Wi-Fi section of this forum. I tend to use creative sets (some of them suck, but it's fun to see them succeed), and so, I will propose another set:

Mantyke @ Eviolite
Calm | Water Absorb
252 HP/252 SpD/6 SpA
Mirror Coat/Amnesia
Aqua Ring

It's a shame he doesn't get Recover, that'd make him a tough counter to non/HP Electric Kingdra in Rain. Toxic is for stalling purposes, Rest is to recover any of special damage he may have received. Aqua Ring is to serve as a permanent Leftovers for as long as he is out. About the first slot, I could use Amnesia to further stall out Special Attackers, or I can just be rid of them with Mirror Coat. One example of Mirror Coat:

252 SpAtk Choice Specs Latios Draco Meteor vs 252 HP/252 SpDef Eviolite Mantyke: 54.42% - 64.29%

Unless Latio's HP is above 304 at Level 50, Mirror Coat will always KO.

With Thunderbolt...

252 SpAtk Choice Specs Latios Thunderbolt vs 252 HP/252 SpDef Eviolite Mantyke: 99.32% - 117.01%
(87.17% chance to OHKO)

And with a bit of luck, Mantyke could survive and OHKO back with Mirror Coat.
hi i have a Really gimmicky yet effective darmanitan set

Darmanitan W/life orb zen mode
Evs 4hp 252spatck 252spe
flame charge
fire blast
psychic/focus blast
this set can catch an opponent WAY off guard if used correctly. you send darmanitan in on something you can force out and set up sub, now you use flame charge from behind the sub. Repeat until you activate zen mode and sweep. Zen mode reaches 343 speed at +1 in zen mode enough to outspeed base 105's you can use focus blast over psychic if you are afraid of heatran and houndoom. Try it out!
either way, houndoom or chandelure walls you.

and latios.

Thats the problem with the set, four moveslot syndrome, when i used this i took down what walled it before i used it. It really works if you know how to pull it off.
1) scizor can take down the latis

2) if said chandelure doesn't have shadow tag you can switch in...My subpunch kecleon Color change really helps against choice varients if you switch in (hp fighting will never 2hko due to color change) if it does any abuser of sucker punch, especially ones with pursuit can revenge chandelure

3) bulky waters can easily handle houndoom and azumarill can easily revenge it not being Koed by 100 atck sucker punch

I will admit it's flawed in that way but every pokemon has faults
There's just really no reason to use Zen Mode Darmanitan, to be completely honest. The amount of effort it takes for that to happen...and then it just dies right away. =/. Props on finding a way to do it though.
i think 105/105/105 defense is pretty but i gotta agree with blarajan....
with uninvested defense, it might take MAYBE ONE weak neutral or two resisted attacks under half health, but its still gunna die to strong STAB MOVES or anythin SE
There's just really no reason to use Zen Mode Darmanitan, to be completely honest. The amount of effort it takes for that to happen...and then it just dies right away. =/. Props on finding a way to do it though.

thanks ,the whole point of making that set was to try to find a reason to use zen mode and i guess i came closest to finding a way so far
The closest way IMO is a complicated use of Trick Room, Belly Drum and judicious use of the enemy's Stealth Rocks, along with the hope that there's no damaging weather on the field. Oh, and you should pass a sub/reeeally force a switch just in case. At least you in theory should end up with a Chandelure/Darmanitan hybrid with 3 moves to use, and 3 turns to sweep, with effectively the speed of Ninjask.
The closest way IMO is a complicated use of Trick Room, Belly Drum and judicious use of the enemy's Stealth Rocks, along with the hope that there's no damaging weather on the field. Oh, and you should pass a sub/reeeally force a switch just in case. At least you in theory should end up with a Chandelure/Darmanitan hybrid with 3 moves to use, and 3 turns to sweep, with effectively the speed of Ninjask.

umm and how many turns does that take?
i think 105/105/105 defense is pretty but i gotta agree with blarajan....
with uninvested defense, it might take MAYBE ONE weak neutral or two resisted attacks under half health, but its still gunna die to strong STAB MOVES or anythin SE

The thing is though, as you said, it can only get those defenses at under half health. Darmanitan has a maximum of 414 hp. That means to enter Zen Mode it can have a maximum of 207 hp. For comparison, Diglett, with its mighty base 10 hp has a max of 224. In Zen Mode, if I did the calculation correctly, Darmanitan has the equivalent of about base 2 hp.
The thing is though, as you said, it can only get those defenses at under half health. Darmanitan has a maximum of 414 hp. That means to enter Zen Mode it can have a maximum of 207 hp. For comparison, Diglett, with its mighty base 10 hp has a max of 224. In Zen Mode, if I did the calculation correctly, Darmanitan has the equivalent of about base 2 hp.

Sadly, i have to agree that zen mode's defenses are near unusable it needs sub to be set up when its in zen mode to take ANY strong hit. thats why i put sub on my set. so half hp wouldn't matter as much due to the meat shield called substitute.
Speaking of Darmanitan...

Darmanitan @ Life Orb/Leftovers
212 HP/160 Atk/136 Spe
Jolly / Sheer Force

Belly Drum
Fire Punch
Rock Slide/Encore

Even without maxed attack, it can still do the damage it needs to do. It can also set up 101HP subs, so if stall's your problem this is your cure since it can sub+encore+drum, then sweep with Fire Punch. This set's power is ridiculous; here's some calcs that show just how strong this is.

Fire Punch:
vs. 252 HP TTar: (93.07% - 109.65%)
vs. 252/252 Suicune: (66.09% - 77.72%)
vs. 252 HP Rhyperior: (74.65% - 88.02%)
vs. 4 HP Kingdra: (73.20% - 85.91%)
vs. 252/252 Eviolite Shelgon: (58.38% - 69.16%)
vs. 4 HP Politoed (rain): (80.37% - 94.70%)
vs. 4 HP Rotom-W (rain): (79.75% - 94.21%)
vs. 252/184 Gliscor (rain): (74.58% - 88.14%)

These are some of the most defensive pokemon in the metagame that resist Fire, and all of them assume neutral weather. Without a resist or rain on the field, things will be 1hko'ed regardless of their bulk, and even a regular x2 resist won't guarantee their safety. With sun out, every one of these attacks becomes a guaranteed 1hko with SR on the field. Even with rain out, a lot of things will be cleaned up by residual damage if you clear the field beforehand. Wobbuffet traps scarfers, and Dugtrio can trap FF pokemon who would otherwise wall this set completely. Offensively, things like Snorlax can provide a relatively safe switch to most things this Darmanitan fears, as it can muscle through resists and only needs support to deal with Heatran, Chandelure, Houndoom, and Arcanine. Balloon Chandelure is another good choice, as it can switch in on FF pokemon with no fear, and can take advantage of sun as well. Too frail for wish support, so make sure the one chance you have to sweep is used properly.
That set literally needs Salac Berry. And I think using Life Orb along with Substitute and Belly Drum is not a good idea for longevity at all
Sheer Force removes the Life Orb recoil, though, right?

Even still, that set, powerful as it is, seems like it's nigh impossible to pull off correctly. Everything has to go perfectly or you won't be able to utilize the set.

Plus, he's weak to Stealth Rock. 25% gone from SR damage. 25% gone from Substitute. 50% is left, but 50% is needed to Belly Drum. You come in against any of those walls you named, and they are going to attack you and kill you because they know Darmanitan can't hurt them much, and until you get your Belly Drum, this is true. The Substitute MUST come on a forced switch or against a move it blocks (which is very tricky! Say I have in Suicune, Politoed, or some of the other walls you named. Politoed isn't going to waste time with Toxic when it knows it can live an attack and kill you with Scald.)

Anything with priority or that out-speeds you (not difficult) is going to kill you... and probably would have even without any extra damage after you've Belly Drummed.

Basically, you've got but ONE chance to pull this sweep off, and you've got MANY things that can go totally wrong and ruin it. With such terrible defenses, Darmanitan can't really afford to drain all its HP with Substitute and Belly Drum, and I just don't see a lot of opportunities for him to ever successfully set this all up.

I mean, to make this work, you have to dedicate your team to cleaning away hazards, crippling faster Pokémon, stopping Scarfers, and eliminating priority moves. THEN you're most likely going to have to death fodder something (against a specific Pokémon Darmanitan can handle, remember) to get Darmanitan in without getting crippled or damaged (Poison, Paralysis, Taunt, Leech Seed, or anything that cause even the slightest damage pretty much ruins your chances of doing anything; he can't even come in on a fire move save Will-O-Wisp or other resisted attack).

By the time the rest of your teams sets up Darmanitan to begin his set up, the opponent will probably be at a state where you'll be wishing you were max speed or Scarfed because everything will be weakened anyway and just need to be picked off quickly; I can't imagine a healthy team letting Darmanitan set all this up and sweep. I think this can only work out late game, and by that time you just want something fast to kill everybody off and finish it; you don't want to have to worry about setting up to secure the win.
That darmanitan set looks to be the ultimate stall breaker. It could definately work, it 's just going to take good prediction since you have to switch it in on stealth rocks, spikes, or a healing move to encore. Encore is essential for this set IMO. Just make sure nothing on the opposing team can revenge it before it does any damage. And watch out for iron barbs damage from ferrothorn who will most definately be on a stall team.
Here's a Pelipper set I've been running on a Rain Team:


Calm | Rain Dish
252 HP/128 Sp. A/128Sp. D

Rain Dish Pelipper can be a defensive beast in the rain, with it's good defensive stats and access to Stockpile and Roost. After getting up a Stockpile or two, Pelipper is capable of taking some decent hits that aren't electric. Scald is a very good attack that increases Pelipper's ability to take hits as well as cripple opposing physical attackers. Hurricane is a very powerful move in the rain, and the Special Attack investment is to help it hit a bit harder. Roost is to recover off some damage and continue to wall.

While I run purely defensive EVs and Toxic over Stockpile, I can verify that a set like this is excellent in the rain, and I have given teams some serious trouble with Pelipper. Hurricane's great power, perfect accuracy, and 30% chance of causing confusion makes it a truly excellent move, especially when you get that confusion on the Pokémon that your opponent switched in to counter Pelipper. Rain boosted Scald does decent damage even uninvested plus the burn support. With Rain Dish and Leftovers, Pelipper actually welcomes a burn as protection from Toxic to be honest. The only problem with Pelipper is a Stealth Rock weakness, but again, with Leftovers and Rain Dish he is able to make up for it. Totally worth using on any rain team.
Smeargle @Focus Sash
4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Technician, Hasty nature

-Power Split
-Mach Punch
-Encore/Destiny Bond/Block

Switch in on an opponents physical sweeper while it's boosting, Encore/Block if you wish, Power Split, spam Extremespeeds. Use speed EVs and Hasty nature if you're using Encore or Block, but you can switch those over to defense and Impish if you're running Destiny Bond.
Most belly drum sets have to be executed flawlessly in order for them to work. But when they do, HELLO! And yeah, it needs a salac berry desperately.

Tentacruel @ Life orb
Timid Nature
252 SpA, 252 Spd 4 HP
-Acid Spray
-Hydro Pump
-Toxic spikes/Ice Beam/giga drain
-Rapid Spin/Ice beam/giga drain

I haven't looked at this thread in forever, so I'm not too sure if this has been posted or not. I'd been getting a little sick and tired of using wall like pokemon who just get turned into setup fodder for offensive pokemon, regardless of what support they give.

So I came up with this. Tenta is fast enough to avoid some of the faster taunters in the game (save thundurus) and lay down toxic spikes. Hydro Pump makes for powerful STAB and when used together with Acid spray, will keep you from being used and abused by bulky boosters. I didn't list an ability, but you can go with any of them if you want. This is one of the few instances where I use water attacks on sun teams simply because it saves me the trouble of enemy volcorona boosting up on me.

Acid Spray and giga drain will allow you to beat jellicient as he is the most popular spin blocker. Ferrothorn makes mince meat of you but he does that no matter what anyway. For use wherever the hell you want. He's works on any type of team (save for probably trick room).
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