Pokémon: Donkey Kong
Abilities: Iron Fist / Own Tempo / Sheer Force (HA)
Signature Moves:
Barrel Roll |
| Power: 30 | Accuracy: 100% | 16 PP | Hits 3-5 times. Each hit has a 5% chance of causing the target to flinch. Doesn't make contact. | Z-Move: 100 BP Bloom Doom.
Banana Peel |
| Power: - | Accuracy: -% | 16 PP | | The user eats a banana and restores 50% health and throws a banana peel at the foe's side. The next foe to enter the field falls and loses 20% of its maximum health. | Z-Move: Restores user's stat drops to zero.
Z-Move: King's Percussion |
| Power: 200 | Accuracy: 100% | 1 PP | Deals damage to all adjacent foes instead of taking damage. Sound based. Doesn't make contact. | Move Required: Belly Drum. | Z-Crystal: DKongium Z
Stats: 130 HP/160 Atk/100 Def/60 SpA/80 SpD/70 Spe (600 BST)
Moves: Body Slam, Headbutt, Seed Bomb, Bulk Up, Superpower, Focus Punch, Drain Punch, Gunk Shot, Hammer Arm, Low Kick, Fake Out, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Trop Kick, Power Whip, Mega Punch, Drain Punch, Power-Up Punch, Counter, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, Belly Drum, Bulldoze, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Knock Off, Frustration, Return, Stomping Tantrum, High Jump Kick, Jump KIck.
Reasoning: Normal because DK is just a huge gorilla and Grass because he's also the king of the jungle. Iron Fist explains itslef, Own Tempo because b o n g o s and Sheer Force because he usually cannot control himself when attacks due to how powerful it is. (it's a fucking gorilla I can't give a better reasoning). Barrel Roll because is the main way he attacks Jumpman at his first appearence and Banana Peel is based on how much he adores bananas and on that annoying item from Mario Kart games. King's Percussion is based on his ability to use bongos as weapons and on his final smash at Super Smash Bros.

Abilities: Iron Fist / Own Tempo / Sheer Force (HA)
Signature Moves:
Barrel Roll |

Banana Peel |

Z-Move: King's Percussion |

Stats: 130 HP/160 Atk/100 Def/60 SpA/80 SpD/70 Spe (600 BST)
Moves: Body Slam, Headbutt, Seed Bomb, Bulk Up, Superpower, Focus Punch, Drain Punch, Gunk Shot, Hammer Arm, Low Kick, Fake Out, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Trop Kick, Power Whip, Mega Punch, Drain Punch, Power-Up Punch, Counter, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, Belly Drum, Bulldoze, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Knock Off, Frustration, Return, Stomping Tantrum, High Jump Kick, Jump KIck.
Reasoning: Normal because DK is just a huge gorilla and Grass because he's also the king of the jungle. Iron Fist explains itslef, Own Tempo because b o n g o s and Sheer Force because he usually cannot control himself when attacks due to how powerful it is. (it's a fucking gorilla I can't give a better reasoning). Barrel Roll because is the main way he attacks Jumpman at his first appearence and Banana Peel is based on how much he adores bananas and on that annoying item from Mario Kart games. King's Percussion is based on his ability to use bongos as weapons and on his final smash at Super Smash Bros.
Donkey Kong @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bulk Up
- Banana Peel
- Barrel Roll
- Body Slam / Earthquake / Fire Punch
Donkey Kong @ DKongium Z
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Drain Punch / Banana Peel
- Barrel Roll
- Body Slam / Earthquake / Fire Punch
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bulk Up
- Banana Peel
- Barrel Roll
- Body Slam / Earthquake / Fire Punch
Donkey Kong @ DKongium Z
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Drain Punch / Banana Peel
- Barrel Roll
- Body Slam / Earthquake / Fire Punch