Crossover Chaos V2: Slate 44 - Halloween


Pokémon: **Tee** (Puyo Puyo Tetris)
Note: He fits the theme because he is the opponent in stages 7-10 and 10-10 of Adventure Mode, which are respectively the final main stage and the final extra stage.
Type: Steel/Psychic
Ability: Combo Attacker - The user's consecutive attacking moves are boosted additively by 0.1 per attack, capping at 1.5.
Signature Moves:
  • T-Strike: Steel, Special, ??? BP, 95% Acc, 10 PP | Tee gathers debris and clears it with a T-Spin. Base Power is randomly chosen from 80, 90, or 100. Hits Steel-types super-effectively. | Z-Move: 175 BP Corkscrew Crash
  • Tetris: Steel, Physical, 80 BP, 100% Acc, 15 PP | Tee gathers a four-layer pile of debris and clears it all with a single tetrimino. Hits Steel-types super-effectively. | Z-Move: 160 BP Corkscrew Crash
  • Garbage Clear: Steel, Other, 10 PP | Tee clears the debris around himself, restoring his HP. Percentage is randomly chosen from 40%, 50%, or 60%. | Z-Move: resets lowered stats
Other Moves: Photon Geyser, Hidden Power, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Thief, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Taunt, Topsy-Turvy, Trick, Trick Room, Telekinesis, U-turn, Rapid Spin, Block, Fairy Lock, Magic Coat, Calm Mind, Bulk Up, Stockpile, Stealth Rock, Spikes
Stats: 104/104/140/104/124/64 | 640 BST
Tetris King, Captain of the SS Tetra, representative of the T-shaped tetrimino. Tetriminos are mysterious blocky objects, most likely Steel. Tee has a sharp mind to arrange the tetriminos properly (hence the Psychic type and access to Calm Mind).
Some of Tee's moves are based on his combo lines:
  • "Spin attack!" - Rapid Spin
  • "Lockdown!" - Block, Fairy Lock
  • 「ターンオーバー」 ("Turn over!", fourth line in the Japanese version) - U-turn
  • "T-Strike!" - signature move #1
  • "Burst!" - Photon Geyser, Hidden Power
Other moves starting with T (except Tetris, which is obligatory) are a nod to the tetrimino that Tee represents. Magic Coat pertains to Tee's line "Reflection!" when he counters an opponent's garbage. Bulk Up, Stockpile, Stealth Rock, and Spikes relate to stacking being an integral part of Tetris.


Pokémon: **Tabuu** (Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Subspace Emissary))
Type: Fighting/Ghost
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Aqua Jet, Razor Shell, Secret Sword, Sky Drop, Storm Throw, Discharge, Cross Chop, Dual Chop, Flame Burst, Aura Sphere, Shadow Force, Dragon Pulse, Smart Strike, Bonemerang, Eye Lasers*, Volt Switch, Agility, Teleport, Quiver Dance, Swords Dance
*Ghost, Special, 60 BP, 90% Acc, 10 PP | Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to paralyze. Prevents the user from evading on the same turn. | Z-Move: 180 BP Never-Ending Nightmare
Z-Move: Winged Tabuu - Ghost, Special, 100 BP | Hits 3 times. Targets all adjacent Pokémon. Paralyzes targets. Adds Flying to the user's typing for the rest of the turn. | Move: Eye Lasers | Z-Crystal: Subspacium Z
Stats: 110/111/111/111/111/112 | 666 BST
Super Smash Bros. is a fighting game, and Subspace is ethereal, so naturally a key figure of both would be Fighting/Ghost. Tabuu's Ability is Levitate because he floats all the time. Attacks are based on his moves in the game:
  • Shark Blade: Aqua Jet, Razor Shell
  • Diving Slash: Secret Sword
  • Golden Bracket: Sky Drop
  • Chain of Light: Storm Throw
  • Electrical Shield: Discharge
  • Rapid Chop: Cross Chop, Dual Chop
  • Pinpoint Explosion: Flame Burst, Aura Sphere
  • Ghost Projection: Shadow Force
  • Dragon Laser: Dragon Pulse
  • Bullet Rain: Smart Strike
  • Shuriken Boomerang: Bonemerang
  • Eye Lasers
  • Teleport: Teleport, Agility
  • Explosive Teleport: Volt Switch
  • (Quiver Dance is there as a nod to the butterfly wings, while Swords Dance is based on the preparation of his blade attacks.)
110 is his HP in lowest difficulty Boss Battles, the rest of the stats are even with a little Speed bias, and BST reflects his evil nature.
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Well, I guess hello. I've never really posted before, so here goes nothing!

"Okay, my mind's made up! Usually, I'd rather not fight the likes of a human, but... you fought back against my friend. For that reason alone, I'll drop you into hell. For that reason, and no more! Now, suffer even in death!"


Pokémon: Hecatia Lapislazuli (Touhou Kanjuden ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom)
Type (Otherworld Forme): Ghost/Fairy
Type (Earth Forme): Grass/Water
Type (Moon Forme): Dark/Steel
Ability: Three Bodies*
*Three Bodies: Similar to Aegislash, Hecatia has multiple formes that she can switch to depending on the move used that turn (any status move = Otherworld Forme, any physical move = Earth Forme, any special move = Moon Forme). She is always in Otherworld Forme when sent into battle. This ability cannot be removed by any means.
Stats (Otherworld): 80/105/145/105/145/70 (Total: 650)
Stats (Earth): 80/185/155/95/45/90 (Total: 650)
Stats (Moon): 80/95/45/185/155/90 (Total: 650)
Notable Moves: Cleansing Hellfire*, Hell's Rainfall**, Lunatic Impact***, Protect, Taunt, Refresh, Toxic, Haze, Bulk Up, Nasty Plot, Play Rough, Wood Hammer, Leaf Blade, Liquidation, Anchor Shot, Earthquake, Flare Blitz, Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Moonblast, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Fire Blast
*Status, Fire type, 16 PP, 100% accuracy. The user is healed for 33% of their max HP, and the opponent becomes burned. If the opponent already has a status condition, this heals 50% of the user's HP instead.
**Physical, Water type, 95 BP, 16 PP, 100% accuracy, 10% chance to burn
***Special, Dark type, 90 BP, 16 PP, 100% accuracy, this move hits Dark Types for super-effective damage
Reasoning: Hecatia Lapislazuli is one of the goddesses of Hell, and with Hell being one of the many places where you go to die, it makes sense to be part Ghost. As for Fairy, the canon definition of "Otherworld" is any place that is not Earth or the Moon, and since she can go to both Gensokyo (where there's tons of magic and actual fairies) and the Dream World (which is a mystical place where few can go), it seems only natural. The two biggest things that define this planet are the water and the greenery, so that is that. Space is a dark place with not too much light, and so is the moon in turn. As for the part Steel, in canon, the Lunarians are far more of an advanced species than those on Earth, with much fancier technology. All Fire moves I justify by pointing out the whole "Goddess of Hell" thing again. Earthquakes happen on Earth also. Space is cold, so Ice Beam.
Analysis: Ladies and gentlemen, I present Aegislash on crack. I tried my best to counterbalance the absolutely ridonkulous stats by limiting the movepool somewhat. The ability can also not work in your favor sometimes as using any move not tied to the form you want will change it, but the simple fact is: if you guess wrong on which form she is, you are already dead. Go straight to AG if you must, but then you can run 3 of them and use all 3 forms, so I dunno :V
Time to vote. Get your votes in by the 27th of July.

Pokémon: Utsuho Reiuji (Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism)
Type: Fire/Flying
Abilities: Sheer Force/Desolate Land/Nuclear Fusion (HA)
Signature Ability: Nuclear Fusion: All attacks gain a 30% chance to burn the opponent on top of pre-existing effects. User resists Water- and Ice-type moves (disregarding normal weaknesses), and is immune to Freeze. User's Fire-Type Moves become super-effective on Water-Type Pokemon, but are resisted by Steel-Type Pokemon. Solar Beam does not require a charge turn, regardless of weather.
Moves: Overheat, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Blast Burn, Eruption, Fiery Dance, Magma Storm, Inferno, Fusion Flare, Blue Flare, Heat Wave, Tailwind, Roost, Defog, Brave Bird, Aerial Ace, Acrobatics, Beak Blast, Hell's Artificial Sun*, Earth Power, High Jump Kick, Sunsteel Strike, Solar Beam, Sky Attack, Explosion, Sunny Day, U-Turn, Flare Blitz, Focus Blast, Scald, Steam Eruption.
Signature Move: Hell's Artificial Sun- Base 90 Power, Fire-Type, Special, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP. Sets up Sunny Day if it is not already set up. Uses Utsuho's higher stat between Attack and Special Attack for damage calculation.
Signature Z-Move: Subterranean Sun- Converted from Hell's Artificial Sun via Okuunium Z. Fire-type, Base 230 Power, Special. Bypasses Accuracy Check. Sets the weather to Intense Sunlight if it is not already present, which lasts until Utsuho is switched out. Uses Utsuho's stat between Attack and Special Attack for damage calculation.
Stats: 90 HP/140 Atk/50 Def/140 SpA/50 Def/110 Spe (BST: 580)

Reasoning: Okuu is a powerful mixed attacker who utilizes both physical and special attacks in her nuclear fusion powered arsenal, and as you might have guessed, LOVES bringing the Sun out. She's a fire-type due to the sun motif and flying-type due to, well, being a bird (a hell crow to be precise), which is also why she has moves like Brave Bird, Beak Blast and Roost. She consumed the corpse of the Yatagarasu, and as such gained the power to manipulate Nuclear Fusion. As a result, she can learn pretty much every Fire, Heat and Sun-based attack there is, even moves that would normally be signature to legendaries, such as Magma Storm, Blue Flare, Sunsteel Strike and Steam Eruption. Her first appearance is as the Final Boss of Subterranean Animism.

Her Signature Ability, Nuclear Fusion, is simple in practice. Her power is known to burn things pretty badly (given how she's hurling SUNS at people), and given how she's a walking embodiment of a sun god, she resists Water and Ice attacks well (I mean, you wouldn't use water and ice to try put out a sun, would you?) but in turn her radioactive powers are kept in check by Steel-Types, who resist her fiery assaults. It also lets her fire off Solar Beam without fear of a charge time (Because come on, she's basically a walking, talking sun generator), but only when using this power. Her other two abilities revolve around either her focus on firepower over gimmicks and her associated weather in Hisoutensoku, the Scorching Sun weather. This also shows up in her Signature move and Signature Z-Move, which both set up a variant of Sunny Day. This also applies to her stats: while Okuu has a lot of HP, her defenses are poor. However, she's also very fast and hits hella hard, as befitting for one who manipulates and is powered by Nuclear Fusion. For Pokemon who appreciate the power of sunlight, you can't really go wrong with pairing them with Okuu. Speaking of suns, her signature move, Hell's Artificial Sun, and her Z-Move, Subterranean Sun, are both based on spell cards in Touhou: Subterranean Animism (In fact they're the same spell card, with Hell's Artificial Sun being used on Easy and Normal and Subterranean Sun being used on Hard and Lunatic).

However, Utsuho, like others sharing her type (see: Charizard, Moltres, Talonflame and Ho-Oh) DOES NOT like dealing with Stealth Rocks. She can clear them away with Defog but doesn't want to switch into them ever.

Example Special Attacker Moveset w/ Okuunium Z

Utsuho@Okuunium Z
Ability: Nuclear Fusion
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
-Hell's Artificial Sun
-Steam Eruption/Scald
-Solar Beam
-Earth Power/Focus Blast/Tailwind/Roost
Pokémon: **Yuuka Kazami** (Touhou Gensoukyou ~ Lotus Land Story)
Type: Grass
Ability: Intimidate/Pressure/Garden of the Sun (HA)
Signature Ability: Garden of the Sun- Upon being switched in, sets up Grassy Terrain and Sunny Day. (Basically Grassy Surge and Drought in a single package).
Moves: Beauties of Nature*, Master Spark (See Marisa Kirisame), Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance, Energy Ball, Frenzy Plant, Ingrain, Grassy Terrain, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Close Combat, Synthesis, Strength, Leech Seed, Poison Jab, Power Gem, Seed Flare, Sludge Bomb, Spiky Shield, Baneful Bunker, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Toxic, Stun Spore, Rototiller, Curse, Meteor Mash, Flash Cannon, Fleur Cannon, Foul Play, Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Pollen Puff, Substitute, Growth, Return.
Signature Move: Beauties of Nature- Grass-type, 90 BP. Classification based on Yuuka's higher attack stat. Sets up Grassy Terrain if it is not already set up.
Signature Z-Moves
Reflowering of Gensokyo
: Upgraded from Beauties of Nature with Yuukanium Z. Grass-type, Base 190 BP. Classification based on Yuuka's higher attack stat. If Grassy Terrain is active, consumes the Grassy Terrain to deal double damage.
Dual Spark: Upgraded from Master Spark with Yuukanium Z. Electric-type, Special. Base 120 BP. Hits twice.
Stats: 120 HP/120 Atk/120 Def/120 SpA/120 SpD/5 Spe (BST: 605)
Reasoning: Yuuka Kazami is a flower youkai, who first appears as the Final Boss of Lotus Land Story. The Flower Youkai part which explains her Pure Grass-typing. Her ability is the ability to manipulate flowers, which grants her pretty much every plant or flower-related move, even ones signature to a single Pokemon or line, such as Seed Flare, Fleur Cannon and Pollen Puff. It also grants her Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Spiky Shield and Baneful Bunker as she can manipulate flowers of all types, including poisonous ones. Her other moves as well as her stat spread (minus speed) are a note regarding how Yuuka is a very old and powerful youkai, both physically and magically and thus she learns a lot of powerful moves, such as Earthquake, Stone Edge, Close Combat, Strength, Meteor Mash, Flash Cannon, Foul Play, Sucker Punch and Play Rough. She is also often lauded as the original user of the Master Spark, which is why she is able to use it despite the fact that it is supposed to be Marisa's signature move: Marisa copied the Master Spark from Yuuka. Her actual signature move is based on one of her gauge attacks in Phantasmagoria of Flower View, and its Z-Move equivalent is the level 4 gauge attack, a Spell Card from the same game. In Lotus Land Story, she's also known to create a clone of herself to fire a second Master Spark alongside her, hence why her Z-Move upgrade for Master Spark is Dual Spark- a slightly stronger Master Spark that also hits twice. Her hidden ability is a reference to the domain she spends the most time around in Windows canon, a garden full of sunflowers (literally named the Garden of the Sun), and her normal abilities are based on Akyuu's article in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, where she stats Yuuka has the highest threat level, which may make her come off as intimidating. However, in Touhou canon, Yuuka is the slowest playable character to date by a long shot, and as such, her base speed is absolutely abysmal. She's never going to be outspeeding anything unless you're using Trick Room, even at +6 with a Tailwind up. For reference, she speed ties with Munchlax and Shuckle. Yeah. She's that slow. If she comes out in Trick Room, though, you're basically facing something that's basically Arceus-Grass but much, MUCH faster. Needless to say, not a good time. Thankfully, it's only in Trick Room that she's so threatening. Still, 120/120/120 Bulk plus reliable recovery makes Yuuka a tough one to bring down, and she has just enough of a movepool to crush most anything that gets in her way that she's not weak to.

Here are some sample Yuuka sets.

"Genocide is a Game~" (Curse Yuuka)
Yuuka@Yuukanium Z/Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate/Garden of the Sun
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 SpD
Brave Nature
-Beauties of Nature
Filler=Poison Jab/Earthquake/Stone Edge/Close Combat/Meteor Mash/Return/Play Rough/Sucker Punch/Foul Play/Baneful Bunker/Spiky Shield/Synthesis/Sleep Powder

"In a few hours, you'll become a mist of atoms~" (Specially Offensive Yuuka)
Yuuka@Yuukanium Z
Ability: Intimidate/Garden of the Sun
EVs: 252 HP, 252 SpA, 4Def/SpD
Quiet Nature
-Beauties of Nature/Seed Flare/Solar Beam (if using Garden of the Sun)
-Master Spark
Filler=Growth/Flash Cannon/Fleur Cannon/Sludge Bomb/Power Gem/Pollen Puff/Baneful Bunker/Spiky Shield/Stun Spore/Sleep Powder/Toxic/Leech Seed/Synthesis

"By the way, who are you?" (Tanky Yuuka)
Ability: Intimidate/Pressure/Garden of the Sun
EVs: 252 HP, the rest go into bulk as needed. Put whatever doesn't go into bulk into the preferred attacking stat.
Nature can be Sassy, Impish, Quiet or Brave depending on what you need.
-Beauties of Nature
-Leech Seed
Filler=Toxic/Stun Spore/Sleep Powder/Baneful Bunker/Spiky Shield/Grassy Terrain/Master Spark/Sludge Bomb/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Poison Jab/Foul Play/Sucker Punch/Pollen Puff/Fleur Cannon/Power Gem
Pokémon: Yuyuko Saigyouji (Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom)
Type: Ghost/Grass
Ability: Manipulation of Death
Signature Ability: Manipulation of Death- Every attack that hits has a 2% chance to instantly faint the target. Foes that make contact have a 1% chance of fainting immediately.
Moves: Ghastly Dream*, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Petal Blizzard, Shadow Sneak, Destiny Bond, Protect, Swagger, Flatter, Ingrain, Every OHKO move, Synthesis, Phantom Force, Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order, Crunch, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, etc.
Signature Move: Ghastly Dream: Ghost-type, Base 90 Power, Special. Deals damage based on Yuyuko's higher attack stat. Has a 2% chance to instantly faint the target.
Signature Z-Move: Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana- Ghost-type, Status. Upgraded from Ghastly Dream via the Yuyukonium Z. Instantly faints the target. Affects Normal-type Pokemon.
Stats: 110 HP/110 Atk/110 Def/120 SpA/110 SpD/30 Spe (590 BST)
Reasoning: Yuyuko Saigyouji first appears as the Final Boss of Perfect Cherry Blossom. She's a ghost who shares the same power as the Saigyou Ayakashi, a youkai tree, and is mostly associated with Cherry Blossoms (hence the Ghost/Grass-typing). However, her Ability and Signature Move/Z-Move are a direct reference to her ability in Touhou canon: The ability to cause things to die. Since OHKO moves are banned in OU, this means that Yuyuko is automatically Ubers since, given her ability, this turns ALL of her attacks into potential OHKO moves, albeit at a very low chance (Ghastly Dream, her signature has the highest non-100% rate which is 5% total). Her Z-Move is based on her Last Word from Imperishable Night, which is said to be the incarnation of her ability. Thus it only seemed fitting to make it a guaranteed OHKO and one of the main reasons to use Yuyuko: If she can get a chance to fire her Z-Move off, that is one target immediately gone from the battle. Her other moves are standard ghost- and grass- fare, save for a few. Yuyuko's projectiles often take the form of spectral butterflies, hence why she also has access to Attack Order, Defend Order and Heal Order. Lastly, Yuyuko is known for her immense appetite, hence Stockpile, Swallow and Spit Up.

Playing against Yuyuko is a risky affair because even if a 'counter' switches in, there's a chance, however small, that her ability might just pop up and ruin whatever your would-be Yuyuko counter would attempt by promptly saying 'WELCOME TO DIE!', before promptly, well, killing them. Remember, people die if they are killed. That and a predicted switch could result in a Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana to the face and... yeah. They still die.

Her stats are a bit different though. In the games, Yuyuko is often depicted as slow-moving, but has wide range coverage and, in the fighting games, good options for any situation, so her stats save for Speed are all very high and well-rounded. However, she's not as slow as Yuuka (but this may or may not be a good thing for Trick Room, and given she's still only Base 30 speed...). That being said, she did later appear as a Stage 1 Boss in Ten Desires...
Pokémon: Yukari Yakumo (Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom)
Type: Psychic/Ghost
Ability: Boundary of Weakness and Resistance
Signature Ability: Boundary of Weakness and Resistance- Yukari resists all types one step further, and all types of attacks she uses are resisted one step less (so from neutral damage, she would take damage as if she resisted it, and deal out super effective damage). This ability cannot be disabled, copied or removed from Yukari by any means, nor can it be ignored.
Moves: Hyperspace Hole, Hyperspace Fury, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Boomburst, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Sacred Fire, Icicle Crash, Zing Zap, Sacred Fire, Boundary of Wave and Particle*, Recover, Taunt, Substitute, Torment, Memento, Healing Wish, Quiver Dance, Dragon Dance, Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order, Swords Dance, Agility, Tailwind, and oh so many more moves. Let's just say she gets usable physical and special moves of every single type, every entry hazard, and most setup moves. Also every single TM/HM and Tutor move.
Signature Move: Boundary of Wave and Particle- Psychic-type, Special, 100 Base Power. Calculates damage based on Yukari's higher attack stat and targets the enemy's lower defense stat.
Stats: 150 HP/150 Atk/150 Def/150 SpA/150 SpD/60 Spe (BST: 810)
Reasoning: And since I have to be strange, here's a submission that says "Screw Ubers! I'm going straight to Anything Goes!". Yukari Yakumo, the Youkai who lurks in Boundaries, first shows up as the Phantasm Boss (The Phantasm stage can only be accessed after defeating the Extra Boss, who themselves cannot be fought without defeating the Final Boss) of Perfect Cherry Blossom. As you may have guessed from her Stat Spread and ability, Yukari is pretty faithful to how she is in Touhou Canon: completely and utterly unfair, even amongst Uber Standards. Not only is her only stat below base 150 her Speed, but she has a supremely broken ability that basically means if you're not hitting her with Ghost- or Dark-type moves, you aren't breaking through Yukari, period, and she'll pretty much always be hitting for a quad weakness. Even the dreaded tier crusher itself would be hard pressed to stop the Boundary Youkai. I mean, I ran the math and this is what I got:

+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Rayquaza-Mega Dragon Ascent vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Yukari: 104-123 (20.6 - 24.4%) -- guaranteed 5HKO

Yes, the dreaded Life Orb Mega Rayquaza Dragon Ascent with a Dragon Dance up doesn't even reach 4HKO levels on a Neutral Nature Yukari. That alone should tell you how utterly busted she is. Even Dawn Wings Necrozma's Moongeist Beam, the hardest-hitting move against it, doesn't quite manage an OHKO if Yukari's invested into Special Defense. (and these calcs were both on Neutral Natures).

252 SpA Necrozma-Dawn-Wings Moongeist Beam vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Yukari: 330-390 (65.4 - 77.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after hail damage

On top of this, her moveset is top class, getting good offensive moves of every type in the game, meaning she can build to beat up pretty much anything. She's also a master of setup, which given her scheming nature and often being well-suited to the role of 'Mastermind' is obviously no big surprise. Her typing is the same as Hoopa's due to the similar portal-based powers (Although Yukari's go far beyond that). On top of all of that is her stupidly good signature move, Boundary of Wave and Particle, which is basically Psystrike but even better. She doesn't get a signature Z-Move, but she doesn't need one.

Realistically, there are only a few Pokemon right now that could concievably check Yukari. Dawn Wings Necrozma is the best bet, but if it can't take Yukari down in one hit, she WILL respond with a super effective hit which will deal grievous damage to it. God forbid she uses Hyperspace Fury or Dark Pulse, which combined with Yukari's ability, will do EIGHT TIMES DAMAGE to Dawn Wings Necrozma and let me tell you... Dawn Wings Necrozma ain't surviving that. Bare in mind, the math run on this was with 0 attack investment. Lunala is in a similar boat. Even Shadow Shield will not save Lunala from being OHKOed by Hyperspace Fury or Dark Pulse. Same goes for Marshadow, Darkrai, Arceus-Ghost, Giratina, Yveltal, Aegislash and Mega Gengar. There are a lot of checks to Yukari but no real counters to her, because she could be running most anything. There is a reason she's the most famous of the Youkai sages of Gensokyo, and she will be very happy to remind people as to why she deserves that title. Even gods quake in fear of the boundary youkai.
Pokémon: *Lord Fredrik*
Type: Ice/Dark
Ability: Snow Warning / Thick Fat / Mountain Call*
Mountain Call: Turns all sound based moves to Ice Type
Moves: Ice Hammer, Superpower, Knock Off, Strength, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Frost Breath, Freeze Dry, Boomburst, Hyper Voice, Uproar, Double Edge, Megahorn, Pursuit, Icicle Crash, Ice Punch, Psychic, Dark Pulse, Bounce, Telekinesis, Bulk Up
Z-Move: Winter Dragon Blitz - Ice, Physical, 190 BP | 30% freeze chance. | Move: Icicle Crash | Z-Crystal: Fredrium Z
Stats: 120 HP / 155 Atk / 110 Def / 130 SpA / 90 SpD / 75 Spe | 680 BST

Lord Fredrik is the big bad of the video game Donkey Kong tropical Freeze. His typing Reflects his use of ice abilities and his menacing demeanor / appearance. Snow Warning is due to him summoning a snowstorm to freeze DK's island. Thick Fat is self explanatory. Mountain Call references him using his horn to shoot ice attacks (and later Ice Dragons). Superpower, Strength and Ice Hammer all reference his acts of great strength ingame, the various Ice type attacks reference his affinity for manipulating cold and Boomburst, Uproar and Hyper Voice both are inspired by his frequent horn usage. Bounce comes from his high jumping ability and Psychic / Telekinesis showcases his own telekinesis.
Pokémon: *Clockwerk*
Type: Flying/Steel
Ability: Regenerator / Heatproof
Moves: Brave Bird, Steel Wing, Metal Claw, Iron Head, Hurricane, Air Slash, Thunder(bolt), Sludge Bomb, Poison Gas, Plasma Launcher*, Roost, Flash Cannon, Air Slash, Feather Dance, Lava Plume, Hypnosis, Defog, Refresh, Nasty Plot
Plasma Launcher: Steel, Special, 95 BP, 90% Acc, 8 PP | 50% chance to lower opponent's SpD
Z-Move: Clockwerk's Death Ray - Steel, Special, 185 BP | Hits Steel types super effectively. | Move: Plasma Launcher | Z-Crystal: Clockwerkium Z
Stats: 150 HP / 90 Atk / 120 Def / 135 SpA / 80 SpD / 105 Spe | 680 BST

Clockwerk's main selling point was his sheer will (and later self repairing mechanical body) that has kept him alive for millennia. Hence his ability Regenerator. Heatproof makes sense as one of his notable feats was that he once survived falling into a volcano. His very high HP and defense comes from his longevity and his resilience to common physical threats. Movepool wise his STABs attacks tie into the various ways that which he attack foes and make sense flavourwise. His coverage moves represent his vast array of attacks and torture mechanisms he has in place. Thunderbolt / Thunder deal with his Electrical Ring Launcher, Sludge Bomb / Poison Gas deals with his Gas Chamber, Lava Plume with his Lava Monster army he controls, Hypnosis from his mechanical eyes that can entrance foes and Plasma Launcher referencing his, well, Plasma Launcher. Nasty Plot deals with his extremely conniving personality, and the various death traps and torture techniques the thinks up.
Pokemon: **Emperor Bulblax** (Pikmin)

Ability: Emperor's Appetite - The Pokemon recovers 25% of the damage dealt by its direct attacks, 50% if the attack knocks out the target.
Signature Move: Sticky Tongue -
| 120 BP | 90 Acc | 10 PP | Z-move: 190 BP Savage Spin-Out | All adjacent foes | User recovers 50% of the damage taken by those hit. 30% chance to lower the Spe of those hit by 1 stage. Makes contact.
Stats: 150 / 150 / 130 / 75 / 110 / 55 | BST: 670
Moves: Head Smash, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Sandstorm, Smack Down, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Bug Bite, First Impression, Lunge, Bulldoze, Earth Power, Earthquake, High Horsepower, Shore Up, Stomping Tantrum, Crunch, Payback, Outrage, Bounce, Body Slam, Boomburst, Camouflage, Hyper Voice, Noble Roar, Roar, Uproar, Yawn, Zen Headbutt, Toxic
Reasoning: The boss of Pikmin, the Emperor Bulblax has a ton of hitpoints and bulk with powerful attack and low speed. Its ability and signature move refer to its constant devouring of Pikmin, and eating food is usually associated with recovery. Its typing comes from it ultimately being a buglike creature in the Pikmin universe, and it has a hard, protective shell on its back that keeps Pikmin from attacking it from the back.
Sample Moveset:
Emperor Bulblax @ Leftovers
Ability: Emperor's Appetite
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Sticky Tongue
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Shore Up
Pokemon: **Titan Dweevil** (Pikmin 2)

Ability: Titan Weaponry - The Pokemon's Fire, Water, Electric, and Poison type attacks deal 30% more damage.
Signature Moves:
Flare Cannon -
| 100 BP | 90 Acc | 10 PP | Z-move: 180 BP Inferno Overdrive | All adjacent foes | 20% chance to burn.
Shock Therapist -
| 100 BP | 90 Acc | 10 PP | Z-move: 180 BP Gigavolt Havoc | All adjacent foes | 20% chance to paralyze.
Monster Pump -
| 100 BP | 90 Acc | 10 PP | Z-move: 180 BP Hydro Vortex | All adjacent foes | 20% chance to lower Atk by 1 stage.
Comedy Bomb -
| 100 BP | 90 Acc | 10 PP | Z-move: 180 BP Acid Downpour | All adjacent foes | 20% chance to poison.
Stats: 120 / 80 / 120 / 150 / 120 / 80 | BST: 670
Moves: Bug Buzz, Struggle Bug, Autotomize, Flash Cannon, Mirror Shot, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Discharge, Electroweb, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Surf, Water Sport, Sludge Bomb, Toxic, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Work Up
Reasoning: The Titan Dweevil is the boss of Pikmin 2, and it has high bulk and special attack for its weapons. Its ability refers to the four weapons it uses in battle. Its typing is because it's a bug covered with its metal weapons like armor. Its signature moves are each of its weapons.
Sample Moveset:
Titan Dweevil @ Life Orb
Ability: Titan Weaponry
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Flare Cannon
- Shock Therapist
- Monster Pump
- Flash Cannon
Pokemon: **Plasm Wraith** (Pikmin 3)

Ability: Plasmic Gold - This Pokemon recovers 1/8th of its max hitpoints at the end of every turn it is out.
Signature Move: Wraith Skewer -
| 90 BP | 100 Acc | 15 PP | Z-move: 175 BP Never-Ending Nightmare | Selected target | User recovers half of the damage taken by the target. Makes contact.
Stats: 200 / 110 / 80 / 100 / 80 / 100 | BST: 670
Moves: Confuse Ray, Curse, Grudge, Hex, Night Shade, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Autotomize, Flash Cannon, Heavy Slam, Iron Head, Metal Burst, Fire Blast, Fire Lash, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Hydro Pump, Liquidation, Surf, Whirlpool, Discharge, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Zing Zap, Air Slash, Fly, Hurricane, Toxic
Reasoning: The Plasm Wraith has extremely high bulk which reflects how difficult it is to take down in Pikmin 3. It's actually a mass of cells but it appears to be a sentient blob of liquid gold with unknown motives, hence its typing. Its ability refers to the way it recovers health after attacking if left alone for a period of time, by reabsorbing shed parts of its body. Its signature move is based on its main attack.
Sample Moveset:
Plasm Wraith @ Leftovers
Ability: Plasmic Gold
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Impish Nature
- Wraith Skewer
- Iron Head / Metal Burst
- Will-O-Wisp
- Toxic / Thunder Wave
Pokemon: **Berserk Leech Hydroe** (Hey! Pikmin)
Rooted Forme -

Unrooted Forme -

Ability: Berserker Mutant - The Pokemon's moves that match its secondary type deal 30% more damage. When this Pokemon's HP becomes half or less, it changes to Unrooted Forme.
Signature Move: Poison Laser -
| 120 BP | 95 Acc | 5 PP | Z-move: 190 BP Acid Downpour | Selected target | 50% chance to badly poison. High critical hit ratio.
Rooted Forme - 100 / 120 / 90 / 120 / 90 / 80 | BST: 600
Unrooted Forme - 100 / 140 / 100 / 140 / 100 / 90 | BST: 670
Moves: Acid Spray, Clear Smog, Gastro Acid, Gunk Shot, Poison Fang, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench, Venoshock, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Grass Knot, Growth, Ingrain, Leaf Blade, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Petal Whip, Solar Beam, Solar Blade, Strength Sap, Synthesis, Aerial Ace, Air Slash, Defog, Fly, Hurricane, Pluck, Tailwind, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Taunt, Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Bulldoze, Earth Power, Earthquake, Psychic Fangs
Reasoning: While the Berserk Leech Hydroe has three forms in its game, it has two formes here because two of those forms are similar. Its typing comes from being a poison-spitting plant, while in its last form it sprouts wings and flies around. Its ability allows it to switch into its Unrooted forme after losing too much health, similar to in its game. Its signature move is one of its attacks in its flying form. Its stats portray it as an offense-oriented boss.
Sample Moveset:
Berserk Leech Hydroe @ Life Orb
Ability: Berserker Mutant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Poison Laser
- Hurricane
- Earth Power
- Strength Sap / Giga Drain / Toxic Spikes
Pokémon: **Super Dimentio**
Type: Psychic/Dark
Ability: Dimensional Mastery (It's basically Persistent from CAP)
Stats: 200/144/64/128/96/48 [BST 680]
Some Moves: Psyshock, Hyperspace Hole, Confuse Ray, Incinerate, Attack Order, Hammer Arm, Bounce, Body Slam, Stomp, Mega Punch, Psychic, Wonder Room, Magic Room, Trick Room, Zen Headbutt, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Brutal Swing, Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, Protect
Reasoning: I chose Psychic due to Dimentio's magic and mastery over dimensions, which also gives him Hyperspace Hole and the Room moves. He gets the Dark-typing because Dimentio turns out to be quite unhinged, willing to end the universe and remake it in his image, not to mention the Chaos Heart. The platforms during his fight will attempt to attack Mario, so he gets Attack Order. Psychic, Zen Headbutt, Dark Pulse, and Knock Off are mandatory STABs (Brutal Swing may or may not count too), Psyshock comes from Dimentio's normal attack in previous battles, Confuse Ray is a reference to how he turned Fracktail against Mario, Hyperspace Hole is basically Dimentio's dimension mastery at hand, and Incinerate and Dual Screens are from one of his attacks, which involves creating a box around the target and setting it ablaze. Protect and Safeguard are from how after Super Dimentio's body is created, you can't harm him. The rest of the moves are from Super Dimentio's attacks. HP is 200, taken directly from his HP. (You fight Dimentio in his normal form the chapter before, where he has 80HP) The rest of his stats are from multiples of 16, all but Attack being either Powers of 2 or such numbers multiplied by 3, Attack being adjusted to fit. You're likely to deal lots of damage to Super Dimentio, but he has a rather high 4 Defense in-game (The highest you'll see is 10 in an optional dungeon, which also happens to be the hardest in the game). Due to his magical expertise, SpD exceeds Defense. Attack exceeds SpA because Super Dimentio uses more physical attacks than Special.
Pokémon: **The Devil**
Type: Dark
Ability: Pressure, Unnerve, Moxie [HA]
Stats: 110/150/110/100/110/90 [BST 670]
New Move: Chip of Greed (90BP Dark-type move. Physical, but doesn't make contact. 20% chance to inflict Confusion.) (The user summons a giant Poker Chip to land on the target.)
Some Moves: Assurance, Foul Play, Taunt, Dark Pulse, Feint Attack, Will-O-Wisp, Embargo, Outrage, Fake Out, Attack Order, Bug Bite, Knock Off, Shadow Ball, Swagger, Dream Eater, Mean Look
Reasoning: The Devil is Mono-Dark because Dark suits him VERY well (1. He's the Devil, and 2. He owns the very casino that Cuphead and Mugman gambled at), and I can't think of any other type that could fit him. He gets Taunt and Swagger due to defeating Cuphead at the casino. Assurance, Knock Off, and Embargo are from how he tries to take the contracts from Cuphead right before his boss fight. Foul Play might align with him trying to get Cuphead and Mugman to join forces with him, and Dark Pulse is mandatory STAB. Will-O-Wisp is from the flames he summons at times during the fight, one being pink and the rest being blue. Outrage is from how you don't want to get on his bad side... And is the Dragon-type attack to represent one of his attacks, where he partially transforms into a dragon. Fake Out's Japanese name is Slap Hands, which is exactly what he does in another of his attacks, which gives him goat horns on top of that. His minions join in on the fight, giving him Attack Order. Bug Bite is from how his head can transform into a Spider temporarily during one of his attacks, which then attacks Cuphead and Mugman. With Mean Look, the opening for his battle shows his eye depicting a cup getting smashed... Showing that he wants to take Cuphead down. Unnerve is from how he's the Devil and all, and the other two are from how he owns a casino and all and, again, he won against Cuphead. I went for a stat spread that leans towards physical by virtue of his physical movepool, with a lesser emphasis on Speed because of his second phase. His BST is 670, which is basically 666 rounded to the nearest multiple of 10.
Pokémon: Star Dream
Type: Steel/Psychic
Type (as -Soul OS): Steel/Ghost
Ability: Levitate / Soul-Heart (hidden)
Ability (as -Soul OS): Soul 0 System*
*Psychic-type moves become Ghost-type moves and have 1.2x power. Immune to Ghost. If defeated as Star Dream-Soul OS-Star, returns to full health as Star Dream-Soul OS-Heart.
Stats: 120/100/120/150/90/100 (680)
Stats (Access Ark): 120/130/140/130/110/70 (700)
Stats (Clockwork Star): 120/120/120/160/110/90 (720)
Stats (Soul OS): 120/130/140/180/90/120 (780)
Stats (Soul OS-Ark): 120/160/160/160/130/70 (800)
Stats (Soul OS-Star): 120/140/140/200/130/90 (820)
Stats (Soul OS-Heart): 60/140/70/200/60/110 (640)
(Base, Ark and Star can be selected out of battle. If holding Soul Orb, they change to their respective Soul OS form upon entry, like a Primal Reversion. Star Dream-Soul OS-Star turns into Star Dream-Soul OS-Heart as controlled by Soul 0 System.)
Notable Moves: Doom Desire, Flash Cannon, Psychic, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Draco Meteor, Earthquake, Flare Blitz, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Rapid Spin
Sample Sets

Reasoning: Steel is because it's a supercomputer and it makes other machines. Psychic is because it's a supercomputer that can rewrite reality to grant wishes. Levitate is because it floats in combat. Soul-Heart is because it can absorb souls (as Haltmann can attest to) and has a heart motif. Steel/Ghost for Soul OS, because, you know, soul. Soul 0 System (named after one of Star Dream's boss themes) ties into that. All the forms (and their stats to an extent) are based on Star Dream's forms from Kirby: Planet Robobot. Most of its moves are based on its attacks as a boss, though Thunder(bolt) is from a cutscene, Earthquake is just common on big 'mons, and Flamethrower and Fire Blast are because it felt wrong to give it Flare Blitz but not those.
Pokémon: Bowser
Type: Fire/Dark
Ability: Intimidate / Regenerator
Stats: 120/130/130/100/70/50 (600)
Notable Moves: Fireball*, Knock Off, Earthquake, Rapid Spin, Recover, Will-o-Wisp, Flare Blitz, Crunch, Shell Smash, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Lava Plume, Dark Pulse, Flame Charge, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Roar, Taunt, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Gyro Ball, Dragon Tail, Iron Tail, Iron Head, Thunder Punch, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Superpower
Fireball: Physical Fire-Type, 85 BP, 15 PP. 100% Accuracy 10% chance to burn
Sample Sets

Reasoning: I tried to make Bowser versatile, given the amount of roles he's filled and powers he's had in his home series Bowser is associated with fire in almost every appearance, so that should be self-explanatory. Being the Great Demon King of the Turtle Tribe (no really that's his actual title), he can fit right in as a Dark-type.
Bowser is oft feared by others, hence Intimidate. Bowser has a tendency to survive and bounce back from ridiculous fates, hence Regenerator, as well as his great physical bulk. Bowser is known for his power, hence his high Attack, but he's also a good enough sorcerer to justify good Special Attack. And while Bowser can run fast and jump high, he's not awfully fast as a combatant, hence low Speed.
Fireball comes from the typical shape of Bowser's fire breath in 2D games (and also the need to have a reliable physical fire STAB). Knock Off is mostly just Dark STAB, but Bowser DOES knock off Mario's cap in the intro to Super Mario Odyssey. Bowser can create Earthquakes when he uses a Ground Pound in certain titles. Bowser can also spin around in his shell, hence Rapid Spin (and Gyro Ball). Parting Shot comes from Bowser, well, making parting threats. ("I'll remember this!") Will-o-Wisp because fire and also a sorcerer. Crunch comes from Bowser biting people sometimes. Shell Smash is common on turtle Pokémon, and while Bowser doesn't exactly smash his shell ever, the idea of him abandoning reason and going apeshit still rings true.
Pokémon: Queen Sectonia (from Kirby)
Type: Fairy/Bug
Type (w/ Dreamstalk): Fairy/Grass
Type (as Soul of Sectonia): Fairy/Ghost
Ability: Pressure / Queen of the Sky* (Hidden)
*Queen of the Sky: Halves damage from Flying moves, and ignores the resistances (but not weaknesses or immunities) of the Flying type when attacking
Ability (as Soul of Sectonia): Wilted Soul*
*Wilted Soul: If Sectonia-Soul or Sectonia-Soul-Decapitated, Grass-type moves become Ghost-type and have 1.2x power. In addition, if Sectonia-Soul, after being KOed, revives as Sectonia-Soul-Decapitated.
Stats: 80/130/80/130/80/120 (620)
Stats (-Dreamstalk): 120/150/100/150/100/60 (680)
Stats (-Soul): 120/180/120/180/120/60 (780)
Stats (-Soul-Decapitated): 40/180/40/180/40/140 (620)
(Standard or Dreamstalk can be selected out of battle. When switched in with Soul Stone, Sectonia-Dreamstalk turns into Sectonia-Soul. Sectonia-Soul transforms into Sectonia-Soul-Decapitated as controlled by its ability.)
Notable Moves: Sectra Blade*, Moonblast, X-Scissor, Signal Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shadow Ball, U-Turn, Roost, Stone Edge, Power Gem, Stealth Rock, Defog, Sacred Sword, Flash Cannon, Leaf Blade, Petal Blizzard, Power Whip, Energy Ball, Wild Charge,
*Sectra Blade: Physical Fairy-type, 95 BP, 100% Accuracy, 15/24 PP. 20% chance to lower target's Defense by 1.
Sample Sets

Reasoning: Standard is for OU, Dreamstalk is for Ubers, Soul might be fine in Ubers but is mostly just for fun. Primary Fairy because she's fairy-like, and she rules over the People of the Sky, who are almost identical to Kirby-verse fairies. Bug in base form because she's a wasp, Grass when merged with the Dreamstalk because she's a flower, and Ghost as Soul of Sectonia because she's fucking dead. Queen Sectonia in her first fight and Soul of Sectonia after ripping its head off are both pretty fast, hence their high speed. Meanwhile, Queen Sectonia in her second fight and Soul of Sectonia's first phase are both literally stuck in the ground, hence their low speed. Attack and Special Attack are even because Sectonia uses her strength and magic equally proficiently. Queen of the Sky is named for the fact that she rules Floralia, which resides high in the sky, and its properties reflect both that and the fact that she managed to get the upper hand against Kirby (!), who's Flying-type in this mod. Wilted Soul is because, well Soul of Sectonia is an undead flower, so it turns Grass moves into Ghost moves, and its form change is because of Soul of Sectonia detaching its head from its body after its first phase is beaten. Her moves are either common STABs or originate from her boss fights. Sectra Blade is because in all her forms, she always uses a way to cut people (her rapiers, sharp petals and flowers that turn into swords somehow, and the Kirby soul superboss special, Quad Cutter), and also she needed a physical Fairy STAB and Play Rough just doesn't fit.
Pokémon: **Tee** (Puyo Puyo Tetris)
Note: He fits the theme because he is the opponent in stages 7-10 and 10-10 of Adventure Mode, which are respectively the final main stage and the final extra stage.
Type: Steel/Psychic
Ability: Combo Attacker - The user's consecutive attacking moves are boosted additively by 0.1 per attack, capping at 1.5.
Signature Moves:
  • T-Strike: Steel, Special, ??? BP, 95% Acc, 10 PP | Tee gathers debris and clears it with a T-Spin. Base Power is randomly chosen from 80, 90, or 100. Hits Steel-types super-effectively. | Z-Move: 175 BP Corkscrew Crash
  • Tetris: Steel, Physical, 80 BP, 100% Acc, 15 PP | Tee gathers a four-layer pile of debris and clears it all with a single tetrimino. Hits Steel-types super-effectively. | Z-Move: 160 BP Corkscrew Crash
  • Garbage Clear: Steel, Other, 10 PP | Tee clears the debris around himself, restoring his HP. Percentage is randomly chosen from 40%, 50%, or 60%. | Z-Move: resets lowered stats
Other Moves: Photon Geyser, Hidden Power, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Thief, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Taunt, Topsy-Turvy, Trick, Trick Room, Telekinesis, U-turn, Rapid Spin, Block, Fairy Lock, Magic Coat, Calm Mind, Bulk Up, Stockpile, Stealth Rock, Spikes
Stats: 104/104/140/104/124/64 | 640 BST
Pokémon: **Tabuu** (Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Subspace Emissary))
Type: Fighting/Ghost
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Aqua Jet, Razor Shell, Secret Sword, Sky Drop, Storm Throw, Discharge, Cross Chop, Dual Chop, Flame Burst, Aura Sphere, Shadow Force, Dragon Pulse, Smart Strike, Bonemerang, Eye Lasers*, Volt Switch, Agility, Teleport, Quiver Dance, Swords Dance
*Ghost, Special, 60 BP, 90% Acc, 10 PP | Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to paralyze. Prevents the user from evading on the same turn. | Z-Move: 180 BP Never-Ending Nightmare
Z-Move: Winged Tabuu - Ghost, Special, 100 BP | Hits 3 times. Targets all adjacent Pokémon. Paralyzes targets. Adds Flying to the user's typing for the rest of the turn. | Move: Eye Lasers | Z-Crystal: Subspacium Z
Stats: 110/111/111/111/111/112 | 666 BST
Pokémon: Hecatia Lapislazuli (Touhou Kanjuden ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom)
Type (Otherworld Forme): Ghost/Fairy
Type (Earth Forme): Grass/Water
Type (Moon Forme): Dark/Steel
Ability: Three Bodies*
*Three Bodies: Similar to Aegislash, Hecatia has multiple formes that she can switch to depending on the move used that turn (any status move = Otherworld Forme, any physical move = Earth Forme, any special move = Moon Forme). She is always in Otherworld Forme when sent into battle. This ability cannot be removed by any means.
Stats (Otherworld): 80/105/145/105/145/70 (Total: 650)
Stats (Earth): 80/185/155/95/45/90 (Total: 650)
Stats (Moon): 80/95/45/185/155/90 (Total: 650)
Notable Moves: Cleansing Hellfire*, Hell's Rainfall**, Lunatic Impact***, Protect, Taunt, Refresh, Toxic, Haze, Bulk Up, Nasty Plot, Play Rough, Wood Hammer, Leaf Blade, Liquidation, Anchor Shot, Earthquake, Flare Blitz, Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Moonblast, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Fire Blast
*Status, Fire type, 16 PP, 100% accuracy. The user is healed for 33% of their max HP, and the opponent becomes burned. If the opponent already has a status condition, this heals 50% of the user's HP instead.
**Physical, Water type, 95 BP, 16 PP, 100% accuracy, 10% chance to burn
***Special, Dark type, 90 BP, 16 PP, 100% accuracy, this move hits Dark Types for super-effective damage
Reasoning: Hecatia Lapislazuli is one of the goddesses of Hell, and with Hell being one of the many places where you go to die, it makes sense to be part Ghost. As for Fairy, the canon definition of "Otherworld" is any place that is not Earth or the Moon, and since she can go to both Gensokyo (where there's tons of magic and actual fairies) and the Dream World (which is a mystical place where few can go), it seems only natural. The two biggest things that define this planet are the water and the greenery, so that is that. Space is a dark place with not too much light, and so is the moon in turn. As for the part Steel, in canon, the Lunarians are far more of an advanced species than those on Earth, with much fancier technology. All Fire moves I justify by pointing out the whole "Goddess of Hell" thing again. Earthquakes happen on Earth also. Space is cold, so Ice Beam.
Analysis: Ladies and gentlemen, I present Aegislash on crack. I tried my best to counterbalance the absolutely ridonkulous stats by limiting the movepool somewhat. The ability can also not work in your favor sometimes as using any move not tied to the form you want will change it, but the simple fact is: if you guess wrong on which form she is, you are already dead. Go straight to AG if you must, but then you can run 3 of them and use all 3 forms, so I dunno :V

G-Luke (thank you for submitting the best big boy)
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"Together we are strong."
Pokémon: Zarya
Type: Psychic/Fighting
Ability: Defiant/Intimidate/Mega Launcher (HA)
Moves: *Personal Barrier, **Particle Grenade, Calm Mind, Psychic, Psyshock, Zen Headbutt, Reflect, Light Screen, Stored Power, Psycho Cut, Aura Sphere, Close Combat, Focus Blast, Mach Punch, Hammer Arm, Superpower, Work Up, Earthquake, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Rock Slide, Earth Power, Shadow Ball, Water Pulse
Z-Move: Graviton Surge: Psychic | Special | 120 BP | Prevents the current target on the field to switch manually for 3 turns. The target can switch out through other means (U-Turn, Volt Switch, etc.) but the one that switches in is effected as well for as many turns remaining from the one that switched out. The effect will stay even if it causes the target to faint. Requires Particle Grenade.
Stats: 100/110/100/100/70/60 (BST: 545)

*Personal Barrier: Psychic | Status | 8 PP | The user is not affected by the opponents move. If the opponent used an attacking move, grants the user one stage in Atk and SpA. Will always fail the turn after. The Atk and SpA can stack. The user loses one stage in Atk and SpA gained from the move after three turns it was used (only if the opponent attacked that turn). Has +3 priority.

**Particle Grenade: Psychic | Physical | 80 BP | 100% Acc | 16 PP | Target's the opponent's Special Defense rather than Defense (reverse Psyshock). Effected by Mega Launcher

Reasoning: The typing comes from her Particle Cannon that is defies physics entirely due to it being able to summon a mini black hole (Psychic) and her extreme strength (Fighting). The abilities come from the fact that she will not let anything stand in her way (Defiant), the fact that she's from Russia her extreme strength that won her many championships (Intimidate), and how the Particle Cannon can launch grenades (Mega Launcher). Particle Grenade in Overwatch is, while can be used in a long range, is most effective up close, justifying it's Psyshock-like properties. Personal Barrier reflects that in her game where she give herself a protective shield covering her entirely, and when the shield takes damage, her own damage increases. The damage boost declines as time goes on without using it and/or if it doesn't take damage, which I attempted to recreate here. Graviton Surge in Overwatch is her Ultimate ability, where she shoots a black hole that traps any enemies from moving from the center for a small amount of time, which I tried to translate as a Z-Move. Her moves are a mix of Physical and Special moves, representing the Particle Cannon and her own sheer strength. Most moves are for STAB (Psychic, Zen Headbutt, Close Combat, Focus Blast), some are for coverage while fitting her character (Earthquake, Iron Head, Superpower), and some are to represent the Particle Cannon and allow Mega Launcher to be useful (Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, Water Pulse). Her stats try to replicate her strengths and weaknesses in Overwatch. She's classified as an Offensive Tank, meaning that she can take a lot of damage while dishing it out as well. She is great up close, but it's very hard for her to fight an enemies that is farther away. She lacks mobility as well. Her HP, Atk, and SpA represent her role as an Offensive Tank, her Def represents her excelling in close combat, her SpD represents her weakness in fighting long ranged enemies, and her Spe represents her poor mobility.

"Never stop fighting for what you believe in."
Pokémon: Ana
Type: Poison/Dark
Ability: *Shrike/Regenerator/Corrosion (HA)
Moves: **Biotic Grenade, ***Sleep Dart, Toxic, Purify, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Poison Jab, Junk Shot, Gastro Acid, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Pursuit, Taunt, Parting Shot, Foul Play, Night Slash, Recover, U-Turn, Toxic Spikes
Z-Move: Nano Boost: Poison | Status | Forces the user to switch out. The one to switch in afterwards is healed for 1/3 of their HP and gains one stage in Atk, Def, Spd, and SpD and immunity to status moves except Sleep for 3 turns. The opponent cannot reduce the stat boosts gained by Nano Boost.
Stats: 90/85/70/95/110/95 (BST: 545)

*Shrike: When the user switches, if the one to come out afterwards heals in anyway (whether it be via move, item, or ability) the following turn, the healing is increased by 33%.

**Biotic Grenade: Poison | Special | 95 BP | 90% Acc | 16 PP | Prevents the target to be healed by any means (move, item, ability, etc) for 3 turns or until they switch out. If the target tries to use a healing move, it will fail. If the target has an item that can heal, it is still considered to have an item.

***Sleep Dart: Normal | Status | 70% Acc | 8 PP | Inflicts Sleep on the target for a fixed 3 turns. If the target takes damage while inflicted, it will wake up the next time they move. The fixed 3 turns still apply even if the target switches out, but will wake up as soon as it's switched in so long as the 3 turns have pasted.

Reasoning: Ana is less accurate compared to Zarya when referring to how well-mirrored they are represented here as to Overwatch, but here she brings over her role as Support. Ana's typing represents her poisonous-like attacks (Poison) as well as her current vigilante status (Dark). Her abilities replicate her self-healing (Regenerator) and, again, her poisonous-like attacks (Corrosion). Her custom ability, Shrike, resembles her ability to amplify a teammates healing. Biotic Grenade actually has two effects in Overwatch, it would amplify the healing rates of teammates hit by it, but will prevent any sort of healing by any enemy hit by it. Since the Shrike already represents the healing rate increase, this move only has the effect it has on the enemy. Sleep Dart is nearly exactly what it is in Overwatch in here, an ability to pacify the target for a fixed amount of time unless they take damage in any way whatsoever. Nano Boost in Overwatch give a target ally a huge increase in damage and defenses for a certain amount of time, which is resembled as a Z-Move. The other moves are either for STAB or help compliment Biotic Grenade, Sleep Dart, and Nano Boost to provide her the main role of forcing the opponent to make decisions that will give you massive momentum, allowing your sweeper, bruiser, or whatever to switch in and get the advantage. Her stats don't really reflect her in Overwatch too much. They try to resemble her additional role as a sniper: able to fight from afar but enemies up close can be troublesome.

If you guys have any comments and/or criticisms, feel free to tell me!

Also, if time for it allows, I'll reserve Sombra (Overwatch) as well.
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it's high time I sub some more obscure characters, I feel.


Pokémon: Marble (Marble Blast Ultra)
Type: Rock
Ability: Acceleration - At the end of each turn, all of this Pokemon's stats are boosted by one stage, as well as accuracy (but not evasion)
Moves: Rollout, Steamroller, Ice Ball, Rapid Spin. No other moves at all, even things like Toxic and Protect.
Z-Move: N/A
Stats: 72/72/72/72/72/72

Reasoning: Now, I think I speak for all of us when I say we've been waiting for a Marble Blast Ultra submission since this pet mod's very conception, and I felt it was finally time to bring our dreams to life. In this submission, I feel I have captured well how such a simple object may be used in so many complicated ways. Before anyone complains, this is as much a character as staples like Mario, Link or even Norn - it is capable of moving all by itself and making decisions through the player, just like any other playable character. Nevertheless...

I was aiming for Marble to be very simple and true to its flavour. Rock type is obvious, because the marble is made of glass, which is made from sand and therefore from rocks. The core gameplay of Marble Blast Ultra features Marble rolling down ramps in order to increase its speed, which either aids it in getting to the finish line or helps it smack other marbles off the map, hence the combat boosts. Without having any time to build up its speed, it is weak and slow, justifying the terrible base stats. Now, everyone knows that a marble has one real function, and that is to roll and spin. It can't really do anything else, so it has a tiny movepool.

But how does Marble actually fit in to the metagame? It can't switch in to anything and never gets time to accumulate its boosts, does it? Well, that would be true, were it not for one move; Aurora Veil is what this Pokemon is designed for. With the defensive boosts the veil provides, the Marble has time to build up its boosts, and if it doesn't get knocked out within two turns it quickly becomes an unstoppable monster as its stats snowball to ridiculous levels. However, even with Veil up, preparing Marble for a sweep is no easy feat. You need it to be in against a Pokemon which cannot hit it super effectively, a big ask for a Rock type, and it's probably going to be hard to get it in at all. After that, you still need to build up the power of your Rollout a bit before it starts really raking in the damage. Overall, Marble may be a difficult Pokemon to use at best, and a meme at worst, but what it really does well is bring joy to those who use it, and that's what is really important in a game.
Pokémon: Dragonache (Viva Pinata)
Type: Dragon
Ability: Dragon Egg - This Pokemon starts off in Egg Form. While in Egg Form, all items this Pokemon are holding have no effect and this Pokemon instantly faints if an attack hits it (no hazards). It also cannot use damaging moves. After 14 turns have ended with Dragonache being on the field across the entire game (you can switch out), Dragonache permanently transforms into Dragon Form.
Moves: Protect, All Dragon Moves, Hydro Pump, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt/Thunder, Ice Beam, Flash Cannon, Earth Power, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Waterfall, Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, Icicle Crash, Roar, Noble Roar, Stone Edge, a great many other moves.
Stats (Egg Form): 200/1/1/1/1/1
Stats (Dragon Form): 200/200/200/200/200/200

Reasoning: This is a very difficult win condition to pull off. In order to pull it off, you have to get the egg in safely through a combination of slow U-Turns/Volt Switches and other switching moves, having one of your Pokemon faint, or taking the risky move of switching in while your opponent isn't attacking. The first and last of those two options grant you one turn on the timer. The egg can then use Protect in order to grab another turn on the timer. Once the egg hatches, total chaos ensues as Dragonache brutally murders everyone. Yay! In the original game itself, Dragonache is the rarest creature you can possibly get into your garden. It hatches from an egg which is dug out of a mine and takes absolutely ages to hatch. Once it has hatched, you get this completely unkillable dragon which scares off every single bad guy in the whole game. This game took up a massive amount of my childhood, so I had to make a sub for it :P
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Time to throw a completely new submission out.

"When it comes to me, I'm the strongest!"


Pokémon: Cirno (Touhou Koumakyou ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
Type: Ice/Fairy (obviously)
Abilities: Snow Warning/Competitive/Freeze Atmosphere (HA)
Signature Ability: Freeze Atmosphere - Upon switching in, turns the Terrain into Frozen Terrain until the terrain is changed or removed. Frozen Terrain reduces the speed of all grounded non-Ice Type Pokemon by half and boosts the power of Ice-Type moves by 50%, while weakening the power of Fire-type moves by 50%. Nature Power becomes Ice Beam in Frozen Terrain.
Moves: Icicle Fall*, Ice Beam, Icicle Crash, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Freeze-Dry, Blizzard, Hail, Aurora Veil, Glaciate, pretty much every Ice-Type move, Energy Ball, Nature Power.
Signature Move: Icicle Fall- Base 99 Power, 99 Accuracy, Ice-Type, Special. Calculated from Cirno's higher attack stat and the target's lower defense stat. 9% chance to Freeze the target.
Z-Move: Perfect Freeze- Base 199 power, Ice-Type, Special. Upgraded from Cirno's/Cirno-Tan's Icicle Fall using Cirnium Z. Calculated using Cirno's higher attack stat and the target's lower defense stat. Sets up permanent Hail. Super Effective against Fire-Types.
Stats: 99 HP/99 Atk/99 Def/99 SpA/99 SpD/99 Spe (BST: 594)

Alternate Form: Cirno-Tan

Form Change is triggered out of battle by using the item Essence of Four Seasons on Cirno. Using it again will transform Cirno-Tan back into Cirno. She cannot keep moves that can't be learned by the normal form upon reverting.
Ability: Power of Summer (User resists Fire-Type moves, regardless of typing. Sunny Day increases all of Cirno's stats by 1.5x.)
Base Stats remain unchanged.
New Moves: Solarbeam, Sunny Day, Petal Dance, Air Slash.
Signature Z-Move: Cold Sunflower- Base 199 Power, Special. Upgraded from Cirno-Tan's Icicle Fall using Tancirnium Z. Calculated using Cirno's Higher Attack Stat and the enemy's lower defense stat. Sets up permanent Sunny Day. 10% chance to Freeze or Burn the enemy.

Reasoning: Meet THE STRONGEST fairy, Cirno. She's an Ice Fairy (obvious typing is obvious). Her stats and the base power of her signature moves are a reference to the "Nine-ball" meme. Hence her Base Stats are all nines. Still, she is a lot stronger than her species would suggest and can actually threaten others, so Cirno's stats are decent all around, with Base 99 in all stats. Where Cirno excels however is in battlefield manipulation through her abilities and moves, including a signature terrain, which helps Ice-Types outspeed threats. Cirno can attack fine on both ends of the spectrum, although she's better on the Special end of the Spectrum. Her signature move is Icicle Fall, named after the famous move from EoSD, which is most known for its glaring safe spot on Easy Difficulty. It's tougher on Normal and above, though. It upgrades into Perfect Freeze, her ACTUAL signature move. The reason Perfect Freeze is super effective against Fire-Types is because Cirno can actually freeze flames solid with it in Fairy Wars. Most of her moves are self-explanatory, although Nature Power and Energy Ball are due to the fact that Cirno, being a fairy, is an embodiment of an aspect of nature, thus allowing her to draw upon Nature's power. She functions best in a Hailstorm, however, so you'll need to keep that up. Luckily, timing her Z-Move well will allow her to have a permanent hailstorm going.

Her alternate form, Cirno-Tan, or Tanned Cirno, is based on her appearance in Hidden Star in Four Seasons, where she was empowered with Summer. Since she uses the Essence of Four Seasons item to transform, she also gains moves akin to the Sub-Seasons in HSiFS in Air Slash and Petal Dance. However, Cirno-Tan's most notable aspect is her ability. It may seem paradoxical for an Ice-Type to be designed around functioning in the sun, but Cirno-Tan being boosted by Summer's power, she gains a great increase in power under the sun, which makes up for her type not being good in that weather normally, and she can set up permanent Sun through her Z-Move, Cold Sunflower, which is named after her Bomb from Hidden Star in Four Seasons. She CAN still use Perfect Freeze in her tanned form, but she cannot use Cold Sunflower in her Normal Form.

However, Cirno's stats are only average at best regardless of form, given how, while she is strong for her kind, she is not particularly strong by Gensokyo's standards. She NEEDS to get her gimmicks going in order to succeed. When she has her gimmicks up, she is a devastating force that can be very hard to stop. Without it though, she's fairly easy to bring down. She'll definitely show you that Fairies are not to be underestimated.

Sample Sets:

"I'll deep-freeze you with some english beef!" (Base Cirno set)
Cirno@Cirnium Z
Nature: Modest, Timid, Adamant or Jolly, depending on moveset
EVs: 252 Atk/SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Ability: Freeze Atmosphere
-Icicle Fall
-Dazzling Gleam/Play Rough
-Energy Ball/Ice Shard/Freeze-Dry
-Aurora Veil

"Summer is when I, the great ice fairy, can show my true power!" (Cirno-Tan set)
Cirno-Tan@TancirniumZ/Cirnium Z
Nature: Modest or Timid
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Ability: Power of Summer
-Icicle Fall
-Dazzling Gleam
-Energy Ball/Air Slash/Freeze-Dry/Solarbeam/Petal Dance
-Sunny Day/Hail/Aurora Veil
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because i have the best taste in murderous or non murdererous robots that may or may not have dead children stuffed inside them
(does anybody remember this guy?)
Pokémon: Hand Unit

Ability: Auditory Disturbance (Every sound move used against this Pokémon raises this Pokémon's Sp. Atk. by 1 stage.)
Some Moves: Amnesia, Assist, Autotomize, Boomburst, Celebrate, Charge Beam, Disarming Voice, Echoed Voice, Flash, Flash Cannon, Headbutt, Hyper Voice, Helping Hand, Iron Defense, Light Screen, Magnet Rise, Metal Sound, Mirror Coat, Pay Day, Protect, Safeguard, Spark, Thunder, Thunder Shock, Thunderbolt, Work Up
Signature Move: Controlled Shock (50 BP | Electric | 10% chance to paralyze | +1 Priority)
Stats: 70/60/85/110/85/90 (500 BST)

Reasoning: Hand Unit is a machine, which explains the
typing. The ability Auditory Disturbance is based off of Hand Unit's dialogue in Night 2. Most moves are based off of Hand Unit being a machine, having a screen, or being a machine made to help people. Hand Unit's signature move, Controlled Shock, is based off of Night 1 and Night 2, where the animatronics are repetitively shocked.
(this took way too long and i'm way too proud of it)
Pokémon: Lefty

Ability: Encapsulation (Every contact move used against this Pokémon damages the user of the contact move by 25% of its max HP.)
Some Moves: Beat Up, Bite, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Close Combat, Confide, Crunch, Curse, Cut, Destiny Bond, Feint Attack, Fling, Foul Play, Frustration, Glare, Headbutt, Heal Pulse, Healing Wish, Hex, Hone Claws, Knock Off, Leer, Nasty Plot, Pain Split, Punishment, Retaliate, Return, Tackle, Take Down, Thrash
Stats: 80/125/95/95/80/125 (600 BST)

Reasoning: Lefty is
type because he was designed to trap the Puppet, which is basically the spirit of Henry's daughter. He's
type because he has the highest liability of any item (9), and he causes the most damage. The ability Encapsulation is based off of the information revealed in the Insanity Ending, where Lefty is revealed to be an acronym for Lure, Encapsulate, Fuse, Transport, Extract. Most moves are based off of Lefty's aggressive nature, or Lefty's identity as the Puppet.
(this took way longer than Lefty and I'm way less proud of this one)
Pokémon: Nightmare Balloon Boy

Ability: Numerous Teeth (Increases the power of the Pokémon's biting moves by 75%.) (basically stronger Strong Jaw)
Some Moves: Baby-Doll Eyes, Bite, Body Slam, Bug Bite, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Endure, Extreme Speed, Fake Out, Fake Tears, Feint Attack, Fire Fang, Foul Play, Giga Impact, Headbutt, Hone Claws, Hyper Fang, Ice Fang, Knock Off, Mean Look, Metal Claw, Play Rough, Poison Fang, Psychic Fangs, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Scary Face, Scratch, Shadow Claw, Sharpen, Steel Jaw*, Substitute, Sucker Punch, Super Fang, Tearful Look, Thunder Fang, Torment, Work Up
Base Power: 70
Accuracy: 100
Makes contact
Affected by Strong Jaw and Numerous Teeth
Stats: 75/145/80/40/80/130 (550 BST)

Reasoning: Nightmare Balloon Boy is a
type because LOOK AT HIM! He's a
type mostly because of all of the teeth. The ability Numerous Teeth is based off of... Do I even need to say it? Most moves are based off of Nightmare Balloon Boy's many teeth, being a Nightmare Balloon BOY, his
typing, or his hands? claws? idk. He has Substitute because in Fun with Balloon Boy, sometimes he hides away in some other hall.

this is probably too OP
oh well
(finally, an easy sprite to sprite)
Pokémon: Animdude

Ability: Mega Virus (All opponents on the field lose 1/8 of their Max HP at the end of every turn.)
Some Moves: Air Slash, Aura Sphere, Aurora Veil, Blizzard, Boomburst, Bug Buzz, Calm Mind, Confuse Ray, Cosmic Power, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Discharge, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Energy Ball, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Freeze-Dry, Giga Drain, Haze, Hex, Hidden Power, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Overheat, Power Gem, Psychic, Psychic Terrain, Psycho Boost, Psyshock, Recover, Recycle, Scald, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Surf, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Toxic, Venoshock
Stats: 110/120/110/90/110/120 (660 BST)

Reasoning: Animdude is
type because he created FNaF World, and a lot of legendaries are
types. Also, he seems to have psychic-like powers. The ability Mega Virus is based off of Animdude's 2nd move, Mega Virus. Most moves are based off of Animdude's moves in FNaF World, and his psychic-like powers. Also, I see him as a stronger Mew, so that's why he has a diverse moveset and balanced stats.

also forgot to mention that this is my first post
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Pokemon: Corruptor (Starcraft series)

Ability: Corruption - The Pokemon's attack damage increases by 10% for every turn it is out.
Signature Move: Caustic Spray -
| 80 BP | 100 Acc | 15 PP | Z-move: 140 BP Acid Downpour | Selected target | Hits Steel-types for neutral damage, 70% chance to lower the target's Def and SpD by 1 stage
Stats: 120 / 50 / 100 / 90 / 100 / 80 | BST: 540
Moves: Clear Smog, Gastro Acid, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench, Venoshock, Air Slash, Defog, Hurricane, Roost, Tailwind, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Taunt, Dragon Pulse, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, U-turn
Reasoning: The Corruptor is a flying abomination which spits caustic fluids at enemies, giving its typing. Its ability comes from one of its active abilities in the game, which increases the damage taken by the target for a period of time. Caustic Spray is its other ability, which became an attack which does increasing damage over time to a target (normally a building but this is Pokemon). Its stats reflect its high hitpoints and armor in the game while doing moderate damage and moving at a decent speed.
Sample Moveset:
Corruptor @ Black Sludge
Ability: Corruption
EVs: 248 HP / 84 Def / 172 SpD
Bold Nature
- Caustic Spray
- Roost
- Air Slash / Hurricane
- Toxic Spikes / Toxic / Will-O-Wisp


Pokemon: High Templar (Starcraft series)

Ability: Feedback - This Pokemon's STAB attacks restore the Pokemon's by 50% of the damage taken by opponents.
Signature Move: Psionic Storm -
| 100 BP | 100 Acc | 5 PP | Z-move: 180 BP Gigavolt Havoc | All adjacent foes | Targets are trapped in a vortex of psionic energy that last for 4-5 turns, losing 1/8th of their max HP in damage at the end of each turn.
Stats: 80 / 50 / 80 / 130 / 110 / 90 | BST: 540
Moves: Agility, Barrier, Calm Mind, Cosmic Power, Gravity, Healing Wish, Light Screen, Magic Coat, Psychic, Psychic Terrain, Psyshock, Reflect, Stored Power, Trick Room, Charge, Charge Beam, Discharge, Electric Terrain, Electrify, Magnet Rise, Parabolic Charge, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Zap Cannon, Recover, Tri Attack, Taunt, Flash Cannon, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Power Gem, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Shadow Ball
Reasoning: High Templars use psionic (psychic) energy and attack with electricity-like attacks. Feedback is one of their abilities which drains a target's energy to do damage, but it makes more sense to make it a recovery-oriented ability. Psionic Storm is their main attack which summons a whirling sphere of energy that damages enemies inside it, this was modified to also trap targets caught in it while doing damage over time. Its stats are based on other special attacking Pokemon, with high special attack and special defense but lower physical stats and overall bulk. Its movepool contains many Psychic and Electric moves along with energy and light attacks.
Sample Moveset:
High Templar @ Life Orb
Ability: Feedback
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psionic Storm
- Psychic / Psyshock / Stored Power
- Calm Mind
- Taunt / Earth Power / Focus Blast


Pokemon: Hellion (Starcraft series)

Ability: Infernal Pre-Igniter - The Pokemon's Fire-type attacks gain +1 priority. The Pokémon changes its form to Hellion Forme when it uses Infernal Flamethrower, and changes to Hellbat Forme when it uses Napalm Spray.
Signature Move:
Infernal Flamethrower -
| -- BP | 100 Acc | 20 PP | Z-move: 160 BP Inferno Overdrive | All adjacent foes | The lighter the target, the greater the move's power (reverse Grass Knot mechanics).
Napalm Spray -
| 100 BP | 100 Acc | 10 PP | Z-move: 180 BP Inferno Overdrive | All adjacent foes | 40% chance to burn, 40% chance to lower the target's Spe by 1 stage.
Stats: Hellion Forme - 80 / 50 / 80 / 120 / 80 / 130 | BST: 540
Hellbat Forme - 80 / 50 / 105 / 120 / 105 / 80 | BST: 540
Moves: Burn Up, Fire Blast, Fire Spin, Flame Burst, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Incinerate, Will-O-Wisp, Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Shift Gear, Rapid Spin, Recover, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, U-turn, Focus Blast
Reasoning: The Hellion is a mechanical vehicle which shoots flames. Its ability normally increases its damage against certain unit types, but it makes more sense to allow it to give Fire-type moves priority (like it pre-ignites the fuel in preparation for attacking). The Hellion can also switch between Hellion and Hellbat forms in the game. Infernal Flamethrower is the weapon of the Hellion form which does high damage against light enemies, giving it its damage mechanics. Napalm Spray is the weapon of the Hellbat form which technically should have the same mechanics, but to differentiate the two forms I gave it different effects. The stats are based on their game roles, where the Hellion is fast and offensive but relatively frail while the Hellbat has more bulk but less speed.
Sample Moveset:
Hellion @ Life Orb / Flame Plate
Ability: Infernal Pre-Igniter
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Infernal Flamethrower
- Flash Cannon
- Rapid Spin / Thunderbolt
- U-turn / Napalm Spray
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Pokemon: Penny

Abilities: Technician / Pickpocket / Last Blast*
Stats: 81 / 46 / 85 / 81 / 102 / 105 (BST: 500)
Last Blast: Ability | Upon getting KOed, opponent loses 1/4th of its health, modified based on its weakness to dark type.
Plunderbuss: Move |
| Status | — BP | 100 Acc | 20 BP | Sets up a hazard on the opponent's side of the field, dealing 1/4th of the total health of any opponent switching in, modified by their weakness to dark, before being removed.
Old Lobber: Z-Move |
| Status | — BP | Requires Superium-Z and Plunderbuss | Sets Plunderbuss and a substitute up. Heals 1/2th of the user's total health.
Moves: Scald, Foul Play, Ice Beam, Taunt, Nasty Plot, Hydro Pump
Reasoning: WIP
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It kinda bugs me when people make subs and just kind of assume everyone that matters knows where these characters come from. Come on, not everyone plays Turok Does His Taxes.

My subs will come later

Pokemon: Werewolf
Type: Normal/Dark
Abilities: Full Moon - This pokemon can only attack every other turn (but it can still use status moves), starting with it being unable to attack. When this pokemon is able to attack, this pokemon's attack stat is doubled, and it's attacks hit all adjacent foes in double battles (instead of their normal target).
Signature Move: Rampage- Dark Type, Physical, 100 BP, 100% Accuracy, 16 PP, Ignores the opponent's stat changes
Stats: 80/140/140/50/55/75 (BST: 540)
Moves: Crunch, Double-Edge, Howl, Earthquake, Taunt
Reasoning: Werewolf's main gimmick is that, while being unkillable by most things, and being incredibly powerful, it can only attack on full moon nights. But on full moon nights, Werewolf visits someone, and rampages, killing everyone that visits that house as well. It's Normal/Dark typing represents it attempt to blend into the rest of the town, while hiding it's evil side. Most of it's other moves are just standard for a werewolf, like howling at the moon.
Pokémon: Whispy Woods
Type: Grass
Ability: Harvest, Overgrow [HA]
Stats: 110/100/130/90/120/30 [BST 580]
New Move: Apple Drop (35BP Grass-type move. Physical, but doesn't make contact. Hits three times. Accuracy is 90%.) (The user drops apples on the target.)
Some Moves: Natural Gift, Synthesis, Spikes, Gust, Whirlwind, Defog, Rapid Spin, Wood Hammer, Seed Bomb, Ingrain, Stealth Rock, Nature Power
Reasoning: Whispy Woods is mono-Grass because... he's a tree. His stats lean more towards a physically-oriented defensive spread with abysmal speed since. 1. He's a tree, and 2. In most games, his hitbox is treated as a wall for Kirby. For the abysmal speed and Ingrain, he's basically immobile in all of his games... Except Dream Land 3, where he slowly pursues Kirby. (This is why he has 30 speed instead of 5, in case you're wondering) Whispy, being a tree that attacks with fruit, naturally gets Harvest and Natural Gift. Given that pretty much every boss starting with Kirby Returns to Dream Land has two phases, Whispy gets Overgrow. Synthesis also originates from how he's a tree, and Apple Drop's his bread and butter in the games. He gets Spikes because in plenty of games, he can drop Gordos, which are basically spiked balls with eyes. Wood Hammer comes from how he can attack with roots in some games. Given that he can even drop mooks, Seed Bomb shouldn't be out of the ordinary, and the same goes for Stealth Rock. He gets Gust, Whirlwind, and Defog due to how one of his other most prominent attacks is shooting out bursts of air to hit Kirby.
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