Pokémon: **Tee** (Puyo Puyo Tetris)
Note: He fits the theme because he is the opponent in stages 7-10 and 10-10 of Adventure Mode, which are respectively the final main stage and the final extra stage.
Type: Steel/Psychic
Ability: Combo Attacker - The user's consecutive attacking moves are boosted additively by 0.1 per attack, capping at 1.5.
Signature Moves:
- T-Strike: Steel, Special, ??? BP, 95% Acc, 10 PP | Tee gathers debris and clears it with a T-Spin. Base Power is randomly chosen from 80, 90, or 100. Hits Steel-types super-effectively. | Z-Move: 175 BP Corkscrew Crash
- Tetris: Steel, Physical, 80 BP, 100% Acc, 15 PP | Tee gathers a four-layer pile of debris and clears it all with a single tetrimino. Hits Steel-types super-effectively. | Z-Move: 160 BP Corkscrew Crash
- Garbage Clear: Steel, Other, 10 PP | Tee clears the debris around himself, restoring his HP. Percentage is randomly chosen from 40%, 50%, or 60%. | Z-Move: resets lowered stats
Stats: 104/104/140/104/124/64 | 640 BST
Tetris King, Captain of the SS Tetra, representative of the T-shaped tetrimino. Tetriminos are mysterious blocky objects, most likely Steel. Tee has a sharp mind to arrange the tetriminos properly (hence the Psychic type and access to Calm Mind).
Some of Tee's moves are based on his combo lines:
Some of Tee's moves are based on his combo lines:
- "Spin attack!" - Rapid Spin
- "Lockdown!" - Block, Fairy Lock
- 「ターンオーバー」 ("Turn over!", fourth line in the Japanese version) - U-turn
- "T-Strike!" - signature move #1
- "Burst!" - Photon Geyser, Hidden Power

Pokémon: **Tabuu** (Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Subspace Emissary))
Type: Fighting/Ghost
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Aqua Jet, Razor Shell, Secret Sword, Sky Drop, Storm Throw, Discharge, Cross Chop, Dual Chop, Flame Burst, Aura Sphere, Shadow Force, Dragon Pulse, Smart Strike, Bonemerang, Eye Lasers*, Volt Switch, Agility, Teleport, Quiver Dance, Swords Dance
*Ghost, Special, 60 BP, 90% Acc, 10 PP | Hits twice, with each hit having a 20% chance to paralyze. Prevents the user from evading on the same turn. | Z-Move: 180 BP Never-Ending Nightmare
Z-Move: Winged Tabuu - Ghost, Special, 100 BP | Hits 3 times. Targets all adjacent Pokémon. Paralyzes targets. Adds Flying to the user's typing for the rest of the turn. | Move: Eye Lasers | Z-Crystal: Subspacium Z
Stats: 110/111/111/111/111/112 | 666 BST
Super Smash Bros. is a fighting game, and Subspace is ethereal, so naturally a key figure of both would be Fighting/Ghost. Tabuu's Ability is Levitate because he floats all the time. Attacks are based on his moves in the game:
- Shark Blade: Aqua Jet, Razor Shell
- Diving Slash: Secret Sword
- Golden Bracket: Sky Drop
- Chain of Light: Storm Throw
- Electrical Shield: Discharge
- Rapid Chop: Cross Chop, Dual Chop
- Pinpoint Explosion: Flame Burst, Aura Sphere
- Ghost Projection: Shadow Force
- Dragon Laser: Dragon Pulse
- Bullet Rain: Smart Strike
- Shuriken Boomerang: Bonemerang
- Eye Lasers
- Teleport: Teleport, Agility
- Explosive Teleport: Volt Switch
- (Quiver Dance is there as a nod to the butterfly wings, while Swords Dance is based on the preparation of his blade attacks.)
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