Darkness Beyond V2

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Hey Diabolico, can I know approximately when you will be ready to send me the ev training pokemon?

The reason I ask is because I could use the Tornadus soon since I will be participating in the vgc regional this weekend and will be using it on my team. Thank you.
Hey Diabolico, can I know approximately when you will be ready to send me the ev training pokemon?

The reason I ask is because I could use the Tornadus soon since I will be participating in the vgc regional this weekend and will be using it on my team. Thank you.

Okay. Can I ask you one question before I do?

Do you like battling and competing against other challangers?
Well....... I'll tell you what, I'll strike you an interesting deal.

I'll give you the Tornadus (but wait for 2 in half hours) if you can share your experience and knowledge of battling, strategies, and competitive skills so I can learn how to battle competivie challengers. Deal?
Well....... I'll tell you what, I'll strike you an interesting deal.

I'll give you the Tornadus (but wait for 2 in half hours) if you can share your experience and knowledge of battling, strategies, and competitive skills so I can learn how to battle competivie challengers. Deal?

Sure that sounds great!I do have a lot of experience battling competitively, I would be glad to share my knowledge with you, I'll start thinking of good ways to begin that in the meantime.

Post back when you are ready to trade then, and after we can do battle talk!
~New Updates~

New pokemon


Babismanias's Shiny Virizion (Timid) (Non-redis)
HP - Ice
IV's: 30/7/30/31/31/31
EV's: UT
(Cloned from the AR device)
(I can trade this. You can't)

Babismanias's Shiny Kyurem (Timid) (Non-redis)
HP - Fire
IV's: 30/22/31/30/31/30
EV's: UT
(Cloned from the AR device)
(I can trade this. You can't)
Hey Diabolico :), I have a few hours so I can get this to you if you still want it, I had to search through some different seeds but I finally got it after 2 days -_-, Today will be the only day I can give it to you though so I hope your online a bit later :(

[Dex: #538][Gender: Male][OT]

OT: Metalex | ID: 49409
Ability: Guts | Nature: Brave | Date: May 17, 2011
Hidden Power: Ice 64 | Location: Route 10
Moves: Body Slam - Bulk Up - Storm Throw - Revenge
IVs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 7 | 31 | 0
Level 33 untouched
Standard Seed
Capture Project for Diabolico
Action Replay cloning code will be used


Yes I can clone on Gen5 now :), How many credits was he worth? 2 like usual? Cause I would like to spend them while I have a few hours of internet if thats okay :P, I would be able to send you back a clone.
Yup I can clone the Tornadus, Is it the shiny Jolly one? Can I get this for now? I will spent my last credit when I get Wi-Fi again :)


Akatsuki Power's Shiny Tirtouga (Careful) (Fully Redis)
Ability: Solid Rock
IV's: 31/31/31/13/31/31
EV's: UT
Egg moves: Knock Off
(Cloned from the AR)
Sure. I need you clone tornadus and my Tirtouga.

I need just the origianl of my Tirtouga back. But I need copy plus the original of my tornadus. Thank you.

What's your FC?

Mine is 0604 6894 7041
Add my White in my sig, So 1 copy + Original of each right?


I have the Jolly Tornadus so I will just send you back 2 clones of it. I got it from using my previous credits with you.
No, I just need the original of my Turtle but I need one copy plus the original of the tornadus.

Meet me on the wifi.

Okay. Thank you.
New Updates

New Updates

New pokemon:


Metalex's Throh (Brave) (Non-redis)
Ability: Guts
IV's: 31/31/31/7/31/0
EV's: UT
(Cloned from the AR device)
(I can trade this. You can't)​
Metalex's Throh (Brave) (Non-redis)
Ability: Guts
IV's: 31/31/31/7/31/0
EV's: UT
(Cloned from the AR device)
(I can trade this. You can't)

Gothic Togekiss's Pansage (Jolly) (non-redis)
IV's: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EV's: UT
(I can trade this. You can't)

Alexa's Gastrodon (Bold) (Semi-redis)
HP - Electric
Ability: Storm Drain
IV's: 31/9/31/30/31/31
EV's: UT
Special moves: Earth power and Ice beam
(Available in the 5th gen. game)
(Cloned from the AR device)

I liked these :3
Metalex's Throh (Brave) (Non-redis)
Ability: Guts
IV's: 31/31/31/7/31/0
EV's: UT
(Cloned from the AR device)
(I can trade this. You can't)

Gothic Togekiss's Pansage (Jolly) (non-redis)
IV's: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EV's: UT
(I can trade this. You can't)

Okey dokey. I'll get these pokemon cloned for you.

Alexa's Gastrodon (Bold) (Semi-redis)
HP - Electric
Ability: Storm Drain
IV's: 31/9/31/30/31/31
EV's: UT
Special moves: Earth power and Ice beam
(Available in the 5th gen. game)
(Cloned from the AR device)

I liked these :3
hey cmt for,

Zerohorus's Shiny Latios (Timid) (Non-redis)
HP - Fire
IV's: 31/x/31/30/31/30
EV's: UT,


Eppie's Shiny mew (Adamant) (Fully Redis)
IV's: 31/30/31/9/30/31
EV's: UT
Special Moves: Softboiled and Counter
(Cloned from the AR device),


Diabolico's Heatran (Naive) (Fully redis)
HP - Grass
IV's: 30/31/31/30/31/31
EV's: UT
(Cloned from the AR device)
hey cmt for,

Zerohorus's Shiny Latios (Timid) (Non-redis)
HP - Fire
IV's: 31/x/31/30/31/30
EV's: UT,


Eppie's Shiny mew (Adamant) (Fully Redis)
IV's: 31/30/31/9/30/31
EV's: UT
Special Moves: Softboiled and Counter
(Cloned from the AR device),


Diabolico's Heatran (Naive) (Fully redis)
HP - Grass
IV's: 30/31/31/30/31/31
EV's: UT
(Cloned from the AR device)

I don't see anything on your thread that I want. Sorry. :(
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