Lmao this is the dumbest meta I've played in a while. Regileki + ring target on the ground types is free wins.
Ban all of:
- Regielectric
- Lando-i
- Genesect
- Blaziken
- The poison/dragon ultra beast
- Kyurem Black
- Magearna
- Cinderace
- Zygarde
Impossible to say on anything else while these just run around 1-click sweeping
Some of these I agree with, some I don't. Cinderace doesn't seem overpowered at all, same with Magearna and Zygarde. Naganadel, Regielectric, and Genesect all seem out of line after playing a few games though. If you lose your ground type and lose your priority, Regielectric 6-0's teams with ease. Naganadel quadra resists grassy glide, resists aqua jet, and mach punch. E-speed and sucker punch are the only relevant priority moves that can hit him, so countering naga once he gets rolling is very, very difficult. Genesect is just outright, too powerful for OU it seems. It's good on all fronts, but its banded set seems to be the most busted of the bunch.
Kyurem's not overpowered like these other monds with busted abilities and movepools. He's just a raw bunch of stats that are honestly too high for OU. He lives every hit, sets up with DD, and then can sweep whole teams. He's weak to a ton of common moves right now, however, and if we got rid of a few busted offensive mons, the meta might be able to handle him.
Magearna is the same as the last update, but now we have the likes of heatran to add to its counters list. Magearna doesn't seem crazy to me when compare to some of the other mons up here either. By comparison to the others here, Mag is just...forgettable offensively.
Blaziken isn't as good as I imagined it would be, but if you banned a few of these other mons, it would surely rise up to best mon in the meta status. Its SD set 6-0's balance. It's protect set 6-0's offense(Once Regieleki is banned, and Genesect. If that happens, of course.) Blaziken also resists grassy glide priority, but that doesn't matter as much as you'd think. If Blaziekn CC's with a life orb, Blaziken can be KOed already by rillaboom.
252+ Atk Choice Band Rillaboom Grassy Glide vs. -1 0 HP / 4 Def Blaziken in Grassy Terrain: 237-279 (78.7 - 92.6%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO
It's just worth mentioning that Blaziken is also walled by a variety of defensive mons, though you need a specific counter to its specific set. Otherwise, you can just get 6-0ed after it sets up. It's definitely on the radar for being banned, but it's not as oppressive as Genesect or Naganadel.
Zygarde, I have barely seen it used. It doesn't seem bad, mind you, it's just Genesect and Pheremosa both OHKO with ice beam. Kyurem obviously eats it for breakfast, and it just doesn't seem that broken to me. Yet. Stuff will be banned, and we'll see how things paly out. It's there with Mag and Cinderace as secondary concerns.
Lando-I will probably become a bigger problem once the ridiculously fast and powerful offensive threats have been banned. As of now, it just doesn't seem fast enough to me, and Blissey does a great job of walling this thing. You need to run a calm nature, however, otherwise focus blast 2HKO's.