Walrus do u like older music von (A Walrus) - Won by Morgan

4.1 Points

Praying - Kesha

I've been avoiding this album like the plague. You really had to send Kesha... and it's... okay? It's somewhat similar to Pill in Ibiza, a song by a shitty artist reflecting on what they've been threw. I can appreciate a little honesty in a music landscape still filled with garbage. I wish I liked this as much as pill. It's kind of a bland white woman and piano song as is.
5 Points
Granny Pie

Look Away - Chicago

Ah, Chicago, a commonly disliked old band. So you must be submitting something before Tarry Kath died... oh, after? This is even post Cetera... which might be why you like it, but it's still such a Cetera song. I like both eras of Chicago, but this song does little for me. They were just a shell of a band at this point.
5.3 Points
The Quasar

You Can Do Magic - America

One of the oldest bands on this list. Yeah, America is pretty mediocre most of the time. But among their few good songs, you could have chosen Sister Golden Hair, Ventura Highway, A Horse With No Name... hell, even The Border... and you like You Can Do Magic the most? If you even like this song you should love the band. It's the kind of stuff they pushed the most.