Double-Type Attack Combos: Brute-Force Counts

I began the double-attack combos to help me write a hail-team guide, particularly to find the best double-attack combos that can be made with Blizzard. But I think they'll be useful to everyone, so here they are.


There are 17 types in Pokemon. Assuming every type is avaliable, then there are choose(17, 2) + 17 combinations of defensive types (or numerically, 153 types. 136 of them are combos with no repeats, + 17 of the pure types). Many of these don't exist, but for simplicity's sake, I included fake types like Normal / Ghost into this program. I hope that it doesn't change the result too dramatically.

There are 136 double-attack combinations in the game (no point in having 2 ghost attacks). This list was generated systematically. First there is Normal / Fire. Then there is Normal / Electric. Then there is... all the way down to Steel / Dark.

Simple Super Effectives

That said, here is the first chart, the number of single-types that are hit super-effective. Higher, the better.

1 -- Normal Poison 
1 -- Normal Dragon 
2 -- Normal Electric 
2 -- Normal Ghost 
2 -- Normal Steel 
2 -- Normal Dark 
2 -- Ghost Dark 
2 -- Normal Psychic 
2 -- Poison Dragon 
3 -- Poison Bug 
3 -- Dragon Dark 
3 -- Normal Grass 
3 -- Poison Steel 
3 -- Poison Ghost 
3 -- Electric Poison 
3 -- Normal Water 
3 -- Normal Bug 
3 -- Psychic Dragon 
3 -- Electric Dragon 
3 -- Poison Psychic 
3 -- Poison Flying 
3 -- Normal Flying 
3 -- Dragon Steel 
3 -- Ghost Dragon 
3 -- Poison Dark 
4 -- Ghost Steel 
4 -- Electric Grass 
4 -- Water Poison 
4 -- Flying Psychic 
4 -- Ice Poison 
4 -- Water Steel 
4 -- Bug Ghost 
4 -- Grass Poison 
4 -- Psychic Dark 
4 -- Water Grass 
4 -- Flying Dragon 
4 -- Electric Ghost 
4 -- Electric Steel 
4 -- Grass Steel 
4 -- Normal Ice 
4 -- Grass Dragon 
4 -- Fire Poison 
4 -- Psychic Steel 
4 -- Psychic Ghost 
4 -- Electric Dark 
4 -- Dark Steel 
4 -- Ice Dragon 
4 -- Normal Rock 
4 -- Bug Dragon 
4 -- Water Dragon 
4 -- Normal Fire 
4 -- Electric Psychic 
4 -- Bug Dark 
5 -- Fire Flying 
5 -- Water Ghost 
5 -- Bug Steel 
5 -- Electric Ice 
5 -- Flying Dark 
5 -- Normal Ground 
5 -- Fire Dragon 
5 -- Electric Bug 
5 -- Water Electric 
5 -- Grass Ghost 
5 -- Rock Dragon 
5 -- Flying Steel 
5 -- Flying Ghost 
5 -- Fighting Steel 
5 -- Rock Steel 
5 -- Psychic Bug 
5 -- Poison Rock 
5 -- Water Psychic 
5 -- Grass Dark 
5 -- Fire Steel 
5 -- Flying Bug 
5 -- Normal Fighting 
5 -- Electric Flying 
5 -- Electric Rock 
5 -- Water Dark 
5 -- Grass Psychic 
6 -- Psychic Rock 
6 -- Water Bug 
6 -- Flying Rock 
6 -- Water Ice 
6 -- Ground Steel 
6 -- Ice Bug 
6 -- Poison Ground 
6 -- Ice Ghost 
6 -- Ice Steel 
6 -- Water Ground 
6 -- Fire Psychic 
6 -- Fire Rock 
6 -- Grass Ice 
6 -- Grass Bug 
6 -- Rock Dark 
6 -- Fire Dark 
6 -- Fighting Dragon 
6 -- Ground Psychic 
6 -- Fire Bug 
6 -- Rock Ghost 
6 -- Ice Flying 
6 -- Water Rock 
6 -- Fighting Poison 
6 -- Fire Ghost 
6 -- Water Flying 
6 -- Ice Psychic 
6 -- Fire Electric 
6 -- Grass Flying 
6 -- Ice Dark 
6 -- Ground Dragon 
7 -- Fighting Psychic 
7 -- Ground Ghost 
7 -- Fire Fighting 
7 -- Fighting Dark 
7 -- Electric Ground 
7 -- Grass Ground 
7 -- Fire Water 
7 -- Fire Ice 
7 -- Fighting Ghost 
7 -- Bug Rock 
7 -- Fighting Bug 
7 -- Water Fighting 
7 -- Ice Rock 
7 -- Fire Grass 
7 -- Ground Dark 
7 -- Electric Fighting 
7 -- Grass Fighting 
7 -- Grass Rock 
8 -- Fighting Rock 
8 -- Fighting Flying 
8 -- Ground Bug 
8 -- Ground Rock 
8 -- Fighting Ground 
8 -- Ground Flying 
8 -- Fire Ground 
9 -- Ice Ground 
9 -- Ice Fighting
This reads that Normal / Poison hits 1 type super-effective. Ice / Fighting and Ice / Ground hit 9 types super effective. Obviously, the more, the better.

Attack Combos vs Theoretical Defense Combos

Now instead of just the 17 pure types, here is a generated list of how these guys perform against the 153 possible types (including fake types) The higher, the better.

12 -- Normal Poison 
16 -- Normal Dragon 
25 -- Normal Steel 
25 -- Normal Electric 
27 -- Normal Psychic 
27 -- Normal Ghost 
27 -- Poison Dragon 
27 -- Normal Grass 
27 -- Normal Dark 
29 -- Ghost Dark 
30 -- Normal Bug 
33 -- Poison Bug 
36 -- Poison Steel 
37 -- Electric Poison 
38 -- Poison Dark 
38 -- Poison Psychic 
38 -- Poison Ghost 
39 -- Dragon Steel 
39 -- Grass Poison 
39 -- Normal Flying 
39 -- Normal Water 
40 -- Poison Flying 
41 -- Psychic Dragon 
41 -- Ghost Dragon 
41 -- Dragon Dark 
41 -- Electric Dragon 
43 -- Grass Dragon 
43 -- Grass Steel 
43 -- Bug Dragon 
44 -- Electric Grass 
46 -- Normal Ice 
46 -- Normal Fire 
47 -- Bug Dark 
48 -- Electric Dark 
48 -- Psychic Steel 
48 -- Grass Dark 
48 -- Ghost Steel 
48 -- Dark Steel 
48 -- Electric Steel 
48 -- Bug Ghost 
48 -- Electric Psychic 
48 -- Grass Ghost 
48 -- Electric Ghost 
49 -- Water Grass 
49 -- Ice Poison 
49 -- Fire Poison 
49 -- Ice Dragon 
49 -- Bug Steel 
50 -- Normal Fighting 
50 -- Normal Rock 
51 -- Water Poison 
51 -- Grass Bug 
51 -- Grass Psychic 
52 -- Psychic Ghost 
52 -- Flying Dragon 
52 -- Flying Psychic 
52 -- Water Steel 
53 -- Electric Bug 
53 -- Psychic Dark 
55 -- Water Dragon 
57 -- Psychic Bug 
58 -- Flying Bug 
58 -- Poison Rock 
59 -- Fighting Poison 
60 -- Electric Flying 
60 -- Normal Ground 
60 -- Water Dark 
60 -- Fighting Steel 
60 -- Water Psychic 
60 -- Water Ghost 
60 -- Flying Ghost 
60 -- Fire Steel 
61 -- Flying Steel 
61 -- Electric Rock 
62 -- Flying Dark 
62 -- Water Electric 
62 -- Fighting Dragon 
62 -- Electric Ice 
62 -- Rock Dragon 
62 -- Rock Steel 
62 -- Fire Dragon 
63 -- Ice Bug 
63 -- Fire Flying 
63 -- Grass Fighting 
64 -- Fire Bug 
64 -- Grass Flying 
65 -- Water Bug 
65 -- Grass Ice 
65 -- Ice Dark 
65 -- Ice Ghost 
65 -- Ice Psychic 
67 -- Fire Dark 
67 -- Fire Ghost 
67 -- Ice Steel 
67 -- Fire Psychic 
68 -- Fire Electric 
68 -- Ice Flying 
68 -- Fighting Bug 
69 -- Rock Ghost 
69 -- Rock Dark 
70 -- Electric Fighting 
72 -- Ground Dragon 
72 -- Fire Grass 
72 -- Poison Ground 
72 -- Water Fighting 
73 -- Ground Psychic 
73 -- Psychic Rock 
73 -- Water Ice 
73 -- Water Ground 
74 -- Ground Steel 
74 -- Water Flying 
74 -- Fighting Psychic 
74 -- Bug Rock 
74 -- Flying Rock 
75 -- Grass Ground 
75 -- Water Rock 
75 -- Grass Rock 
76 -- Fire Rock 
77 -- Fighting Ghost 
77 -- Fighting Dark 
79 -- Fire Ice 
79 -- Ground Ghost 
79 -- Ground Dark 
79 -- Fire Fighting 
81 -- Electric Ground 
82 -- Fire Water 
83 -- Fighting Ground 
83 -- Fighting Flying 
83 -- Ice Rock 
86 -- Ground Bug 
87 -- Ice Fighting 
88 -- Fighting Rock 
94 -- Fire Ground 
96 -- Ground Rock 
97 -- Ground Flying 
100 -- Ice Ground
This means that Normal / Poison hits 12 types super-effective... Grass Bug/Grass, Grass/Normal, Grass/Electric, Dark/Grass, Fighting/Grass,Dragon/Grass, Grass/Water, Psychic/Grass, Ice/Grass, Grass/Fire, Flying/Grass.

Ice Ground hits 100 types super-effective. I will not list them here... half of them are fake anyway >_>

I hope that even though the above list is obviously flawed, it could be of use to someone.

Number of resists / immunities

This is probably the one that most people would like. Grass / Fighting hits 7 types super-effective, but is resisted by Flying (aka, Gyarados). Which is bad. This list also includes fakes like Ghost / Normal pokemon, so yes, it is flawed, but I hope it would be useful.

The lower the better. For the top few, I listed the few resists that they have...

0 -- Fire Dragon (Heatran)
1 -- Ground Dragon (Skarm, Bronzong)
1 -- Fighting Dragon (Steel / Ghost)
1 -- Fighting Ghost (Normal / Ghost)
2 -- Ground Rock (Breloom, Torterra, Bronzong, Flygon)
2 -- Water Dragon (Empoleon, Steel / Grass)
2 -- Ice Ground (Surskit, [URL=""]Scylant[/URL], Bronzong)
3 -- Electric Ice (Magnezone, Lanturn)
3 -- Fighting Dark 
3 -- Ground Flying 
3 -- Electric Dragon 
4 -- Water Flying 
4 -- Fire Ground 
5 -- Normal Ground 
6 -- Ground Steel 
6 -- Fire Rock 
6 -- Fighting Flying 
6 -- Normal Water 
6 -- Water Rock 
7 -- Ground Psychic 
7 -- Water Poison 
7 -- Fighting Rock 
7 -- Ground Ghost 
7 -- Poison Ground 
7 -- Ground Dark 
8 -- Fire Dark 
8 -- Fire Ghost 
8 -- Fire Psychic 
9 -- Water Dark 
9 -- Water Psychic 
9 -- Water Ghost 
10 -- Water Bug 
10 -- Ice Fighting 
11 -- Water Ice 
11 -- Ice Rock 
12 -- Electric Dark 
12 -- Fighting Psychic 
12 -- Rock Dragon 
12 -- Normal Electric 
12 -- Electric Psychic 
12 -- Psychic Bug 
12 -- Electric Ghost 
13 -- Grass Dragon 
13 -- Electric Ground 
13 -- Flying Dragon 
13 -- Ice Dragon 
13 -- Fire Fighting 
13 -- Flying Rock 
13 -- Grass Rock 
13 -- Bug Dragon 
14 -- Flying Dark 
14 -- Dragon Steel 
14 -- Psychic Dragon 
14 -- Ghost Dragon 
14 -- Psychic Rock 
14 -- Dragon Dark 
15 -- Rock Ghost 
15 -- Grass Flying 
15 -- Fire Flying 
15 -- Water Fighting 
15 -- Water Ground 
16 -- Electric Flying 
16 -- Normal Dragon 
16 -- Fighting Steel 
16 -- Electric Bug 
16 -- Fire Electric 
16 -- Rock Steel 
16 -- Poison Dragon 
16 -- Normal Fire 
16 -- Ground Bug 
16 -- Flying Ghost 
17 -- Normal Fighting 
17 -- Ice Flying 
17 -- Ice Dark 
17 -- Normal Rock 
17 -- Electric Fighting 
17 -- Ice Ghost 
17 -- Normal Dark 
17 -- Flying Psychic 
17 -- Water Steel 
17 -- Ice Psychic 
18 -- Normal Steel 
18 -- Normal Ghost 
18 -- Bug Ghost 
19 -- Normal Psychic 
19 -- Psychic Steel 
19 -- Fire Ice 
19 -- Fire Water 
19 -- Ghost Steel 
19 -- Fire Grass 
19 -- Dark Steel 
19 -- Normal Ice 
19 -- Electric Rock 
20 -- Flying Bug 
20 -- Normal Grass 
20 -- Electric Steel 
21 -- Poison Dark 
21 -- Bug Rock 
22 -- Fighting Ground 
22 -- Ice Poison 
22 -- Fire Poison 
22 -- Poison Psychic 
22 -- Rock Dark 
22 -- Poison Ghost 
23 -- Fire Bug 
23 -- Water Electric 
23 -- Grass Ice 
23 -- Grass Psychic 
23 -- Flying Steel 
24 -- Grass Dark 
24 -- Poison Steel 
24 -- Grass Ghost 
24 -- Fire Steel 
25 -- Electric Poison 
25 -- Water Grass 
25 -- Bug Dark 
27 -- Ice Bug 
27 -- Psychic Dark 
27 -- Poison Rock 
28 -- Psychic Ghost 
28 -- Normal Flying 
29 -- Electric Grass 
29 -- Fighting Poison 
30 -- Grass Poison 
30 -- Poison Flying 
30 -- Grass Steel 
30 -- Ice Steel 
30 -- Ghost Dark 
31 -- Grass Ground 
31 -- Normal Bug 
31 -- Bug Steel 
33 -- Fighting Bug 
34 -- Grass Fighting 
42 -- Grass Bug 
45 -- Poison Bug 
46 -- Normal Poison
So Fire / Dragon has no resists at all, period (except heatran to resists due to its ability). The little "1" besides Ground / Dragon might explain why Garchomp is so friggen broken. Only Steel / Flying resists ground / dragon, and Skarm is very easily taken care of with Flamethrower.

Fighting / Ghost deserves a mention. The single resist / immunity that was picked up with the program was obviously... Normal / Ghost. This pokemon does not exist in the game...

Ice / Ground is one that I have yet to really see abuse of, and is probably underrated right now. A surprising amount of pokemon can use this combo. With only Water / Bug (lol Surskit) and Ice / Bug (lol Scylant) resisting this combo and Levitate Bronzong, while it hits 100 type-combos super effective and 9 pure-types super-effective... it is on the top of every list that I've generated. Hell, Ice/ Ground beats bolt/beam in every generated chart. Ahem, enter Mamoswine, Earthquake / Blizzard Abomasnow, Ice Beam / Earthquake T-Tar...

Well, thats that. Discuss?
This is very interesting to see. A small problem though is that abilities have not been taken into account. One thing that immediately caught my attention was that dragon/fire has no resists because heatran does resist this due to flash fire.

Also surprising to see that boltbeam is not so high on the list of good attacking combos but I suppose a lot of theoretical types resist it?
I liked this guide a lot, and it conviced me how much mamoswine deseves a place in OU, and will help me to chose my atacks combination.
Keep the good work, andi am looking foward the hail guide :D
2 Theoretical types resist bolt/beam. Electric / Fire, and Electric Ice. Bolt/Beam is practically only resisted by 2 pokemon, Lanturn and Magnezone.

Bolt / Beam is great not only because it has few resists (lanturn / magnezone), but also because you have 100% accurate 95 base power attacks with no drawbacks. Not even fire / dragon can say that.
Very nice. I knew Ice/Ground was good... but that good? Wow. Also, lol Normal Poison. Even worse because Ghost naturally resists Poison.

Also, can you account for abilities? Because Heatran likes his FlameClaw resist.

Finally, Stab accounts for a lot. Ice Beam / EQ TTar isn't very good, because he has Stab on neither. Now, DD/Crunch/Ice Beam/EQ TTar is good.

Also, this list is a godsend for the Create a Pokemon crew. Dragon/Fight is countered by Ghost/Steel. But still, Ghost/Steel is ungodly defensively. Maybe you should make a defense counter part. I wonder if Ice or Normal would be a worse type defensively.
Quite an interesting list. It would be better, though, if you would only do the existing types, even better if you would include abilities, even better if you would multiply those types with the number of times they exist (x1 for Rock/Dark, x2 for Dark/Ghost, x58 for pure Normal, etc), and even better if you would make a weighted list for how often the Pokemon is used (Water/Flying would get a lot higher that way, for example, but Water/Bug would be practically nonexistant).

Nevertheless, it's a good start.

Edit: Shedinja also resists BoltBeam due to its ability.
Very interesting to know (ouch to any future Normal/Poison pokemon), it'll make picking attack combos easier. However, this could be more useful if a list was made just including currently existing types (while it's interesting to know Ghost/Fighting is resisted only by Normal/Ghost it's not something you'll worry about when making a team as of D/P) and perhaps counting existing type/ability combos as a seperate combo (Shedinja needs some love here).
Nice guide and list, I also thought about Fighting/Ghost before, and like you said only type combo that can resist it is Normal/Ghost, but it's not there .. unless they make it in the future.

The Ground/Ice combo is interesting, especially for Mamoswine, since he has both of them for STAB.
Awesome. Would it be possible to do the SE one for a combination of 4 types? So it would be easier to see which moves to be placed on a lead LOrber.

eric the espeon

maybe I just misunderstood
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very very nice

one thing
2 -- Ground Rock (Breloom, Torterra)
if you acount for abilitys then bronzong also resists this.

its interesting that boltbeam is beaten in the first one by water/ice and in the second by rock steel. the 3rd is probably the most useful.

do you think it would be possible to do a weighted list with only existing types, and with more commonly used types counting for more? or would that take years to make? anyway this is great.


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This is great for a theoretical look at battling.

I know this would probably be overly meticulous, but the next, probably obvious, step is to use the usage statistics from Shoddy and plug say the top 80 most used and see what combo is SE the most times.

This general information is still great, however.
This is great for a theoretical look at battling.

I know this would probably be overly meticulous, but the next, probably obvious, step is to use the usage statistics from Shoddy and plug say the top 80 most used and see what combo is SE the most times.

This general information is still great, however.

Either Ice/Ground or Fight/RockorDarkorGhost. Lots of 4x ice weaks, a lot of EQ weaks make Ice Ground my bet. Fighting is an awesome type, Dark/Ghost hit the Bulky Psychic and Ghosts used to wall, while Rock hits all Fliers in the game (there are a lot appearantly). Or maybe Fire/Dragon because of Steel walls and Dragon types.
Hm. I'd actually been planning to do some testing with Ground/Flying, but now I see that it's quite effective. Good research. Did you write an algorithm to generate these lists automatically?
Damn you dude, I hate you. You took my idea. :pirate:

Excellent information. I was a bit surprised to see BoltBeam were it was on the SE chart, but it's still very high on the resistence one.
This is great for a theoretical look at battling.

I know this would probably be overly meticulous, but the next, probably obvious, step is to use the usage statistics from Shoddy and plug say the top 80 most used and see what combo is SE the most times.

This general information is still great, however.
Even better idea. adapt X-Act's damage algorithm and apply it to type combos like this.
Made a list with all possible type combos and frequency, including NFE, Ubers, including an Arceus for every type, including all Deoxys and Wormadam forms as separate Pokemon:

Bug: 13
Bug/Dark: 0
Bug/Dragon: 0
Bug/Electric: 0
Bug/Fighting: 1
Bug/Fire: 0
Bug/Flying: 12
Bug/Ghost: 1
Bug/Grass: 3
Bug/Ground: 2
Bug/Ice: 0 (Syclant doesn’t officially exist)
Bug/Normal: 0
Bug/Poison: 9
Bug/Psychic: 0
Bug/Rock: 3
Bug/Steel: 3
Bug/Water: 1

Dark: 6
Dark/Dragon: 0
Dark/Electric: 0
Dark/Fighting: 0
Dark/Fire: 2
Dark/Flying: 2
Dark/Ghost: 2
Dark/Grass: 3
Dark/Ground: 0
Dark/Ice: 2
Dark/Normal: 0
Dark/Poison: 3
Dark/Psychic: 0
Dark/Rock: 1
Dark/Steel: 0
Dark/Water: 3

Dragon: 5
Dragon/Electric: 0
Dragon/Fighting: 0
Dragon/Fire: 0
Dragon/Flying: 4
Dragon/Ghost: 1
Dragon/Grass: 0
Dragon/Ground: 5
Dragon/Ice: 0
Dragon/Normal: 0
Dragon/Poison: 0
Dragon/Psychic: 2
Dragon/Rock: 0
Dragon/Steel: 1
Dragon/Water: 2

Electric: 22
Electric/Fighting: 0
Electric/Fire: 0
Electric/Flying: 1
Electric/Ghost: 1
Electric/Grass: 0
Electric/Ground: 0
Electric/Ice: 0
Electric/Normal: 0
Electric/Poison: 0
Electric/Psychic: 0
Electric/Rock: 0
Electric/Steel: 3
Electric/Water: 2

Fighting: 13
Fighting/Fire: 4
Fighting/Flying: 0
Fighting/Ghost: 0
Fighting/Grass: 1
Fighting/Ground: 0
Fighting/Ice: 0
Fighting/Normal: 0
Fighting/Poison: 2
Fighting/Psychic: 3
Fighting/Rock: 0
Fighting/Steel: 1
Fighting/Water: 1

Fire: 21
Fire/Flying: 3
Fire/Ghost: 0
Fire/Grass: 0
Fire/Ground: 2
Fire/Ice: 0
Fire/Normal: 0
Fire/Poison: 0
Fire/Psychic: 0
Fire/Rock: 1
Fire/Steel: 1
Fire/Water: 0

Flying: 1
Flying/Ghost: 2
Flying/Grass: 4
Flying/Ground: 2
Flying/Ice: 2
Flying/Normal: 19
Flying/Poison: 3
Flying/Psychic: 3
Flying/Rock: 1
Flying/Steel: 1
Flying/Water: 5

Ghost: 8
Ghost/Grass: 0
Ghost/Ground: 0
Ghost/Ice: 1
Ghost/Normal: 0
Ghost/Poison: 3
Ghost/Psychic: 0
Ghost/Rock: 0
Ghost/Steel: 0
Ghost/Water: 0

Grass: 22
Grass/Ground: 1
Grass/Ice: 2
Grass/Normal: 0
Grass/Poison: 12
Grass/Psychic: 3
Grass/Rock: 2
Grass/Steel: 0
Grass/Water: 3

Ground: 13
Ground/Ice: 3
Ground/Normal: 0
Ground/Poison: 2
Ground/Psychic: 2
Ground/Rock: 9
Ground/Steel: 1
Ground/Water: 7

Ice: 5
Ice/Normal: 0
Ice/Poison: 0
Ice/Psychic: 2
Ice/Rock: 0
Ice/Steel: 0
Ice/Water: 6

Normal: 59
Normal/Poison: 0
Normal/Psychic: 1
Normal/Rock: 0
Normal/Steel: 0
Normal/Water: 1

Poison: 14
Poison/Psychic: 0
Poison/Rock: 0
Poison/Steel: 0
Poison/Water: 3

Psychic: 29
Psychic/Rock: 2
Psychic/Steel: 6
Psychic/Water: 4

Rock: 7
Rock/Steel: 6
Rock/Water: 6

Steel: 3
Steel/Water: 1

Water: 48

Didn't include abilities.
This is a nice chart, thanks. I'm not that surprised by Boltbeam not hitting so hard on the SE list, it really doesn't cover a huge list of types, it's more well known for one shotting threats with double weaknesses (Gyara, Dragons) and not being resisted by much (Magnezone, Lanturn).

I was planning on making a similar chart, based entirely on the top 50-75 most used Pokemon on Shoddy.

Also, I personally fell in love with Ice/Ground as an attack combination a few months ago, whenever available I've taken advantage of it. Even my Regigigas has EQ/Ice Punch, overlooking Return to have them.
Thanks for making this! It helps a lot when deciding on which moves to use. It would be cool if there was a chart that showed the types hit by 3 attack combinations; maybe even 4!

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