This is a role compendium to help players find Pokemon that fulfill each of the main roles in the current DOU meta. These are the Pokemon that fill roles that nearly every team structure needs. Mons are ordered (roughly) by their position on the SV DOU Viability Rankings, and sections are divided into Common and Uncommon. Common Pokemon have high usage/viability in the metagame and run the specific move/role in a majority of their sets, while Uncommon Pokemon have low usage, or do not run the specific move/role often.
This will not be a viability or metagame discussion thread; those discussions are better suited for the VR thread linked above or the SV DOU Metagame Thread. As the metagame develops and usage shifts, this post will be updated. Suggestions for changes to the categories (such as moving a Pokemon from Uncommon to Common or adding new roles) are welcome and encouraged, provided you explain your suggestions.
Pre-ban Role Compendium
Stage 1 Role Compendium V1.0
Stage 1 Role Compendium V1.0
Speed Control
Tailwind: (Common)




Trick Room Beneficiaries/Teammates: (Common)


Terrain & Weather Setters // Beneficiaries
// All Quark Drive Pokemon

// All Protosynthesis Pokemon +




Fake Out: (Common)

Redirection: (Common)




Intimidate: (Common)

Knock Off: (Common)

Spore: (Common)
Will-o-wisp: (Common)

Screens: (Common)


Phaze: (Common)

Stealth Rock: (Common)


Spikes: (Common)
Toxic Spikes: (Common)

Hazard Removal: (Common)

Spread Attackers:
Heat Wave: (Common)


Earthquake: (Common)

Rock Slide: (Common)

Snarl: (Common)

Setup Attackers:
Calm Mind: (Uncommon)

Nasty Plot: (Common)

Quiver Dance: (Common)
Dragon Dance: (Common)

Bulk Up: (Common)

Swords Dance: (Common)


Belly Drum: (Common)
Priority Attackers:
Extreme Speed: (Common)

Sucker Punch: (Common)


Jet Punch: (Common)
Shadow Sneak: (Uncommon)

Bullet Punch: (Uncommon)
Tailwind: (Common)

- Notes: Murkrow is the only Tailwind user with Prankster.

- Notes: Seemingly no usage for Electroweb, but Ampharos and Magnezone get it.

Trick Room Beneficiaries/Teammates: (Common)

Terrain & Weather Setters // Beneficiaries

- Notes: Quark Drive activates in ETerrain, boosting the user’s highest stat by 1.3x (Speed is boosted by 1.5x). Other ETerrain beneficiaries are electric-type attackers.

- Notes: Psychic Terrain blocks opposing priority moves against grounded teammates. Non-Psychic beneficiaries are those that are vulnerable to opposing Extreme Speed/Jet Punch/other priority.

- Notes: Protosynthesis activates in the Sun, boosting the user’s highest stat by 1.3x (Speed is boosted by 1.5x). Other sun beneficiaries are fire-type attackers and Pokemon with Chlorophyll.


- Notes: Snow boosts the defense stat of ice-type Pokemon by 50%

Fake Out: (Common)

Redirection: (Common)

- Notes: Redirection moves are Rage Powder and Follow Me

- Notes: Pivot moves referenced here are U-Turn, Volt-Switch, Parting Shot, Flip Turn, and Shed Tail

- Notes: Healing moves are Heal Pulse and Pollen Puff

Intimidate: (Common)

Knock Off: (Common)

Spore: (Common)

Will-o-wisp: (Common)

Screens: (Common)

- Notes: Abomasnow gets Aurora Veil alongside Snow Warning

Phaze: (Common)

- Notes: Phazing, or pseudo-hazing, is the removal of stat changes by forcing a switch on an opponent’s Pokemon. Moves included here are Roar, Whirlwind, and Dragon Tail.

- Notes: Debuffs ally and opponents
Stealth Rock: (Common)

Spikes: (Common)

Toxic Spikes: (Common)

- Notes: Glimmora can spread Toxic Spikes using the move or its ability

Hazard Removal: (Common)

Spread Attackers:
Heat Wave: (Common)

Earthquake: (Common)

Rock Slide: (Common)

Snarl: (Common)

Setup Attackers:
Calm Mind: (Uncommon)

Nasty Plot: (Common)

Quiver Dance: (Common)

Dragon Dance: (Common)

Bulk Up: (Common)

Swords Dance: (Common)

Belly Drum: (Common)

Priority Attackers:
Extreme Speed: (Common)

Sucker Punch: (Common)

Jet Punch: (Common)

Shadow Sneak: (Uncommon)

Bullet Punch: (Uncommon)

- 1/8/2023
- Added Scizor to Uncommon Tailwind user (credits: WistfulAether)
- 1/9/2023
- Added Maushold to Common Redirection user (credits: Jello)
- 1/27/2023
- Removed Annihilape after its ban
- Bananape
- Removed Annihilape after its ban
- 2/8/2023
- Updated all roles according to 2/5/2023 Viability Rankings update
- Removed most unranked Pokemon
- Reordered Pokemon within roles to match updated VR
- Added Belly Drum role to Setup Attackers (credits: RelicanthPrimal)
- Added Hazard Removal role to Hazards (credits: RelicanthPrimal)
- Added Revival Blessing role to Utility (credits: RelicanthPrimal)
- Shifted/Added the following under Speed Control:
- Pelipper to Common Tailwind user (credits: RelicanthPrimal)
- Armarouge to Common Trick Room user (credits: glimmerrdust)
- Hatterene to Uncommon Trick Room user
- Sylveon to Uncommon Trick Room beneficiary (credits: Fangame10)
- Added Lilligant and Jumpluff to Sun beneficiaries (credits: RelicanthPrimal and glimmerrdust)
- Shifted/Added the following under Utility:
- Tinkaton to Uncommon Fake Out user
- Dragapult and Scizor to Uncommon Pivot Move users
- Pawmot to Common; Rabsca to Uncommon Revival Blessing users
- Meowscarada to Common Knock Off user (credits: glimmerrdust)
- Added the following under Hazards:
- Glimmora, Great Tusk to Common; Maushold, Tsareena to Uncommon Hazard Removal users
- Shifted/Added the following under Attackers:
- Volcarona to Common Quiver Dance user
- Dragapult to Common; Dragonite to Uncommon Dragon Dance user (credits: glimmerrdust)
- Iron Hands to Common Swords Dance user
- Iron Hands to Common; Azumarill to Uncommon Belly Drum user
- Updated all roles according to 2/5/2023 Viability Rankings update
- 7/17/2023
- Updated entire compendium to reflect post-Home meta
Speed Control
Tailwind: (Common)

Icy Wind: (Common)

Electroweb: (Uncommon)

Trick Room Setters: (Common)

Trick Room Beneficiaries/Teammates: (Common)

Thunder Wave: (Uncommon)

After You: (Common)

Terrain & Weather Setters // Beneficiaries

- Notes: Quark Drive activates in ETerrain, boosting the user’s highest stat by 1.3x (Speed is boosted by 1.5x). Other ETerrain beneficiaries are electric-type attackers.

- Notes: Psychic Terrain blocks opposing priority moves against grounded teammates. Non-Psychic beneficiaries are those that are vulnerable to opposing priority.

- Notes: Grassy Terrain halves Earthquake's power and heals grounded teammates. Beneficiaries are bulky ground-weak Pokemon and those that utilize Grassy Seed sets.

- Notes: Protosynthesis activates in the Sun, boosting the user’s highest stat by 1.3x (Speed is boosted by 1.5x). Other sun beneficiaries are fire-type attackers and Pokemon with Chlorophyll.

- Notes: Rain makes the accuracy of the moves Hurricane, Thunder, Sandsear Storm, Bleakwind Storm, and Wildbolt Storm fully accurate. Other rain beneficiaries are water-type attackers and those weak to fire-type attacks.

- Notes: Snow boosts the defense stat of ice-type Pokemon by 50%

Fake Out: (Common)

Taunt: (Common)

Redirection: (Common)

- Notes: Redirection moves are Rage Powder and Follow Me

- Notes: Pivot moves referenced here are U-Turn, Volt-Switch, Parting Shot, and Flip Turn

- Notes: Healing moves are Pollen Puff, Lunar Blessing, and Heal Pulse

Intimidate: (Common)

Knock Off: (Common)

Spore/Sleep Powder: (Common)

Will-o-wisp: (Uncommon)

Screens: (Common)

- Notes: Abomasnow gets Aurora Veil alongside Snow Warning

- Notes: Debuffs ally and opponents
Stealth Rock: (Common)

Spikes: (Common)

Toxic Spikes: (Common)

- Notes: Glimmora can spread Toxic Spikes using the move or its ability

Spread Attackers:
Heat Wave: (Common)

Dazzling Gleam: (Common)

Diamond Storm: (Common)

Make it Rain: (Common)

Earthquake: (Uncommon)

Rock Slide: (Uncommon)

Snarl: (Common)

Storm moves: (Common)

Setup Attackers:
Calm Mind: (Uncommon)

Nasty Plot: (Common)

Quiver Dance: (Uncommon)

Dragon Dance: (Uncommon)

Bulk Up: (Common)

Swords Dance: (Common)

Belly Drum: (Common)

Iron Defense: (Common)

Priority Attackers:
Extreme Speed: (Common)

Sucker Punch: (Common)

Jet Punch: (Common)

Bullet Punch: (Uncommon)

Thanks Actuarily for approving this thread and suggesting changes. As mentioned above, feedback is much appreciated. Have fun building!
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