I just decided to post this for some free haha reacts.
Memes aside, I want to have a serious discussion on dry passing. There are a couple obstacles to dry passing in general, but my post will attempt to address those obstacles with potential solutions.
First, let's talk about Baton Pass. Baton Pass is one of the most controversial moves in Smogon history. As a mechanic, many people either wanted the move banned, limited in passers, or kept around within their metagame. This has led to heavy handed opinions on the move itself being banned as a solution that keeps complexity away while addressing the core issue.
Now I'm sure some sick sycophant will dig up a rather old post of mine in response to Deck Knight and point out that I said "screw complex bans". At the time, I did feel that complex bans were absurd at face value and likely could lead to bad slippery slopes such as "why not just ban King's Shield on Aegislash since King's Shield is the problem" without realizing that the combination of King's Shield AND Aegislash were the core problems of the Pokemon. Basically, there are multiple moving parts that made Aegislash broken in previous generations.
With hypocrisy out of the way, let's begin.
Dry Passing is merely pivoting
The core reason to have dry passing is because it can also be used purely as a move for momentum rather than passing stat boosts. Teleport, U-turn, Volt Switch, and Parting Shot are all used as pivoting moves (albeit with less controversial side effects). With dry passing, only moves like Wish can really be passed. Meanwhile, it is a benefit to defensive Pokemon such as Shedinja and at times was sometimes used on offensive Pokemon like Specs Espeon.
With Dry Passing only, the move technically has negative effects
Baton Pass's unique mechanic of passing boosts, debuffs, and some status ailments is a mixed blessing. In Dry Passing, only negative effects such as from Intimidate or confusion from Hurricane are passed. While it's true you could argue "someone could use Swagger and pass the Attack boosts", this assumes your opponent is dumb enough to use Swagger AND that you're using a Pokemon with Baton Pass, which more than likely would be rare in OU as an example. This makes Baton Pass an inferior method to pivoting over its other move counterparts.
The Complex Ban
The biggest obstacle is getting people on board with the complex ban. That said, the complex ban for allowing dry passing only can be relatively simple:
Pokemon who have boosted their stats - with items, moves, or abilities used by itself - cannot be passed.
This means that it would be illegal to use combinations such as Weakness Policy into Baton Pass, or using Agility + Baton Pass Shedinja as another example. To me, such a thing is not very complex in terms of understanding and gets the core point across. That of course being that we see passing stat boosts as a problem, but using the move merely as a pivoting move is acceptable.
You could ask the question "should Baton Pass + stat boosting moves be allowed as a combination on a Pokemon?", which I think warrants legitimate discussion. You could argue that it would not be allowed to help simplify the circumstances of the ban and, in most cases like with SS, Baton Pass used as a pivot move to escape Pursuit is no longer a concern since the move doesn't exist. Thus, Pokemon such as Calm Mind Latios or Latias would likely use coverage or other utility moves with their sets. You could argue, though, the combination could be allowed solely on the fact that it is assumed that you cannot pass boosts whatsoever, but you can use the move freely for yourself. Galarian Mr. Mime or Mr. Rime both have access to Rapid Spin as an example, and preventing Rapid Spin just to have access to Baton Pass is kind of a weird situation when you could use Baton Pass for dry passing on a predicted switch instead.
This would in theory mean that Baton Pass is always banned on Ninjask, Scolipede, Blaziken, Malamar, and I'm sure a few others - though I guess you could argue using Infiltrator Ninjask or non-Contrary moves on Malamar because you're kind of not smart or something. Note that, from what I'm aware of, you cannot pass boosts that don't have a stat change. Such examples would be like Flash Fire from Flareon and Kanto Rapidash.
I would not see such a topic as a high priority, but I think the theory of allowing dry passing could be seen as beneficial as another pivot move and benefits some Pokemon again such as BW Celebi. While it is few in numbers, there are Pokemon that can benefit from this mechanic being allowed and there are ways to make it so that the move itself cannot be abused for what deemed it broken in the first place. I also think this discussion is healthy for discussing complex bans as a whole and trying to be more open-minded on the subject.
Memes aside, I want to have a serious discussion on dry passing. There are a couple obstacles to dry passing in general, but my post will attempt to address those obstacles with potential solutions.
First, let's talk about Baton Pass. Baton Pass is one of the most controversial moves in Smogon history. As a mechanic, many people either wanted the move banned, limited in passers, or kept around within their metagame. This has led to heavy handed opinions on the move itself being banned as a solution that keeps complexity away while addressing the core issue.
Now I'm sure some sick sycophant will dig up a rather old post of mine in response to Deck Knight and point out that I said "screw complex bans". At the time, I did feel that complex bans were absurd at face value and likely could lead to bad slippery slopes such as "why not just ban King's Shield on Aegislash since King's Shield is the problem" without realizing that the combination of King's Shield AND Aegislash were the core problems of the Pokemon. Basically, there are multiple moving parts that made Aegislash broken in previous generations.
With hypocrisy out of the way, let's begin.
Dry Passing is merely pivoting
The core reason to have dry passing is because it can also be used purely as a move for momentum rather than passing stat boosts. Teleport, U-turn, Volt Switch, and Parting Shot are all used as pivoting moves (albeit with less controversial side effects). With dry passing, only moves like Wish can really be passed. Meanwhile, it is a benefit to defensive Pokemon such as Shedinja and at times was sometimes used on offensive Pokemon like Specs Espeon.
With Dry Passing only, the move technically has negative effects
Baton Pass's unique mechanic of passing boosts, debuffs, and some status ailments is a mixed blessing. In Dry Passing, only negative effects such as from Intimidate or confusion from Hurricane are passed. While it's true you could argue "someone could use Swagger and pass the Attack boosts", this assumes your opponent is dumb enough to use Swagger AND that you're using a Pokemon with Baton Pass, which more than likely would be rare in OU as an example. This makes Baton Pass an inferior method to pivoting over its other move counterparts.
The Complex Ban
The biggest obstacle is getting people on board with the complex ban. That said, the complex ban for allowing dry passing only can be relatively simple:
Pokemon who have boosted their stats - with items, moves, or abilities used by itself - cannot be passed.
This means that it would be illegal to use combinations such as Weakness Policy into Baton Pass, or using Agility + Baton Pass Shedinja as another example. To me, such a thing is not very complex in terms of understanding and gets the core point across. That of course being that we see passing stat boosts as a problem, but using the move merely as a pivoting move is acceptable.
You could ask the question "should Baton Pass + stat boosting moves be allowed as a combination on a Pokemon?", which I think warrants legitimate discussion. You could argue that it would not be allowed to help simplify the circumstances of the ban and, in most cases like with SS, Baton Pass used as a pivot move to escape Pursuit is no longer a concern since the move doesn't exist. Thus, Pokemon such as Calm Mind Latios or Latias would likely use coverage or other utility moves with their sets. You could argue, though, the combination could be allowed solely on the fact that it is assumed that you cannot pass boosts whatsoever, but you can use the move freely for yourself. Galarian Mr. Mime or Mr. Rime both have access to Rapid Spin as an example, and preventing Rapid Spin just to have access to Baton Pass is kind of a weird situation when you could use Baton Pass for dry passing on a predicted switch instead.
This would in theory mean that Baton Pass is always banned on Ninjask, Scolipede, Blaziken, Malamar, and I'm sure a few others - though I guess you could argue using Infiltrator Ninjask or non-Contrary moves on Malamar because you're kind of not smart or something. Note that, from what I'm aware of, you cannot pass boosts that don't have a stat change. Such examples would be like Flash Fire from Flareon and Kanto Rapidash.
I would not see such a topic as a high priority, but I think the theory of allowing dry passing could be seen as beneficial as another pivot move and benefits some Pokemon again such as BW Celebi. While it is few in numbers, there are Pokemon that can benefit from this mechanic being allowed and there are ways to make it so that the move itself cannot be abused for what deemed it broken in the first place. I also think this discussion is healthy for discussing complex bans as a whole and trying to be more open-minded on the subject.