Dungeons & Druddigons

Kaiju Bunny

♥・゚: * ̄(♡ㅅ♡❀) ̄
is a Site Content Manageris a Top Artistis a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a Smogon Media Contributoris a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Art Leader

Insane banner by LifeisDANK

"The start of a new adventure! Welcome to a grand tale!"
If you've played enough mainline Pokémon games, there's a good chance you've thought about actually playing as the Pokémon, rather than the Trainer. In the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon spinoff series, you can do just that! From helping lost Pokémon reunite with their parents to saving the world, the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series almost never fails to introduce thoughtful plots, memorable characters, and surprising dungeons to explore, but what if you could do more than follow the status quo? What if you had the freedom to choose how the story plays out, regardless if good or bad? Introducing Dungeons & Druddigons!

How it works
In this forum-style roleplay event, you, as the player, have the option to choose to be any Pokémon you desire! With this in mind however, be mindful not to go ham with choosing a Pokémon (i.e.choosing to be an Arceus/Gigantamax Charizard/Mega Rayquaza/etc.). If there should be any doubts about the fairness of a Pokémon, Smeargle's Studio Staff will make a final call on the matter.

When sign-ups for this event go live, you will have 1 week to sign up with your Pokémon. Feel free to add as many or as little details as you'd like! Just keep in mind that we must know the basics of your Pokémon
Name of Pokémon:
Gender (Pronouns):
Personality Traits:
Additional Characteristics:
Image (If applicable):
If the player cap is reached (20 total players) or after the week-long sign-up period closes, all qualifying players will be invited to the Event Discord and divided into one of 5 groups! All players who do not sign up in time or signed up after the player cap was reached will be considered a substitute and may be chosen if an already existing player is dropped out.

After Teams are assigned, An Intro into the story will be posted. After this, Teams will begin to roleplay!

Each Team will have 72-96 hours to complete their part of the story. This can include writing or comic making, but keep in mind that you must include art in some degree to your post; use this as an opportunity to collab art with others in your group! It's best practice to format a post in Discord before officially posting in this Thread. In addition, don't feel pressured to make masterpieces for this event; as long as everyone can get the gist of your art, you're good to go!

If your group fails to post in the designated time, your turn to post will be skipped altogether and moved on to the next Team.

After the story comes to a close, the story will compiled into a document for all to see!

This should go without saying. Being able to defeat any other Pokémon in a few seconds isn't fun for you, the DM, or other players. If the DM/Staff sense any unfair advantage you may have over the grand plot, we reserve the right to make you change your Pokémon in some degree
As stated above, if your team is unable to complete their part in the story after the designated timeframe, your team's turn will be skipped altogether. Making other teams wait extended hours isn't fair or fun :(
In addition to the above rule, should any of your teammates fail to participate during your team's turn, they are qualified to be dropped and replaced with a substitute player
This means no graphic imagery or descriptions. Keep it rated PG-13!
Whether you're collabing a small comic or focusing on a storybook-like approach, your post must include art to some degree. In the instance of heavily focusing on text, it's recommended to have accompanying art to go along with the text post!
To sign up, simply post here with your Pokémon's Information! (See above template)

"You're off to the world of Pokémon! Be strong! Stay smart! And be victorious!"
Name    Discord    Contact
CHUNSOFT    CHUNSOFT    https://www.spike-chunsoft.com/
Audino    <@!117780585635643396>    https://github.com/audinowho
SilverDeoxys563    <@!204460364023201793>    https://www.reddit.com/user/SilverDeoxys563
Tacocoa    <@!234720295292895232>   
Adrian    <@!218764902913802240>    <@218764902913802240>
lokatts    <@!232091727094218752>    https://twitter.com/lokatts
El_Pangoro_Parse    <@!200385851069300736>    <@200385851069300736>
Prismatic    <@!215699178553212929>    prismaticphenomenal@gmail.com
Scizivire    <@!207188665959448576>   
Pencil    <@!171030521009274881>    https://twitter.com/Sea_of_Pencils
Avery    <@!527611425670037516>   
PixlHoopa    <@!310773087417270272>   
YoukaiMinori    <@!91001329228464128>    <@91001329228464128>
lemongrass    <@!493293282064072715>    <@493293282064072715>
frostibirb    <@!192178759376306176>    https://twitter.com/frostibirb
NeroIntruder    <@!319945906600411179>    https://twitter.com/NeroIntruder
Moo    <@!276949114212712449>    https://twitter.com/MoonMoonMemes
Anonymous    <@!200318546750865418>   
RaoKurai    <@!173896352554549248>    https://twitter.com/RaoKurai
Lovi    <@!95650095034273792>   
Reppamon    <@!162389028061052928>   
Chi    <@!95638225439166464>   
Fable    <@!225813236589527041>    https://twitter.com/fabledpainter
mucrush    MUCRUSH    https://www.deviantart.com/mucrush
0palite    <@!327927398941196289>    https://zeropalart.tumblr.com/
DasK    <@!294668186219970562>    http://reddit.com/u/thedask
Deltex12    <@!513590747694497792>    /u/Deltex12
Fire_Scyther    <@!637407338772299776>    https://www.reddit.com/u/FireScyther
Akai    <@!496039052370509824>    Akai#2823
felis_licht    FELIS_LICHT    https://www.deviantart.com/felis-licht
C_Pariah    <@!322382592202637322>   
Aviivix    <@!196351316681818112>    https://twitter.com/aviivix/
RoyalRust    <@!388709039678423040>   
Davilos    <@!457965696190513152>    https://www.deviantart.com/nddavilos
Mojo    <@!314519507869761556>   
EzerArt    EZERART    https://twitter.com/EzerArt_
Emitone    <@!301749549062422531>    Emitone#0884
Wyvernagon    <@!288067476963721216>    https://twitter.com/Z_Serpentriss
Palika    <@!118458522685014017>    https://twitter.com/_Palika_
Vex    <@!157339721729572864>   
Child-Of-Hades    CHILD_OF_HADES    https://www.deviantart.com/child-of-hades
smartini    <@!136476806055198720>    https://github.com/CSCMe
JemDragons    <@!408301000445788180>    https://twitter.com/JemDragons?s=09
Sunny    <@!273341077874802689>    https://twitter.com/temporalsunrise
Deleca7755    <@!273958644788363265>    <https://www.deviantart.com/deleca-7755>
Atwer    <@!371674727183286272>   
chime    <@!183561486893842432>    <@!183561486893842432>
RibbonDove    <@!739154982044958801>    https://twitter.com/ribbondove
namu    <@!208313475246718976>   
eon    <@!441903700571717640>    https://twitter.com/eon_exists
gromchurch    <@!421379254077620225>    https://twitter.com/poongis2
LegendaryPhoenix    <@!573283158674505749>   
Bluetails_the_Buizel    <@!449065061428887562>    https://www.deviantart.com/tanyuliang
RacieB    <@!227594271794921472>    https://twitter.com/RacieBeep
estelstarlight    ESTELSTARLIGHT    https://estelstarlight.tumblr.com/post/186838449949
drawsstuff    <@!128989288665710592>    https://bugfu.newgrounds.com/
Miju    <@!343474614820667392>    https://mobile.twitter.com/MijumewAndCo
Angels-Snack    ANGELS_SNACK    https://angels-snack.tumblr.com/
Shitpost_Sunkern    <@!292039958829727744>    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxyzfFEM6TfgAQ5LIdGtkXw
Smalusion    <@!177074597315870720>    https://twitter.com/Smalusion
CamusZekeSirius    <@!533406104256905257>   
TaylorTrap622    TAYLORTRAP622    https://www.deviantart.com/taylortrap622
MonochromeKirby    <@!324999377946935297>   
JkKU (Jenrikku)    <@!427858231956733963>   
Meganai    <@!336650663293616140>   
Jarleypeño    JARLEYPENO    https://www.deviantart.com/applecone413
<@!755070698753359913>    <@!755070698753359913>   
Tainted#3886    <@!283571466891427841>   
leafia_barrett    <@!149282718578901001>    leafbarrett@gmail.com
XxWindpawxX    <@!192118698859954178>    <@!192118698859954178>
smbmaster99    SMBMASTER99    https://forums.mfgg.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=95
RelicCipher    <@!739304144552198285>    <@739304144552198285>
Dasawkem    <@!183136061487054848>    https://dasawkem.carrd.co/#social
Sharpen    <@!389193348474339338>   
Noivern    <@!150809243816165377>    https://twitter.com/notarealnoivern
Noo    <@!217899432652308480>    comics.town/@noo
Emmuffin    <@!356635814668664832>    https://twitter.com/Ernmuffin
SuperFabbioGuy    <@!433058189240696835>   
Frostdrop1    <@!173505019268694016>   
cyboy_bit    <@!810524028871114762>   
XModxGodX    <@!365627932888268800>   
Ddragon    <@!604644469685354526>   
LT    <@!120852359676035072>    https://twitter.com/eLTehH
Vynnyal    <@!343150274795405314>    <https://vynnyal.tumblr.com/>
dede6giu    <@!315474985772908544>   
dmDash    <@!474262233442942995>   
baronessfaron    <@!544245909639397378>   
Darkrai    <@!224976040265646082>   
Waffluffe    <@!388808249165479939>    https://twitter.com/waffluffe
powercristal    POWERCRISTAL    https://www.deviantart.com/powercristal
jackolanternjackalope    <@!784171246011023481>    https://www.instagram.com/jackolanternjackalope/
LornaWR    <@!598484619897077761>    https://twitter.com/LornaWR_
Precascer    <@!340299853345325056>    https://twitter.com/Precascer
Mr_L    <@!177522243985866754>   
Murpi    <@!593113130213572610>    https://x.com/murpia57
"motherhenna(Helen)"    MOTHERHENNA    <@!543717476421074945>
Fearless-Quit    <@!801938240562397194>   
PhillipsYoung    <@!772726854188400641>    https://twitter.com/PhilliYoung196
Pokenoice    <@!724070439051329616>    https://www.deviantart.com/adam1258
deltaflare    <@!555360707617488904>    <@555360707617488904>
Emboarger    <@!237286997645983744>   
Blanca    <@!401608319762038794>   
JFain    <@!702275233125630042>   
Reimu\_needs\_$$$    <@!378654902181691392>    <@!378654902181691392>
Vendily    <@!329424896927203339>    <@329424896927203339>
fledermaus    <@!388753676140806175>    https://www.furaffinity.net/user/fleder-maus/
A_Lettuce    <@!655868413251551235>   
Kevin0itachi    KEVIN0ITACHI    https://www.deviantart.com/kevin0itachi
TopKec    <@!276369635304275968>    https://twitter.com/Top_Kec
Mond    <@!799737881538723891>   
nataniel-sama    NATANIEL_SAMA    https://pokemon-reloaded.el-foro.net/
Jhony-Rex    JHONY_REX    https://www.deviantart.com/jhony-rex
KCN015    <@!358038459237138432>   
AikoMaiko    <@!582978575486156821>   
SirViolet    <@!262696514294513664>   
Ichor    <@!779213287576436746>   
JuanmaSG    <@!479305531522154507>    https://twitter.com/JuanmaSG55
Caitemis    <@!330751862590406656>    https://caitemis-art.tumblr.com/
Ray2064    <@!540823632054714388>    <@540823632054714388>
avalancheman    <@!783493257506062387>    milesbehemoth@gmail.com
◥θ┴θ◤    <@!215638650434617345>   
MilesFarber    <@!207815740399681538>    https://github.com/MilesFarber
Sugi    <@!537560911716810763>    <@537560911716810763>
PikaNiko    <@!675870876532736010>    https://github.com/PikAsriel
AlexGroeger    <@!141718238336778241>   
Novie    <@!229363481852379136>    <https://twitter.com/themagolord>
3Monika4    <@!270755102178934785>    <@270755102178934785>
Pepper    <@!304391035209908244>    https://twitter.com/thesaltypepper8
Gust    <@!861005464682889266>    https://twitter.com/Estelaris__
Keldaan    <@!153547941401853952>    https://github.com/keldaan-ag
Axcel    <@!662304890143375391>   
Michael12    <@!653416391201783856>    https://www.deviantart.com/michael12dz
LuchuIsASquirrel    <@!645827810048475136>    https://www.deviantart.com/luchuisasquirrel
metalbear    METALBEAR    <@468408733433593856>
NikolaP    <@!704349360929898516>    nikolasnonsense@gmail.com
programmedsleepstate    <@!224476380790915072>    <@224476380790915072>
ZoZoBab    <@!459080372672790548>    https://twitter.com/ZoZoBab
ZacianSword    <@!382540582746324993>   
Pink_no_tori    <@!872983950732165181>    https://twitter.com/pink_avian_poke
Grimlin    <@!217653022094786560>    https://twitter.com/Griimlin
cosmosully    <@!411407718839222272>    https://twitter.com/cosmosully
ShyStarryRain    <@!576876006636519434>   
SkeleJ64    <@!291732421332697098>    <@291732421332697098>
Garbage    <@!350050109741858829>    https://twitter.com/Just_Tr4sh
LightBlueBlaze    <@!283045864509800468>    LightBlueBlaze@gmail.com
Jelly    <@!402702516866908160>    https://www.deviantart.com/drjellystone
TawnySoup    <@!216640380408430592>    https://twitter.com/TawnySoup
skygummi    <@!138236921980649472>    https://twitter.com/skygummi
Mooncaller    <@!181829556930347009>    <https://twitter.com/LunarPilgrim>
lovefulpup    <@!280870537209839627>   
Okami    <@!238146046146904069>    okamiromhacks@gmail.com
EeveeandVulpix2000    <@!469246358180593668>    https://www.instagram.com/eeveeandvulpix2000/
Sceptile    <@!965734014604410990>   
Spikey-Valentine    <@!454421330058805251>    https://twitter.com/spikeyvalentine?s=21&t=KmiqQo0hvuT6bxZFEGAKbA
Gayschlatt    <@!560604377203736617>   
Rudy    <@!232993356274335744>    magolor.neocities.org
Azifel    <@!228121607158235136>    https://twitter.com/Aziifel
distress    <@!177489961275097088>    artstation.com/distress
NeonCityRain    <@!331183966508023808>    https://neoncityrain.tumblr.com/
Yari    YARI    Yari#1038
VersuS/CelestialDrago    <@!305445863235518464>   
Chesyon    <@!178935491867967490>    https://twitter.com/chesyon
3P1C    <@!169247379453640706>   
Dutch-Spaniard    <@!529381471107022856>   
NOLASMOR    <@!833717817445974046>   
SingingMudkip    <@!220580080194289664>   
Anon    <@!555919605265203232>   
dariosparks    <@!399615223083958283>   
ErrantWitch    <@!124232530651119618>   
mothbeanie    <@!168876782575943680>    https://twitter.com/mothbeanie
Deeshura    <@!157796074457661440>    https://github.com/Deeshura
Ginnie    <@!722542425196724289>   
silverfox88    <@!476409795239477248>    https://twitter.com/realsilverfox88
Hemlock    <@!165623433458089984>    https://baphomets.neocities.org/
ZoroarkDX    <@!219123860417675265>   
Limomon    <@!360948625901223950>    https://twitter.com/TheLimomon
AllPatchedUp    <@!289213609773498368>    patchedupgalaxy@gmail.com
Uni    <@!402958234371227648>    https://github.com/ArianaCastro01
FrivolousAqua    <@!496032574179770379>    https://twitter.com/FrivolousAqua
Bwappi    <@!193530896211509248>    https://www.tumblr.com/bwappi
shimx    <@!722565437925097613>    <@722565437925097613>
Hanbei    <@!178669005538721792>    https://twitter.com/Hanbei
Eliza    <@!176197318574342145>    https://twitter.com/elizathexpresso
Maruvert    <@!263655958775857152>   
Katach314    <@!503377084656254986>    katamari.roller.314@gmail.com
pi3.14    <@!608107243329814529>    https://twitter.com/Pi_y_ranitas
FlowerSnek    <@!228595807132057600>    https://twitter.com/EthanLac13
SuperLean23    <@!335107138106032140>    superlean023@gmail.com
MeepTheMareep02    <@!251760205082263552>    https://instagram.com/meepy.starsheepy?igshid=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg==
mixy:3    <@!1113856747564695633>    https://x.com/MixyPurple?s=20
Blanky    <@!230913498916323329>    https://www.tumblr.com/theblankest123
Luna-Alex    <@!306213523057410048>    https://twitter.com/LunaAlex64
Soulja    <@!229131140903075840>    https://twitter.com/OlSoulja
SonikkuA    <@!288510084273668096>   
DavKriz    <@!642311628557385738>   
PoliteHoppip    <@!168414649039978496>   
Ariakyu    <@!417445868694667264>    https://www.reddit.com/u/SoggyMinimum8386/s/0ULdU1GVNj
DeltaL    <@!272761782269902848>    averyderp.sm2@gmail.com
Name of Pokémon: Dip (Ditto)
Ability: Limber
Move(s): Transform
Age: 17
Gender (Pronouns): goes by he/him (actually genderless)
Likes: Big and Extravagant things, Energy Drinks, and Fruit
Dislikes: Gritty things, Water, Singing, and anything to do with Precision
Personality Traits:
  • Hyper
  • Goofy Personality
  • Switches up emotions really fast; is very serious and moral-driven when he needs to be.
  • Likes to explore and learn for himself
  • Acts stupid intentionally so people don’t see him as high and mighty
Additional Characteristics:
  • Hates using Transform; would rather punch and kick by stretching his body
  • Shiny
  • "Smarter" than a Ditto (Most Ditto are stupid from where he came from)
  • Is very expressive
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Name of Pokémon: Tiffy (Meowscarada) :Meowscarada:
Ability: Protean
Age: 19
Gender (Pronouns): She/Her
Likes: Fish, milk, playing/roughhousing, playing pranks
Dislikes: Being lonely, bugs, strict people
Moves: Play Rough, Flower Trick, Acrobatics, Trick,
Personality Traits: Playful, teasing, childish
Additional Characteristics: has difficulties understanding others sometimes, but gets extremely attached to the people she loves

Will continue to update as I get more ideas
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Name of Pokémon: Tashi (H-typhlosion)
Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Eruption, Smoke Screen, Curse, Infernal Parade
Age: old fart
Gender (Pronouns): they them will respond to most pronouns tbh
Likes: Naps, Meditation, Cooking, Strategy, Being around others
Dislikes: Small talk, Loud sounds, Unpunctuality, Cold environments
Personality Traits:
-Seems to always be serious, and monotone, but has an array of emotions, just doesn't show it well.
-They always think of strategies , which leads them to often be lost in thought.
- Cares a lot about others safety, they feel an inner responsibility to take care of others around them.

Additional Characteristics: The further the battle goes on the more ghastly Tashi's appearance gets, especially when using Curse and Infernal Parade.

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Name of Pokémon: Elgie-S (Corsola)
Ability: Hustle
Move(s): Rock Polish, Rollout, Brine, Screech
Age: 19
Gender (Pronouns): He/him
Likes: Screaming, play rock music, watch rock shows, rock collection, and Geology
Dislikes: His rocky relationship with his 18 other siblings from Elgie-A to Elgie-R, and sand
Personality Traits: Finickey, often lost in thought, self-driven
Additional Characteristics: Quotes Yakuza/Like a Dragon whenever possible

Edit: added splash sheet, might remove some clothing in later drawings
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Name of Pokémon: Azar (Charmander)
Ability: Blaze
Age: 15
Gender (Pronouns): He/Him
Likes: Literally anything that sounds fun
Dislikes: Work, responsibilties, Water, losing
Moves: Flamethrower, Protect, Swords dance, Counter
Personality Traits:
  • Goofy, Comedic relief when out of battles
  • Gets a bit too excited whenever he's out exploring
  • Knows when to get serious in battles
Additional Characteristics:
  • He doesn't know too much about strategies and mainly favours attacking
  • Has massive curiosity, hence why he likes exploring
Image (If applicable):
Name of Pokémon: Sheriff Lar Tar Bell (Larvitar)
Ability: Guts
Move(s): Rock Throw, Tackle, Leer, Curse
Age: 29
Gender (Pronouns): She/Her
Likes: Sunsets, her family, and campfires.
Dislikes: Horses, violence, and cold weather.
Personality Traits: In her youth, she was a serial robber of convenience stores. After erasing her past and meeting the love of her life, she's now committed to a clean record, perhaps overcompensating when she took up the role of sheriff.
Additional Characteristics: She is married to a Heatmor named Holly McDunnough-Bell, and they adopted a pansage, panpour, and pansear.
Image (If applicable):
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Name of Pokemon: Hortis (Roselia)
Ability: Natural Cure
Move(s): Magical Leaf, Life Dew, Stun Spore, Sunny Day
Age: 25
Gender (Pronouns): Male, He/Him
Likes: Bright colours, Gardening
Dislikes: Boats & deep water
Personality Traits:
  • Rambles a lot (mostly about plant-related stuff)
  • Overthinks things
  • Determined to see things through
  • A bit too stubborn at times
Additional Characteristics:
  • Carries a large leaf with him as a shield.
  • Needs some form of protection to feel comfortable
  • Can tell you every single medicinal property of every herb he's ever seen (nerd)
  • Is searching for a shiny stone so he can evolve into a Roserade
Image (If applicable):

(I'm hella tired, will do the rest tomorrow)
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Name of Pokémon: Kite (Fake name) Altair (Real name)
Ability: Prankster
- Recover
- Taunt
- Encore
- Power Gem (BUT, no one knows about it except him!)
Age: (?) It's a secret (17)
Gender (Pronouns): Male (He/Him)
- Speaking poetically and exploring critical perspectives of literature
- Romantic gestures, though he wouldn't admit it
- The natural world, climbing trees and watching whatever resides below
- Cute things
- Fire type Pokémon
- Battling on the front line
- Loud noises
- Romantic gestures, because he ends up coming across as mean in response :(
Personality Traits:
- Blunt
- Brash
- Incredibly perceptive
- Selfless/Self-sacrificial but also paradoxically selfish
Additional Characteristics:
- A bit contemptuous to fire type mons. He was burned badly by one when he used to fight on the front lines with his comrades. He ended up disbanding from that party because those burns drew him apart from them; they wouldn't let him join expeditions till he recovered, but that slowly drew them apart. Ever since, he's found it difficult to connect with fire type mons due to subconscious influences.
- He sounds really petty half the time he speaks. Outwardly, it seems he lacks empathy. However, deep down, all those poetic phrases or blunt statements reflect his comfort with someone. In a way, it's his method of helping them out.
- Always standing on the back lines. He was once all about attacking and attack-based move sets. However, he now fears the front lines and would prefer not to have any attacking moves, but rather just act as a supporting unit. However, he has at least one attacking move despite his contempt for it. He avoids using it unless ABSOLUTELY necessary, so most people in his party just assume he has no attacking moves.
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Name of Pokémon: Siren (Noibat)
Ability: Frisk
  • Dragon Cheer
  • Hurricane
  • Tailwind
  • Super Fang
Age: 18
Gender (Pronouns): Male, he/him
  • Singing
  • The gold ring on his ankle
  • ANY compliment
    • He will take insults disguised as compliments and never realize that they are insults.
  • Small audiences
  • The fact that the ring on his ankle messes up his flight patterns
    • He'd choose fashion over function any day.
  • Physical affection
    • WILL bite
Personality Traits:
  • Outgoing and charismatic
  • Dramatic and expressive
    • Exaggerates what he's feeling because he likes the attention
Additional Characteristics:
  • Has undiagnosed vision problems and can't see for crap
    • Is unaware of this and thinks it's normal
    • Has never been to an optometrist in his life
  • Flaunts his shininess
    • He tries to keep himself from thinking he's objectively better than others because of it
      • Keyword "tries"
  • His favorite song is “Steppin’ Out” by Joe Jackson
    • He has an old and tattered songbook that was once owned by a human. It is filled with lyrics and sheet music of various songs from human culture.

(added traditional drawing just for reference, as it's probably easier to pick out details this way lol)


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Hey hey hey I'm here with a Charizardddd

Name of Pokémon: Helios (Charizard)
Ability: Blaze
Move(s): Flamethrower, Roar, Dragon Claw, Earthquake
Age: 40s
Gender (Pronouns): Male, (He/Him)
Likes: Sunbathing, helping others, alone time
Dislikes: Problems he can't fix, Rawst Berries, losing his aid kit (this is a frequent occurrence)
Personality Traits: gruff and battle hardened, but surprisingly gentle and protective. Unintentional father figure
Additional Characteristics: Helios doesn't like to fight in battles as much anymore, as he has dedicated himself to healing and taking care of others, but will pitch in if need be.
Additional Images:
Name of Pokémon: Ash (Krokorok)
Ability: Intimidate
  • Bulldoze
  • Crunch
  • Taunt
  • Pursuit
Age: 23
Gender (Pronouns): Male, He/Him
Likes: Gardening, Moss, Sand, Heat, Soil (he likes digging in it :) )
Dislikes: Rain, The Cold (anything cooler than blazing hot is cold to him. he is a desert creature), Idleness
Personality Traits: Adamant, Likes to fight. Very pig-headed and stubborn, but capable and immensely protective. Always very eager to share knowledge on plants, his current fixation
Additional Characteristics:
  • Is mostly interested in finding and documenting new plants, rather than exploring
  • Would probably kill a man for hurting the plants on his tail
  • Although fella can see pretty good in the cold (Krokoroks have thermal imaging apparently??) he is also. very sensitive to the cold. and also cold-blooded which doesn't help
Image (If applicable):

funny crocodile man :)
Name of Pokémon: Opal (Tinkatuff)
Ability: Own Tempo
  • Play Rough
  • Tera Blast
  • Thunder Wave
  • Stealth Rock
Age: 21
Gender (Pronouns): Female (She/Her)
Likes: Tinkering, smithing, crafting stuff traveling, nerding around, yelling, waking up early, working, shiny objects, salty food, salt in general.
Dislikes: Cleaning, lazyness, forgetting stuff, losing things, spicy food.
Despises: Being bored.
Personality Traits: Active, energetic, curious, nerdy, silly, hot-headed, stubborn, a bit sassy and snarky, and while not fearful of picking a fight with someone, gets nervous when actually fighting.
Additional Characteristics:
  • Comes from Paldea.
  • She managed to stumble into a tera crystal, and managed to rip it off the ground. She combined it with its hammer, giving it strange properties, but at the cost of a terastalization infection (similar to the trees on Area Zero) starting on its arm, this currently doesnt bother her as she still can move its arm normally, and its looks very shiny.
  • She travels around the world in search of knowledge, showing off her tinkering skills, and for shiny metals and rocks to add to her collection.
Realized too late Tinkaton's gender ratio is 100% female, and everyone seems to be making their characters with their own pronouns, but i really liked the idea and design i had for Opal and didnt wanna discard it so i hope thats not weird, i do have a backup Lampent design in case.
Also hope im not breaking some rule by adding terastalization stuff onto my design.
I would like for Opal to evolve at some point of the play session btw.
May have been a bit inspired by Creator by Lena Raine while making this character.
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Name of Pokémon: Gollo
Ability: Pickpocket
  • Taunt
  • Hone Claws
  • Quick Attack
  • Metal Claw
Age: 29
Gender (Pronouns): Doesn't really understand or care about gender. They/them
  • Little snacks
  • Anything shiny (both are referred to as 'treasure' by them)
  • A good, long nap
  • Digging big holes and finding rocks in them
  • Switching up their face paint
  • Wiki Berries
  • Sand (digging holes works less well in it)
  • Hot summers
  • Being lied to
Personality Traits:
  • Has a tendency to babble on and on
  • Very enthusiastic
  • Always assumes that people are genuine and well-meaning
  • Loses motivation and finds new interests somewhat quickly
  • Very eager to find someone who shares their interests
Additional Characteristics:
  • Has previously found ancient gold coins, didn't know their value and traded them for 2 sandwiches (they thought they won that deal)
  • Always brings rope and a shovel with them, doesn't like getting their claws dulled
Image (If applicable):
Name of Pokémon: Tuk (Joltik)
Ability: Compound Eyes
Move(s): String Shot, Bug Bite, Electroweb, Volt Switch
Age: 20
Gender (Pronouns): Male, He/Him
Likes: Heavy machinery (has no idea how any of it works), maps, tight spaces, eating.
Dislikes: The dark, being alone for long periods of time, cans/bottles he could fall into, long (non-adventuring) walks (on the beach).
Personality Traits: Very patient, enjoys following others around, poor at strategy (unless it involves spinning a web), attempts to be friendly whenever possible.
Additional Characteristics:
- Colorblind
- Prefers to hitch rides if possible to save his legs from constant scampering.
- fancies himself stealthy even if it's only because he's small to begin with.

Image (If applicable): Coming soon to a smogon dot com post near you! e: I did it!

i swear im not this bad at shading eyes... and drawing them... oh well I want to post this before the heat death of the universe :)
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Miles (Nihilego)
Requesting a change from Beast Boost -> Symbosis
Tickle, Clear Smog, Psywave, requesting I be able to have Rock Throw as my last move. Disregard the moves on his reference sheet. (I assume we'll have the opportunity to learn better moves throughout the story, and Nihilego gets absolute dookie move-wise from level up alone, so I figured this would be a suitable nerf)
Age: Unknown, maturity is about 14
Genderless, He/Him pronouns
Likes: Lights, stained glass, crystals, flowers, sweet things, music, reading and learning... Actually, just about everything. He loves this world!
Dislikes: Loud sounds, extreme temperatures (especially heat), gossip, garbage and things that sully the landscape.
Personality Traits: Very shy and timid, and terrified of confrontation. He may even lie or be manipulative at times just to avoid someone being angry with him or telling him no... But even still, he's a very sweet and kind soul, and truly wants the best for everyone if he can help it. He can be a little indecisive and nervous too, so you might need to push him a bit!
Additional Characteristics: Miles, being an Ultra Beast, isn't from here, and he's really scared. Wouldn't you be too, if you were taken from your home and dropped somewhere completely new? He doesn't speak the language, the food is all weird and mushy... Even still, he loves this new world, although he finds it hard to get used to. He says he needs to get back home, and that he has people who are worried about him... but he doesn't seem very enthusiastic about leaving.
Some quirks:
- He often eats things he "shouldn't," like rocks and crystals. As a rock type, this is a totally normal part of his diet, but...maybe keep him away from Mega Stones and Z-Crystals
- While not an arsonist by any means, he loves seeing things on fire; specifically certain chemicals. He's completely enamored by lights of all kinds! But colored flames specifically draw his intrigue.
- He speaks via telepathy, directly translating what's been said, but this can result in some... interesting, misunderstandings.

"C-crush?! N-no, I don't want to crush her, why would I do that?!"

Miles is a parasite, and needs to feed occasionally. I'll leave it up to you all whether or not you want to deal with the psychological effects of that (think Lusamine from Sun/Moon.) Continued, much like what happened to Lusamine, Miles's toxins can bring out the potential in others. Again, that's up to you all if you want to run that. Lastly, if he doesn't feel safe and that the party won't leave him for being a parasite, he'll simply lie and try to cover up the nature of his feedings, thereby almost certainly making the situation worse! Overall, he can be a tad problematic at times, but I can tone down behaviors as needed.
Miles reference sheet.png

Kaiju Bunny: Normally, I'd be against any UBs, Legends, Myths, etc. being in a first time campaign, but if you're alright with the following changes, I can accept it:
  • Stats are nerfed
  • Nihilego doesn't learn Rock Throw, but I know you want a STAB move in there ;; Would you settle for Wrap instead?
  • Would you settle for the ability to be Clear Body instead?
Feel free to edit this message and I'll keep track with how you feel on these changes!

Leavannite: Yeah I understand needing nerfs. Here are my thoughts:
  • Stat nerfs are fine, although I would prefer if they do get better over time. Think like an evolution, almost. (Ex. 69/53/47/97/101/103 -> 89/53/47/113/115/103 -> 109/53/47/127/131/103 at certain story beats or level ups; not that stat layout exactly but you get the idea.) While going through an Ultra Wormhole tends to make whatever comes out on the other side stronger, maybe it made him sick instead :( Alternatively, he is young, so it could also be passed off as him getting a handle on his powers.
  • Nihilego does learn Rock Tomb from TM, if that’s acceptable. If TM moves are not allowed, I’d rather have Guard Split. On the same note, I’d rather have the US/UM level up learnset, because Sword and Shield absolutely gutted it. (Ex. Nihilego learns Power Gem at 37 in US/UM, but level 50 in SW/SH.) My personal ideal would be US/UM’s level set, but learning any of the TMs/TRs/Tutor moves it can from any gen.
  • I mean, Clear Body is… fine??? Symbosis is actually much worse and I picked it because it fits thematically, but if Clear Body is preferable then that works. (The effect of Symbiosis is as follows: When one of this Pokémon’s allies uses up their item, this Pokémon will pass their item to them.)

Kaiju Bunny: Rock Tomb works!! Feel free to use that then. I was an eepy fool when I first edited this, so we can for sure go with Symbiosis. If that's all well with you, just let me know either in this message, or on Discord!

Leavannite: Yeah that’s all good! We can talk further on discord for more in-depth stuff
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Cosmo the Victini!

Ability : Flame Body
Moves :
  • Quick Attack
  • Fire Punch
  • Mystical Fire
  • Endure
Age : 14
Gender : he considers himself a lil guy :)
Likes :
  • Stealing food, he thinks it tastes better than stolen than cooked himself. (Especially waffles and macarons (not surprising))
  • Clothings, he likes wearing pants. Sometimes jackets but hardly wears any due to always burning them.
  • Flying and exploration, always looking for new stuff happening around the world.
Dislikes :
  • Bigger pokemon than himself, he can get jealous quickly unless that same pokemon is very kind.
  • Psychic types.
  • Water, he absolutely despises water, no matter how hot or cold it is (don't worry, he is so clumsy he will just fall into one by himself).
  • High terrain like mountains, despite being able to fly, he doesn't like how hard it gets to breath.
Personality Traits :
  • Very hasty, he will rush into anything if the occasion presents itself to be interesting!
  • He is very clumsy and WILL get stuck in trees he accidentally flies into, or trips if someone tells him to hold something.
  • He is very lost, he doesn't know much about himself and what he wants to do, decides to follow whichever can give him a purpose.
Additional Characteristics :
  • Despite being a Victini, Cosmo cannot learn Psychic attacks or abilities altogether, either by choice, or just for being very young.
  • Cosmo has much bigger wings than his pears and does not use psychic abilities to float around.
  • He lacks a lot of knowledge on his own species and will sometimes even try to copy others as a way to learn.
  • He is a VERY young Victini, being naive and childish, but doesn't like to be treated as is.
  • If you make him angry, it is very easy to get back to your side, either be nice, apologize, or give him food.


Kaiju Bunny: Same deal as with Miles; I'll offer some changes to make this work! Let me know what you think:
  • Let's keep Victini as Psychic/Fire. Doesn't necessarily mean they have to know Psychic-type moves, but just to keep things simple for a first time campaign. If anything, you could get away with saying they're too young to use their psychic powers yet
  • Exchange Overheat for Mystical Fire
  • Instead of Victory Star, would you settle for the ability to be Flame Body?
Let me know if these work for you!
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Name: Ruby (Ralts)
Moves: Life dew, Psybeam, (Helping Hand), (dazzling gleam) Is Helping hand, dazzling gleam okay, they are tm moves?
Age: 15
Gender (Pronouns): She/her
Likes: Her friends, Pecha berries, sweet snacks, colour purple and strawberries.
Dislikes: Tart things, the dark, mean persons and spiders.
Personality Traits: shy, a bit nerdy and very loyal to her friends.
Additional Characteristics: Easily scared and if too scared she sometimes does that goat thing(playing dead, staying completely still and falling over), can become really brave when she really needs if her friends are in danger.
Image (If applicable):

(changed scarf to be armthing that matches team more<3)

Kaiju Bunny: Just a small thing, but would you be okay with switching out Psychic for Psybeam for your second attack? Let me know!

Megan!um: sure!


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Cosmo the Victini!

Ability : Victory Star
Moves :
  • Quick Attack
  • Fire Punch
  • Overheat
  • Endure
Age : 14
Gender : he considers himself a lil guy :)
Likes :
  • Stealing food, he thinks it tastes better than stolen than cooked himself. (Especially waffles and macarons (not surprising))
  • Clothings, he likes wearing pants. Sometimes jackets but hardly wears any due to always burning them.
  • Flying and exploration, always looking for new stuff happening around the world.
Dislikes :
  • Bigger pokemon than himself, he can get jealous quickly unless that same pokemon is very kind.
  • Psychic types.
  • Water, he absolutely despises water, no matter how hot or cold it is (don't worry, he is so clumsy he will just fall into one by himself).
  • High terrain like mountains, despite being able to fly, he doesn't like how hard it gets to breath.
Personality Traits :
  • Very hasty, he will rush into anything if the occasion presents itself to be interesting!
  • He is very clumsy and WILL get stuck in trees he accidentally flies into, or trips if someone tells him to hold something.
  • He is very lost, he doesn't know much about himself and what he wants to do, decides to follow whichever can give him a purpose.
Additional Characteristics :
  • Despite being a Victini, Cosmo does not have a Psychic type and cannot learn Psychic attacks or abilities altogether.
  • His lack of psychic type causes him to have much bigger wings than his pears. Making him more a Fire/Flying type.
  • He lacks a lot of knowledge on his own species and will sometimes even try to copy others as a way to learn.
  • He is a VERY young Victini, being naive and childish, but doesn't like to be treated as is.
  • If you make him angry, it is very easy to get back to your side, either be nice, apologize, or give him food.

View attachment 637680

Kaiju Bunny: Same deal as with Miles; I'll offer some changes to make this work! Let me know what you think:
  • Let's keep Victini as Psychic/Fire. Doesn't necessarily mean they have to know Psychic-type moves, but just to keep things simple for a first time campaign. If anything, you could get away with saying they're too young to use their psychic powers yet
  • Exchange Overheat for Mystical Fire
  • Instead of Victory Star, would you settle for the ability to be Flame Body?
Let me know if these work for you!
Yea all of these seems like nice ideas! Thanks ^^ Will edit and update everything now
Name of Pokémon: Starke (Scrafty)
Ability: Intimidate
Move(s): Taunt / Lash Out / Torment / Snatch
Age: Refuses to answer the question (actually 44)
Gender (Pronouns): Male (He/Him)
  • Large cities (knows the ins and outs of most of the cities in his region)
  • Board games
  • Gum
  • Rough-housing
  • Looking for junk (bonus if its actually valuable/useful)
  • Authority figures
  • being sneaky / stealthy
  • low temperatures
  • failure (hates quitting or admitting defeat)
Personality Traits:
  • Brutish and incredibly stubborn towards unfamiliar faces
    • more laid-back and tempered when in the company of friends
  • Loves making his presence known whether it be good or bad intentions.
  • Impulsive
  • Incredibly focused when he has a goal in mind
  • Tends to hold grudges
Additional Characteristics:
  • Used to lead a band of ruffians that terrorized local cities, but disbanded years ago and seeks to return to a relatively normal life
    • Somewhat difficult as he is still vilified by most of the older city folk.
    • Being a former hardened criminal also makes him apathetic towards most "victimless" crimes and theft
  • Will fearlessly go into dangerous areas and pick fights with larger opponents to just see if he can succeed
    • Years of putting himself into dangerous situations makes him an expert at street fighting
  • Overall threatening appearance, reputation, attitude, and power allows him to "convince" a person to give information or "part ways" with an item if said person is considerably weaker than him.
Image (If applicable):

This was almost a "bloodedge griffin"-esque character when I originally came up with it lol
Name of Pokémon: Lucent (Duosion)
Ability: Regenerator
- Confusion
- Charm
- Recover
- Thunder Wave

Age: Young child age, <10 years old
Gender (Pronouns): Female, she/her
- Bright, shiny objects
- Puzzles
- Talking

- Repetitive tasks
- Distractions
- Orders

Personality Traits:
- Kind, empathises with others and will try to help out how she can
- Inquisitive, has a barrage of questions about anything and everything
- Straightforward, bluntly honest
- Jumpy, easily spooked or scared
- Too curious to the point of recklessness at times

Additional Characteristics:
- Keeps a collection of shiny metal/rocks/gems in her gel

Image (If applicable):
Alright, that wraps up the Sign-Up period for this event! All other peeps who sign up after this point must sign up as a substitute!

For those who missed it in the OP, the link to the Event Discord is live, here!

Once everyone joins, I'll split folks off into their teams and after that, the first post of the story will be live! :) Stay tuned!
forgive the latepost

Name: Mo (he/him)
Ability: Pickup
Moves: Fake Out, Double Hit, Fling, Thief
Age: probably 20 (he doesn’t remember)
Likes: exploring, finding new things, accessorizing with new things, throwing new things at other pokemon
Dislikes: the police, status effects, when other pokemon say his tail is not a jumpluff
Personality: goofy and stupid
Other: he once ate an everstone and now cant evolve (he thought it was a malasada)
Chapter 1: A New Spark

A soft and gentle rustling could be heard all throughout the lush forest as a warm spring breeze played with newly grown leaves. The scent of fresh soil lingered in the air, invigorating anyone who walked through.

While many walks of life wandered through these woods without passing a second thought, today seemed... Different. Yes, today had an air of energy to it, though it was hard to pinpoint exactly where this feeling sparked from. Regardless, it was warmly welcomed by a certain group of Individuals, some who were not even aware of others' presences.

As our friends made their way deeper into the woods, commonly referred to as the Novasilv Forest, their curiosity grew, exchanging glances at each other every now and again. It seemed this large group was following one another for quite some time, at least 25 minutes. They wondered to themselves if those walking with them were all truly going to the same place... After all, on its own, this location wasn't too spectacular on its own. It was a simple postboard in a clearing of the forest, showcasing missing persons, local criminals, help wanted posters, or the occasional reoccurring note stating the end was coming close. However, oddly enough, each member of this massive cluster of Pokemon had had a crystal clear dream involving this old postboard the previous night, though none of them seemed ready to tell anyone that.

As this group neared the clearing, the bright spring sun washed over them, as if inviting them to approach closer. There, stood strong as it always had seemed to over numerous decades, was the old Novasilv Forest Postboard.


As the group approached, each Pokemon scanned the post board, looking for anything of interest. It seemed too good to be true that their dream had actually seemed to give them a vision, yet there, in the middle of the board, was a freshly written poster. Upon closer inspection, it read the following:

"Dearest friend, if you are reading this, this is the opportunity of a lifetime! The Iustadire Guild, upholders of growth and equality in a world forever changing, is in need of fresh blood to help us in new expeditions across the Region! Recent earthquakes in the area have awoken new entrances to worlds unexplored. As these earthquakes become more frequent, it is crucial we not only explore these dungeons to learn more about them, but also to ensure the safety of the friends and families directly affected by these natural disasters.

If you're up to the occasion, we urge you to visit the Iustadire Guild in Luxistia City! Please bring this notice with you to gain access into the Guild. We look forward to seeing your presence! Take heart, and unlock your truest potential, for the future you want to create!"

- The Iustadire Guild

This was huge, the gathered Pokemon knew that much. The Iustadire Guild was the most prominent and expert group of exploration teams in the Homilla Region. The Guild was very firm on who joined them and who didn't, but they didn't do this out of being snobby. No, they had to keep standards high, as this Guild was the core of protection and defense in the Region, with exploration teams scattered across the land. With that aside, the Guild was also known to house thousands of hidden riches and treasures, often from explorations they conducted.

Each Pokemon in the gathering had silently made up their mind. The journey to Luxistia City would certainly not be a short one, they knew that much. But it was impossible to pass up an opportunity like this. The Pokemon once again gave small glances to one another; it was also impossible to ignore each others' presences.

They weren't aware of it at the moment, but this would signify the start of their new journey, a new spark to the lives they thought would remain unchanged.
As curiosity got the best of him, Cosmo decides to follow his dream, went along a rather deep forest path in search of a purpose still. While on his way, eating berries he finds off the ground. He finally finds the board, surrounded by a lot of strange pokemons. As he tries to go through the crowd to reach the papers barely enough to be able to read, he gets kicked out off the bunch and thrown backwards, hitting his head to some of the hard shells in the mess.

Having read the message on the board, Hortis' mind immediately goes towards the Evolution Stone he's been hunting down. The caves where Shiny Stones have historically been found seems to have been completely exhausted recently, and as such he's had no luck finding one. 'It can't be a coincidence that I had a dream with this exact notice in it. So surely it must be related to my wants, right? But what if it's actually just a coincidence. Do I really want to go off into uncharted territories? Then again, new territory also means new flora, so that could be great. There might be some undiscovered herbs there...' As Hortis becomes lost in thought, he bumps into a tall, dark figure. Hortis mutters an apology and looks up, only to find a Charizard covered in scars staring down at him.


Helios, curious of the crowd gathered around the board, briefly read the sign posted for the guild openings in Luxistia, a place he had not been in a very long time. The journey would be much longer than his previous trips, as the hole in his wing required more effort to be able to fly. The majority of Helios's trip would be on foot, if he decided to go. Second guessing his decision, he turned around to another Pokemon bumping into him: a Roselia carrying a large leaf. This Roselia introduced himself as Hortis and was also interested in the note on the board. He proposed the idea that Helios join him. His acceptance of Hortis’s offer, however, was interrupted by a series of loud crashes and a Victini slouched behind the crowd of Pokemon rubbing its head.

after reading the note Ruby immediately knew that she needed to go with someone because she wouldn't find the way and would be terrified at night in the darkness, and after seeing a small group from behind a tree, she gathered her very little resources of courage and went and asked the if she could join them on their way.

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