Damn you’re getting better
Better between 2015 and now or the creation of this thread and now? Either way, thank you, practice helps!
Anyways, work with spriting is only going to go up in the future, since I'm picking back work on something I never really shared in this thread...I'm making a Pokemon fangame! It's been in-the-works for about ten months, and even then I'm not even halfway done, but I do have some sprites to share with it as well as some other things...
- Remember from early in this thread, where one of the earliest Fakemon I've made was named Nebullon? Well, this is
Nebullon's redesign! I'm not keeping the name because instead of it being based off of a butterfly nebula, this is based on a luna moth. The entire evolutionary family now works around how the luna moth has no mouth, with the first stage being a very hungry caterpillar that eats a lot, this being a moth that is very hungry, and the last stage being a Ghost-type that has a really eerie look to it and drains the life of other living beings to "eat." Really edgy, I know, but I think it might prove to be interesting. Next on the chopping block for a redesign will be Lumineel probably, but I have no idea what direction I'm going to take there as of right now.
- This is
Grievenge, another one of the earliest Fakemon I've made. I made this around when I made Monstratus and Spirox in 2015, and for the same Smogon thread as well. It's gotten a bunch of slight revisions since then though, although I might continue working on it now, especially since it feels kind of empty in the middle. Obviously based off of the grim reaper except his head is an eyeball. Not the best thing I've made I don't think but it's not bad, and in the fangame I'm working on this thing will have a huge sidequest.
- This is
Monstratus's evolution. I originally designed this back in 2015 with the idea of it being a "Mega Monstratus," but I've changed the design a lot and I think this works a lot better as a standard evolution now. For projects where I use it as an evolution, I call the base form Monsirrus instead. I've been told that the ears look strange and that the cloud surrounding the wing on our left looks too flat, and I kinda agree with both. The amount of times I've said "this design aspect needs changing" kinda tells me I need to go back and fix a bunch of stuff from various designs...regardless, I'm very happy with how this one looks design-wise.
- I'm absolutely shocked that I hadn't posted this little guy yet. This is
Rinsect, a bug I made based on a Japanese diving beetle. Pretty simple design here, I made it have little flipper things on the ends of its arms and I gave it a hollow shell filled wth water. I'm not sure whether I made this in 2017 or 2018, although I'm leaning towards the latter. Last thing I really can mention here is that its evolution will have many more scuba diving aspects thrown into it, with a few possibilities being an air tank on its back that holds water instead and a scuba helmet to go with it.
- Are you guys ready for something REALLY dumb? I can at least explain myself if so. This is a
Team Ligma Grunt... Story behind this is that the word "ligma" has gotten a really bad rap among my friends and I because one of my friends uses that word really excessively, combining it with other words and trying to get his parents with "ligma balls." I thought it'd be funny to base an evil team around it. I made it as stupid as possible, giving him no shirt and making every one of them using as horrendous of slang as possible. They're kinda like Team Skull in the way that they're not at all supposed to be taken seriously...and many, many other things. This is the first human sprite I've ever done so it probably looks really shoddy in one way or another, but I dunno, I can't see that kind of stuff yet due to my inexperience here. Also the sprite is big because I don't know, this is the only version of it I had.
Other than all that, though, the only other thing I have to say is that I've added everything from this thread to the OP! The only exception is the stuff mentioned in this post, which I will be adding right now. Thank you all for reading!