Well that was a long hiatus. It's been 3 full months since I posted, yikes.
View attachment 281359- Here's an unfinished one first, this is
Draxplosion. I was tasked with making a Fire-type starter for a Pet Mod forum thread, and the idea of a fireworks-based snake popped into my head. I slowly worked into it being a Chinese serpentine dragon because the designs just mesh together super well for reasons I won't elaborate on. This is unfinished because I'll probably change something with the horns and as of right now, none of the fire is textured at all which just doesn't look right.
View attachment 281361- This is
Annelait. My last post has its pre evolution in it, but I finally got around to finishing this family. Another design whose details just felt like a super obvious fit to me, yet I've never personally seen anyone do anything like this: it's a worm on a string, but with fishing elements. I made the last two sprites here over the past three days, so they're both very recent. The last one was made well over a month ago though...
View attachment 281356- This is
Chemiclysm. Here's the thing with this one: a year ago, I think I posted about winning a contest on a forum? Well this thing won a smaller rendition of that same contest. About half as many people joined and I only tied for first, but a win is a win nonetheless. I recently thought to myself how good the concept for Grimer's design was and how much they could have expanded upon it, then realized that I designed Pokemon and could easily see what I could do myself. This took a month of tweaking and the sprite was done in an hour and a half because I realized that I needed to finish this two hours before it was due, but hey, I got it done and it looks good enough.
For those interested in the forum thread where I won, you can check that out
I hope this thread doesn't go inactive for another three months again lol