ORAS PU E-turn-ity


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Hello everyone. My name is Akir, and today I will be posting my first RMT.

So recently I have noticed that my teambuilding is in a point of "transition". I wouldn't call myself a bad teambuilder before joining Smogon in earnest, but I have definitely improved since I have and now I am left in a position where my knowledge of teambuilding has outgrown my ability to teambuild. I would appreciate any help to improve my teambuilding so I can get over this rut as fast as I can.


So if you know me IRL, you know that I am absolutely abysmal at naming things. So when I was looking for music, I was looking for decent idle VG music that I could also make into a terrible pun. If I ever make more RMTs, you can expect more B-tier puns.


So when I set out to make this team for the Winter Seasonal, I wanted to use a fun mon that had some surprise factor but could still produce results. CB Ninjask is a fun mon to use in my opinion, and many people are expecting Adamant rather than Jolly. Even if they are predicting Jolly, the fact that Jolly Ninjask outspeeds base 90 scarf is not common knowledge. Besides, I like Ninjask as a friend.

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The core of Ninjask/Rotom-Frost is not new, but is still effective. Rotom-Frost provides a nice amount of type synergy by resisting both Electric and Ice, while also being a switch-in on Ninjask's most common counter: Stunfisk. Ninjask in turn resists Mach Punch from Monferno. Both of these also Voltturn, so that's pretty cool.

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At this point I was weak to both Stealth Rock and Golem, so Vibrava was a pretty easy choice. Vibrava also adds more Voltturn and resists Rock and Fire, so the synergy between these three is honestly pretty solid. The Defog that Vibrava also provides is pivotal to the team's success as well.

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Halfway done and it's pretty obvious that Regice is an issue already. Metang works as a good check to Regice and also provides Stealth Rock for the team. Metang can also Pursuit-Trap mons like Kadabra to get additional damage and break Focus Sash, so that's always handy for Voltturn teams to have. Additionally, Metang checks Clefairy and is a Normal resist.

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This team was looking to be pretty cool on the offense v. offense matchup, but has some obvious issues with defensive play. I added Guts Machoke as a wallbreaker in order to rectify this due to the fact that Machoke can switch in for free thanks to all of the Voltturn and hit like a truck. Machoke also checks Pawniard for the team and absorbs status, and the team loves having a dedicated switch-in to both of those.
Rotom Frost.gif

At the final point, I wanted a Water resist and a wincon/revenge killer that could outspeed just about everything Ninjask can't. Scarf Floatzel does all of that while also providing Switcheroo to cripple enemy walls to ease the burden on Machoke somewhat. First draft of the team is done! Woo!

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So after several rounds of the Seasonal and much testing it became very obvious that Floatzel does not help the team as much as I need for it to. I needed a much more general check and a better answer for walls than Switcheroo, so Kadabra was added for more utility to the team.

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While Machoke did indeed pressure defensive mons it fails to beat out some of the more important walls that my team needs - most notably Gourgeist-Super. It was also possible to stall out my stallbreaker, and the concept is just silly enough to warrant a change. I added Swords Dance Monferno to have better ability to bash down a wider variety of walls with much more potency while also being a wincon in Scarf Floatzel's stead.

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At this point, the lack of a Water resist is EXTREMELY notable to the point where Water Spam teams almost win outright. In order to counteract this, I added Lumineon over Vibrava. Lumineon keeps the U-turn and Defog, but I lost my primary switch-in for Stunfisk and Golem...and Lumineon takes Spikes damage whereas Vibrava did not. The switch is important, but does force the team to play a bit more careful.

I also at some point switched the Scarf Rotom for Subwillo Rotom. This change was because the Subwillo set provides a stronger midgame and is better at weakening down teams while not making me quite as weak to things like Golem.

That was pretty long, but hey! We are at the current draft of the team.

Rotom Frost.gif

Here is the team: it took an e-turn-ity to to finally get to the point I'm at today.


Ninjask @ Choice Band
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- X-Scissor
- Aerial Ace
- Toxic

Jolly Ninjask hits 460 speed, which is 1 point faster than Scarf Mime. This impressive fact inspired me to use Ninjask as the start of the team. Ninjask provides a strong U-turn to pivot the team around and can sweep decently well lategame with X-Scissor since Ninjask is effectively as fast as a scarfer but can still hold a Choice Band. Aerial Ace is hilariously weak, but can be used to check Monferno since a +2 Iron Fist Mach Punch from Monferno is a 4hko. Toxic is in the last slot as a desperation move to Toxic setup mons that are behind a Substitute. Generally, however, Ninjask simply turns early/midgame and then sweeps lategame with X-Scissor.

Rotom Frost.gif

Rotom-Frost @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Will-O-Wisp
- Thunderbolt
- Blizzard

Originally a part of a Voltturn core, Subwillo Rotom-Frost proves to be much more successful in dealing with both Ninjask's and Monferno's checks and counters (Stunfisk, etc.) than a scarfer does. Instead of being forced constantly into 50/50 scenarios of either going for Thunderbolt or Blizzard, Rotom-Frost can just Substitute up and see what happens while also gaining the ability to get an effective free action. Stunfisk is also a pretty big problem for my team, so Rotom-Frost is important for being a relatively safe and reliable switch-in. Rotom-Frost also has fantastic resistances of Ice and Electric, which help balance out Ninjask's weaknesses pretty well. The burn is also handy for additional chip damage and for weakening mons like Golem, who can prove to be a problem if not played correctly. Leftovers were also chosen over Life Orb simply so I can use Rotom for a longer midgame presence. Overall a very solid mon in PU at the moment.


Lumineon @ Leftovers
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Defog
- Scald
- U-turn
- Toxic

Lumineon is a very interesting mon in PU at the moment that is largely effective due to the presence of so much Water spam. This, however, makes Lumineon a good addition to the team. The Defog and U-turn are on the set to compliment Ninjask: spinning away hazards and adding additional pivoting. Physically defensive is chosen to act as a blanket check to all types of Water Spam: special variants are either resisted/ineffective thanks to Storm Drain, and physical variants are tanked decently well. The Speed is kept to outspeed Adamant Pawniard. With the speed that high, I can win 1v1 by obtaining the 3hko on the tier's premier Defog punisher. The speed is also not that high anyway, so I can still achieve switch priority on plenty of mons. Toxic is chosen in the last slot to catch defensive mons on the switch and get some damage on the Water spammers I'm supposed to be checking.


Metang @ Eviolite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Pursuit

Golem v. Metang is one of the primary debates raging on about this team. In the end, I decided to go with Metang for a couple reasons: Regice, switching in to Psychic types, checking Clefairy better, and Regice. Zen Headbutt is chosen to 2hko Machoke, who can be a hassle for this team to handle, and also for hitting common switch-ins for Meteor Mash decently hard. Pursuit is chosen as the last slot primarily for breaking Kadabra's sash, but getting chip damage on mons that are forced out (like Chatot, Dodrio, etc.) is never a bad thing. The Speed EVs are for speedcreeping uninvested base 55, which helps to grab KOs on things like Bouffalant and Guts Ursaring and also being sure to clear any speedcreeping Machokes.


Monferno @ Eviolite
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Mach Punch

If you have played PU recently, then you are probably already aware of Monferno's prowess. This Monferno serves the purpose of breaking stall wide open with Monferno's potent dual STAB and Swords Dance. After an SD, few defensive mons can tank Monferno and not be at least crippled for a later sweep. Monferno can also SD up and sweep for itself with Mach Punch, which provides the team with a nifty wincon in the lategame. Jolly is chosen to outspeed the mons that are speedcreeping Adamant nowadays, and Eviolite is chosen over Life Orb for longevity purposes since Monferno can act as a midgame and a lategame option on this team. Oh, and Monferno is also immune to burn, so it can absorb any Will-o-Wisp that are pointed at Metang or Ninjask.


Kadabra @ Focus Sash
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 30 HP / 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 SpD / 30 Spe
- Psychic
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Encore
- Thunder Wave

Last one! Kadabra is a blanket check for the team by always surviving 1 single hit. From there, Kadabra can either respond with a powerful attack or with a handy support option. HP Fighting is chosen for hitting Pawniard and other Dark or Steel types. I would opt for something like Signal Beam to hit both Dark and Psychic, but with Metang on my team I already have a decent switch-in for Psychic. Encore is on Kadabra to shut down setup sweepers and provide opening for another mon to come in. Thunder Wave is also on Kadabra for neutralizing fast scarfers that may outspeed my team. Kadabra serves a very important purpose on this team as the glue that holds this team together and wards off a lot of threats.

The threatlist for this team is honestly pretty broad, since this team gives room for smart play to overcome a lot of possible problems. I will name the biggest possible issues though.
  • Monferno: I have 3.5 checks to the thing and it can still cause me problems. A well-played Monferno can wear down my team with U-turn and its dual STAB and then overcome my speed superiority with Mach Punch. Luckily Ninjask is a very solid NSI check to all variants of Monferno and Kadabra can also beat Monferno pretty regularly, but both of these mons can be weakened and played around. Comes down a lot to how you both play.
  • Golem: Ever since I lost Vibrava, Golem adds a very real level of pressure to my team. Not only does it lay down rocks, but my only safe switch-in is Lumineon. I have checks in the form of the stated Lumineon, along with Rotom-Frost and Kadabra, but I do not consider "just play well" to be enough of a standalone strategy for dealing with the most popular mon in PU.
  • Chatot: Timid Scarf Chatot outspeeds Ninjask, blows straight through Rotom's Substitute, and 2hkos Lumineon. Chatot even has Heat Wave for hitting Metang. Play Kadabra close to your heart, or try to wear it down so Monferno can revenge kill with Mach Punch.
  • Stunfisk: Again without Vibrava, this mon proves to be a hassle. It is true that the team has Rotom, but if the team loses Rotom then there is a problem.
  • Drifblim: Outspeeding the team is one thing, but also possibly having a Substitute to block Kadabra's Thunder Wave AND outspeeding the team is another thing entirely. Smart play with Kadabra can get an Encored or paralyzed Drifblim, but if Drifblim gets going then the team has few options.
  • Rotom-Frost: I have no dedicated switch-ins for this mon, but I have plenty of checks. Monferno can 2hko with Mach Punch and is effective against Scarf sets, and Kadabra can shut down Sub sets with Encore and pressure with Psychic. Ninjask is able to revenge kill both sets as well.
There are of course more, but the team really thrives on the player's ability to play. Smart play can get this team very far, but as I stated earlier I don't consider "just play well" to be a standalone strategy.

PU Crew: galbia Magnemite Anty 2xTheTap Anonymous Man ShuckleDeath amber lamps neoELVIS president yoom-tah RivalET Rebel Pawniards RawMelon Tect Optical Real cityfolk Sir Kay GeneralAnnoyance PTF Megazard TONE114 NumberCruncher gasquakee -Grim HJAD ManOfMany Thisbemyalt MaroGod Dundies Jetpack Ranbu No Melody zdrup15 Entei. Haund

Come over here and tear my team apart please :D

Special shoutout to November Rain for being the one to introduce me to the tier. I know you have "basically" quit mons for a while, but I will just patiently wait for my rival to return.

If I missed anyone, it's not intentional and I apologize for not tagging you in a bad RMT.

Ninjask @ Choice Band
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- X-Scissor
- Aerial Ace
- Night Slash

Rotom-Frost @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Will-O-Wisp
- Thunderbolt
- Blizzard

Lumineon @ Leftovers
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Defog
- Scald
- U-turn
- Toxic

Metang @ Eviolite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Pursuit

Monferno @ Eviolite
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Mach Punch

Kadabra @ Focus Sash
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 30 HP / 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 SpD / 30 Spe
- Psychic
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Encore
- Thunder Wave

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/pu-350342686 vs ShuckleDeath

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/pu-341193282 vs iEntei
The above replay also shows the team before I made any swaps, and is actually the reason why I made the swaps in the first place.

Overall I wouldn't say that this is the best team that I have in my arsenal, but it is the one that shows where I'm at in my growth the best and is the most fun. Any and all critiques are welcome, for both the team and my teambuilding technique in general. For everyone who wants to try the team out: have fun!
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Hi Akir, nice team

The biggest weakness I see along with the ones in your threatlist (most of them you can handle) is Electric-types, as they can freely Volt Switch around, with your only resist being rocks weak. Here, a solid Electric immunity is required, and the best way to fit that in without having to shuffle round Defog-users, etc (as your team has good role compression making it hard to remove just one Pokemon), would be Camerupt over Rotom-f. Although you already have a Stealth Rock user, Camerupt is very nice at being a reliable counter to the best Electric types right now like Rotom-f, Electrode, and Zebstrika, and its earth power does a lot of damage to Stunfisk. There are a few ways to make this change, though I think the best option would be to give Camerupt Rocks then give Metang either Earthquake, to help bait and weaken Stunfisk (and other Steel types), or Bullet Punch, which is generally useful as priority. Personally I would go with Earthquake for Stunfisk on this team.

The only other thing I have to suggest would be Shadow Ball over Encore on Kadabra, as it makes it a lot easier for you to pressure Grumpig and Mr Mime if Metang gets weakened, and if you don't want to switch Ninjask in. Additionally the loss of Encore to check set-up sweepers isn't that bad considering you cover most set up sweepers with the rest of the team and can run Roar on Camerupt if you are afraid.

Camerupt @ Leftovers
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 212 SpD / 44 Spe
Calm Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Protect / Roar
EV's creep Golem and still allow it to take two Rotom-f's Blizzard

Stealth Rock ---> Earthquake (or Bullet Punch)

Encore ---> Shadow Ball

Hope I helped!