OU Effective Combinations in the OU Metagame

CeleTran still works, FYI. Especially a Tinkerbell Celebi with Psychic to kill those unwitting Conkeldurrs, and Leaf Storms for the noobTars.
Combos in OU

Seeing how there's a similar thread in UU, I figured it might as well be a good idea to start one here. As per the other thread, there's a really useful tool linked here (Credit goes to Mispy for making it, seriously, amazing tool.)

General notes:
- Dream World combos will be tagged as (Dream World)
- Doubles tactics won't necessarily be added yet. I think more likely than not you'd use that in VGC than in a normal metagame. I could add it at a later time though, just in a different section if enough people request it.

Offensive Combos

Scizor + Rotom-W

The idea around this combo is to abuse U-turn and Volt Switch in tandem to shuffle the opponent's team around, cause switches, and rack up damage through hazards. When they catch on, smack them with a hard hit from either of them. Typing-wise, they cover each other's weaknesses as well.
Volcarona + Rotom-W

Hydreigon + Bronzong

Hydreigon @ Life Orb
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Focus Blast
- Dark Pulse / Taunt

Hydreigon should not be using a scarf or specs. This is really a simple wallbreaker set. Draco Meteor coming off of 383 SpA and a LO boost does absurd amounts of damage to those that don't resist it, and for those that do, Fire Blast and Focus Blast can help against those that resist it, like Heatran, Scizor, Ferrothorn, Tyranitar, and other friends. The last move is entirely a case of whether or not you want an easier time with a Jellicent/Ferrothorn core (Dark Pulse means you don't have to mindgame as much), or Blissey (Taunt means it can't heal after sponging a Meteor).

Bronzong @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 84 Atk / 80 Def / 92 SpD
IVs: 2 Spe
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earthquake

Bronzong can sync up well with our draconic hydra friend by sponging the Ice, Dragon, Bug, and to an extent, Fighting attacks aimed at Hydreigon. It can support a team as well by checking, or even countering threats like Excadrill, Landorus, and even Thundurus to an extent. Stealth Rock is nice, as it helps score some needed KOs, and the rest is simple enough. Gyro Ball cuts into everything that doesn't resist it and then some, as with a speed stat this low, it's probably going to hit everything very hard. Hidden Power Ice has it's niche in killing off Landorus, Gliscor, and other 4x Ice weaks (Salamence, Dragonite). Earthquake otherwise rounds off the set for good reason: To KO Excadrill after a Gyro Ball pops any potential Balloons.

This core overall hates Conkeldurr, Machamp, and arguably Lucario as well. Conkeldurr can KO Hydreigon at +1 with Mach Punch if it's taken any prior damage at all, and it can set up on Bronzong due to his low speed dropping Gyro Ball's power. Machamp is a bit rarer, but still does the same due to bullshit Dynamicpunch hax. Lucario may be a bit hard-pressed to set up, but he generally will outspeed both members of this core, and start KOing them.

For that reason, pairing this core up with a bulky Psychic is a good idea. Reuniclus stands out above the rest generally.

Defensive Combos
Skarmory + Blissey

Jellicent + Ferrothorn

Utility Combos
(Dream World) Ditto + Espeon

(Thanks No. 1 Machop Fan)
The idea around this combo is to have Ditto lead, and use Eccentric to copy the opponent from Turn 1. From there, if there's a move likely to be reflected, switch to Espeon to bounce it back. Common targets include Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, etc.

(Final note: I'll only be around until the 25th or so, so after that I won't be able to update this thread for a month. A mod could take over during that time if they want)
In Dream World, Ditto and Espeon as an anti-lead combo. Ditto can reveal the opposing lead's moves, and if any can be reflected, switch to Espeon to reflect them with Magic Bounce.

Xatu can do the same as Espeon, but Espeon is better offensively.
Ferrothorn and Jellicent make a rather good defensive combo, having good type synergy and the ability to lay entry hazard's / pass statuses around.
Lol, everyone knows that one.

Good offensive Combo: Scizor/Rotom-W

Aside from each only having one weakness, each also resists the other's weakness AND has a super-effective STAB move on it. They can easily shuffle the opponent's team around with U-turn and Volt Switch, then change it up when the opponent catches on and net a KO with one of their great STABs. Great combo, really.
I think Terrakion and Houndoom as a combo is pretty neat.

Houndoom Uses Beat Up on Terrakion for a x6 (With a full party) Boost from Terrakion's ability Justified (Everytime hit with a Dark Type Move it gets a boost) , allowing a nice and quick set up for Terrakion to sweep.

I should explain in greater detail, but I'm new to this so I'll just roll with this. ._.
I think Terrakion and Houndoom as a combo is pretty neat.

Houndoom Uses Beat Up on Terrakion for a x6 (With a full party) Boost from Terrakion's ability Justified (Everytime hit with a Dark Type Move it gets a boost) , allowing a nice and quick set up for Terrakion to sweep.

I should explain in greater detail, but I'm new to this so I'll just roll with this. ._.

wouldn't that only work in doubles? And weavile is faster so it does it better IMO.
@ Ironman: That's definitely one of my favorite defensive combinations though I've used Skarmory in place of Ferrothorn a majority of the time. You could try using Roar as Latias' last move to take full advantage of the entry hazards damage and to guarantee you come out the victor in any potential CM wars against Virizion and Reuniclus.
I think Terrakion and Houndoom as a combo is pretty neat.

Houndoom Uses Beat Up on Terrakion for a x6 (With a full party) Boost from Terrakion's ability Justified (Everytime hit with a Dark Type Move it gets a boost) , allowing a nice and quick set up for Terrakion to sweep.

I should explain in greater detail, but I'm new to this so I'll just roll with this. ._.

Wouldn't it only be x5? Why would Terrakion hit itself :S Is it just me?
Beat Up is based on the # of pokemon in your party regardless of who it is used on. Because if you think about it, the move is meant to be used on the opposition so all your pokemon would attack giving a x6 attack. But in this case it is being used as friendly fire. One, such as you, might argue that it should only be x5 because your ally, who the attack is being used on, can't use it against itself, but it is based on the # of Party pokemon in your party. not taking into account who it is used against. It only looks at your party #. So it will be x6 boost and attack no matter who it is used on.
Empoleon and gliscor make a exellent team. Empoleon resisits ice and water and gliscor resisits fighting and is immune to electric and ground
I think a rather well known one is Gliscor + Jirachi + Rotom-W
Gliscor serves as the physical wall and stops Excadrill and others such as Garchomp (now banned) cold. Jirachi provides Special bulk and can pass wishes to both Gliscor and Rotom-W, both of whom lack reliable recovery. Rotom-W provides good resistances and typing as well as some power in Hydro Pump. Also, burn support.

But this thread shouldn't really exist as there is already an identical one in place >.>
Updating the thread for now.

- Dream World combos will be tagged (Dream World)
- Doubles tactics won't necessarily be added yet. I think more likely than not you'd use that in VGC than in a normal metagame. I could add it at a later time though, just in a different section if enough people request it.

I think a rather well known one is Gliscor + Jirachi + Rotom-W
Gliscor serves as the physical wall and stops Excadrill and others such as Garchomp (now banned) cold. Jirachi provides Special bulk and can pass wishes to both Gliscor and Rotom-W, both of whom lack reliable recovery. Rotom-W provides good resistances and typing as well as some power in Hydro Pump. Also, burn support.

But this thread shouldn't really exist as there is already an identical one in place >.>
There is?

EDIT: I didn't even see it before. Apparently there is. Well, oh well, let this die if you want.