You mean the boltbeam thread? I like this one better because it has greater detail.I think a rather well known one is Gliscor + Jirachi + Rotom-W
Gliscor serves as the physical wall and stops Excadrill and others such as Garchomp (now banned) cold. Jirachi provides Special bulk and can pass wishes to both Gliscor and Rotom-W, both of whom lack reliable recovery. Rotom-W provides good resistances and typing as well as some power in Hydro Pump. Also, burn support.
But this thread shouldn't really exist as there is already an identical one in place >.>
Also, Azumarill and Breloom make a great combo. Its not perfect, but breloom can kill bulky waters that wall azumarill while it can kill volcarona infernape and other fire types that kill breloom