Social End of year check in

Pretty good year overall, minus all the current world events and stuff. The only goal I really had was to do well in the college classes I got this school semester and I did just that. No new hobbies, no graduation (that will be waiting a while down the road), no job. Got some pretty good trading cards this year, and watching pro wrestling was pretty fun, though it was sad to see how many wrestlers died this year. Overall, alright year for me.
Definitely been an interesting year compared to prior ones.
New management position at my newest job that I've been working at for about 2 years now.
After losing my partner early into this year I thought that it was a pretty violent way to have a loved one taken away from you. I won't go in depth on that as this is neither the time nor the place, but for a period of time I genuinely was going through one of the hardest times in my life.
After (for the most part) conquering that hurdle, I went through a thousand cuts after 2 major underlying issues from my adolescence king hit me at the same time. There's still a large amount of shit I have to sort through in my life, but it feels I'm on the right track.

I made it into a new competitive mario kart clan and the community's been pretty alright. I work a lot of my life and don't have much time for much else, but my biggest passion this year (outside of work) has been PS. Having the undying support of a few users this year has made the absolute world to me, even though it might not seem much to them. To name a few, I'm extremely grateful to Siegfried, Archas, fart, Tenshi, Clouds and Klmondo. Obviously the list doesn't stop here, but you six (assuming you all see this) have genuinely had a large positive impact on my life this year, probably the most out of everyone online to be entirely honest. So I'm taking the time right now to say thank you, and continue to be yourselves.

I will say that looking back on the year, I definitely haven't gotten as much done as I would've liked to, sadly, life is too short to spend your time doing nothing. But I hope that one day I can repay the kindness that many have shown to me.
Although there's been ups and downs, I've had a pretty good year, overall. The highlight of my year (that outweighs all the bad for me imo) was getting married this summer to my best friend. It's been really fun being newlyweds.

I'm also trying to take my health and fitness a bit more seriously and, for the first time, I am actually enjoying running - something that's never been fun for me. Seems small, but it's a pretty big accomplishment for me.

Also, I've been lurking here for the last couple years, trying to learn what I can through reading and playing, and this year, I've finally built up the courage to engage with the PS! community and start contributing where I feel comfortable. It's been really great and everyone has been super welcoming and encouraging. I'm really excited to keep learning and to continue familiarizing myself with of the codebase. :psyglad:
Pretty good year overall, minus all the current world events and stuff. The only goal I really had was to do well in the college classes I got this school semester and I did just that. No new hobbies, no graduation (that will be waiting a while down the road), no job. Got some pretty good trading cards this year, and watching pro wrestling was pretty fun, though it was sad to see how many wrestlers died this year. Overall, alright year for me.
I love your mind set although I don’t know you very well I’m proud of you keep going,
2023's shittyness is only topped by the years I was literally abused as a kid lmao this year was DOGSHIT AAAAAAAAA

Depression, settling deeper into college, learning I have a genetic disability. There were times in this year where I felt like I could literally die from medical reasons, bed ridden from pain. But,

at the end of this year? It's getting better. Finally getting medicine to help with my condition, I am getting back into coding after a decently lengthy break for this semester, and I feel more in tune with my emotions. I had to quit work due to that disability, but I hope that, by this time next year, I am making that ching-ching once again. Things are looking up, my perfect Christmas present.
I’m glad things are looking up for you keep going and remain resilient and things will continue to flow for you.
i feel that i'm ending up on the precipice of much needed change, as only this year does it feel like i've reached a place of clarity regarding transgressions against me by loved ones or those i trusted in previous lives. i was able to divorce my frankly sociopathic ex 2 years ago after much hassle, yet only now does it feel like i've been able to move past the Processing phase and into an Active Healing phase. i've been drawing more, which wasn't necessarily an activity i ever did until as recently as last year. it gives me great joy practicing the ability to conjure images from my brain and transplant them into reality.

i still feel some dissonance between my Self and my Body, but i am closing the gap. i am surrounded by loved ones for christmas who are excited to see me, and that's the best topper for the year i could hope for. cheers!
i feel that i'm ending up on the precipice of much needed change, as only this year does it feel like i've reached a place of clarity regarding transgressions against me by loved ones or those i trusted in previous lives. i was able to divorce my frankly sociopathic ex 2 years ago after much hassle, yet only now does it feel like i've been able to move past the Processing phase and into an Active Healing phase. i've been drawing more, which wasn't necessarily an activity i ever did until as recently as last year. it gives me great joy practicing the ability to conjure images from my brain and transplant them into reality.

i still feel some dissonance between my Self and my Body, but i am closing the gap. i am surrounded by loved ones for christmas who are excited to see me, and that's the best topper for the year i could hope for. cheers!
Good job. With time I’m sure everything your hoping for will come to fruition,as for now just take baby steps and enjoy the time with the people you love.
This year, I lost and kept off 60 pounds, primarily through changing my diet and intermittent fasting. I cut out fast food and cut my sugary drink intake to a small drink once daily. (My new goal is to eliminate sugary drinks) I also started working out and have seen significant gains. I also started investing in my retirement and have made significant gains. 2023 is a year I took control of my life by looking at what I can do to improve it rather than relying on others.
This year, I lost and kept off 60 pounds, primarily through changing my diet and intermittent fasting. I cut out fast food and cut my sugary drink intake to a small drink once daily. (My new goal is to eliminate sugary drinks) I also started working out and have seen significant gains. I also started investing in my retirement and have made significant gains. 2023 is a year I took control of my life by looking at what I can do to improve it rather than relying on others.
I’m taking note from you to start 2024 my diet isn’t bad at all per se but it could def be improved and I could drop 15-20 pounds. Great job happy for you.
Hey guys, I know I'm on here pretty late right now but I have nothing else to do right now, so since zero people asked for it, here's how my 2023 year has gone in the context of a traditional anime/manga series.

  • Spring Athletics Arc
    • I was very disappointed with how some of the most anticipated sections of this arc turned out. For some reason the anime decided to add an extra holding call to the end of the "Super Bowl" episode released back in February that just straight-up wasn't in the manga and changed how that episode turned out. Unfortunately there wasn't much that caught the MC's interest over the spring in other sporting activities, but so far it looks like the writers and translators are all doing a better job this time around. maybe the english dub translators got scared of losing their jobs or something, i don't know. Sorry, I was too busy weather watching to care about Spring Training in baseball or whatever the heck was happening to those "PGA Golf" people showing up in filler episodes every other week.
  • Summer Vacation Arc
    • This arc wasn't as bad as one might have expected. I liked the part where the MC finally found a job he enjoyed working at after a two-year hiatus, and he was also able to try something new with his birthday where he dedicated it to his newborn nephew instead of himself. Oh yeah, that reminds me, the anime finally introduced the MC's nephew in this adaptation several months after the manga authors first conceptualized the new character. Statistics show that viewership of the series increased quite a bit following his anime debut.
  • Back to School Arc
    • Unfortunately, the writers really dropped the ball on this one. Not only did the MC have to go back to school and take a break from his job, but they lazily decided to make this arc take place in the exact same place as the beginning of a similar arc they wrote two seasons ago. Minor spoilers for the rest of the season, but the MC still hasn't started interacting with other students as much as I was hoping he would as of the beginning of the 2024 calendar year (which at the time of me writing this review, hasn't actually started yet!)
  • Halloween & Christmas Arc
    • I guess the anime adaptation didn't think there was enough content during either of these holidays in the manga to warrant each of them getting their own separate arc. Let's start with the good news- finally, the sports content across the board started getting interesting again. Several noteworthy advancements to the storyline I was very happy to see in baseball, football, soccer- I still kinda wish the English dub called it by the right name but whatever- basketball, and ice hockey showed up here, and the titular holiday sequences weren't nearly as stressful as I was expecting. The MC didn't do anything for Halloween, but I guess him having extra time to study for and do well on some of his exams made up for that. Honestly, this might have been the best arc of the season so far- a shame that there's only one more episode left before the new season releases next week.
I joined Smogon and started playing Showdown this year, so... take that as you will...
In all seriousness, 2023 did good to me and my family. Grateful for what's to come both personally and professionally while also looking forward to getting more involved in the tournament scene, if all goes to plan.
looking back on 2023 there was def some "frustrations" but now year essentially in hindsight it was all "people around me" be it on nonsense that affects me directly or not that it's just annoying (andat times feeling disrespected having to deal with) and all that may be valid in those moments; looking back however...
the beauty i see looking back is this was the first year i finally told the world around me "no, my energy is mine and ima protect both it and where i wanna put it" with no real kick back cus i finally made my lane in life.
so overall ima take it as a win.
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Like almost everyone here, I had massive ups and terrible downs. Lets see the relevant things:

-Ukraine war continues. This doesn,t depend on me, I don,t even live there, but it influences my quality of life in many bad ways. Hopefully it stops in 2024 with the end of the invasion.

-Despite the above, I was able to travel to many different places this year: Rostock, Schwerin, Wismar, Berlin (all in Germany), Prague (Czech Republic), Brussels, Bruges (both in Belgium), A Coruña, Finisterre, Lugo, Valladolid, Palencia and Peñafiel (Spain all of these). I really took advantage of my free time.

-I sort of ended my 2022 competitive irrelevance in Smogon. My level improved again and I was close from qualifying in both Smogon Tour and Smogon Masters.
-I also went 4-2 in Wcop, not losing any Playoffs game.
-I made (not a big yet) name in the Random Battles Community, prior to this year I didn,t play any tour there and didn,t do badly.
-Despite going negative myself, my team won the WcoPP.

-Meanwhile, in my real social life, my group of friends is collapsing and the tendence probably will continue. It's not even fully my fault, but I have it very hard to prevent it. Main problem is my friends have other groups of friends they can hang out with, I don,t.

-On the other hand, some hostile workmates either left the company I work in, or are temporarily absent due to depression. Me being the main character of my own story doesn,t prevent my enemies from having their own problems that are not related to me.
-This also meant that new people were hired. I am in good terms with these new people and feel myself more useful and capable than before. There is even a new girl I like and try timidly to flirt with, so far without success.
-Despite me feeling that I improved, I was shocked to discover 2 weeks ago that my boss and some of our customers are not satisfied with my work. This means that my position is much less solid than I thought it was, I need to be more careful.

-Outside of work, I went back to the gym... for 2 months in summer. Between year, with full work schedule (8:25 hours + lunch + travel time) its impossible to do something like this, but in summer my quality of life and my health improved.

-Despite being hard to do after a full work schedule, I started going to a course to learn the Basque language, spoken in small towns of my provinces and with growing importance. I did this mainly to meet new people, a goal that was partially a failure, since everyone else going to that course have many more than my 29 years. However, it somewhat helps to have conversations in Basque with the new female workmate, who despite speaking mainly in Spanish, has Basque as her first language.

Overall, quite far from my best year, but not the shitshow that have been 2022 and 2021. Probably should include 2020 too in the list of bad years, but its more confusing due to the extremes both good and bad things were that year. Hopefully you all here have a nice 2024.