Fearow has it rough. Too many other physical-offense birds outclass him.
Staraptor rules the roost as King of UU, and he's a likely candidate for the BL ban. Perfectly potent in standard OU, and can pull off both Choice Sets or LO. High attack and speed, awesome abilities, and a great movepool for what he does. He's just a solid Pokemon.
Honchkrow is next. He's a beast in RU thanks to Sucker Punch, Moxie and Insomnia (which allows Superpower and Heat Wave from 4th gen). If Raptor gets the boot Krow is probably going to largely take his place in UU, especially since he's hovering just below the cut-off even now.
Next up, in terms of actual power, would be Braviary. Strong, reasonably bulky, and a decent movepool mean he's objectively a pretty good Pokemon, but he's just too similar to Staraptor to warrant using in most cases. He's solid in NU (which is awesome this gen), and, as with Honchkrow, he will probably bump up if Staraptor goes to BL. He could partially fill Krow's RU shoes, and would probably see some more UU usage, too.
Swellow comes next, but from what I've seen he's more popular than Braviary, no doubt due to the fact that he fills a totally different, less Staraptor-shadowed role. Guts Facade and speedy Brave Birds are awesome, but unlike the three above he can't hit Steels and Rocks, which hurts him a lot.
Fearow probably comes next. Sniper and Drill Run help him a long way. Above Pidgeot due to higher Speed and Attack (even though he's dying for BB), likely better than Dodrio thanks to Drill Run, certainly above Farfetch'd, and higher than poor Unfezant, who actually has surprisingly good stats but NO useful moves to compliment them properly.
In spite of this, Fearow is just outclassed. His new toys, as cool as they are, don't help warrant using him over the better birds. Still gets an A for Awesomeness in my book, though.