Ferrothorn [QC 3/3] [GP 2/2] [DONEZO]


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Ferrothorn’s great mixed bulk, diverse support movepool, and unique Grass / Steel typing make it a valuable asset to both offensive and defensive teams alike. There seems to be an endless list of Pokemon Ferrothorn can check, most notably Mega Kangaskhan, Landorus-T, Breloom, Sylveon, and virtually every Water-type in the metagame. Thanks to Iron Barbs, it can also act as a deterrent to physical attackers in general. For example, when Ferrothorn is still alive, Talonflame and Mega Charizard X will have to be careful about using Brave Bird or Flare Blitz. A few of Ferrothorn’s most notable drawbacks include poor Speed, average offensive presence, vulnerability to burns, and a weakness to the common Fighting- and Fire-type attacks. Ferrothorn will have to occasionally think twice before attempting to fight a Pokemon it is supposed to check, as the foe might unexpectedly carry a move of one of those types.

name: Wall-Nut
move 1: Leech Seed
move 2: Power Whip / Gyro Ball
move 3: Gyro Ball / Knock Off / Thunder Wave
move 4: Protect / Stealth Rock
item: Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Relaxed / Sassy
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe

Leech Seed grants Ferrothorn a steady recovery option and wears down foe, particularly bulkier ones such as Cresselia, Porygon2, and Suicune. Power Whip is a strong STAB attack that is useful for heavily damaging Water- and Ground-type Pokemon such as Rotom-W, Hippowdon, and Excadrill. Gyro Ball takes advantage of Ferrothorn’s extremely low Speed and strikes many offensive threats at 150 Base Power. Some notable Pokemon it covers include Breloom and Gengar, and it also hits Kangaskhan, Garchomp, Blaziken, and both Mega Charizards much harder than Power Whip. Knock Off provides a utility in removing items and also threatens Aegislash, which is faster than Ferrothorn and risks being struck in its Blade forme. Thunder Wave cripples unsuspecting sweepers such as Mega Charizard X and Volcarona, but it weakens Gyro Ball.

Protect synergizes with Leech Seed and Leftovers to make Ferrothorn a long-lasting wall, allowing it to accumulate more residual damage. Stealth Rock provides team-wide support by rendering Focus Sash almost ineffective and can add a valuable amount of residual damage to help Ferrothorn's teammates sweep. It also deals heavy damage to Charizard, Volcarona, and Talonflame. Iron Head can be used over Gyro Ball for better synergy with Thunder Wave, as Thunder Wave significantly reduces Gyro Ball's damage. Toxic is another status move that can take advantage of Ferrothorn's stalling capabilities and threaten certain high-sustain Pokemon such as Zapdos and Talonflame.

Set Details
Maximum HP and Defense investment optimizes Ferrothorn's performance against the heavy number of physical threats in the metagame. It ensures that Adamant Mega Salamence cannot OHKO it with Double-Edge after a single Dragon Dance boost and that Talonflame cannot 2HKO it with Choice Band-boosted Brave Bird. A specially defensive spread is viable, taking advantage of Ferrothorn's slightly lower but still respectable Special Defense stat. It allows it to take on Greninja, Raikou, and Choice Specs Rotom-W and Sylveon more easily.

Leftovers is preferred to make use of Ferrothorn’s stalling abilities and to patch up its lack of reliable recovery. Rocky Helmet can further deter physical attackers, as it can deal a combined 29% damage with Iron Barbs against a single contact attack. Against Mega Kangaskhan's contact attacks, this combination can wipe out a staggering 58% of her HP!

If running Iron Head, use an Impish nature and 12 Speed EVs to outrun paralyzed, positive-natured base 100 Speed Pokemon. Running 84 Speed EVs grants Ferrothorn enough Speed to outrun paralyzed Mega Gengar, but it does put a strain on Ferrothorn's overall bulk.

Usage Tips
Make use of Ferrothorn’s huge list of Pokemon it checks, but in some matchups, try to scout for potential anti-Ferrothorn measures before staying in. For example, if you want to use Ferrothorn to check Sylveon, you should try to scout for Hidden Power Fire. This can be accomplished through the use of Protect and/or double switching. Another example is Azumarill; avoid Superpower if you can. Double switch if necessary, and make use of Ferrothorn’s strong pivoting quality provided to it by its resistances, bulk, and Iron Barbs.

Evaluate whether to Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, or attack as you see fit.
Leech Seed is the safest move to throw out, as it is effective against all Pokemon bar Grass-types. Use Stealth Rock if you anticipate a longer battle or are in need of that residual damage on key targets. For example, your Mega Salamence will have a much easier time dealing with Thundurus and Zapdos with Stealth Rock on the field. It may also be in your interest to immediately set Stealth Rock up if you anticipate that your opponent will bring Charizard, Talonflame, or Volcarona. However, using Stealth Rock also means a one-time free switch in for many threats, so do not set it up without thinking about it. Thunder Wave is an excellent way to cripple sweepers that love switching into Ferrothorn, such as Blaziken, Lucario, and Mega Charizard X.

Use an attack to immediately threaten the foe and to combat Substitute users. However, Ferrothorn is not a wallbreaker; you probably won’t get a lot of opportunities to predict a switch-in and punish it with a direct attack.

Team Options

Mega Salamence, Dragonite, Latias, Latios, Gyarados, Talonflame, Azumarill, Mega Charizard Y, Slowbro, and Mega Altaria are all viable options to cover Ferrothorn's weaknesses to Fire and Fighting. Ferrothorn also covers most of their weaknesses and its Stealth Rock support can be invaluable for them as well.

Ferrothorn is a solid partner for Blaziken, as it covers a number of Blaziken's checks, such as Hippowdon, Cresselia, and Suicune. Adding in Zapdos to the mix covers Talonflame, Mega Salamence, and Azumarill. Together, these three form a balanced trio that can blanket check most Pokemon in the metagame.

Landorus-T, Ferrothorn, and a Pokemon that resists Fire also act as a strong core. Rotom-W and Rotom-H are the most notable options as they also resist Flying, making it difficult for Talonflame and Mega Salamence to break the core.

Politoed can provide Ferrothorn with rain support to reduce its Fire weakness, while Ferrothorn resists both Electric and Grass. Ferrothorn's long list of resistances is always helpful for a rain team.

Other Options
A Choice Band set with Power Whip, Gyro Ball, Knock Off, and a filler move is the most notable alternative set Ferrothorn can run, utilizing its high-Base Power attack to really leave a mark. To give an example of its power, a Choice Band-boosted Gyro Ball is strong enough to OHKO Garchomp. Some choices for the filler move include Bulldoze, Bullet Seed, and Explosion. Bulldoze can severely damage Heatran, Lucario, and Blaziken reduce their Speed. Bullet Seed can break Focus Sash from the likes of Mamoswine and Terrakion, and can damage Glalie after breaking its Substitute. Explosion simply deals a large amount of damage to most foes that don't resist it and can OHKO Mega Charizard X.

Focus Sash is an alternative item that can be used to really surprise some of its most common checks. For example, if Ferrothorn can bait the opponent's Mega Charizard X or Mega Charizard Y to fight it one-on-one, it can survive any Fire-type attack with Focus Sash, paralyze it, and set up Stealth Rock. Ferrothorn will most likely faint after setting up Stealth Rock, but in return, it has essentially neutered the Charizard and granted your team an entry hazard advantage. Occa Berry can be used to survive a Fire-type attack in a similar fashion, although Ferrothorn will probably not survive most STABed Fire-type attacks in the game. Sitrus Berry is an option as well due to the constraints of Item Clause.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-type Pokemon and Fire-type attacks**: There is no better way to get rid of Ferrothorn than to hit it with a 4x super effective move. Furthermore, some of the metagame's most powerful threats are Fire-types, such as Blaziken, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Charizard X, Heatran, and Talonflame, and giving them an opportunity to switch in can be disastrous to not only Ferrothorn, but also to the the rest of its teammates. Non-Fire-type Pokemon such as Zapdos, Mega Salamence, Mega Kangaskhan, Slowbro, and even Greninja may carry a Fire-type attack (Hidden Power Fire in Greninja's case). Grass-type Pokemon with Hidden Power Fire such as Mega Venusaur and Serperior gets a special mention due to being immune to Leech Seed.

**Fighting-type Pokemon**: Lucario and Blaziken can OHKO Ferrothorn with their Fighting-type STAB attacks. Blaziken can additionally threaten Ferrothorn with its Fire-type STAB moves. Both Pokemon can switch into Ferrothorn's attacks easily, but fear Thunder Wave. Conkeldurr can absorb Thunder Wave, receive an attack boost from Guts, and punish Ferrothorn with Drain Punch.

**Burn Inducers**: Ferrothorn lacks reliable recovery and uses physical attacks. Therefore, a burn from the likes of Rotom-W and Mega Gengar using Will-O-Wisp or some Water-type Pokemon such as Suicune and Slowbro using Scald, can really shorten Ferrothorn's time on the field. Mega Gengar can force this status ailment onto Ferrothorn thanks to Shadow Tag.

**Mega Sableye**: Magic Bounce renders Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, and Thunder Wave useless. Mega Sableye's high physical bulk ensures that Ferrothorn can't deal much damage, and it can burn Ferrothorn with Will-O-Wisp.

**Mega Mawile**: Mega Mawile resists Power Whip and takes very little damage from Gyro Ball due to its low Speed. It is, however, still faster than Ferrothorn and can quickly destroy it with Fire Fang. Alternatively, it can set up Swords Dance on it. Regardless, due to the menacing power Mega Mawile holds, the team with Ferrothorn must be very careful to limit this Pokemon's opportunities to switch in.

**Magic Guard**: Being Ferrothorn's indirect damage is always helpful. Clefable and Reuniclus can threaten to set up on Ferrothorn thanks to said immunity and beat it up with a super effective move; Flamethrower or Fire Blast in Clefable's case, and Focus Blast in Reuniclus's case.

**Trick and Switcheroo Users**: Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Latios are able to Trick their Choice items onto Ferrothorn, drastically reducing its walling and stalling ability.
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Alright, time to nitpick! There really isn't too much for me to say though, you covered Ferrothorn pretty well.

-Might want to move Iron Head from other options to set comments: It hovers around Knock Off's usage, and tbh it can be a real pain when paired with Thunder Wave.

-Might want to mention that Rocky Helmet allows you to make Mega Kangaskhan bleed half her health out (btw that picture is amazing lol)

-Should probably mention the whole zero Speed IV thing for Gyro Ball

-I'd add a paragraph about Thunder Wave in team options. Ferrothorn is one of the best users of it in the game, so I think this justifies listing off some Twave teammates! You mention quite a few good ones already such as Dragonite, Azumarill, and Landorus-T, so you might as well go all the way :P

-I'd give Rotom-H a mention on teammates. It's typing isn't usually as good defensively as Rotom-W's, but Rotom-H handles Mega Charizard Y better which is a nice plus.

-I'd give Wobbuffet a mention in the checks section. While Iron Barbs + Power Whips actually hurt Wobbuffet quite a bit, Wobbuffet actually outspeeds Ferrothorn, which can be REALLY scary if it switches in on something like Protect or Stealth Rock.

-Choice Band Ferrothorn is sorta interesting, as its stuck around 10% usage for the entirety of ORAS. I think its ok in other options for now, but if you want to write a set, I think that's fine too! Regardless of where it goes, mention that Ferrothorn is deceptively powerful because Power Whip and Gyro Ball have such high base power.

You still covered most of the basics, so...


QC Approved 1/3

Edit: hahaha, Didn't even notice this was still WIP! Still leaving this QC approval here though, you pretty much covered everything anyways lol
I think it's good. I watched a video of sash Ferro the other day and it did exactly what you said (para Zard, set rocks). Sash activated 2/2 times, and it was actually not bad. Choice Band Gyro is always a scary surprise too.

I would include "Trick/Switcheroo" into C&C. Even if it seems like Ferro has the upper hand against a Rotom-W, Rotom can render most Ferro forms (especially support) pretty much useless for the remainder of the battle Tricking choice items onto it.

Otherwise, QC Approved 2/3

Isn't it important to mention that Thunder Wave + Gyro Ball weaken each other or mention Impish on a set that does not run Gyro Ball?
Isn't it important to mention that Thunder Wave + Gyro Ball weaken each other or mention Impish on a set that does not run Gyro Ball?
It's mentioned under Iron Head, but I do agree you need to run some speed (12 EVs with neutral nature) to outspeed para'd base 100s, so Impish can be mentioned too.
This is not really a QC check but I'd like to change "filler move" to Bulldoze on the Choice Band set, and consequently in mentions of Blaziken, Heatran, and Charizard X switching in. It can be a nasty surprise for Fire-type switch in. It does slightly more damage to Blaziken than Power Whip, and obviously does quite a bit more to Heatran and Charizard-X. It also lowers their speed which makes them much easier to deal with after switching out.
The ZardX bit can be risky since it is part Flying pre mega. I added Bulldoze anyways, since hitting Heatran is big. Along with that i added Bullet Seed and Explosion for CB. Some people use Bullet Seed for the regular set but I can't think of a reason why since Power Whip is so strong. Perhaps it's because it is not a contact move?

Added Impish and 12 Speed EVs
Added Trick to Checks
Added Rotom-H
Added the bit about Mega Kangaskhan taking 58% from Helmet + Iron Barbs. Wanted to add Cinccino since it OHKOes itself with Tail Slap, but that might not be relevant enough.
Not sure about adding Wobb since Leech Seed makes Wobbuffet a risky switch in, but it does synergize well with Breloom.
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Nothing wrong with bullet seed > power whip imo. it has the potential to hit harder than power whip, doesn't make contact, perfect accuracy(!) and can break through substitutes. I personally prefer it tbh
Idk if it's really worth it though

- The potential to hit for stronger than Power Whip is 25%
- The average power of Power Whip, factoring in accuracy, is 102 BP. On the other hand, Bullet Seed's average power is 87.5 BP. Though defensive Pokemon like Ferro shouldn't be concerned with attacking much, the average power difference is pretty significant. Not this is not the most accurate metric out there but it should give you an idea of their power differences in the long run
- Bullet Seed is even less consistent than Power Whip. I think Ferro can get screwed over by having too few hits more often than it does by missing Power Whip.

The most relevant Substitute users I can think of won't get their Subs bypassed by Bullet Seed:

Heatran, Aegislash, Salamence, Mawile, Gliscor, and Gengar
Most Water, Rock, and Ground Pokemon won't be carrying Substitute (except Octillery but that's pretty rare).
hey there Jibaku this looks mostly written except for maybe team options. You wanna finish it up so someone can give the final check and move it on?
Fixed a little bit on team options and clarified the Zap/Blaziken/Ferro combo. Anyways, ready for the next step.


Ferrothorn’s strong mixed bulk, versatile supporting movepool, and unique Grass- and Steel- typing make is a valuable asset to both offensive and defensive teams alike. There seems to be an endless list of Pokemon Ferrothorn can check, most notably Kangaskhan, Landorus-T, Breloom, Sylveon, and virtually every Water-type in the game. Thanks to its primary ability, Iron Barbs, it can also act as a deterrent to physical attackers in general. For example, Talonflame or Mega Charizard X will have to be careful about using Brave Bird or Flare Blitz, respectively, while Ferrothorn is still alive. A few of Ferrothorn’s most notable drawbacks include poor Speed, average offensive presence, vulnerability to burns, and and weaknesses to the common Fighting- and Fire- type attacks. Ferrothorn will have to occasionally think twice before attempting to fight a Pokemon it is supposed to check. why? Due to their coverage moves like Fire Blast?

name: Wall-Nut
move1: Leech Seed
move2: Power Whip / Gyro Ball
move3: Gyro Ball / Knock Off / Thunder Wave
move4: Protect / Stealth Rock
item: Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Relaxed / Sassy
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe

Leech Seed grants Ferrothorn a steady recovery option and wears down enemies, particularly bulkier ones such as Cresselia, Porygon2, and Suicune. Power Whip is a strong STAB attack, useful for heavily damaging Water- and Ground-type Pokemon such as Rotom-W, Hippowdon, and Excadrill. Gyro Ball takes advantage of Ferrothorn’s extremely low Speed and strikes many offensive threats at 150 base power. Some notable Pokemon it covers include Breloom and Gengar, and it also hits Kangaskhan, Garchomp, Blaziken, and Charizard 25% harder than Power Whip. Knock Off provides a utility in removing items and threatens Aegislash, who is faster than Ferrothorn and risks being struck in its Blade forme.
Thunder Wave cripples unsuspecting sweepers such as Charizard and Volcarona, but weakens Gyro Ball.

Protect synergizes with Leech Seed and Leftovers to make Ferrothorn a long-lasting wall, and can stall for extra turns of residual damage. Stealth Rock provides team-wide support by rendering Focus Sash almost ineffective and can add a valuable amount of residual damage to help its teammates sweep. It also deals heavy damage to Charizard, Volcarona, and Talonflame. Iron Head can be used over Gyro Ball to synergize with Thunder Wave, as Thunder Wave significantly reduces Gyro Ball's damage. It can also be used to hit certain slower Pokemon such as Clefable and Sylveon harder. Toxic is another status option that can take advantage of Ferrothorn's stalling abilities and threaten certain high-sustain Pokemon such as Zapdos and Talonflame.

Set Details
Maximum HP and Defense optimizes Ferrothorn against the heavy number of physical threats in the metagame. It ensures that Mega Salamence cannot OHKO it with Dragon Danced Double Edge, and that Talonflame cannot 2HKO it with Choice Banded Brave Bird.
A Specially Defensive spread is viable, taking advantage of its slightly lower but still respectable Special Defense stat. It allows it to take on Greninja, Raikou, and Choice Specs Rotom-W more easily.

Leftovers is preferred to make use of Ferrothorn’s stally nature and patch its lack of reliable recovery. Rocky Helmet can further deter physical attackers as it can deal a combined 29% damage with Iron Barbs against a single contact attack. Against Mega Kangaskhan's contact attacks, this combination can wipe out a staggering 58% of her HP!

If you're running Iron Head, use Impish and 12 Speed EVs to outrun paralyzed Base 100 Speed Pokemon with a beneficial nature. Running upwards to 84 Speed EVs grants Ferrothorn enough Speed to outrun a paralyzed Mega Gengar, but it does put a strain on Ferrothorn's overall bulk.

Usage Tips
Make use of Ferrothorn’s huge list of Pokemon it checks, but in some match ups try to scout out for potential anti-Ferrothorn measures before staying in. For example, if you want to use Ferrothorn to check Sylveon, you should try to scout for Hidden Power Fire. Another example is Azumarill - avoid Superpower if you can. Double switch if necessary and make use of Ferrothorn’s strong pivoting quality provided to it by its resistances, bulk, and Iron Barbs.

Evaluate whether to Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, or attack as you see fit:
Leech Seed is the safest move to throw out as it is equally effective against all non-Grass type Pokemon. Use Stealth Rock if you anticipate a longer battle or are in need of that residual damage vs key targets such as Talonflame / Charizard / etc. if you see these at team matchup it might be a good idea to click stealth rock. For example, Salamence will have a much easier time dealing with Thundurus and Zapdos with Stealth Rock down. However, Stealth Rock also means a one-time free switch in for many threats, so do not set it up without thinking about it. Thunder Wave is an excellent way to cripple sweepers who love switching into Ferrothorn. Examples include Blaziken, Lucario, and Charizard

Use an attack to immediately threaten the current enemy Pokemon on the field. Ferrothorn is not a wallbreaker - you probably won’t get a lot of opportunities to predict a switch in and punish it with a direct attack. Additionally, Ferrothorn’s attacks allow it to combat Substitute.

Team Options

These Pokemon cover its weaknesses to Fire- and Fighting-type attacks: Salamence, Dragonite, Latias, Latios, Gyarados, Talonflame, Azumarill, Mega Charizard Y, Slowbro, Mega Altaria. Ferrothorn also covers most of their weaknesses.

Ferrothorn is a solid partner to Blaziken as it covers a number of Blaziken's issues, such as Hippowdon, Cresselia, and Suicune. Adding in Zapdos to the mix covers Talonflame, Mega Salamence, and Azumarill. The three combined form a balanced trio that can blanket check most Pokemon in the game.

Landorus-T/Ferrothorn and a Fire resisting Pokemon also act as a strong core. Rotom-W and Rotom-H are the most notable as it also resists Flying.

Politoed can provide Ferrothorn with Rain support to reduce its Fire weakness, while Ferrothorn resists both Electric and Grass. Ferrothorn's long list of resistances is always helpful for a Rain team.

Other Options
Choice Band with Power Whip, Gyro Ball, Knock Off, and a filler move is the most notable alternative set Ferrothorn can run, utilizing its high base powered attacks to really leave a mark. To give an example of its power, a Choice Banded Gyro Ball is strong enough to threaten an OHKO to Garchomp. Some choices for the filler move include Bulldoze, Bullet Seed, and Explosion. Bulldoze can severely damage Heatran, Lucario, and Blaziken, and reduce their Speed. Bullet Seed can break Focus Sashes from the likes of Mamoswine and Terrakion. Explosion simply deals a large amount of damage to most enemies that don't resist it, and can OHKO Mega Charizard X.

Focus Sash is an alternative item that can be used to really surprise some of its most common checks. For example, if Ferrothorn can bait a Charizard to fight in 1v1, it can survive the attack with Focus Sash, Thunder Wave it, and set up Stealth Rock. Ferrothorn will most likely faint after setting up Stealth Rock, but in return it has essentually neutered Charizard and granted your team an entry hazard advantage. Speaking of Fire-type attacks, Occa Berry can be used to survive a hit in a similar fashion, although it is not powerful enough to be used against the likes of Blaziken and Charizard. Finally, Sitrus Berry is always an option due to the constraints of item clause.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-type Pokemon and Fire-type attacks**: There is no better way to get rid of Ferrothorn than to hit it with a 4x super effective move. Furthermore, some of the game's most powerful threats are Fire-typed, such as Blaziken, Charizard (both Mega Evolutions), Heatran, and Talonflame, and giving them an opportunity to switch in can be disastrous. Other non Fire Pokemon such as Zapdos, Salamence, Kangaskhan, Slowbro, and even Greninja may carry a Fire-type attack (Hidden Power Fire in Greninja's case). Grass-type Pokemon give some examples with Hidden Power Fire gets a special mention due to being immune to Leech Seed.

**Fighting-type Pokemon**: Lucario and Blaziken can OHKO Ferrothorn with their Fighting STAB mention that these don't like switching into status tho. Blaziken can additionally threaten Ferrothorn with its Fire-type STAB. Conkeldurr can absorb a Thunder Wave, activate Guts, and punish Ferrothorn with Drain Punch.

**Burn**: Ferrothorn is a wall that lacks reliable recovery and uses physical attacks. A Burn from the likes of Rotom-W or Gengar using Will-O-Wisp, or some Water-type Pokemon such as Suicune and Slowbro using Scald, can really shorten Ferrothorn's time on the field. Mega Gengar can force this burn status onto Ferrothorn thanks to Shadow Tag.

**Mega Sableye**: Magic Bounce renders Leech Seed, Stealth Rock and Thunder Wave useless. Mega Sableye's high physical bulk ensures that Ferrothorn can not hurt it, and can burn Ferrothorn with Will-O-Wisp.

**Mega Mawile**: Mega Mawile is resistant to Power Whip and takes very little from Gyro Ball due to its low Speed. It is, however, still faster than Ferrothorn, and can quickly destroy it with Fire Fang. Alternatively, it can set up Swords Dance on it. Regardless, due to the menacing power Mega Mawile holds, the team with Ferrothorn must be very careful to limit this Pokemon's switch in opportunities.

**Magic Guard**: Immunity to Ferrothorn's indirect damage is always helpful. Clefable and Reuniclus can threaten to set up on Ferrothorn thanks to this immunity, and beat it up with a super effective move - Flamethrower or Fire Blast for Clefable, and Focus Blast for Reuniclus.

**Trick/Switcheroo**: Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Latios are able to Trick their Choice items onto Ferrothorn, drastically reducing its walling ability.

Had a couple of comments

Add / Correction / underline (lowercase / capitalize)

AM Check


Ferrothorn’s strong mixed bulk, versatile supporting movepool, and unique Grass- and Steel- Grass / Steel typing make is it a valuable asset to both offensive and defensive teams alike. There seems to be an endless list of Pokemon Ferrothorn can check, most notably Kangaskhan, Landorus-T, Breloom, Sylveon, and virtually every Water-type in the metagame. Thanks to its primary ability, Iron Barbs, it can also act as a deterrent to physical attackers in general. For example, when Ferrothorn is still alive, Talonflame or Mega Charizard X will have to be careful about using Brave Bird or Flare Blitz, respectively. (period) , while Ferrothorn is still alive. A few of Ferrothorn’s most notable drawbacks include poor Speed, average offensive presence, vulnerability to burns, and and a weaknesses to the common Fighting- and Fire-(no space)type attacks. Ferrothorn will have to occasionally think twice before attempting to fight a Pokemon it is supposed to check, as it they may unexpectedly carry a move of one of those types.

name: Wall-Nut
move1: Leech Seed
move2: Power Whip / Gyro Ball
move3: Gyro Ball / Knock Off / Thunder Wave
move4: Protect / Stealth Rock
item: Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Relaxed / Sassy
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


Leech Seed grants Ferrothorn a steady recovery option and wears down enemies, particularly bulkier ones such as Cresselia, Porygon2, and Suicune. Power Whip is a strong STAB attack, useful for heavily damaging Water- and Ground-type Pokemon such as Rotom-W, Hippowdon, and Excadrill. Gyro Ball takes advantage of Ferrothorn’s extremely low Speed and strikes many offensive threats at 150 Base Power. Some notable Pokemon it covers include Breloom and Gengar, and it also hits Kangaskhan, Garchomp, Blaziken, and Charizard 25% harder than Power Whip. Knock Off provides a utility in removing items and threatens Aegislash, who which is faster than Ferrothorn and risks being struck in its Blade forme.Thunder Wave cripples unsuspecting sweepers such as Charizard and Volcarona, but weakens Gyro Ball.

Protect synergizes with Leech Seed and Leftovers to make Ferrothorn a long-lasting wall, and can stall for extra turns of residual damage. Stealth Rock provides team-wide support by rendering Focus Sash almost ineffective and can add a valuable amount of residual damage to help its teammates sweep. It also deals heavy damage to Charizard, Volcarona, and Talonflame. Iron Head can be used over Gyro Ball to synergize with Thunder Wave, as Thunder Wave significantly reduces Gyro Ball's damage. It can also be used to hit certain slower Pokemon harder such as Clefable and Sylveon. (period) harder. Toxic is another status option that can take advantage of Ferrothorn's stalling capabilities and threaten certain high-sustain Pokemon such as Zapdos and Talonflame.

Set Details
Maximum HP and Defense EVs optimizes Ferrothorn against the heavy number of physical threats in the metagame. It ensures that Mega Salamence cannot OHKO it with Dragon Danced Double Edge, and that Talonflame cannot 2HKO it with Choice Banded Brave Bird.
A specially defensive spread is viable, taking advantage of its slightly lower but still respectable Special Defense stat. It allows it to take on Greninja, Raikou, and Choice Specs Rotom-W more easily.

Leftovers is preferred to make use of Ferrothorn’s stally nature stalling abilities and to patch its lack of reliable recovery. Rocky Helmet can further deter physical attackers, (AC) as it can deal a combined 29% damage with Iron Barbs against a single contact attack. Against Mega Kangaskhan's contact attacks, this combination can wipe out a staggering 58% of her HP health. (period)!

If you're running Iron Head, use Impish and 12 Speed EVs to outrun paralyzed base 100 Speed Pokemon with a beneficial nature. Running upwards to 84 Speed EVs grants Ferrothorn enough Speed to outrun a paralyzed Mega Gengar, but it does put a strain on Ferrothorn's overall bulk.

Usage Tips
Make use of Ferrothorn’s huge list of Pokemon it checks, but in some match ups try to scout out for potential anti-Ferrothorn measures before staying in. For example, if you want to use Ferrothorn to check Sylveon, you should try to scout for Hidden Power Fire. (How do I scout a threatening move? By switching out? Protect or what?) Another example is Azumarill - avoid Superpower if you can. Double switch if necessary and make use of Ferrothorn’s strong pivoting quality provided to it by its resistances, bulk, and Iron Barbs.

Evaluate whether to Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, or attack as you see fit:
Leech Seed is the safest move to throw out, (AC) as it is equally effective against all non-Grass type Pokemon. Use Stealth Rock if you anticipate a longer battle or are in need of that residual damage vs key targets. For example, Salamence will have a much easier time dealing with Thundurus and Zapdos with Stealth Rock down. It may also be in your interest to immediately set Stealth Rock up if you anticipate that your opponent will bring Charizard, Talonflame, or Volcarona. However, using Stealth Rock also means a one-time free switch-(AH)in for many threats, so do not set it up without thinking about it. Thunder Wave is an excellent way to cripple sweepers who love that can easily switching into Ferrothorn. Examples include Blaziken, Lucario, and Charizard. (period)

Use an attack to immediately threaten the current enemy Pokemon on the field. Ferrothorn is not a wallbreaker - you probably won’t get a lot of opportunities to predict a switch in and punish it with a direct attack. Additionally, Ferrothorn’s attacks allow it to combat Substitute.

Team Options

These Pokemon cover its weaknesses to Fire- and Fighting-type attacks: Salamence, Dragonite, Latias, Latios, Gyarados, Talonflame, Azumarill, Mega Charizard Y, Slowbro, and Mega Altaria. Ferrothorn also covers most of their weaknesses.

Ferrothorn is a solid partner to Blaziken, (AC) as it covers a number of Blaziken's issues, such as Hippowdon, Cresselia, and Suicune. Adding in Zapdos to the mix covers Talonflame, Mega Salamence, and Azumarill. The three combined form a balanced trio that can blanket check most Pokemon in the metagame.

Landorus-T/,(AC) Ferrothorn and a Fire-(AH)resisting Pokemon also act as a strong core. Notable Pokemon include Rotom-W and Rotom-H, (AC) as they are the most notable as it also resists Flying.

Politoed can provide Ferrothorn with rain support from Drizzle to reduce its Fire weakness, while Ferrothorn can take several hits from Electric- and Grass-type attacks. resists both Electric and Grass. Ferrothorn's long list of resistances is always helpful for a rain team.

Other Options
Choice Band with Power Whip, Gyro Ball, Knock Off, and a filler move is the most notable alternative set Ferrothorn can run, utilizing its high base-(AH)powered attacks to really leave a mark. To give an example of its power, a Choice Banded Gyro Ball is strong enough to threaten an OHKO to Garchomp. Some choices for the filler move include Bulldoze, Bullet Seed, and Explosion. Bulldoze can severely damage Heatran, Lucario, and Blaziken, and reduce also reducing their Speed. Bullet Seed can break Focus Sashes from the likes of Mamoswine and Terrakion. Explosion simply deals a large amount of damage to most enemies that don't resist it, and can OHKO Mega Charizard X.

Focus Sash is an alternative item that can be used to really surprise some of its most common checks. For example, if Ferrothorn can bait a Charizard to fight in 1v1, it can survive the attack with Focus Sash, Thunder Wave it, and set up Stealth Rock. Ferrothorn will most likely faint after setting up Stealth Rock, but in return, (AC) it has essentually essentially neutered Charizard and granted your team an entry hazard advantage. Speaking of Fire-type attacks, Occa Berry can be used to survive a hit in a similar fashion, although it is not powerful enough to be used against the likes of Blaziken and Charizard. Finally, Sitrus Berry is always an option due to the constraints of item clause.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-type Pokemon and Fire-type attacks**: There is no better way to get rid of Ferrothorn than to hit it with a 4x super effective move. Furthermore, some of the metagame's most powerful threats are Fire-typed Fire-types, such as Blaziken, Charizard (both Mega Evolutions) Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Heatran, and Talonflame, and giving them an opportunity to switch in can be disastrous. Other Non-(AC)Fire Pokemon such as Zapdos, Salamence, Kangaskhan, Slowbro, and even Greninja may carry a Fire-type attack (Hidden Power Fire in Greninja's case). Grass-type Pokemon (such as?) with Hidden Power Fire gets a special mention due to being immune to Leech Seed.

**Fighting-type Pokemon**: Lucario and Blaziken can OHKO Ferrothorn with their Fighting-type STAB attacks. Blaziken can additionally threaten Ferrothorn with its Fire-type STAB moves. Both Pokemon can switch into Ferrothorn's attacks easily, but fear Thunder Wave. Conkeldurr can absorb a Thunder Wave, activate Guts, and punish Ferrothorn with Drain Punch.

**Burns**: Ferrothorn is a wall that lacks reliable recovery and uses physical attacks. A burn from the likes of Rotom-W or Gengar using Will-O-Wisp, or some Water-type Pokemon such as Suicune and Slowbro using Scald, can really shorten Ferrothorn's time on the field. Mega Gengar can force this burn status Will-O-Wisp onto Ferrothorn thanks to Shadow Tag.

**Mega Sableye**: Magic Bounce renders Leech Seed, Stealth Rock and Thunder Wave useless. Mega Sableye's high physical bulk ensures that Ferrothorn can not hurt it can't deal as much damage, and can burn Ferrothorn with Will-O-Wisp.

**Mega Mawile**: Mega Mawile is resistant to Power Whip and takes very little from Gyro Ball due to its low Speed. It is, however, However, it's still faster than Ferrothorn, and can quickly destroy it with Fire Fang. Alternatively, it can set up Swords Dance on it. Regardless, due to the menacing power Mega Mawile holds, the team with Ferrothorn must be very careful to limit this Pokemon's switch in opportunities.

**Magic Guard**: Immunity to Ferrothorn's indirect damage is always helpful. Clefable and Reuniclus can threaten to set up on Ferrothorn thanks to this immunity, and beat it up KO it with a super effective move - Flamethrower or Fire Blast for Clefable, and Focus Blast for Reuniclus.

**Trick / Switcheroo (spaces in between the slant)**: Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Latios are able to Trick their Choice items onto Ferrothorn, drastically reducing its walling ability. (I kind of don't understand this part. Ferrothorn can still wall a Pokemon. It's just locked into a Choice item. I would replace it with "stalling capabilities" because that's usually what Ferrothorn is known for.)

The Dutch Plumberjack
Misaka: Add / Correction / underline (lowercase / capitalize)

TDP: add (Capitalize / Fix)

(comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)

also do a find / replace to fix all the curly apostrophes to straight ones please :]

Ferrothorn’s strong great mixed bulk, versatile diverse supporting movepool, and unique Grass- and Steel- Grass / Steel typing make is it a valuable asset to both offensive and defensive teams alike. There seems to be an endless list of Pokemon Ferrothorn can check, most notably Mega Kangaskhan, Landorus-T, Breloom, Sylveon, and virtually every Water-type in the metagame. Thanks to its primary ability, Iron Barbs, it can also act as a deterrent to physical attackers in general. For example, when Ferrothorn is still alive, Talonflame or Mega Charizard X will have to be careful about using Brave Bird or Flare Blitz, respectively. (period) , while Ferrothorn is still alive. A few of Ferrothorn’s most notable drawbacks include poor Speed, average offensive presence, vulnerability to burns, and and a weaknesses to the common Fighting- and Fire-(no space)type attacks. Ferrothorn will have to occasionally think twice before attempting to fight a Pokemon it is supposed to check, as it they (keep "it") may unexpectedly carry a move of one of those types.

name: Wall-Nut
move1: Leech Seed
move2: Power Whip / Gyro Ball
move3: Gyro Ball / Knock Off / Thunder Wave
move4: Protect / Stealth Rock
item: Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Relaxed / Sassy
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


Leech Seed grants Ferrothorn a steady recovery option and wears down enemies, particularly bulkier ones such as Cresselia, Porygon2, and Suicune. Power Whip is a strong STAB attack (RC) that is useful for heavily damaging Water- and Ground-type Pokemon such as Rotom-W, Hippowdon, and Excadrill. Gyro Ball takes advantage of Ferrothorn’s extremely low Speed and strikes many offensive threats at 150 Base Power. Some notable Pokemon it covers include Breloom and Gengar, and it also hits Kangaskhan, Garchomp, Blaziken, and Charizard 25% harder than Power Whip. Knock Off provides a utility in removing items and threatens Aegislash, who which is faster than Ferrothorn and risks being struck in its Blade forme.(space)Thunder Wave cripples unsuspecting sweepers such as Charizard and Volcarona, but it weakens Gyro Ball.

Protect synergizes with Leech Seed and Leftovers to make Ferrothorn a long-lasting wall (RC) and can allows it to stall for extra turns of residual damage. Stealth Rock provides team-wide support by rendering Focus Sash almost ineffective and can add a valuable amount of residual damage to help its Ferrothorn's teammates sweep. It also deals heavy damage to Charizard, Volcarona, and Talonflame. Iron Head can be used over Gyro Ball to synergize for better synergy with Thunder Wave, as Thunder Wave significantly reduces Gyro Ball's damage. It can also be used to hit certain slower Pokemon harder such as Clefable and Sylveon. (period) harder. (keep original) Toxic is another status option that can take advantage of Ferrothorn's stalling capabilities and threaten certain (keep this) high-sustain Pokemon such as Zapdos and Talonflame.

Set Details
Maximum HP and Defense EVs investment optimizes Ferrothorn's performance against the heavy number of physical threats in the metagame. It ensures that Mega Salamence cannot OHKO it with Dragon Danced Double-Edge (add hyphen) after a Dragon Dance boost (RC) and that Talonflame cannot 2HKO it with Choice Banded Band-boosted Brave Bird.
A specially defensive spread is viable, taking advantage of its Ferrothorn's slightly lower but still respectable Special Defense stat. It allows it to take on Greninja, Raikou, and Choice Specs Rotom-W more easily.

Leftovers is preferred to make use of Ferrothorn’s stally nature stalling abilities and to patch its lack of reliable recovery. Rocky Helmet can further deter physical attackers, (AC) as it can deal a combined 29% damage with Iron Barbs against a single contact attack. Against Mega Kangaskhan's contact attacks, this combination can wipe out a staggering 58% of her HP health. (period)! (original is fine)

If you're running Iron Head, use an Impish nature and 12 Speed EVs to outrun paralyzed base 100 Speed Pokemon with a beneficial nature. Running upwards to (keep "running" or change "grants" to "grant") 84 Speed EVs grants Ferrothorn enough Speed to outrun a paralyzed Mega Gengar, but it does put a strain on Ferrothorn's overall bulk.

Usage Tips
Make use of Ferrothorn’s huge list of Pokemon it checks, but in some match ups matchups, (AC) try to scout out for potential anti-Ferrothorn measures before staying in. For example, if you want to use Ferrothorn to check Sylveon, you should try to scout for Hidden Power Fire. (How do I scout a threatening move? By switching out? Protect or what?) (knowledge of basic battling skill is assumed) Another example is Azumarill—avoid (proper dash) Superpower if you can. Double switch if necessary, (AC) and make use of Ferrothorn’s strong pivoting quality provided to it by its resistances, bulk, and Iron Barbs.

Evaluate whether to Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, or attack as you see fit. (remove line break, colon to period)Leech Seed is the safest move to throw out, (AC) as it is equally effective against all non-Grass type Pokemon. Use Stealth Rock if you anticipate a longer battle or are (keep "are") in need of that residual damage vs on key targets. For example, Mega (I guess?) Salamence will have a much easier time dealing with Thundurus and Zapdos with Stealth Rock down. It may also be in your interest to immediately set Stealth Rock up if you anticipate that your opponent will bring Charizard, Talonflame, or Volcarona. However, using Stealth Rock also means a one-time free switch-(AH)in (original is fine; plain "free turn" instead of this entire phrase would be cleaner, but idk if that still conveys what you're getting at) for many threats, so do not set it up without thinking about it. Thunder Wave is an excellent way to cripple sweepers who love that can easily switching (who -> that is required, either version is fine otherwise) into Ferrothorn. Examples include Blaziken, Lucario, and Charizard. (period)

Use an attack to immediately threaten the current enemy Pokemon on the field. Ferrothorn is not a wallbreaker—you probably won’t get a lot of opportunities to predict a switch-in (add hyphen) and punish it with a direct attack. Additionally, Ferrothorn’s attacks allow it to combat Substitute users.

Team Options

These The following Pokemon cover its Ferrothorn's weaknesses to Fire- and Fighting-type attacks: Salamence, Dragonite, Latias, Latios, Gyarados, Talonflame, Azumarill, Mega Charizard Y, Slowbro, and Mega Altaria. Ferrothorn also covers most of their weaknesses.

Ferrothorn is a solid partner to Blaziken, (AC) as it covers a number of Blaziken's issues, such as Hippowdon, Cresselia, and Suicune. Adding in Zapdos to the mix covers Talonflame, Mega Salamence, and Azumarill. The three combined form a balanced trio that can blanket check most Pokemon in the metagame.

Landorus-T/,(AC) Ferrothorn and a Fire-(AH)resisting Pokemon also act as a strong core. Notable Pokemon include Rotom-W and Rotom-H, (AC) as they are the most notable, (AC) as it they (keep original with the edits I made) also resists resist Flying.

Politoed can provide Ferrothorn with rain support from Drizzle to reduce its Fire weakness, while Ferrothorn can take several hits from Electric- and Grass-type attacks. resists both Electric and Grass. (original is fine, Misaka's version works too if you replace "attacks" with "Pokemon"; up to you) Ferrothorn's long list of resistances is always helpful for a rain team.

Other Options
Choice Band set with Power Whip, Gyro Ball, Knock Off, and a filler move is the most notable alternative set Ferrothorn can run, utilizing its high base-(AH)powered high-Base Power attacks to really leave a mark. To give an example of its power, a Choice Band-boosted Gyro Ball is strong enough to threaten an OHKO to Garchomp. Some choices for the filler move include Bulldoze, Bullet Seed, and Explosion. Bulldoze can severely damage Heatran, Lucario, and Blaziken (RC) and reduce also reducing (keep original without the comma) their Speed. Bullet Seed can break Focus Sashes from the likes of Mamoswine and Terrakion. Explosion simply deals a large amount of damage to most enemies that don't resist it (RC) and can OHKO Mega Charizard X.

Focus Sash is an alternative item that can be used to really surprise some of its Ferrothorn's most common checks. For example, if Ferrothorn can bait a Charizard to fight in 1v1 it one-on-one, it can survive the attack with Focus Sash, Thunder Wave paralyze it with Thunder Wave, and set up Stealth Rock. Ferrothorn will most likely faint after setting up Stealth Rock, but in return, (AC) it has essentually essentially neutered Charizard and granted your team an entry hazard advantage. Speaking of Fire-type attacks, Occa Berry can be used to survive a Fire-type attack hit in a similar fashion, although it is not powerful enough to be used against the likes of Blaziken and Charizard. Finally, Sitrus Berry is always an option due to the constraints of Item Clause.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-type Pokemon and Fire-type Attacks**: There is no better way to get rid of Ferrothorn than to hit it with a 4x super effective move. Furthermore, some of the metagame's most powerful threats are Fire-typed Fire-types, such as Blaziken, Charizard (both Mega Evolutions) Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Heatran, and Talonflame, and giving them an opportunity to switch in can be disastrous to Ferrothorn. (or "game changing" or whatever, but these are written from Ferrothorn's opponent's pov, so plain "disastrous" isn't appropriate) Other Non-(AC)Fire Pokemon such as Zapdos, Mega Salamence, Mega (again, assuming these to be the case, and add "Mega" before Slowbro too if you mean that one) Kangaskhan, Slowbro, and even Greninja may carry a Fire-type attack (Hidden Power Fire in Greninja's case). Grass-type Pokemon (such as?) with Hidden Power Fire gets a special mention due to being immune to Leech Seed.

**Fighting-type Pokemon**: Lucario and Blaziken can OHKO Ferrothorn with their Fighting-type STAB attacks. Blaziken can additionally threaten Ferrothorn with its Fire-type STAB moves. Both Pokemon can switch into Ferrothorn's attacks easily (RC) but fear Thunder Wave. Conkeldurr can absorb a Thunder Wave, activate receive an Attack boost from Guts, and punish Ferrothorn with Drain Punch.

**Burns**: Ferrothorn is a wall that lacks reliable recovery and uses physical attacks. Therefore, (AC) a burn from the likes of Rotom-W or Gengar using Will-O-Wisp (RC) or some Water-type Pokemon such as Suicune and Slowbro using Scald (RC) can really shorten Ferrothorn's time on the field. Mega Gengar can force this burn status Will-O-Wisp ("this status ailment" imo) onto Ferrothorn thanks to Shadow Tag.

**Mega Sableye**: Magic Bounce renders Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, (AC) and Thunder Wave useless. Mega Sableye's high physical bulk ensures that Ferrothorn can not hurt it can't deal as much damage, and it can burn Ferrothorn with Will-O-Wisp.

**Mega Mawile**: Mega Mawile is resistant to Power Whip and takes very little from Gyro Ball due to its low Speed. It is, however, However, it's (original is fine) still faster than Ferrothorn (RC) and can quickly destroy it with Fire Fang. Alternatively, it can set up Swords Dance on it. Regardless, due to the menacing power Mega Mawile holds, the team with Ferrothorn must be very careful to limit this Pokemon's switch in opportunities.

**Magic Guard**: Immunity to Ferrothorn's indirect damage is always helpful. Clefable and Reuniclus can threaten to set up on Ferrothorn thanks to this immunity (RC) and beat it up to KO it with a super effective move—Flamethrower (proper dash) or Fire Blast for Clefable, and Focus Blast for Reuniclus.

**Trick / Switcheroo (spaces in between the slant)**: Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Latios are able to Trick their Choice items onto Ferrothorn, drastically reducing its walling ability. (I kind of don't understand this part. Ferrothorn can still wall a Pokemon. It's just locked into a Choice item. I would replace it with "stalling capabilities" because that's usually what Ferrothorn is known for.) ("walling" is fine, it can't do this nearly as well anymore if it can't switch moves, so it does "hinder" its capabilities)

GP 1/2
several good changes, Misaka; also look over my edits though, and we'll discuss this in more detail later :]
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Ferrothorn’s great mixed bulk, diverse supporting movepool, and unique Grass(space)/(space)Steel typing make it a valuable asset to both offensive and defensive teams alike. There seems to be an endless list of Pokemon that Ferrothorn can check, most notably Mega Kangaskhan, Landorus-T, Breloom, Sylveon, and virtually every Water-type in the metagame. Thanks to its primary ability, Iron Barbs, it can also act as a deterrent to physical attackers in general. For example, when Ferrothorn is still alive, Talonflame or and Mega Charizard X will have to be careful about using Brave Bird or Flare Blitz. A few of Ferrothorn’s most notable drawbacks include its poor Speed, average offensive presence, vulnerability to burns, and a weaknesses to the common Fighting- and Fire-type attacks. Ferrothorn will have to occasionally think twice before attempting to fight a Pokemon it is supposed to check, as it may the foe might unexpectedly carry a move of one of those types.

name: Wall-Nut (nice name)
move(space)1: Leech Seed
move(space)2: Power Whip / Gyro Ball
move(space)3: Gyro Ball / Knock Off / Thunder Wave
move(space)4: Protect / Stealth Rock
item: Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
ability: Iron Barbs
nature: Relaxed / Sassy
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe

Leech Seed grants Ferrothorn a steady recovery option and wears down enemies foes, particularly bulkier ones such as Cresselia, Porygon2, and Suicune. Power Whip is a strong STAB attack that is useful for heavily damaging Water- and Ground-type Pokemon such as Rotom-W, Hippowdon, and Excadrill (sure about that last one?). Gyro Ball takes advantage of Ferrothorn’s extremely low Speed and strikes many offensive threats at 150 Base Power. Some notable Pokemon it covers include Breloom and Gengar, and it also hits Kangaskhan, Garchomp, Blaziken, and Charizard (which one?) 25% harder than Power Whip. Knock Off provides a utility in removing items and also threatens Aegislash, which is faster than Ferrothorn and risks being struck in its Blade forme. (remove line break) Thunder Wave cripples unsuspecting sweepers such as Charizard (which one?) and Volcarona, but it weakens Gyro Ball.

Protect synergizes with Leech Seed and Leftovers to make Ferrothorn a long-lasting wall, and allows allowing it to stall for extra turns of to accumulate more residual damage. Stealth Rock provides team-wide support by rendering Focus Sash almost ineffective and can add a valuable amount of residual damage to help Ferrothorn's teammates sweep. It also deals heavy damage to Charizard, Volcarona, and Talonflame. Iron Head can be used over Gyro Ball for better synergy with Thunder Wave, as Thunder Wave significantly reduces Gyro Ball's damage. Toxic is another status option move that can take advantage of Ferrothorn's stalling capabilities and threaten certain high-sustain durable (or something else that might work here) Pokemon such as Zapdos and Talonflame.

Set Details
Maximum HP and Defense investment optimizes Ferrothorn's performance against the heavy number of physical threats in the metagame. It ensures that Adamant Mega Salamence cannot OHKO it with Double-Edge after a single Dragon Dance boost, (RC) and that Talonflame cannot 2HKO it with Choice Band-boosted Brave Bird. (remove line break) A specially defensive spread is viable, taking advantage of Ferrothorn's slightly lower but still respectable Special Defense stat. It allows it to take on Greninja, Raikou, and Choice Specs Rotom-W and Sylveon more easily.

Leftovers is preferred to make use of Ferrothorn’s stalling abilities and to patch up its lack of reliable recovery. Rocky Helmet can further deter physical attackers, as it can deal a combined 29% damage with Iron Barbs against a single contact attack. Against Mega Kangaskhan's contact attacks, this combination can wipe out a staggering 58% of her HP!

If you're running Iron Head, use an Impish nature and 12 Speed EVs to outrun paralyzed, positive-natured base 100 Speed Pokemon with a beneficial nature. Running 84 Speed EVs grants Ferrothorn enough Speed to outrun a paralyzed Mega Gengar, but it does put a strain on Ferrothorn's overall bulk.

Usage Tips
Make use of Ferrothorn’s huge list of Pokemon it checks, but in some matchups, try to scout for potential anti-Ferrothorn measures before staying in. For example, if you want to use Ferrothorn to check Sylveon, you should try to scout for Hidden Power Fire. This can be accomplished through the use of Protect and/or (pick one) double switching. Another example is Azumarill; avoid Superpower if you can. Double switch if necessary, and make use of Ferrothorn’s strong pivoting quality provided to it by its resistances, bulk, and Iron Barbs.

Evaluate whether to Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, or attack as you see fit.
Leech Seed is the safest move to throw out, as it is effective against all non-Grass type Pokemon bar Grass-types. Use Stealth Rock if you anticipate a longer battle or are in need of that residual damage on key targets. For example, your (should clarify that it's yours and not the opponent's) Mega Salamence will have a much easier time dealing with Thundurus and Zapdos with Stealth Rock on the field. It may also be in your interest to immediately set Stealth Rock up if you anticipate that your opponent will bring Charizard, Talonflame, or Volcarona. However, using Stealth Rock also means a one-time free switch in for many threats, so do not set it up without thinking about it. Thunder Wave is an excellent way to cripple sweepers that love switching into Ferrothorn, such as. Examples include Blaziken, Lucario, and Charizard.

Use an attack to immediately threaten the current enemy Pokemon on the field foe. Ferrothorn is not a wallbreaker; you probably won’t get a lot of opportunities to predict a switch-in and punish it with a direct attack. Additionally, Ferrothorn’s attacks allow it to combat Substitute users. However, Ferrothorn is not a wallbreaker; you probably won’t get a lot of opportunities to predict a switch-in and punish it with a direct attack.

Team Options

The following Pokemon cover its weaknesses to Fire- and Fighting-type attacks: Mega Salamence, Dragonite, Latias, Latios, Gyarados, Talonflame, Azumarill, Mega Charizard Y, Slowbro, and Mega Altaria are all viable options to cover Ferrothorn's weaknesses to Fire and Fighting. Ferrothorn also covers most of their weaknesses, (AC) and its Stealth Rock support can be invaluable for some of these Pokemon them as well.

Ferrothorn is a solid partner to for Blaziken, as it covers a number of Blaziken's issues counters/checks (pick whichever one they are), such as Hippowdon, Cresselia, and Suicune. Adding in Zapdos to the mix covers Talonflame, Mega Salamence, and Azumarill. The Together, these three combined Pokemon form a balanced trio that can blanket check most Pokemon in the metagame.

Landorus-T, Ferrothorn, (AC) and a Fire-resisting Pokemon that resists Fire also act as a strong core. Notable Pokemon are Rotom-W and Rotom-H are the most notable opetions, as they also resist Flying, making it difficult for Talonflame and Mega Salamence to break the core.

Politoed can provide Ferrothorn with Rain rain support to reduce its Fire weakness, while Ferrothorn resists both Electric and Grass. Ferrothorn's long list of resistances is always helpful for a rain team.

Other Options
A Choice Band set with Power Whip, Gyro Ball, Knock Off, and a filler move is the most notable alternative set Ferrothorn can run, utilizing its high-(AH)Base-(RH) Power attack to really leave a mark. To give an example of its power, a Choice Band-boosted Gyro Ball is strong enough to OHKO Garchomp. (Wowzers.) Some choices for the filler move include Bulldoze, Bullet Seed, and Explosion. Bulldoze can severely damage Heatran, Lucario, and Blaziken reduce their Speed. Bullet Seed can break Focus Sashes from the likes of Mamoswine and Terrakion, (RC) and can damage Mega (I think?) Glalie through after breaking its Substitute. Explosion simply deals a large amount of damage to most enemies foes that don't resist it and can OHKO Mega Charizard X.

Focus Sash is an alternative item that can be used to really surprise some of its most common checks. For example, if Ferrothorn can bait a the opponent's Charizard (which one?) to fight it one-on-one, it can survive the any Fire-type attack with Focus Sash, paralyze it, and set up Stealth Rock. Ferrothorn will most likely faint after setting up Stealth Rock, but in return, it has essentially neutered Charizard (which one?) and granted your team an entry hazard advantage. Occa Berry can be used to survive a Fire-type attack in a similar fashion, although it is not powerful enough to be used against the likes of Blaziken and Charizard (which one?). Finally, Sitrus Berry is always an option as well due to the constraints of Item Clause.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-type Pokemon and Fire-type attacks**: There is no better way to get rid of Ferrothorn than to hit it with a 4x super effective move. Furthermore, some of the metagame's most powerful threats are Fire-types, such as Blaziken, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Charizard X, Heatran, and Talonflame, and giving them an opportunity to switch in can be disastrous to not only Ferrothorn, but also to the the rest of its teammates. Non-Fire-type Pokemon such as Zapdos, Mega Salamence, Mega Kangaskhan, Slowbro, and even Greninja may carry a Fire-type attack (Hidden Power Fire in Greninja's case). Grass-type Pokemon with Hidden Power Fire such as Mega Venusaur and Serperior gets a special mention due to being immune to Leech Seed.

**Fighting-type Pokemon**: Lucario and Blaziken can OHKO Ferrothorn with their Fighting-type STAB attacks. Blaziken can additionally threaten Ferrothorn with its Fire-type STAB moves. Both Pokemon can switch into Ferrothorn's attacks easily, (RC) but fear Thunder Wave. Conkeldurr can absorb a Thunder Wave, receive an attack boost from Guts, and punish Ferrothorn with Drain Punch.

**Burn Inducers**: Ferrothorn is a wall that lacks reliable recovery and uses physical attacks. Therefore, a burn from the likes of Rotom-W or and (Mega?) Gengar using Will-O-Wisp, (AC) or some Water-type Pokemon such as Suicune and Slowbro using Scald, can really shorten Ferrothorn's time on the field. Mega Gengar can force this status ailment onto Ferrothorn thanks to Shadow Tag.

**Mega Sableye**: Magic Bounce renders Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, and Thunder Wave useless. Mega Sableye's high physical bulk ensures that Ferrothorn can't deal as much damage, and it can burn Ferrothorn with Will-O-Wisp.

**Mega Mawile**: Mega Mawile is resistant to resists Power Whip and takes very little damage from Gyro Ball due to its low Speed. It is, however, still faster than Ferrothorn and can quickly destroy it with Fire Fang. Alternatively, it can set up Swords Dance on it. Regardless, due to the menacing power Mega Mawile holds, the team with Ferrothorn must be very careful to limit this Pokemon's switch in opportunities to switch in.

**Magic Guard Users**: Immunity Being immune to Ferrothorn's indirect damage is always helpful. Clefable and Reuniclus can threaten to set up on Ferrothorn thanks to this said immunity and beat it up with a super effective move—(remove space)Flamethrower or Fire Blast for in Clefable's case, and Focus Blast for in Reuniclus's case.

**Trick / and Switcheroo Users**: Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Latios are able to Trick their Choice items onto Ferrothorn, drastically reducing its walling and stalling ability.
GP 2/2
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Just fixed a small error, nobody ever caught that it said "Bulldoze can severely damage Heatran, Lucario, and Blaziken reduce their Speed" which doesn't really make sense. Fixed this and uploaded, nice job Jibaku :)