Flash CAP Pokédex

I decided on making the 10% form just the ghost taking control of the radio as a haunted radio sounds really cool doesn't look too good but it's more of a quick sketch. I haven't figured out a name yet but i was thinking Specradio a combination of specter and radio
All the CAPs got updated with Gen 9 movepools (with the exception of the Indigo Disk TMs for now), just search a CAP up on the Showdown Dex, but for your convenience I'll add screenshots of my own notes here :)
Include Hard Press now that it's been updated

Idea no.2 Peng’s idea
This take on the 50% form is where instead of having more souls, it is now in a cd player. The cd player is made to look like a skull to fit the ghost typing, and the second left (right from front view) has a ring that is resembling the tip of a cd player’s antenna. The idea is that it sits inside the cd player and pilots it.
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Idea no.2 Peng’s idea
This take on the 50% form is where instead of having more souls, it is now in a cd player. The cd player is made to look like a skull to fit the ghost typing, and the second left (right from front view) has a ring that is resembling the tip of a cd player’s antenna. The idea is that it sits inside the cd player and pilots it.
That is way cooler than my sketch lol but yeah the cd player or radio works well for a 50% form

Here’s 10%! A ghastly little blender with a want for mischief, this Pokemon guarantees a fright! While I’m here, my idea for the name is Polterlights. A play on poltergeist (a ghost that possesses objects) and lights. My other idea is Phohmtasm. A play on Phanstasm (another word for ghost) and ohm (an electrical measuring unit.)

50%! Changing some things from the sketch, the antenna is now part of the hand, and the speakers are now like eyes. I also added some sugar skull patterns. The noises coming from this Pokémon’s speakers resemble screams of death. They say that once you hear it, you may as well say your goodbyes.