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My SubRoost Aerodactyl is flying around in feverish joy with this move :)


With Toxic Spikes support and Sandstorm, this Aerodactyl can rack up passive damage pretty effectively while preventing its victim from moving, thus keeping Aero healthy and keeping a Sub up.

As a bonus, Aero now learns both Roost and Freefall naturally (Roost is now an Egg Move, Freefall by level-up).
They must be able to attack once they've fell, otherwise if it was one on one the freefaller would obviously win.
Great article. This might actually be useful especially in multibattles, works sort of like fake out in the aspect of stopping the foe for doing anything for a turn, obviously the damage is not the main reason to use it. But yeah even in singles if you are stalling with toxic or perish song, anything that gets better over turns, go for it.
Smeargle with Spore + Gear Change + Baton Pass + Free Fall + Inconsistent= Cheap

Spore a slower foe and grab an Inconsistent +2 boost, then Gear Change on the switch to have +2 Speed & +1 Attack (and get another +2), Free Fall going first to stall a turn (trapping the foe) to get another +2, finish Free Falling the trapped foe and survive an attack with Focus Sash (and grab another +2), then Baton Pass out next turn to a teammate with White Herb. Imagine passing to that Psychic Flying Bat with Simple and Assist Power, now that's a lot of boosts!

In the end, you get +11 before you Baton Pass. Passing to a Simple teammate is even better.

The following turn you will have many boosts to pass to a teammate holding White Herb.

Smeargle: @ Focus Sash

Nature: Jolly (+Spe, -Atk)
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Speed, 4 Def
Ability: Inconsistant

Gear Change
Baton Pass
Smeargle with Spore + Gear Change + Baton Pass + Free Fall + Inconsistent= Cheap

Spore a slower foe and grab an Inconsistent +2 boost, then Gear Change on the switch to have +2 Speed & +1 Attack (and get another +2), Free Fall going first to stall a turn (trapping the foe) to get another +2, finish Free Falling the trapped foe and survive an attack with Focus Sash (and grab another +2), then Baton Pass out next turn to a teammate with White Herb. Imagine passing to that Psychic Flying Bat with Simple and Assist Power, now that's a lot of boosts!

In the end, you get +11 before you Baton Pass. Passing to a Simple teammate is even better.

The following turn you will have many boosts to pass to a teammate holding White Herb.

Smeargle: @ Focus Sash

Nature: Jolly (+Spe, -Atk)
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Speed, 4 Def
Ability: Inconsistant

Gear Change
Baton Pass

Doesn't that ability also lower stats? I remember reading that somewhere( the name helps too)
I think it's worth noting that flying types are unaffected by Free Fall's damage turn, although they are still carried up; thus, an Ice, Rock, or Electric type would make the best use of this move:

Timid; 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 Speed

Free Fall

SubRoost Zapdos is one of the most difficult pokemon to take down, and this set takes advantage of that. Thunderbolt will strike down the flying-types that resist both Toxic Spikes and Free Fall, while Toxic will deal with the rest.

Timid; 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 Speed

Free Fall
Ice Beam

Articuno plays similarly, but its different typing means it will be setting up on different threats and taking hits somewhat differently than Zapdos. STAB Ice Beam is excellent, and Articuno has ample time to recover with roost and Lefties.

Jolly; 252 HP / 6 Atk / 252 Speed

Free Fall
Rock Slide

Aero distinguishes itself with much higher speed than the previous two, as well as a SpD boost in Sand. Rock Slide > Stone Edge for PP issues.

Moltres also deserves a mention with a SubRoost + TSpikes set up, as it hits steels hard with its Flamethrower but still has higher attack than either of the other two legendary birds to make use of Free Fall.
The smergle set looks kinda fun I'm unsure as to exactly how the mechanics of White Herb work though.

For example If my poke has +2 attack and then intimidated to just +1 attack and then batton passes to a white herb poke does this new poke realise that a drop happened and active its white herb to get back up to +2 attack or stay with its +1?
Spade's use of this move with Toxic stalling is pretty brilliant IMO. Also it's a shame nobody gets this move with Technician, which would make Freefall all the more dangerous.
Spade's use of this move with Toxic stalling is pretty brilliant IMO. Also it's a shame nobody gets this move with Technician, which would make Freefall all the more dangerous.

Technician Smeargle with it... I'd rather Belly Drum or pray for Inconsistant-cy and a Baton Pass. I like how Dragonite can resist flinches and use it.

Also, is this like Fly in that moves like Gust/Twister/Whirlwind hit the user of Freefall?
It's an amazing move. While fly/dig/dive forces you to use protect, this one forces the enemy to use protect.

And we know that predicted protects can be abused, by setting up hazards, statting up etc. That's also why fly/dig/dive suck so much, protects can be abused.

With freefall, the protects will be incredibly easy to predict, since you're the one creating them :P

If you want to use a non-attacking/status move, you basically get 60(90 with stab) bp damage on the enemy for free.

For example, instead of the old version Stealth rock, you use acrobat and then stealth rock. Same effect, except you dealt a bit of damage too (fantastic on for example infernape, although SE or not, free damage is always nice).

And with the aforementioned freefall + substitute, is there any way to stop it? I'm getting less enthusiastic about this move, since it'll probably be a real pain to face, forcing you to use scarfers or priority.
for a TM move, this seems to have pretty poor distribution. as for the smeargle set, I'm really not sure how inconsistency works. Does it just boost one stat by +2 and thatn -2 another stat every turns?
I'm still not convinced that this move is anything other than awful.

I was up against a Zapdos the other day so naturally switched in my Tyranitar only for him to use Freefall. We both went up into the air, I chose Stone Edge and Zapdos died. There wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

If a slower Pokemon switches into the Freefall, he gets a turn to do whatever he pleases and the opponent is effectively trapped for that turn.

If you're using it in a defensive capacity, with Spikes/Toxic Spikes/Stealth Rock on the field, then there's nothing to stop a Forretress switching into your Skarmory's Freefall and getting off a free Rapid Spin.

It seems like a liability.
If there is a single thing I like about this move, it's that only Shedinja is immune to it.

EDIT: Okay, maybe not. That makes it even better.

I think Flying types and levitators are immune to the damage portion of the attack. Since, y'know, dropping them from high up won't do much.
So I'm guessing they take toxic damage off screen like dig and fly? :D If not that'd defeat the purpose. Any one find any practical use for it on your teams?
Pelipper would be a pretty funny freestaller in the rain with rain dish and gale. He gets a lot of stally moves, actually, like stockpile and aqua ring and roost and knock off. Hell, he could even submersion -> toxic steel types. I mean, he learns protect through frickin level up. It's like he was made for this.

too bad his HP is shit.
Pelipper would be a pretty funny freestaller in the rain with rain dish and gale. He gets a lot of stally moves, actually, like stockpile and aqua ring and roost and knock off. Hell, he could even submersion -> toxic steel types. I mean, he learns protect through frickin level up. It's like he was made for this.

too bad his HP is shit.

Lol, I actually just put together such a pelliper. toxic roost sky drop and soak. Soak removing steal/poisons from toxics immunity and flyer's from sky drops. With lefties + potentially rain dish I'm really looking forward to using it.
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