Well with disable having 100 accuracy now. I think it should be up for consideration on hail stall, Substitute + Disable Gengar is annoying as hell and I figure Froslass can be as well , especially coupled with the residual damage of hail and her Snow Cloak ability. That and Froslass loves to be revenge killed by pursuit users such as Scizor, Weavile and T-Tar so I figure disabling Pursuit from behind a sub would help her ton loads. Altought then again, you can just switch out while substitute's in play it makes a good way to check some of the opponents attack; that or they usually use their strongest offense to break the sub so disabling that move could be a plus for the whole team. She can outwall an unsuspecting Conkeldurr with Disable (Bulk Up, Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Payback or StoneEdge)
EDIT: Double Stat Booster Terakion is also walled if she can get rid of his Stone Edge. It will also works wonder against choice locked pokemon.
I was thinking of something like this if she is going to carry disable. (spike can't be used in conjunction with Disable. =()
Move 1: Taunt
Move 2: Blizzard / Shadow Ball
Move 3: Disable
Move 4: Substitute
Item: Leftovers / Brightpowder
Nature: Timid
Ability: Snow Cloak
EVs: 248 HP / 228 Def / 32 Spe
I personally prefer taunt way over T.Wave or Fake Tears since HailStall Froslass will usually come in play in conjunction with T.Spikes where it renders T.Wave pretty useless.
I noticed the most common switches (back in 4th gen) against her were T.Tar, Scizor, bulky waters, Bulky Spikers (Skarm and Fortress) and pursuit users.
While she will never be able to counter both T.Tar or Scizor no matter what; she can still stall bulky water and Bulky Spikers who just love to use her as set up fodder on her since since she can't do much damage to them. Taunt simply shuts down the opportunity for bulky pokemon to set up, Wish Vaporeon, CMing Suicune and Jelllcient. Coupled with Disable she can get rid of Scald or Surf which means they are left with no form of offense or ether ice beam which she'll scoff at with a defensive spread (Although Jellicent seems to carry Shadow Ball often as well so you'll have to watch out for that). If her cards are played right , she can shut down standard CMing Reuniclus if it carries Focus Blast or Hp Fighting which seems to be the most popular variant: Taunt it, Disable Psychic then all it has left is Focus Blast so ether he will have to switch or you'll have to sacrifice a few Blizzards to kill it off. Shutting down Reuniclus will probably be very important since it will be one of the BIGGEST threat to hail stall team this generation since it just outright resists everything about Hail Stall.
EDIT: Double Stat Booster Terakion is also walled if she can get rid of his Stone Edge. It will also works wonder against choice locked pokemon.
I was thinking of something like this if she is going to carry disable. (spike can't be used in conjunction with Disable. =()
Move 1: Taunt
Move 2: Blizzard / Shadow Ball
Move 3: Disable
Move 4: Substitute
Item: Leftovers / Brightpowder
Nature: Timid
Ability: Snow Cloak
EVs: 248 HP / 228 Def / 32 Spe
I personally prefer taunt way over T.Wave or Fake Tears since HailStall Froslass will usually come in play in conjunction with T.Spikes where it renders T.Wave pretty useless.
I noticed the most common switches (back in 4th gen) against her were T.Tar, Scizor, bulky waters, Bulky Spikers (Skarm and Fortress) and pursuit users.
While she will never be able to counter both T.Tar or Scizor no matter what; she can still stall bulky water and Bulky Spikers who just love to use her as set up fodder on her since since she can't do much damage to them. Taunt simply shuts down the opportunity for bulky pokemon to set up, Wish Vaporeon, CMing Suicune and Jelllcient. Coupled with Disable she can get rid of Scald or Surf which means they are left with no form of offense or ether ice beam which she'll scoff at with a defensive spread (Although Jellicent seems to carry Shadow Ball often as well so you'll have to watch out for that). If her cards are played right , she can shut down standard CMing Reuniclus if it carries Focus Blast or Hp Fighting which seems to be the most popular variant: Taunt it, Disable Psychic then all it has left is Focus Blast so ether he will have to switch or you'll have to sacrifice a few Blizzards to kill it off. Shutting down Reuniclus will probably be very important since it will be one of the BIGGEST threat to hail stall team this generation since it just outright resists everything about Hail Stall.