Pet Mod Fusion Evolution Under Used (Conclusion | Fully Playable! | Please read posts #1, #3 and #4 | Not open for submissions!)

Lots of Ghost and Psychic types so I subbed a Dark type boi

DNA Donors / Parents: Eternatus / Woobat
Offspring Name: Eternabat
New Types:

Base Stats: 103 / 73 / 73 / 123 / 73 / 101 [BST: 546] (+1 HP / +7 Atk / +4 Def / +18 SpA / +4 SpD)
New Ability: Concussion = (Klutz + Pressure)
Ability Description: Halves the effect of the opponent's item.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:

Knock Off, U-Turn

Draco Meteor, Air Slash, Flamethrower, Psychic, Energy Ball, Dynamax Cannon, Dragon Pulse, Sludge Bomb

Defog, Calm Mind, Taunt, Nasty Plot, Roost, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Reflect
Role Justification: Wallbreaker that can also pack a crippling effect thanks to stopping opponent item from working.
DNA Donors / Parents: Moltres-Galar / Slowbro-Galar
Offspring Name: Molow-Galar
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 105 / 96 / 120 / 75 / 60 [BST: 546] (+3 HP / +13 Atk / +4 Def / +20 SpA)
New Ability: Quick Barrage = (Quick Draw + Beserk)
Ability Description: 20% chance to raise SpA by 1 at the end of each turn.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:

Sucker Punch, U-Turn, Poison Jab, Drain Punch, Brave Bird, Lash Out

Dark Pulse, Fiery Wrath, Sludge Bomb, Shell Side Arm, Flamethrower, Psychic

Calm Mind, Taunt, Nasty Plot, Slack Off, Thunder Wave, Belly Drum, Agility
Role Justification: Slow and bulky Wallbreaker that can run viable sets from both sides of the spectrum.

:ss/Obstagoon: :ss/swellow:
DNA Donors / Parents: Obstagoon / Swellow
Offspring Name: Swellagoon
New Types:

Base Stats: 82 / 95 / 84 / 82 / 70 / 110 [BST: 523] (+3 HP / +8 Atk / +4 Def / +15 SpA / +5 SpD)
New Ability: Brawler = (Guts + Scrappy)
Ability Description: Both effects combined
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:

Knock Off, Facade, Quick Attack, Close Combat, Brave Bird, U-turn

Dark Pulse, Heat Wave, Boomburst, Hurricane

Bulk Up, Roost, Obstruct, Switcheroo, Defog, Agility,
Role Justification: This boi is a straight up Wallbreaker. 95 and 87 offensive stats look weak, but when backed by 140 BP STABs and Guts in the former case, it gets pretty hard to switch in on.
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DNA Donors/ Parents: Audino / Druddigon
Role: Wallbreaker, Bulky Offense, Support
Offspring Name: Auddigon
New Types:

Base Stats: 105 / 90 / 90 / 80 / 90 / 50 [BST: 505] (+15 HP / +0 Atk / +2 Def / +20 SpA / +2 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: Medic's Might = (Regenerator + Sheer Force)
Ability Description: Effects of both abilities.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Body Slam, Dragon Claw, Gunk Shot, Thorat Chop, Knock Off
Hyper Voice, Draco Meteor, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse
Glare, Wish, Stealth Rock

Role Justification: Functions simillarly to Nidoking in OU right now, with Sheer Force-boosted coverage hitting selected Walls. Auddigon has at least one viable offensive move for every type in the game, so it is very adaptable to whichever wall is currently best in the metagame. Fun fact, Throat Chop doesn't come from Druddigon, it comes from Audino!

It can also take on a simillar role to Galarian Slowking, using the combination of Bulk, Regenerator and Offensive Presence with Coverage to its advantage (Although notably, Slowking usually runs Assault Vest, and if Auddigon does that, it will overgo Life Orb, which is part of the reason why its damage output would be otherwise really great).

It also has a very decent Support movepool, and 105 / 90 / 90 with Medic's Might makes for a pretty fine support mon. It can spread paralyzis with Glare, has enough HP to function as a Wishpasser (Made even better by the fact it will also heal itself once it switches out to whatever is getting the Wish), has phazing, can run Yawn for more gimmicky sets and Knock Off is there to be as good as always.


Role: Bulky Set-Up Sweeper
New Types:

Base Stats: 105 / 90 / 130 / 100 / 130 / 50 [BST: 605]
New Ability: Healer

Role Justification: For all intents and purposed the mega is strictly inferior to the base form. Medic's Might gives the base a way higher damage output and also better longevity. The one set that improves somewhat is the role of being a bulky offense mon, with very impressive bulk of 105 / 130 / 130, but 100 base special Attack is rather low for something that can't hold an item nor has an ability to further boost its damage output. The one set I can see maybe gaining traction is Calm Mind + Wish.

auddigon: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Dragon", "Normal"],
    species: "Auddigon",
    id: "auddigon",
    baseStats: {hp: 105, atk: 90, def: 90, spa: 80, spd: 90, spe: 50}
    abilities: {0: "Medic's Might"},
    weightkg: 85,
    fusion: ["Audino", "Druddigon"],


DNA Donors/ Parents: Grimmsnarl / Dhelmise
Role: Wallbreaker, Bulky Offense
Offspring Name: Grimmise
New Types:

Base Stats: 102 / 125 / 92 / 90 / 92 / 50 [BST: 551] (+20 HP / +0 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Pirate Hook = (Prankster + Steelworker)
Ability Description: Effects of Prankster and Steelworker
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Knock Off, Darkest Lariat, Sucker Punch, Poltergeist, Anchor Shot, Play Rough
Bulk Up, Taunt, Trick, Thunder Wave, Swords Dance, Synthesis
Role Justification: Grimmise takes advantage of the many defensive Ghosts in the tier via its STABs. Not only that but having a great Defensive type alongside 102 / 92 / 92 bulk allows for a great bulky offensive pokémon. Bulk Up and Synthesis are fine for that role as well.
grimmise: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Dark", "Ghost"],
    species: "Grimmise",
    id: "grimmise",
    baseStats: {hp: 102, atk: 125, def: 92, spa: 90, spd: 92, spe: 50}
    abilities: {0: "Pirate Hook"},
    weightkg: 135.5,
    fusion: ["Grimmsnarl", "Dhelmise"],

DNA Donors/ Parents: Lycanroc-Dusk / Perrserker
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Lycanserker-Dusk
New Types:

Base Stats: 77 / 118 / 87 / 57 / 87 / 105 [BST: 531] (+5 HP / +5 Atk / +5 Def / +5 SpA / +25 SpD / +25 Spe)
New Ability: Tough Claws = (Tough Claws + Tough Claws)
Ability Description: This Pokemon's contact moves have their power multiplied by 1.3.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:


Role Justification:
lycanserker-dusk: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Rock", "Steel"],
    species: "Lycanserker-Dusk",
    id: "lycanserker-dusk",
    baseStats: {hp: 77, atk: 118, def: 87, spa: 57, spd: 87, spe: 105}
    abilities: {0: "Tough Claws"},
    weightkg: 26.5,
    fusion: ["Lycanroc-Dusk", "Perrserker"],


DNA Donors/ Parents: Pyukumuku / Wobbuffet
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Wobbumuku
New Types:

Base Stats: 122 / 66 / 94 / 51 / 94 / 19 [BST: 446] (+0 HP / +20 Atk / +0 Def / +20 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Apathy = (Unaware + Telepathy)
Ability Description: Effects of both abilities
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:

Role Justification:
wobbumuku: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Psychic"],
    species: "Wobbumuku",
    id: "pyukuffet",
    baseStats: {hp: 122, atk: 66, def: 94, spa: 51, spd: 94, spe: 19}
    abilities: {0: "Apathy"},
    weightkg: 14.85,
    fusion: ["Pyukumuku", "Wobbuffet"],


DNA Donors/ Parents: Stantler / Dragonite
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Dragontler
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 125 / 80 / 95 / 85 / 100 [BST: 570] (+3 HP / +11 Atk / +2 Def / +3 SpA / +3 SpD / +18 Spe)
New Ability: Multi Antlers = (Intimidate + Multiscale)
Ability Description: When switching in, takes halved damage from moves
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:



Role Justification:
dragontler: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Normal", "Flying"],
    species: "Dragontler",
    id: "dragontler",
    baseStats: {hp: 85, atk: 125, def: 80, spa: 95, spd: 85, spe: 100}
    abilities: {0: "Multi Antlers"},
    weightkg: 140.6,
    fusion: ["Stantler", "Dragonite"],


DNA Donors/ Parents: Cryogonal / Sigilyph
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Cryoglyph
New Types:

Base Stats: 76 / 54 / 65 / 119 / 112 / 116 [BST: 542] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +20 SpA / +5 SpD / +15 Spe)
New Ability: Floating Magic = (Levitate + Magic Guard)
Ability Description: Combined effects of both abilities
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:



Role Justification:
cryoglyph: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ice", "Flying"],
    species: "Cryoglyph",
    id: "cryoglyph",
    baseStats: {hp: 76, atk: 54, def: 65, spa: 119, spd: 112, spe: 116}
    abilities: {0: "Floating Magic"},
    weightkg: 81,
    fusion: ["Cryogonal", "Sigilyph"],
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DNA Donors/ Parents: Seismitoad / Omastar
Offspring Name: Toadstar
New Types:

Base Stats: 102/82/115/105/97/69 [BST: 590] (+15 HP/+5 Atk/+15 Def/+5 SpA /+25 SpD/+5 Spe)
Ability: Swift Swim
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Liquidation, EQ, Drain Punch, Power Whip, Crunch, Knock Off, Stone Edge, Body Slam, Poison Jab
Hydro Pump, Scald, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Sludge Bomb, Infestation, Grass Knot, Hyper Voice, Meteor Beam
Shell Smash, Stealth Rock, Rain Dance, Rock Polish, Spikes, T-Spikes
Role Justification: A versatile pokemon that boosts a large movepool. While it's most use lies in laying down spikes, t-spikes and rocks, Toadstar gets a lot better in rain due to Swift Swim.
toadstar: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Ground"],
    species: "Toadstar",
    id: "toadstar",
    baseStats: {hp: 102, atk: 92, def: 115, spa: 115, spd: 87, spe: 79}
    abilities: {0: ""},
    weightkg: 48.5,
    fusion: ["Seismitoad", "Omastar"],

DNA Donors/ Parents: Sawk / Tyrunt
Role: Bulky setup-sweeper
Offspring Name: Styr
New Types:

Base Stats: 91/112/81/42/85/71 [BST: 482] (+25 HP/+5 Atk/+5 Def/+5 SpA/+25 SpD/+5 Spe)
Ability: Sturdy
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Close Combat, Superpower, Dragon Claw, Outrage, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Iron Head, Crunch, Body Slam, Poison Jab
Draco Meteor
Dragon Dance, Bulk Up, Curse, Rock Polish, Stealth Rock
Role Justification: Bulky with high attack, Styr likes some nice set-up but might be able to sweep without.
styr: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fighting", "Dragon"],
    species: "Styr",
    id: "styr",
    baseStats: {hp: 91, atk: 112, def: 81, spa: 42, spd: 85, spe: 71}
    abilities: {0: ""},
    weightkg: 38.5,
    fusion: ["Sawk", "Tyrunt"],

DNA Donors/ Parents: Azumarill / Rhyperior
Role: Physical Wall
Offspring Name: Azure
New Types:

Base Stats: 127/95/125/57/67/45 [BST: 516] (+20 HP/+0 Atk/+20 Def/+0 SpA/+0 SpD/+0 Spe)
New Ability: Elementalist = (Lightning Rod + Sap Sipper)
Ability Description: This pokemon is immune to Grass and Electric moves, all Grass and Electric attacks are redirected to this pokemon. Increase Atk and SpAtk when hit by a Grass or Electric attack.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Stone Edge, Smack Down, Aqua Jet, Liquidation, Waterfall, Play Rough, Body Press, Body Slam, Super Power, Megahorn, Avalanche, Crunch, Iron Head, Payback, Outrage
Stealth Rock, Belly Drum, Swords Dance, Curse, Rock Polish, Sandstorm
Role Justification: Bulky physical wall with with an ability that eliminates two of it's weaknesses. Ah yes, smash your physical moves against my defense.. but keep those special moves away from me.
azure: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Ground"],
    species: "Azure",
    id: "azure",
    baseStats: {hp: 117, atk: 105, def: 105, spa: 57, spd: 87, spe: 45}
    abilities: {0: "Elementalist"},
    weightkg: 155.65,
    fusion: ["Azumarill", "Rhyperior"],

DNA Donors/ Parents: Clawitzer / Pelipper
Offspring Name: Pelipzer
New Types:

Base Stats: 65 / 61 / 94 / 127 / 99 / 62 [BST: 508] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +20 SpA / +20 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Rain Blaster = (Drizzle + Mega Launcher)
Ability Description: Both abilities combined
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Aqua Jet, Flip Turn
Hurricane, Scald, Water Pulse, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Flash Cannon
Role Justification: Defensive special wallbreaker.
pelipzer: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Flying"],
    species: "Pelipzer",
    id: "pelipzer",
    baseStats: {hp: 65, atk: 61, def: 94, spa: 127, spd: 99, spe: 62}
    abilities: {0: "Rain Blaster"},
    weightkg: 31.65,
    fusion: ["Clawitzer", "Pelipper"],
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:swsh/Staraptor: :swsh/Guzzlord:
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Guzzaptor
New Types:

Base Stats: 155 / 110 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 75 [BST: 565] (+1 HP / +0 Atk / +14 Def / +2 SpA / +19 SpD / +4 Spe)
New Ability: Intimibeast = (Beast Boost + Intimidate)
Ability Description: Lowers foes highest stat upon switch-in.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Brave Bird, U-Turn, Knock Off
Final Gambit, Draco Meteor
Whirlwind, Toxic
Role Justification: Wall that can also be a pivot, and can be used to lower the foe's effectiveness with Toxic, Intimibeast, Whirlwind and Toxic. Overall a good wall. Also this gets Final Gambit so yeah be prepared for meme sets.
guzzaptor: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Flying", "Dragon"],
    species: "Guzzaptor",
    id: "guzzaptor",
    baseStats: {hp: 155, atk: 110, def: 75, spa: 75, spd: 75, spe: 75}
    abilities: {0: "Intimibeast"},
    weightkg: 456.45,
    fusion: ["Guzzlord", "Staraptor"],

Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Volcales-Alola
New Types:

Base Stats: 90 / 65 / 76 / 125 / 105 / 105 [BST: 566] (+11 HP / +2 Atk / +6 Def / +17 SpA / +3 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: Cold Bugs = (Swarm + Snow Warning)
Ability Description: Summons Hail on switch-in. Under Hail, Bug moves have ×1.5 power.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Not Relevant
Fire Blast, Fiery Dance, Psychic, Bug Buzz, Ice Beam, Moonblast
Quiver Dance, Aurora Veil
Role Justification: Offensive Pokemon with a great set-up move, and what is essentially a third STAB as long as Hail is active. It can also set-up Aurora Veil to set-up more easily.
volcales-alola: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fire", "Fairy"],
    species: "Volcales-Alola",
    id: "volcales-alola",
    baseStats: {hp: 90, atk: 65, def: 76, spa: 125, spd: 105, spe: 105}
    abilities: {0: "Cold Bugs"},
    weightkg: 32.95,
    fusion: ["Volcarona", "Ninetales-Alola"],

:swsh/Inteleon: :swsh/Quagsire:
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Intelequag
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 85 / 85 / 102 / 85 / 77 [BST: 519] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +10 Def / +7 SpA / +20 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Aware Shot = (Sniper + Unaware)
Ability Description: This Pokemon will always crit against Pokemons with stats changes.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Surf, Hydro Pump, Dark Pulse, Ice Beam, Air Slash
Recover, Swords Dance
Role Justification: Mostly defensive Pokemon that punishes early set-ups but doesn't have that much coverage (THANKS INTELEON)
intelequag: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Ground"],
    species: "Intelequag",
    id: "intelequag",
    baseStats: {hp: 85, atk: 85, def: 85, spa: 102, spd: 85, spe: 77}
    abilities: {0: "Aware Shot"},
    weightkg: 60.1,
    fusion: ["Inteleon", "Quagsire"],

:swsh/Eldegoss: :swsh/Guzzlord:
DNA Donors/ Parents: Eldegoss / Guzzlord
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Eldelord
New Types:

Base Stats: 141 / 95 / 71 / 108 / 86 / 51 [BST: 552] (+0 HP / +20 Atk / +0 Def / +20 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Boost Down = (Beast Boost + Cotton Down)
Ability Description: Lowers the highest stat of every Pokemon on the field except itself when getting hit.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:



Role Justification: Extremely good bulk, and can stop à lot of sweepers by simply getting hit. Extremely weak to Ice though, so keep that in mind.
eldelord: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Dragon", "Grass"],
    species: "Eldelord",
    id: "eldelord",
    baseStats: {hp: 141, atk: 95, def: 71, spa: 108, spd: 86, spe: 51}
    abilities: {0: "Boost Down"},
    weightkg: 445.25,
    fusion: ["Eldegoss", "Guzzlord"],
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walls yuck

DNA Donors/ Parents: Kyurem-White / Morgrem
Offspring Name: Morrem-Whigrem
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 95 / 87 / 122 / 87 / 87 [BST: 573] (+0 HP / +5 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Equalizing Flame = (Turboblaze + Prankster)
Ability Description: While this Pokemon is on the field, all positive priority is set to 0.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Dark Pulse, Earth Power, Freeze Dry, Fusion Flare, Ice Beam
Nasty Plot, Roost, Trick
Role Justification: Special Wallbreaker and Anti-Priority (we don't have any yet but it will be once we do)
morrem-whigrem: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ice", "Dark"],
    species: "Morrem-Whigrem",
    id: "morrem-whigrem",
    baseStats: {hp: 95, atk: 95, def: 87, spa: 122, spd: 87, spe: 87}
    abilities: {0: "Equalizing Flame"},
    weightkg: 168.75,
    fusion: ["Kyurem-White", "Morgrem"],

DNA Donors/ Parents: Kyurem / Wormadam-Sandy
Offspring Name: Kyuradam-Sandem
New Types:

Base Stats: 92 / 104 / 97 / 104 / 97 / 85 [BST: 579] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +10 SpA / +10 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Preemptive = (Pressure + Anticipation)
Ability Description: On switch-in, if any foe has a supereffective or OHKO move, it lowers that move's PP by 2.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Earthquake, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast
Earth Power, Focus Blast, Freeze Dry, Ice Beam,
Dragon Dance, Quiver Dance, Roost, Stealth Rock
Role Justification: Special/Physical sweeper
kyuradam-sandem: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ice", "Ground"],
    species: "Kyuradam-Sandem",
    id: "kyuradam-sandem",
    baseStats: {hp: 92, atk: 104, def: 97, spa: 104, spd: 97, spe: 85}
    abilities: {0: "Preemptive"},
    weightkg: 165.75,
    fusion: ["Kyurem", "Wormadam-Sandy"],

DNA Donors/ Parents: Manectric / Darmanitan-Galar
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Manmanitan-Galar
New Types:

Base Stats: 92 / 107 / 62 / 72 / 62 / 120 [BST: 515] (+5 HP / +0 Atk / +5 Def / +5 SpA / +5 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Lightning Tactics = (Lightning Rod + Gorilla Tactics)
Ability Description: This Pokemon's Special Attack is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Freeze-Dry, Ice Beam, Overheat, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch
Role Justification: Choice User

This thing also has a mega but I don't really care
manmanitan-galar: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Electric", "Ice"],
    species: "Manmanitan-Galar",
    id: "manmanitan-galar",
    baseStats: {hp: 92, atk: 107, def: 62, spa: 72, spd: 62, spe: 120}
    abilities: {0: "Lightning Tactics"},
    weightkg: 80.1,
    fusion: ["Manectric", "Darmanitan-Galar"],
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DNA Donors/ Parents: Rapidash-Galar / Glastrier
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Glastridash-Galar
New Types:

Base Stats: 87 / 132 / 100 / 72 / 100 / 87 [BST: 578] (+5 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +5 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Chilling Anticipation = (Chilling Neigh + Anticipation)
Ability Description: On switch-in, this Pokemon raises its Attack by 1 stage if any foe has a supereffective or OHKO move.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Close Combat, Icicle Crash, Play Rough
Swords Dance, Agility, Morning Sun
Role Justification: Attacker that can go both with SD and a choice item
glastridash-galar: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ice", "Fairy"],
    species: "Glastridash-Galar",
    id: "glastridash-galar",
    baseStats: {hp: 87, atk: 132, def: 100, spa: 72, spd: 100, spe: 87}
    abilities: {0: "Chilling Anticipation"},
    weightkg: 440,
    fusion: ["Rapidash-Galar", "Glastrier"],
DNA Donors/ Parents: Rotom / Mesprit
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Rotoprit
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 82 / 101 / 115 / 101 / 110 [BST: 579] (+5 HP / +5 Atk / +10 Def / +15 SpA / +10 SpD / +25 Spe)
New Ability: Levitate = (Levitate + Levitate)
Ability Description: Levitate
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Volt Switch, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
Stealth Rock, Nasty Plot, Calm Mind
Role Justification: Another attacker
rotoprit: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Electric", "Psychic"],
    species: "Rotoprit",
    id: "rotoprit",
    baseStats: {hp: 70, atk: 82, def: 101, spa: 115, spd: 101, spe: 110}
    abilities: {0: "Levitate"},
    weightkg: 0.3,
    fusion: ["Rotom", "Mesprit"],
DNA Donors/ Parents: Ninjask / Regieleki
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Ninjeleki
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 95 / 51 / 90 / 51 / 200 [BST: 557] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +4 Def / +15 SpA / +1 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Infiltransitate = (Infiltrator + Transistor)
Ability Description: If the opposing mon has a substitute, it is ignored and the users attacks deal 1.5% damage
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
U-Turn, Dual Wingbeat, Wild Charge
Volt Switch, Thunder Cage, Bug Buzz
Roost, Defog, Swords Dance
Role Justification: Super Fast Pivot: God Version
ninjeleki: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Electric", "Bug"],
    species: "Ninjeleki",
    id: "ninjeleki",
    baseStats: {hp: 70, atk: 95, def: 51, spa: 90, spd: 51, spe: 200}
    abilities: {0: "Infiltransitate"},
    weightkg: 78.5,
    fusion: ["Ninjask", "Regieleki"],
DNA Donors/ Parents: Lapras / Ferrothorn
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Laprathorn
New Types:

Base Stats: 102 / 105 / 117 / 69 / 117 / 40 [BST: 550] (+0 HP / +16 Atk / +12 Def / +0 SpA / +12 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Spiky Armor = (Shell Armor + Iron Barbs)
Ability Description: If this pokemon recieves a critical hit, deals 1/8 damage to the mon that scored the crit
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Body Press, Ice Shard, Liquidation, Zen Headbutt
Freeze Dry
Leech Seed, Heal Bell, Curse
Role Justification: Leech Seed wall that can also use curse effectively
laprathorn: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Grass"],
    species: "Laprathorn",
    id: "laprathorn",
    baseStats: {hp: 102, atk: 105, def: 117, spa: 69, spd: 117, spe: 40}
    abilities: {0: "Spiky Armor"},
    weightkg: 165,
    fusion: ["Lapras", "Ferrothorn"],

Fusion: Dreihound (Hydreigon + Houndoom)
Role: Set-Up Sweeper, Wallbreaker, Pursuit Trapper

Hades Guardian (Levitate + Flash Fire) - This Pokemon is immune to Ground; This Pokemon's Fire attacks do 1.5x damage if hit by one Fire move; Fire immunity. Gravity/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify this ability.
Stat Distribution: 87 / 117 / 85 / 117 / 85 / 97 [BST: 588] (+4 HP / +20 Atk / +15 Def / +1 Spe) 97.5 Weight
Relevant Moves:
-Sucker Punch, Pursuit, U-turn, Punishment, Fire Fang, Superpower, Earthquake, Beat Up
-Dark Pulse, Fire Blast, Overheat, Sludge Bomb, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Earth Power
-Nasty Plot, Dragon Dance, Taunt, Roost, Defog, Destiny Bond
Justification: A strong special attacker with nasty plot, a fast sweeper with dragon dance, a nasty pursuit trapper with a choice band, decent wallbreaker with access to taunt and recovery, 3 immunities give it multiple opportunities to switch in.

Solar Power
Base Stats: 87 / 117 / 125 / 147 / 95 / 117 (+40 Def / +30 SpA / +10 SpD / +20 Spe +14.5 Kg) 112 Weight


Fusion: Thiepole (Thievul + Poipole)
Role: Revenge Killer, Set-Up Sweeper

Power Stake (Stakeout + Beast Boost) - This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 if the opponent switches out or the user attacks and KOes another Pokemon.
Stat Distribution: 68 / 65 / 62 / 100 / 79 / 101 [BST: 475] (+20 SpA / +20 Spe) 10.85 Weight
Relevant Moves:
-Foul Play, U-Turn, Knock Off
-Sludge Wave, Dark Pulse, Grass Knot, Psychic, Burning Jealousy, Venoshock
-Nasty Plot, Parting Shot
Justification: a fast special attacker that gets a free +1 speed if the opponent switches out, has decent potential as a lategame sweper but its shallow movepool and mediocre stats hold it back.


Fusion: Toxicity-Amped (Toxtricity-Amped + Toxicroak)
Role: Set-Up Sweeper

Toxic Punk (Punk Rock + Poison Touch) - This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from sound moves. Its own sound and contact moves have a 30% chance of poisoning.
Stat Distribution: 85 / 110 / 70 / 100 / 70 / 100 [BST: 535] (+6 HP / +8 Atk / +3 Def / +3 SpD / +20 Spe) 42.2 Weight
Relevant Moves:
-Poison jab, Wild Charge, Gunk Shot, Earthquake, Cross Chop, Thunder Punch, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch.
-Boomburst, Overdrive, Sludge Wave, Dark pulse, Focus Blast, Stored Power, Rising Voltage, Venoshock, Vacuum Wave
-Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, Shift Gear, Taunt, Encore
Justification: Fast and strong set-up sweper that spreads poison.


Fusion: Miminite (Mimikyu + Dragonite)
Role: Set-Up Sweeper, Wallbreaker, Wall

Inner Fluff (Disguise + Inner Focus) - (Miminite only) The first hit it takes is blocked, and it takes 1/8 HP damage instead, changes to Miminite-Torn. This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch. Immune to Intimidate.
Stat Distribution: 82 / 120 / 102 / 75 / 102 / 96 [BST: 577] (+9 HP / +8 Atk / +15 Def / +8 Spe) 105.35 Weight
Relevant Moves:
-Play Rough, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Fire punch, Drain Punch, Outrage
-Fire Blast
-Dragon Dance, Roost, Taunt, Substitute, Defog
Justification: A bulky dragon dancer. Main relevant difference from regular dragonite (besides stats, typing and intimidate immunity) is that disguise-breaking attacks do not activate weakness policy. Has access to a lot of support moves not listed here like heal bell, status spreading moves and roar, the bulk is great so using it as a wall could work.


Fusion: Aegisnaught (Aegislash + Chesnaught)
Role: Wall, Hazard Setter, Wallbreaker

Bulletproof Stance (Stance Change + Bulletproof) - Changes Forme to Attack stance before attacks and Shield stance before King's Shield/Spiky Shield; While in Shield stance, immune to ballistic moves (Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, etc).
Stat Distribution:
Shield: 80 / 80 / 140 / 80 / 110 / 64 [BST: 554] (+6 HP / +2 Atk / +9 Def / +18 SpA / +3 SpD / +2 Spe) 71.5 Weight
Attack: 80 / 140 / 80 / 110 / 80 / 64 [BST: 554]
Relevant Moves:
- Iron Head, Seed Bomb, Earthquake, Wood Hammer, Gyro Ball, Stone Edge, Stomping Tantrum, Drain Punch
-Grass Knot, Flash Cannon, Energy Ball, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Steel Beam
-Spiky Shield, Spikes, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Bulk Up, Roar, Belly Drum, Autonomize
Justification: A bulky Spike setter with amazing defensive typing and access to recovery, can attempt to phaze with roar or run offensive sets with bulk up, choiced band/specs, autonomize + belly drum or subsalac belly drum.


Fusion: Bishamon (Bisharp + Hitmonlee)
Role: Set-Up Sweeper, Wallbreaker

Positive Attitude (Inner Focus + Reckless) - This Pokemon cannot be made to flinch, Immune to Intimidate. It's attacks with recoil or crash damage have 1.2x power; even Struggle.
Stat Distribution: 71 / 132 / 90 / 47 / 90 / 80 [BST: 510] (+14 HP / +10 Atk / +14 Def / +2 Spe) 59.9 Weight
Relevant Moves:
-High Jump Kick
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Normal Sprite
Normal Sprite

DNA Donors: Swampert/Stuntank
Offspring name: Sustank
New Type:

Base Stats: Normal: 101 / 121 / 88 / 78 / 85 / 72 (545) (+20 Atk, +10 Def, +10 SpD)
Mega: 101 / 161 / 108 / 88 / 105 / 82 (645)
New ability and desc: Normal: Painful Water (Torrent + Aftermath): Composite effects.
Mega: Swift Swim
Notable Moves: Sucker Punch, Crunch, Waterfall, Flip Turn, Stealth Rock, Earthquake, Superpower, Ice Punch, Rain Dance, Poison Jab
Role Identification: Somebody poisoned the water hole and this guy did it. It's decent stat spread and great type combination make it an offensive threat to the Psychic types in the tier, and it's movepool is filled with useful options like Flip Turn, Stealth Rock, and Sucker Punch. However, it's a tad slow, so a Choice Scarf can fix it. It also has a Mega where it turns into a powerful Rain Sweeper, but that's probably going to the non-existant BL tier if it exists.

Shiny Sprite
Normal Sprite

DNA Donors: Golisopod/Mightyena
Offspring name: Mightos
New Type:

Base Stats: 92 / 107 / 105 / 60 / 75 / 75 (514) (+20 HP, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Cast Off (Emergency Exit + Quick Feet): Increases Speed by 50% either when it reaches below 50% HP.
Notable Moves: Swords Dance, First Impression, Leech Life, Knock Off, Close Combat, Play Rough, Drill Run, Spikes, Liquidation, Poison Jab, Aqua Jet, Sucker Punch
Role Identification: Another thing that gets stronger in a pinch and also a Dark-type mon. Unless Sustank, this one becomes faster when it reaches 50% HP. It got some good physical bulk and Attack stat, meaning it can actually take stuff on. It's coverage is also really good, and can help take care of it's weaknesses. However, Rock-type weakness is not fun at all, so take care.

Normal Sprite
Normal Sprite

DNA Donors: Shiftry/Vikavolt
Offspring name: Shikaro
New Type:

Base Stats: 83 / 85 / 75 / 137 / 67 / 81 (528) (+20 SpA, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Magnetism (Early Bird + Levitate): Composite effects.
Notable Moves: Nasty Plot, Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Thunderbolt, Heat Wave, Focus Blast, Hurricane, Defog, Growth, Sludge Bomb
Role Identification: And here's something that isn't a pinch attacker. Grass/Electric is a unique type combo that should deserve some more attention. On top of it's massive 137 Special Attack and Nasty Plot, it can sure pierce through the toughest of walls.

Normal Sprite
Normal Sprite

DNA Donors: Obstagoon/Magmortar
Offspring name: Obstagtar
New Type:

Base Stats: 84 / 112 / 84 / 102 / 88 / 99 (569) (+20 Atk, +10 SpA, +10 Spe)
New ability and desc: Burning Justice (Reckless + Flame Body): Composite effects, plus a 30% chance to burn the target when using recoil moves as well.
Notable Moves: Flare Blitz, Double Edge, Close Combat, Gunk Shot, Seed Bomb, Knock Off, Earthquake, Mach Punch, Sucker Punch, Fire Blast, Hyper Voice, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Scorching Sands, Obstruct, Taunt, Parting Shot,
Role Identification: It's here to spread justice among us all, with FIRE! A mixed attacker with good offenses and a great amount of coverage on both sides, though you'll be mostly doing physical with it's more powerful STABs and higher Attack. Stealth Rock should be a no-no.
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This would probably look cool if it had a sprite.
DNA Donors:

Offspring Name: Obstygon
Role: Guts Sweeper, Hazard Control, Offensive Pivot, Set-Up Sweeper, Physical Wallbreaker
New Types:

Base Stats: 91 / 100 / 100 / 76 / 86 / 105 [BST: 558] (+5 HP / +5 Atk / +10 Def / +6 SpA / +6 SpD / +8 Spe)
New Ability: Gutsy Soaring = (Guts + Levitate)
Ability Description: When this Pokemon is statused or smacked down, it's Attack stat is multiplied by x1.5.
Notable Moves:
: Knock Off, Facade, Close Combat, Body Press, Brick Break, Fire Punch, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Night Slash, Shadow Claw, Throat Chop, Thunder Punch, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, First Impression, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Dual Wingbeat, Outrage, U-Turn
: Draco Meteor, Fire Blast
: Dragon Dance, Obstruct, Switcheroo, Defog, Roost, Taunt
Role Justification: After a DD, it's GG. It also has many tools to help it, like Roost to heal yourself when you're on low HP with a Burn (From a Flame Orb), to increase your longevity. It can also hit the opponent with a wide variety of moves like First Impression and Gunk Shot.
obstagon: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Dark", "Dragon"],
    species: "Obstygon",
    id: "obstygon",
    baseStats: {hp: 91, atk: 100, def: 100, spa: 76, spd: 86, spe: 105}
    abilities: {0: "Gutsy Soaring"},
    weightkg: 64,
    fusion: ["Obstagoon", "Flygon"],
"You are filled with Determination..."
DNA Donors:

Offspring Name: Escaserker
Role: Trick Room Abuser, Offensive Pivot, Physical Wallbreaker, Choice Item User (Choice Band)
New Types:

Base Stats: 71 / 130 / 108 / 55 / 102 / 40 [BST: 506] (+1 HP / +8 Atk / +6 Def / +0 SpA / +20 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Determination = (Swarm + Steely Spirit)
Ability Description: When this Pokemon is below 1/3 of it's HP, this Pokemon and it's allies Bug and Steel moves have their power multiplied by 1.5x.
Notable Moves:
: Megahorn, Iron Head, Knock Off, Close Combat, U-Turn, Seed Bomb, Gunk Shot, Play Rough, Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Shadow Claw, Crunch, Smart Strike, Razor Shell
: Bug Buzz, Steel Beam, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse
: Swords Dance, Hone Claws, Curse, Taunt
Role Justification: This has amazing potential in Trick Room. You can just set up TR, send in Escaserker with any item, hopefully get hit by a move that gets you below 1/3 of your HP, and sweep away. It also has some wacky coverage in Play Rough and Razor Shell.
escaserker: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Bug", "Steel"],
    species: "Escaserker",
    id: "escaserker",
    baseStats: {hp: 71, atk: 130, def: 108, spa: 55, spd: 102, spe: 40}
    abilities: {0: "Determination"},
    weightkg: 30.5,
    fusion: ["Escavalier", "Perrserker"],
Please don't turn of your computer during the update.
DNA Donors: :ferroseed: +

Offspring Name: Ferrogon2
Role: Mixed Wall, Stall, Hazard Setter, Defensive Pivot
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 65 / 98 / 70 / 95 / 40 [BST: 448] (+16 HP / +0 Atk / +8 Def / +6 SpA / +5 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Analysis Barbs = (Iron Barbs + Analytic)
Ability Description: If the opponent moves after a Pokemon with this ability, they lose 1/8 of their HP.
Notable Moves:
: Knock Off, Gyro Ball
: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Giga Drain, Flash Cannon, Tri Attack
: Leech Seed, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Ingrain, Toxic, Thunder Wave, Teleport, Recover, Trick Room, Protect
Role Justification: Bulky as hell with Eviolite. It will wall anything with no mercy with Leech Seed, Ingrain, Recover, and Teleport.
ferrogon2: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Grass", "Normal"],
    species: "Ferrogon2",
    id: "ferrogon2",
    baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 65, def: 98, spa: 70, spd: 95, spe: 40}
    abilities: {0: "Analysis Barbs"},
    weightkg: 25.65,
    fusion: ["Ferroseed", "Porygon2"],
DNA Donors:

Offspring Name: Applcremie
Role: Special Tank, Stall, Support (Doubles), Special Attacker
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 75 / 83 / 110 / 115 / 50 [BST: 528] (+8 HP / +3 Atk / +6 Def / +5 SpA / +15 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Sweet Protection = (Thick Fat + Aroma Veil)
Ability Description: Effects of Thick Fat and Aroma Veil + Immunity to Fire and Ice status moves.
Notable Moves:
: Body Press, Gyro Ball
: Dazzling Gleam, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Stored Power, Apple Acid, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Mystical Fire, Psychic, Psyshock
: Curse, Iron Defense, Leech Seed, Light Screen, Recover, Reflect, Rest, Aromatherapy, Calm Mind, Acid Armor, Decorate, Protect, Sleep Talk
Role Justification: Special Tank that can pull a Magearna and set-up a Stored Power set, use a Trick Room set, and is a nice utility pick as well.
applcremie: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Dragon", "Fairy"],
    species: "Applcremie",
    id: "applcremie",
    baseStats: {hp: 95, atk: 75, def: 83, spa: 110, spd: 115, spe: 50}
    abilities: {0: "Sweet Protection"},
    weightkg: 6.75,
    fusion: ["Appletun", "Alcremie"],
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DNA Donors/ Parents: Gastrodon / Pyroar
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Pyrodon
New Types:

Base Stats: 108 / 75 / 70 / 110 / 74 / 92 [BST: 529] (+10 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Repugnant = (Sticky Hold + Unnerve)
Ability Description: While this Pokemon is active, it prevents opposing Pokemon's held items to have effect. Activation message broadcasts before other Abilities regardless of the Pokemon's Speed tiers.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:

Earth Power, Scorching Sands, Lava Plume, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Ice Beam
Will-o-wisp, Recover, Yawn, Work Up
Role Justification: Cool anti-mon.
pyrodon: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ground", "Fire"],
    species: "Pyrodon",
    id: "pyrodon",
    baseStats: {hp: 108, atk: 75, def: 70, spa: 110, spd: 74, spe: 92}
    abilities: {0: "Repugnant"},
    weightkg: 55.7,
    fusion: ["Gastrodon", "Pyroar"],

DNA Donors/ Parents: Talonflame / Thievul
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Talonvul
New Types:

Base Stats: 74 / 89 / 64 / 99 / 80 / 109 [BST: 515] (+0 HP / +20 Atk / +0 Def / +19 SpA / +0 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: First Served = (Gale Wings + Stakeout)
Ability Description: If this Pokemon is at full HP, this Pokemon's attacking stat is doubled when using a move against a target.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Sucker Punch, Knock Off, U-turn, Thunder Fang, Play Rough, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz (ig)
Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Psychic, Grass Knot
Parting Shot, Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, Agility, Taunt, Roost
Role Justification: All or nothing mon with astonishing wallbreaking capabilities in the good ends but that will have no impact on the game in others. Tried to keep it balanced with an iffy speed tier.
talonvul: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fire", "Dark"],
    species: "Talonvul",
    id: "talonvul",
    baseStats: {hp: 74, atk: 89, def: 64, spa: 99, spd: 80, spe: 109}
    abilities: {0: "First Strike"},
    weightkg: 22.2,
    fusion: ["Talonflame", "Thievul"],
DNA Donors/ Parents: Marshadow / Taillow
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Marshallow
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 105 / 55 / 60 / 60 / 125 [BST: 475] (+5 HP / +15 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Ghostbuster = (Technician + Scrappy)
Ability Description: This Pokemon can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves, which have their power multiplied by 1.5 when targeting Ghost types. Immune to Intimidate.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Facade, Close Combat, Drain Punch, Quick Attack, Double Edge, Spectral Thief, U-turn
Boomburst ig
Roost, Bulk Up
Role Justification: Scrappy :DDDD
marshallow: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fighting", "Normal"],
    species: "Marshallow",
    id: "marshallow",
    baseStats: {hp: 70, atk: 105, def: 55, spa: 60, spd: 60, spe: 125}
    abilities: {0: "Ghostbuster"},
    weightkg: 12.25,
    fusion: ["Marshadow", "Taillow"],
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Important announcement! Fusion Evolution UU is now playable at Dragon Heaven! By using the linked test client, the fusions will also appear in the teambuilder, so making teams should be a lot easier! Not only that, but the (few) sprites we currently have also show up.
Small note however; Xotalion's ability is currently bugged. It should be resolved soon, but for the time being, avoid using it. This has now been fixed.

A small ammount of playtesting also shows that currently Toxic and Slowton are both looking very strong in the metagame. Take that as you will when making submissions.

Lastly, here's the current list of Type Representation in the mod:

Bug - 1
Dark - 1
Electric - 1
Fairy - 1
Fighting - 1
Fire - 1
Flying - 1
Ghost - 4
Grass - 3
Ground - 2
Poison - 1
Psychic - 3
Steel - 1
Water - 3

Ice - 0
Normal - 0
Dragon - 0
Rock - 0
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:swsh/lunatone: :swsh/lucario:
DNA Donors: Lunatone / Lucario
Offspring Name: Lulu
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 82 / 87 / 120 / 82 / 80 [BST: 531] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +20 Def / +15 SpA / +5 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Fastitate = (Levitate + Steadfast)
Ability Description: Effects of Levitate, and gains +1 Speed if targeted by a Ground-type move.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:

Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Flash Cannon, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Moonblast, Shadow Ball
Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Moonlight, Stealth Rock
Role Justification: Meteor Beaming wall breaker that can deal with tough defensive pokemon such as Slowton and Umbat, depending on the set. It also has a defensive niche vs. some pokemon that rely on Ground coverage to deal with Steel types.
lulu: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Rock", "Steel"],
    species: "Lulu",
    id: "lulu",
    baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 82, def: 87, spa: 120, spd: 82, spe: 80}
    abilities: {0: "Fastitate"},
    weightkg: 111,
    fusion: ["Lunatone", "Lucario"],

DNA Donors/ Parents: Tyranitar / Vanilluxe
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Tyrillux
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 114 / 117 / 102 / 97 / 85 [BST: 600] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +15 Spe)
New Ability: Sand Body = (Sand Stream + Ice Body)
Ability Description: Summons Sandstorm. Recovers 1/16th HP at the end of the turn if Sandstorm is active.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
… Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Ice Punch, Stone Edge, Rock Blast, Earthquake, Explosion, Superpower, Crunch
… Ice Beam, Freeze Dry, Weather Ball, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower,
… Dragon Dance, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Taunt,

Role Justification: Mixed attacker with the coverage to target most defensive pokemon, as well as serious bulk and some passive recovery. It can potentially run Dragon Dance sets, or use Freeze Dry to destroy defensive Water types. However, its speed is middling and it has a terrible defensive typing, so it won't be hard to keep in check.
tyrillux: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Rock", "Ice"],
    species: "Tyrillux",
    id: "tyrillux",
    baseStats: {hp: 85, atk: 114, def: 117, spa: 102, spd: 97, spe: 85}
    abilities: {0: "Sand Body"},
    weightkg: 129.75,
    fusion: ["Tyranitar", "Vanilluxe"],
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Fusion: Mr. Vanilla

Stat Distribution: 60 / 90 / 75 / 110 / 95 / 106 [BST: 536] (+10 Atk +10 SpA, +3 SpD, +17 Spe)
Ability: Stargazer = Snow Warning + Screen Cleaner
Ability Description: On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Aurora Veil for both sides. (This always occurs when possible, even outside of Hail, and can be extended by Light Clay.)

Viable Moves:
- Brick Break, Ice Shard, Rapid Spin
- Focus Blast, Freeze Dry, Ice Beam, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt
- Autotomize, Nasty Plot, Taunt, Toxic

A cool mon that automatically sets Veil to ease its switchin and support its team, though the catch is that unless it gets off a successful Brick Break, the opposing team gets it too. It’s also left weak to Rocks if you choose to use Light Clay and it has no recovery, so it’s not a mon you can send out repeatedly to flood the game with Veil, nor is it a good stall pick. It can either play full support, attempt to sweep with Plot or even Double Dance, or hybridize the two to take advantage of Rapid Spin’s speed boost. No matter how you play it, it’s definitely going to be a bit gimmicky, but that’s part of the fun of FE as a whole, right?


Fusion: Corscor

Stat Distribution: 75 / 95 / 110 / 55 / 100 / 65 [BST: 500] (+5 HP, +20 Atk, +15 SpD)
Ability: Miracle Cure = Natural Cure + Poison Heal
Ability Description: This Pokemon is healed by 1/8 of its max HP each turn when statused; non-volatile status conditions have no effect on this Pokemon.

Viable Moves:
- Earthquake, Facade, Icicle Spear, Knock Off, Liquidation, Sucker Punch, U-Turn
- don’t
- Defog, Protect, Rest, Roost, Stealth Rock, Substitute, Swords Dance, Taunt, Toxic

A versatile status absorber that can play as a wall, stallbreaker, status spreader, or general defensive pivot depending on what your team needs. It’s basically built for the meta as it would be our first consistent switchin on Slowton, the most dominant mon in very early playtesting, while also being able to deal with all of the Toxic spam going around. Also, I feel like there‘s some REALLY good sprite potential here.
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Yet another Scale Shot gimmick, probably more viable than any of the others.
DNA Donors: Cloyster / Druddigon
Offspring Name: Cloydigon
New Types:

Base Stats: 72 / 111 / 144 / 72 / 72 / 72 [BST: 543] (+9 HP / +4 Atk / +9 Def / +5 SpD / +13 Spe)
New Ability: Sheer Skill = (Skill Link + Sheer Force)
Ability Description: No changes.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
… *Scale Shot, Liquidation (110bp), Pin Missile (125bp), Icicle Spear (125bp), Ice Shard, *Icicle Crash (127bp), Rock Blast, *Dual Wingbeat (80), Superpower, Sucker Punch, Crunch (104bp), Fire/Thunder Punch (97bp), Iron Head (104bp), *Gunk Shot*(156bp), *Iron Tail (130bp), Poison Jab (104bp), Explosion
… Shell Smash, Hone Claws, Glare, Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Roar, Light Screen, Reflect
Role Justification: Physical Wall, Setup Sweeper. Each hit from Scale Shot has 32bp because of Sheer Force (42 with Life Orb), resulting in an overall 160bp damage potential (210 with Life Orb) from Scale Shot. Factor in Shell Smash and you've got a killer setup combo.
*recommend using Hone Claws for guaranteed hit
cloydigon: {
num: 75000###, 
types:["Water", "Dragon"],
species: "Cloydigon", 
id: "cloydigon", 
baseStats: {hp: 72, atk: 111, def: 144, spa: 72, spd: 72, spe: 72} 
abilities: {0: "Sheer Skill"}, 
weightkg: 135.75, 
fusion: ["Cloyster", "Druddigon"],

DNA Donors/ Parents: Stunfisk-Galar / Shuckle
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Shufisk-Galar
New Types:

Base Stats: 66 / 55 / 166 / 55 / 166 / 18 [BST: 526] (+2 HP / +10 Atk / +2 Def / +17 SpA / +9 SpD)
New Ability: Gummy = (Mimicry + Sturdy)
Ability Description: No changes.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
… Knock Off, Snap Trap, Sucker Punch, Foul Play
… Infestation, Muddy Water, Earth Power
… Sticky Web, Stealth Rock, Shell Smash, Power Split, Thunder Wave
Role Justification: Partial Trap maniac. A bulwark that prevents opponents' escape and prevents sweeping.
shufisk-galar: {
num: 75000###, 
types:["Steel", "Bug"],
species: "Shufisk-Galar", 
id: "shufisk-galar", 
baseStats: {hp: 66, atk: 55, def: 166, spa: 55, spd: 166, spe: 18} 
abilities: {0: "Gummy"}, 
weightkg: 20.5, 
fusion: ["Stunfisk-Galar", "Shuckle"],
rng sub time


Donors: Boltund + Meowstic-F
Name: Boltowstic-F

Base Stats: 81/74/73/111/80/127 (+10 HP, +5 Atk, +5 Def, +25 SpA, +10 SpD, +15 Spe) BST: 546
New Ability: Competitive
Notable Moves:
Physical- Nuzzle
Special- Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball
Status- Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Trick, Toxic, Reflect, Light Screen
Justification: Boltowstic-F would currently hold the highest Base Speed so far, allowing it to function as an offensive pivot with Volt Switch. Competitive allows it to switch in on Defog from Umbat and others. It can also function as a decent offensive support pokemon, as it has access to Nuzzle and Dual Screens. It can also use Nasty Plot or Calm Mind to set up against passive pokemon. Chomplim and Jelliswine are immune to its Electric moves, so it can use Shadow Ball to hit them super effectively.
DNA Donors/ Parents: Chimecho / Weezing
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Wizicho
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 75 / 105 / 95 / 105 / 67 [BST: 542] (+25 HP / +5 Atk / +5 Def / +5 SpA / +25 SpD / +5 Spe)
Ability: Levitate
Ability Description: User is immune to Ground-type moves.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Psychic, Psyshock, Sludge Wave, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse
Wish, Heal Bell, Recover, Defog, Healing Wish, Light Screen, Reflect, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Wish, Trick, Haze, Will-o-Wisp, Memento, Toxic Spikes
Role Justification: To put it simply, the Ultimate Cleric. Boasting impeccable defensive prowess and more support moves than you have women in your life, Wizicho provides literally anything and everything to hold your team together.
wizicho: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Psychic", "Poison"],
    species: "Wizicho",
    id: "wizicho",
    baseStats: {hp: 95, atk: 75, def: 105, spa: 95, spd: 105, spe: 67}
    abilities: {0: "Levitate"},
    weightkg: 5.25,
    fusion: ["Chimecho", "Weezing"],

DNA Donors/ Parents: Slowbro-Galar / Breloom
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Breslow
New Types:

Base Stats: 77 / 115 / 107 / 80 / 75 / 60 [BST: 514] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Gatling Gun = (Quick Draw + Technician)
Ability Description: Technician Effects + Moves with a BP less than or equal to 60 BP have a 30% chance to move first in their priority bracket.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:



Role Justification:
breslow: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Poison", "Grass"],
    species: "Breslow",
    id: "breslow",
    baseStats: {hp: 77, atk: 115, def: 107, spa: 80, spd: 75, spe: 60}
    abilities: {0: "Gatling Gun"},
    weightkg: 54.85,
    fusion: ["Slowbro-Galar", "Breloom"],
Last edited:

DNA Donors/ Parents: Audino / Silvally
Shared Egg Group: DNA
Offspring Name: Silvino
New Types: ??? (see Ability)
Base Stats: 100 (+1) / 90 (+13) / 95 (+5) / 90 (+13) / 95 (+5) / 75 (+3) (545 BST)
New Ability: No System (Klutz + RKS System): This Pokemon can be any type without the need for a memory (select directly from teambuilder).
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
Normal: Lol
Fighting: Drain Punch, Low Kick, Focus Punch
Flying: Air Slash, Aerial Ace
Poison: Poison Fang lmao
Ground: Stomping Tantrum
Rock: Rock Slide
Bug: U-Turn, Signal Beam, X-Scissor
Ghost: Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw
Steel: Iron Head, Iron Tail, Flash Cannon
Fire: Flamethrower, Fire Punch, Fire Blast
Water: Surf
Grass: Grass Knot, Solar Beam, Grass Pledge
Electric: Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Wild Charge
Psychic: Psychic, Psyshock, Psychic Fangs
Ice: Ice Beam, Ice Punch
Dragon: Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Outrage
Dark: Knock Off, Pursuit
Fairy: Dazzling Gleam
As for status/support: Wish, Parting Shot, Healing Wish, Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Thunder Wave, Defog, Encore, Trick Room
Mega Stats: 100 / 90 / 135 / 110 / 135 / 75 (645 BST)
Mega Type/Ability: ???/Fairy (primary type depends on that of base form), Healer
Role: Extremely versatile supporter that you may have difficulty scouting at team preview.
Submissions are now closed! Users will now only be allowed to edit the following submissions so thet they can be balanced before voting begins:

Submissions that have to be nerfed

Normal Sprite
Normal Sprite

DNA Donors: Swampert/Stuntank
Offspring name: Sustank
New Type:

Base Stats: Normal: 101 / 121 / 88 / 78 / 85 / 72 (545) (+20 Atk, +10 Def, +10 SpD)
Mega: 101 / 161 / 108 / 88 / 105 / 82 (645)
New ability and desc: Normal: Suspicious Water (Torrent + Aftermath): Powers up Water-type moves by 50% and causes them to do additional damage equal to 25% of the target's max HP when below half health.
Firstly, there's no reason for this ability to activate at half HP when Torrent activates at 1/3 and Aftermath only when you have been KO'd. Secondly, that's an absurd ammount of secondary damage, with always chipping 1/4 of the foe's HP when using a water move no matter what.

Shiny Sprite
Normal Sprite

DNA Donors: Golisopod/Mightyena
Offspring name: Mightos
New Type:

Base Stats: 92 / 107 / 105 / 60 / 75 / 75 (514) (+20 HP, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Cast Off (Emergency Exit + Quick Feet): Increases Speed by 50% either when below 50% HP. This effect will linger even when it's above 50% HP.
This one is mostly fine, but it has no good reason as to why it should linger if the user goes back to being above half health. Just make it have 1.5x speed when at 1/2 health, without making it linger.

Yet another Scale Shot gimmick, probably more viable than any of the others.
DNA Donors: Cloyster / Druddigon
Offspring Name: Cloydigon
New Types:

Base Stats: 72 / 111 / 144 / 72 / 72 / 72 [BST: 543] (+9 HP / +4 Atk / +9 Def / +5 SpD / +13 Spe)
New Ability: Sheer Skill = (Skill Link + Sheer Force)
Ability Description: No changes.
For clarification, Scale Shot does not get affected by Sheer Force. Even then, however, the fact this has access to Shell Smash, alongside a 125 BP STAB that always boosts its speed, further making it harder to revenge kill, as well as pretty good attack backed up by excelent coverage end up pushing this one over the edge.

Eevinja = Shedinja + Eevee

HPs: 28
Atk: 72
Def: 47
SpA: 37
SpD: 47
Spe: 47
BST: 278

Adaptive Guard = Wonder Guard + Adaptability
This Pokémon can only get hit by not very effective moves. and all Stab moves are boosted from 1.5 to 2.2 and non stab are boosted to 1.2

This Pokémon can only be hit by a grant total of 2 types, which it resists, clearly not at all balanced. Aside from that, the ability in itself has technical issues - Wonder Guard and Adaptability don't have anything that would make a combination of both have anything to do with hits you are resistant to, rather than the ones you are weak to. Furthermore, Adaptability's bonus makes STAB go from 1.5 to 2.0, not 2.2, and again, nothing in either abilities would affect non-stab moves. Lastly, this submission breaks the rules by not having the aditional 40 BST.

Submissions that break the rules

Umbregar = Umbreon + Gengar

HPs: 77
Atk: 65
Def: 85
SpA: 95
SpD: 102
Spe: 87
BST: 511

Cursed Sync = Synchronize + Cursed Body
If this Pokémon has a status condition, it gives it to the opponent too. but, it also disables a High power move, super effective move, or a status move

Neither Synchronize or Cursed Body have anything related specifically to High Power Moves (which is a vague description), Super Effective or Status moves. I'd suggest changing the ability so that it has Synchronize effects, but if the user got statused through the foe using a move, that move gets disbaled. Lastly, this submission is missing the +40 BST

Slowveon = Sylveon + Slowbro-Galar

HPs: 95
Atk: 82
Def: 80
SpA: 105
SpD: 100
Spe: 45
BST: 507

Quick Pixie = Quick Draw + Pixilate
When this Pokémon enters the battlefield, it gets +1 in speed. and it's fairy moves are boosted by 1.6%

Neither Quick Draw nor Pixilate boost the user's Speed; and Pixilate's boost is firtly only applied to Normal-Type moves, secondly, it's 1.2x rather than 1.6%. I would suggest making it so this ability turns Normal moves into Fairy and gives them +1 Priority. Lastly, this submission is missing the +40 BST

Doubledos = Zapdos + Zapdos-Galar

HPs: 90
Atk: 107
Def: 87
SpA: 105
SpD: 90
Spe: 100
BST: 579

Definite Static = Defiant + Static
If this Pokémon is facing an non-fully evolved Pokémon, then it can't use attacking moves (But it still can use status moves). it also gains a random boost whenever it is attack by that Pokémon

Neither Static nor Defiant have to do with the foe being not-fully-evolved, nor does it have to do with restricting the foe's moves, and Defiant can only raise Attack. I'd suggest making this ability have the effects of Defiant, with the added effect that if the status drops are caused by another Pokémon, that pokémon will get paralyzed. Lastly, this submission is missing the +40 BST

Lunareon = Umbreon + Sylveon

HPs: 95
Atk: 65
Def: 87
SpA: 85
SpD: 130
Spe: 62
BST: 524

Inner Charm = Inner Focus + Cute Charm
When this Pokémon enters the Battlefield, it sets up a Love terrain(its a mix of Psychic and Misty terrain that adds a 10% chance of the other sex to get infatuated) and all of its attacks have a 20% chance of the other sex to get infatuated

Neither Inner Focus not Cute Charm are abilities that set a field effect, much less specifically having the effects of Psychic and Misty terrains. Secondly, both Inner Focus and Cute Charm are abilities that only activate when the user is hit, so it would not make sense for a combination of both to activate when the user uses a move. Both the 10% chance of the terrain and the 20% of the last part of the ability also are numbers that don't come from any particular bir of either abilities (It does not make sense to "split" the 30% chance from Cute Charm into 2 separate effects with their own different activation chances). Lastly, this submission is missing the +40 BST

I see that you're new here, so mistakes are common. Feel free to send a message on my profile in case you have any further questions about how this mod works, and hopefully with time things get more intuitive for you!

Now lastly, Mega Evolutions that would be quickbanned

:swsh/lopunny-mega::swsh/tapu lele:
This is essentially a stronger version of Mega Lopunny that can also ignore the foe's items for 5 turns, meaning it can't be revenged through Scarf and pretty much invalidates what makes Megas balanced when compared to regular Pokémon

Self-explainatory, pretty much a mini Primal Groudon but with a few new moves like U-Turn. Needless to say, a mini version of one of the most dominat Uber mons will be quickbanned

Also easy to understand, 145 Special Attack with Adaptability

If any of your fusions is on this Mega list, the base itself would still be allowed to get in, just that the megas themselves would be quickbanned

That is all! I will give you 48 hours to make the according changes and nerfs. If any of the listed fusions above (Aside from the megas) has still not been fixed by the time voting drops in 48 hours from now, they will be disqualified.
Voting has begun! The follow fusion has been disqualified and cannot be voted on:

As explained above, Shell Smash with insane STABs and easy ability to circumvent its slow Speed, as well as strong coverage in Icicle Spear, make it unballanced

You have 3 days to vote for your favourite fusions!
Torterra / Cradily
Eternatus / Woobat
Pignite / Dragapult
Stantler / Dragonite
Florges / Pelipper
Dustox / Hatterene
Last edited:
Marshadow / Taillow (SV)
Audino / Silvally
Lunatone / Lucario
Thievul / Poipole
Cryogonal / Sigilyph
Lopunny / Tapu Lele
Dustox / Hatterene
Audino / Druddigon
Lycanroc-Dusk / Perrserker
Cryogonal / Sigilyph
Corsola / Gliscor (sv)
Audino / Silvally
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Manectric / Darmanitan-Galar [sv]
Kyurem / Wormadam-Sandy [sv]
Audino / Silvally
Stantler / Dragonite
Dustox / Hatterene
Florges / Pelipper