Fusion Evolution

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252+ SpA Choice Specs Poryzect Techno Blast vs. 0 HP / 252+ Def Blisskiss: 366-432 (71.6 - 84.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

:3 Poryzect

Chatotorus Works Also because Nasty Plot is OP AF.
+2 252+ SpA Chatotorus Sludge Wave vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD BlissKiss: 346-408 (60.2 - 71%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Honestly Lum Berry Sets are great just for not dying.

Anyways, just so I don't make this post a useless Quote, Here's My Submission.

It was a match to remember... Some of the most powerful pokemon in existence were pitted against each other... Dragonite Vs. Mega Gardevoir, Porygon-Z Vs. Kyurem-Black.... The Legends and the Mega's were powerful, but they just couldn't handle the power of Adaptable pokemon...

In the finals, there were two. Porygon-Z Vs. Dragonite, A match to the end. Either the other fainted or they lost they're glory. Attack after attack was thrown, The dragon skillfully dodging attacks, while the Virus kept to the center using protect every time the dragon came near.... After several hours, both pokemon were tired, and with only one Power Point left on they're most powerful moves... The Dragon Shot out one final Draco Meteor, whilst The Virus used the powerful Hyper Beam... The Attacks hit each other like nukes, getting a critical hit as soon as it touched the pokemon... In the End, They Tied. However, The Virus' instability was becoming apparent and it had run out of recovers, if it didn't get healed soon... it would fade from existence. The Dragon, noting the power of his opponent, gave up his DNA to help it survive, and with a blast of power... A God was born, the First Normal/Dragon Type, Porygonite-Z.


DNA Donors: Porygon-Z and Dragonite
Offspring name: Porygonite-Z
New Typing: Normal/Dragon
New base stats: 98/137/93/138/98/105(+20 Attack,+10 Special Attack,+10 Speed)
New ability: [[Adaptability + Inner Focus]/2] + 10 = Focused Power: This Pokemon's STAB moves power are increased from 1.5x to 2x until flinched.
Notable moves: Dragon Dance, Extreme Speed, Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt, Recover/Roost, Ice Beam, Psyshock, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Return, Outrage, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Fire Blast, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Hurricane, Hone Claws, Stone Edge, Iron Head, Ice Punch, Superpower.
Role indentification: Oh, So I see you've gotten past the Torture room in hell. I'll have to punish Chatotorus. Welcome to Stop Two, The Fire Pit.
Porygonite-Z has an amazing movepool coupled with great mixed attack stats and STAB Adaptability Extreme Speed. You heard of -AteSpeed? Well Now you have AdaptSpeed. It has just about the same power, as well as sinister ghost coverage in Shadow Ball/Dark Pulse. Oh, and you can boost with Dragon dance. Happy now? No..? Oh, and you have Adaptability Draco Meteor for nuking also. It's Speed tier allows it to hold up against base 100's and lower, and decent 98/93/98 allows it to sponge a hit and check some of the most devastating pokemon in the tier.
So, while I was looking for Porygon-Z sprites so I could make the sprite for this guy here, I found a sprite already made by the owner of this thread here: Link and Zelda
I'm honestly insanely lucky for this, and credit to Mr. Fuji on PO The Scrubs but I like doing less work
Le Sprite:
It's Speed was powerful, capable of OHKOing many pokemon, and trainer after trainer was pitted against it until it lost. It nearly never did.
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It was a match to remember... Some of the most powerful pokemon in existence were pitted against each other... Dragonite Vs. Mega Gardevoir, Porygon-Z Vs. Kyurem-Black.... The Legends and the Mega's were powerful, but they just couldn't handle the power of Adaptable pokemon...

In the finals, there were two. Porygon-Z Vs. Dragonite, A match to the end. Either the other fainted or they lost they're glory. Attack after attack was thrown, The dragon skillfully dodging attacks, while the Virus kept to the center using protect every time the dragon came near.... After several hours, both pokemon were tired, and with only one Power Point left on they're most powerful moves... The Dragon Shot out one final Draco Meteor, whilst The Virus used the powerful Hyper Beam... The Attacks hit each other like nukes, getting a critical hit as soon as it touched the pokemon... In the End, They Tied. However, The Virus' instability was becoming apparent and it had run out of recovers, if it didn't get healed soon... it would fade from existence. The Dragon, noting the power of his opponent, gave up his DNA to help it survive, and with a blast of power... A God was born, the First Normal/Dragon Type, Porygonite-Z.

Anyway, resubmitting Nidoking + Mamoswine

David Cameron Nidoking and Mamoswine
Offspring Name: Mamoking
New Type: Ground/Poison
New Base Stats: 105/126/88/87/77/92 (BST: 575)
New Ability: Snow Point: Has a 30% chance to freeze any Pokemon that makes contact with it.
Notable Moves: Stealth Rock, Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Poison Jab, Knock Off, Stone Edge/Rock Slide, Superpower, Fire Punch(?)
Role Identification: Due to its decent bulk, its high Atk stat and its access to a decent movepool, Mamoking has a few possible roles in theory. It can function as an offensive tank with an Assault Vest/Leftovers set running Quake, Jab, Coverage, Stealth Rock/coverage (depending on the item). It could also act as a wallbreaker with mediocre bulk with a banded or scarfed set. There may be even more sets but this is all I can really think of right now.
Hey, what happens when you fuse two Pokes that by themselves aren't that great, but together...

DNA Donors: Suicune and Togekiss
New Typing: Water/Fairy
Offspring: Suikiss
New Ability and Desc : (Pressure + Serene Grace)= Heavenly Force: The PP of all this Pokemon's moves are doubled
New Stats 100/62/115/120/120/90 (+8 HP +10 Def +15 SpA +5 SpD +8 Spe)
Notable Moves Tailwind, Calm Mind, Roost, Baton Pass, Defog, Nasty Plot, Scald, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Heal Bell, Roar, Hydro Pump, Dazzling Gleam, Surf, Aura Sphere, Thunder Wave, Toxic
Role Description After Two special attackers and a Mold Breaker mon, you've just managed to break Sableminez. So your like, nothing's worse than this? Right? Wrong! Now your looking at Suikiss, which looks like your average specially bulky mon. Until you see its ability. Heavenly Force effectively doubled all of its moves PP. So you've got 16 PP Heal Bell, 32 PP Roost and a whopping 126 PP Baton Pass! Talk about unstallable! And ithanks to its great bulk and great defensive typing, it won't be dieing for awhile. Heal Bell makes it a great cleric, and Calm Mind or Nasty Plot turns it into a ferocious sweeper. It provides Defog support, can be a great Baton passer, It can comfortablely Parashuffle to oblivion, and if all esle fails, 126 PP on Baton Pass means you'll be struggling while its on its 91st PP. In conclusion, its super cool!

Barbaracle + Carracosta
Shared Egg Group: Water 3
Offspring name: Barbacosta
Typing: Water/Rock
New base stats: 83 / 116 / 134 / 78 / 85 / 60
New ability: Solid Rock + Tough Claws = Rock Claws (Tough Claws clone)
Notable moves: Shell Smash, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Aerial Ace, Poison Jab, Stone Edge
Role indentification: What does Carracosta have that Barbaracle wishes it had? Waterfall and Aqua Jet.


Created sprites!​

DNA Donors: Infernape and Tropius
Offspring name: Inferpius
New type: Fire/Grass
New base stats: 88/106/77/88/79/100 (If Regular) [BST: 538] 88/86/77/108/79/100 (If shiny) [BST: 538]
New ability and desc: Chloroblaze (Chlorophyll + Blaze) - Raises fire type moves to 1.5x power and speed to 2x when the this Pokemon has 1/3rd or less of its max HP.
Notable moves: Air Slash, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Earthquake, Grass Knot, Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Leaf Blade, Seed Bomb, Roost, Swords Dance, Leech Seed, Defog, Bullet Seed, Calm Mind, Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Bulk Up, Fake Out, Focus Blast, Gunk Shot, Mach Punch, Poison Jab, Acrobatics, Nasty Plot, Slack Off, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Shadow Claw, Rock Slide, Substitute, Thunder Punch, Will-o-Wisp, U-Turn, Taunt, Counter, Solar Beam, Rock Tomb.
Role identification: Inferpius is nothing really more than a brutally offensive set up sweeper and or just a plain offensive attacker. This Fusionmon can shred others with its terrifying moves whether it's just set up sweep, haxing with Air Slash, Having offense with some recovery, or just using pure attack moves. This Fusionmon also basically has more than just enough coverage it needs to take on other Fusionmon/Pokemon including ones that are strong against it. Although its base stats are almost the same as a regular Infernape's but with lower speed and one lower offense stat, It is a bit bulkier too and its bulk makes up for it. It also has less weaknesses including Poison which isn't so common and is easy to check off with Earthquake, Rock Slide (If Poison/Flying), or a steel type in your party; and lets not forget that both Infernape and Tropius have a bunch of great offensive moves to support it. This thing in battle would probably be a challenge in certain cases if you're not careful enough.
NOTE!!!: Both the male Infernape and the female Tropius decided to donate DNA into a rare advanced machine in a super duper secret science lab that I'm not allowed to say where it's at...or even mention it. This note is for those who asked about how these two types of Pokemon fused.
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Parents : Golem and Glalie
Shared Egg Group : Mineral
Offspring : Glalem
New Typing : Ground/Ice
New Ability and Desc : (Inner Focus + Sturdy)= Sturdy Focus: Immune to moves which would otherwise OHKO it at full HP
New Stats : 90/110/115/77/82/72
Notable Moves : Spikes, Stealth Rock, Earthquake, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Crunch, Sucker Punch, Explosion
Role Identification : A niche Hazard stacking set? Better off running its Mega.

Parents : Mega Glalie and Golem
Shared Egg Group : Mineral
Offspring : Mega Glalem
Typing : Ground/Ice
Stats : 90/150/115/117/82/92
Ability : Refridgerate
Notable Moves : Double-Edge, Explosion, Return, Stealth Rock, Stone-Edge, Earthquake, Earth Power, Rock Polish/Automize, Fire Punch, Superpower, Ice Shard, Super Fang, Spikes, Crunch
Role Description : Now that's more like it! STAB Refridgerate boosted Double-Edge coming off 150 base attack? Hell yeah! But its speed sucks! That's until it pops out that Rock Polish, instantly outpassing almost all of the meta! Its coverage is simply peefect between EdgeQuake and Ice STAB. Did I mention it gets STAB on Earthquake too? Fuck steelz! Mega Glalem is a beast, a really powerful beast.
Reserving Gengar + Melodetta

Edit: Not bothering with the above. Its form difs confuse even me. I'll instead reserve Manaphy + Manectric. It sounds cool.
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Copying The Reptile


DNA Donors: Kyurem / Suicune
Offspring: Suicurem
New Typing: Dragon / Water
New Stats: 115 / 102 / 115 / 119 / 115 / 90 (+3 HP, +13 Defense, +13 Defense, +9 Special Attack, +2 Speed)
New Ability and Desc: Pressure
Notable Moves: Scald, Calm Mind, Rest, Sleep Talk, Surf, Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Roost, Defog, Ice Beam, Roar
Role Description: A really fat and better version of CroCune. Have fun!


DNA Donors: Kyurem / Raikou
Offspring: Raikurem
New Typing: Dragon / Electric
New Stats: 110 / 107 / 85 / 140 / 95 / 121 (+3 HP, +3 Defense, +18 Special Attack, +16 Speed)
New Ability and Desc: Pressure
Notable Moves: Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Roost
Role Description: Nice coverage, solid Speed and high Special Attack, all around potent special threat and pivot.


DNA Donors: Kyurem / Entei
Offspring: Enturem
New Typing: Dragon / Fire
New Stats: 120 / 140 / 90 / 110 / 85 / 113 (+18 Attack, +3 Defense, +3 Special Defense, +16 Speed)
New Ability and Desc: Pressure
Notable Moves: Flare Blitz, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Stone Edge, Extreme Speed, Iron Head, Sacred Fire, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Roost
Role Description: Great dual STABs and coverage to get past resists backed up by a high Attack and usable Speed. Pure physical or mixed both look viable.
Parents: Aurorus and Heliolisk
Shared egg group: Monster
Offspring name: Heliorus
New type: Ice/Electric
New base stats: 103 / 76 / 72 / 114 / 103 / 83 (551 BST)
New ability and desc: Snow Power - Normal type moves become Ice type and increase in power by 30%. During Hail, this Pokemon's special attack is boosted by 50%.
Notable moves: Hyper Voice, Surf, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Freeze Dry, Focus Blast, Volt Switch, Dark Pulse
Role identification: Specially bulky special attacker that hits insanely hard on a Hail team.
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Parents: Aurorus and Heliolisk
Shared egg group: Monster
Offspring name: Heliorus
New type: Ice/Electric
New base stats: 103 / 76 / 72 / 114 / 103 / 83 (551 BST)
New ability and desc: (If possible) Electrifrigerate - This Pokemon's normal type moves are both electric and ice type and receive a 30% power boost.
Notable moves: Hyper Voice, Surf, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Freeze Dry, Focus Blast, Volt Switch, Dark Pulse
Role identification: Special tank that hits really hard with -ate boosted Hyper Voice

This is impossible due Heliolisk's abilities having absolutely NOTHING to do with Electric typing. Its usuable abilities are Sand Veil and Dry Skin. Plz edit, or the moderators won't have mercy.
Three different Pokemon. Three different niches. OK!

Pokemon #1!

DNA Donors: Manaphy and Manectric
Offspring : Manatric
New Typing: Electric/Water
New Stats : 85//87/80/117/85/122 (+15 SpA +5 SpD +20 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: (Hydration + Lightning Rod)= Hydrolics: This Pokemon is immune to moves that cause status comditions, whether primarily (Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Scald Hypnosis) or secondarily (Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Sacred Fire). If hit by such a move, it has no effect and instead raises its SpA by one stage.
Notable Moves : Thunderbolt, Scald, Surf, Ice Beam, Tail Glow, Dazzling Gleam, Flamethrower, Overheat, Volt Switch, U-Turn, Energy Ball, Magnet Rise, Thunder Wave
Role Description: A great electric type with an interesting ability, which makes it immune to moves that would (or have a chance to) inflict status on it, and getting a boost in the process! While its speed tier is promising and ability spectacular, its other stats are rather lackluster, with below average stats for an offensive Fusionmon. It does have Tail Glow, and combined with its ability, allows it to get to +4 rather easily in this meta, so that's something. Its power level rises significantly, however, once it Mega evolves.

DNA Donors Mega Manectric and Manaphy
Offspring Mega Manatric
New Stats 85/87/100/147/105/152 (+15 SpA +5 SpD + 20 Spe)
Ability Intimidate
Typing Electric/Water
Notable Moves Same as base form
Role Description This takes fast pivot and gives a powerful new face. Mega Manatric's primary set would be a pivoting set with Volt Switch/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Overheat using moveslots. But unlike Manectric, Manatric can run TG+3 Attacks and turn into a ferocious sweeper, thanks to its good physical bulk factoring Intimidate, 147 SpA and amazing 152 Speed, one of the fastest in the meta! Mega Manatric's flexibility as a revenge killer, pivot, wallbreaker or sweeper all in one makes for it a powerful threat in this EVER evolving metagame.

Reserving Pokemon #2 Rhyperior + Volcanion!

Togekiss + Crobat
Shared Egg Group: Flying
Offspring name: Crokiss
Typing: Poison / Flying
New base stats: 95 / 80 / 97 / 105 / 107 / 115
New ability: Shield Dust (Serene Grace + Inner Focus) - Protects against incoming moves' extra effects (yep - its just Sheild Dust)
Notable moves: Roost, Sludge Bomb, Air Slash, Nasty Plot, Fire Blast, Aura Sphere, Taunt, Giga Drain, Super Fang, Brave Bird, Drain Punch, U-Turn
Role Identification: This takes Crobat and turns it into a bulky and stronger, but slower version of itself. With 95/97/107 and a decent Poison / Flying typing, Crokiss makes for a good bulky mon that can fit itself into balance easy. While it is not as bulky as most balance mons, it does have something a lot of them lack - speed. While not Crobat-levels of amazing, 115 is still a really good speed tier to be in. These traits also let it be a nice stall breaker, especially with its movepool. It's ability is Shield Dust, which is an underused ability that is actually pretty amazing. A very versatile Pokemon.
Parents: Beheyeem and Sableye
Offspring name: Bye
Typing: Psychic/Dark
New base stats: 72 / 85 / 85 / 105 / 90 / 55
New ability: Speed Tie - always moves in the same priority bracket as the opponent (so it basically always speed-ties)
Notable moves: Zen Headbutt, Shadow Sneak, Knock Off, Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Power Gem, Foul Play, Taunt, Psychic, Will-O-Wisp, Poison Jab, Dazzling Gleam, Dark Pulse, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Recover, Nasty Plot, Sucker Punch, Trick, Calm Mind, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Trick Room, Skill Swap, Disable,
Role indentification: Bye compensates for its average stats with a unique ability. Its ability bypasses every priority bracket, whether your opponent is 25 or 180 speed, whether they're using Extremespeed or Fake Out, whether they have statistical speed boosts (Rock Polish/DD) or not, and even if they have negative priority like Stall or Lagging Tail. Due to its ability its speed stat doesn't really matter - and because of that I those Beheyeem over Alakazam as the only difference is +5 SpA, and a slightly faster mega. Merging with Beheyeem salvages its bulk a little. Yes, it's always a 50/50 but it eliminates any chance of the opponent ever out prioritizing you. An -atespeed counter if you will.

Parents: Beheyeem and Sableye
Offspring name: Bye
Typing: Psychic/Dark
New base stats: 72/95/135/125/140/25
New ability: Magic Bounce
Notable moves:Zen Headbutt, Shadow Sneak, Knock Off, Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Power Gem, Foul Play, Taunt, Psychic, Will-O-Wisp, Poison Jab, Dazzling Gleam, Dark Pulse, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Recover, Nasty Plot, Sucker Punch, Trick, Calm Mind, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Trick Room, Skill Swap, Disable,
Role indentification: The mega isn't flashy and is more or less a Mega Sableye alternative, but it can be an useful tool if you time the evolution right - as the Speed Tie effect remains on the field on the turn it mega evolves. It's still a 50/50 chance as to who wins the tie, but it's still useful. But if you find yourself wanting to make use of the mega in other ways - it gains a tool that regular Mega Sableye never had - Trick Room. Its access to Nasty Plot + Trick Room and a great 25 speed for TR should give it a niche.

It should be noted that I originally wanted to make something different with a really cool ability, but apparently it was already made into a fusion called Sablemimez.
New ability: Speed Tie - always moves in the same priority bracket as the opponent (so it basically always speed-ties)
If that's what it does, I think perhaps it might be better to word it a bit differently as "always moves in the same priority bracket as the opponent" to me implies that if, for example, the opponent used Bullet Punch, your move would also have priority, so you would move first if you were faster than the opponent even thought they had used a +1 priority move (not overly useful on a 55 Spe mon). Perhaps saying "always moves at the same time as the opponent" or literally just "always speed ties with the opponent, regardless of their speed and priority" might make things a bit more clear if you want it to always speed tie, but there could be an even better way than that of saying it than that (that is, of course, if I've interpreted your meaning correctly).
If that's what it does, I think perhaps it might be better to word it a bit differently as "always moves in the same priority bracket as the opponent" to me implies that if, for example, the opponent used Bullet Punch, your move would also have priority, so you would move first if you were faster than the opponent even thought they had used a +1 priority move (not overly useful on a 55 Spe mon). Perhaps saying "always moves at the same time as the opponent" or literally just "always speed ties with the opponent, regardless of their speed and priority" might make things a bit more clear if you want it to always speed tie, but there could be an even better way than that of saying it than that (that is, of course, if I've interpreted your meaning correctly).
I think he means that every turn the Pokemon that moves first is determined randomly, except if one of them uses a priority move. Is it right, SpartanMalice?
Partially correct, Stitch. It is decided randomly even if they use a priority move. I do think rhydreigon's description is more accurate. I might add the 50/50 in the description.


DNA Donors:
Parasect and Swablu
New Typing: Bug/Flying
Offspring: Parablu
New Ability and Desc : Effective Cure (Natural Cure + Effect Spore): Natural Cure heals any status conditions and Heals 100% of its HP upon switching out.
New Stats: 73 (+20)/68/84 (+14)/50/84 (+6)/40 BST {399}
Notable Moves: Endure, Protect, Spore, Toxic, Leech Seed, Safeguard, Perish Song, Aromatherapy, Sing, Cotton Guard, Tailwind, Haze, Power Swap, Flail, Knock Off, Worry Seed
Role Description: Its an absolute support stall Pokemon, really this format needs more stall, as this makes one interesting mon, one of the major things I see this doing is Toxic bait, coming in on say....a already Toxiced Hazard and first turn Protect, second turn Power Swap, Leech Seed, Worry Seed or another support move and it breaks your stash, then next turn protect followed up by a switch into as stall like Chansey or Bastioking for example to Finnish the walling, that being said, Focus Stash sets will be the best for this mon paired up with another good stall and a spinner of defoger. On a side note, Trick Room could befit this Pokemon as well.
Another note is while its ability looks very op, look at its stats.....

This is super annoying as fuck and basically immortal with F.Sash + U-Turn. Too bad its illegible and has to be deleted very quickly before a mod sees.

Sigilyph and Aerodactyl
Shared Egg Group: Flying
Offspring Name: Sigidactyl
New Typing: Flying / Rock
New Base Stats: 86 / 91 / 82 / 91 / 87 / 123
New Ability: Mystic Aegis - This Pokemon does not take damage from recoil or other effects that would cause it to take damage upon using a move.
Notable Moves: Hypnosis, Tailwind, Whirlwind/Roar, Light Screen, Defog, Reflect, Gravity, Air Slash, Psychic, Cosmic Power, Sky Attack, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Ice Beam, Roost, Return, Shadow Ball, Facade, Energy Ball, Charge Beam, Thunder Wave, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Iron Head, Ancient Power, Psycho Shift, Skill Swap, Stored Power, Heat Wave, Signal Beam, Trick, Double-edge, Zen Headbutt, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Agility/Rock Polish, Crunch, Rock Slide, Dragon Claw, Taunt, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Stone Edge, Curse, Pursuit, Aqua Tail, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Stealth Rock.
Role Description: With its ability, excellent speed, and broad movepool, Sigidactyl can fill a variety of roles. While a little less powerful than the mega, a Life Orb sweeping set offers quite a bit of free power. It can be fairly tanky with Cosmic Power and Roost, or set up rocks as a lead, etc.


Mega Sigidactyl
New Base Stats:
86 / 121 / 102 / 101 / 107 / 143
New Ability: Tough Claws
Role Description: Alright, check this out. Adding Sigilyph made Mega Aerodactyl's stats higher in everything except that missing 14 attack. With Tough Claws and that special stat it shouldn't even miss that! So you're a better Mega Aerodactyl with a Sigilyph's movepool added to yours. This is actually a really flexible mega considering its crazy speed.
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Just gonna post all my fusions together and Maybe Edit in a new one...


DNA Donors: Porygon-Z and Dragonite
Offspring name: Porygonite-Z
New Typing: Normal/Dragon
New base stats: 98/137/93/138/98/105(+20 Attack,+10 Special Attack,+10 Speed)
New ability: [[Adaptability + Inner Focus]/2] + 10 = Focused Power: This Pokemon's STAB moves power are increased from 1.5x to 2x until flinched.
Notable moves: Dragon Dance, Extreme Speed, Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt, Recover/Roost, Ice Beam, Psyshock, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Return, Outrage, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Fire Blast, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Hurricane, Hone Claws, Stone Edge, Iron Head, Ice Punch, Superpower.
Role indentification: Oh, So I see you've gotten past the Torture room in hell. I'll have to punish Chatotorus. Welcome to Stop Two, The Fire Pit.
Porygonite-Z has an amazing movepool coupled with great mixed attack stats and STAB Adaptability Extreme Speed. You heard of -AteSpeed? Well Now you have AdaptSpeed. It has just about the same power, as well as sinister ghost coverage in Shadow Ball/Dark Pulse. Oh, and you can boost with Dragon dance. Happy now? No..? Oh, and you have Adaptability Draco Meteor for nuking also. It's Speed tier allows it to hold up against base 100's and lower, and decent 98/93/98 allows it to sponge a hit and check some of the most devastating pokemon in the tier.
So, while I was looking for Porygon-Z sprites so I could make the sprite for this guy here, I found a sprite already made by the owner of this thread here: Link and Zelda
I'm honestly insanely lucky for this, and credit to Mr. Fuji on PO The Scrubs but I like doing less work
Le Sprite:
[Kameee Hammeeeee HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA]

DNA Donors: Meloetta And Medicham
Offspring name: Medietta-Aria
New type: Normal/Psychic
New base stats: 90/79/86/104/112/95
New ability and desc: Serene Grace + Pure Power = Pure Force: Attack stat is 1.66x, however moves with secondary effects have the effects neutralized.
Notable moves: Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Recover, Rock Slide, Fake Out, Bullet Punch, Close Combat, High Jump Kick, Poison Jab
Role Identification: A Massively Powerful physical attacker with a heavily nerfed pure power and a heavily buffed sheer force. With the ability included, Medietta-Aria reaches a fearsome attack stat of 468, Allowing it to demolish most of the physical walls of OU, probably even some in ubers. Eh, I don't Know.
Oh and by the way, a 468 attack stat is equivalent to a 164 base attack stat near fully invested.

So...What Happens when it goes Pirouette?

DNA Donors: Meloetta And Medicham
Offspring name: Medietta-Pirouette
New type: Normal/Fighting
New base stats: 90/104/86/79/95/112
New ability and desc: Serene Grace + Pure Power = Pure Force: Attack stat is 1.66x, however moves with secondary effects have the effects neutralized.
Notable moves: Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Recover, Rock Slide, Fake Out, Bullet Punch, Close Combat, High Jump Kick, Poison Jab
Role Identification: Oh. Look at that Attack stat that's Higher than Mega Medicham and can hold a Life Orb/Choice Band. Now this will Destroy EVERYTHING, but ghost types I believe. Unfortunately, It's got 3MSS Because Relic Song. Fully invested, including ability, Medietta has a 559 Attack, which is a 205 attack stat fully invested.

These Count as One submission as it's an in-battle transformation.
Welp, I guess I'm Onto my Last fusion here if I can Count... Charalge, Tyranniking, ExcaKing, Garorus, Azumadell and this guy, alright i can

Think Of It As a Yellow Landorus with musical notes instead of it's white hat and a musical staff bar instead of that giant...ground thing?
DNA Donors: Chatot/Landorus
Offspring name: Chatotorus
New type: Normal/Flying
New base stats: 93 / 105 / 78 / 134 / 81 / 116 (+0 Def,+20 SpA, +10 SpD, +10 Spe )
New ability and desc: Keen Eye + Sand Force = Sandy Eyes, In Sand, Accuracy is upped by one third, immunity to sand damage.
Notable moves: Nasty Plot, Chatter, Earth Power, Sludge Wave, Substitute, Psychic, Boomburst, Superpower, Knock Off, Heat Wave
Role identification: Welcome To Hell, First Stop, Torture Room. Chatorus is Probably pretty broken due to it's High Special Attack and the fact that it can Abuse Chatter AND boomburst, The most powerful special move in the game. Oh, and Look at that it can abuse sandstorm also. wow. But Seriously with Earth Power, Chatter, Boomburst and Nasty Plot, You have an amazing sweeper/Wallbreaker that can abuse confusion hax like a boss with Chatter, as well as nuke everything with boomburst and get coverage in Earth Power. Also Nasty Plot. Nasty Plot Boomburst. Oh But Wait, You Get Walled By Blissey And Chansey, Right? WRONG. You have coverage in superpower to completely demolish Them.

Good Thing it has lowish defenses so that offense teams don't get demolished by it and e-speed should kill it....

252+ Atk Guts Ursaring Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Landorus: 261-307 (79.8 - 93.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
It takes a Guts one hundred Thirty STAB Extreme Speed to 2HKO it....

But RIP gg Stall.


Parents: Abomasnow and Ampharos
Offspring Name: Amphasnow
Shared Egg Group: Monster
New Typing: Electric/Ice
New Stats: 100/94/90/114/98/68
New Ability and Desc.: Static + Snow warning = Stastical Warning: Summons Electric Terrain Upon Switch-in
Notable Moves: Ice Beam, Giga Drain, Thunderbolt, Dragon pulse, Swords Dance, Ice Shard, Wood Hammer, Wild Charge, Synthesis, Heal Bell, Thunder Wave
Role idenfication: An Honest terrain setter with decent bulk, two drastically different mega evolutions and actual instant healing, allowing it to be kept around for longer, supporting it's team much, much better. Oh, and it has BoltBeam STAB.


Parents: Abomasnow and Ampharos
Offspring Name: Amphasnow-Mega-A
Shared Egg Group: Monster
New Typing: Electric/Dragon
New Stats: 100/114/110/164/118/58
New Ability and Desc.: Mold Breaker
Notable Moves: Ice Beam, Giga Drain, Thunderbolt, Dragon pulse, Swords Dance, Ice Shard, Wood Hammer, Wild Charge, Synthesis, Thunder wave, Heal Bell
Role idenfication: Although Slow, Mega Amphasnow suddenly has terribly good bulk, great wallbreaking stats, Mold Breaker and instant healing, this thing can now wall you so much better, with it's Dragon typing giving it a whole slew of resistances and STAB dragon pulse.


Parents: Abomasnow and Ampharos
Offspring Name: Amphasnow-Mega-B
Shared Egg Group: Monster
New Typing: Electric/Ice
New Stats: 100/134/120/154/118/38
New Ability and Desc.: Snow Warning
Notable Moves: Blizzard, Giga Drain, Thunderbolt, Dragon pulse, Swords Dance, Ice Shard, Wood Hammer, Wild Charge, Synthesis, Thunder wave, Heal Bell
Role idenfication: The Montrous Wallbreaker is now even better at wallbreaking :O With Swords Dance, Ice Shard, Spammable Blizzard, Thunderbolt and the ability to abuse both hail and Rain, because it learns Thunder. With Access to Bulk, proper healing and the ability to run mixed wallbreaker sets, Amphasnow-Mega-B is a deadly fusion that shouldn't be taken lightly
Think of the ribbons that suicune has are replaced with pinsir's pincers and it's hair has a duller purple colour.

DNA Donors:
Suicune and Pinsir
Offspring Name: Surskit Suicir
New Type: Water/Bug
New Base Stats: 100/130/118/75/113/98 [+7 HP,+20 Attack, +10 Special Defense, +3 Spe]
New Ability and Desc: [Pressure + Hyper Cutter] = Pressurized Drainage: Upon Switch-in, this pokemon causes the opponent's pokemon to lose 2 PP on it's last used move.
Notable Moves: X-Scissor, Close Combat, Swords Dance, Earthquake, Extreme Speed, Scald, Rest, Calm Mind, Sleep Talk, Ice Beam, Waterfall, Bulk Up, Knock Off, Stone Edge, Natural Gift, Air Slash, Extreme Speed, Stealth Rock.
Role Identification: So, I heard you liek Stall. In all seriousness, I was told that I made too many monsters, so I made a better Suicune...That has an insane attack stat of 130... It also causes PP loss upon switch-in, which makes an even better stall pokemon :O. It's basically a physical Crocune with Surskit Typing.


DNA Donors: Suicune and Pinsir w/ Pinsirite
Offspring Name: Suicir-Mega
New Type: Water/Flying
New Base Stats: 100/160/138/85/133/118 [+7 HP,+20 Attack, +10 Special Defense, +3 Spe]
New Ability and Desc: Aerilate
Notable Moves: X-Scissor, Close Combat, Swords Dance, Earthquake, Extreme Speed, Scald, Rest, Calm Mind, Sleep Talk, Ice Beam, Waterfall, Bulk Up, Knock Off, Stone Edge, Natural Gift, Air Slash, Extreme Speed, Stealth Rock
Role Identification: EVEN MOAR STALL
With an extremely bulky 100/138/133 defenses, 160 Attack, Swords and ExtremeSpeed suddenly gives you one of the most useful Mega Evolutions in the tier, also having great typing in Water/Flying and Coverage with Waterfall/Close Combat/Earthquake, depending on which you want to use. Luckily, it doesn't have good Healing. I'm actually not sure what could wall this O.o
Something Must...

+2 252+ Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Lugia: 333-393 (80 - 94.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

+2 252+ Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Return vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Giratina: 354-417 (70.3 - 82.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

+2 252+ Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mega Sableye: 343-405 (112.8 - 133.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

/me cris.

I honestly didn't think this would so OP, sorry >_<
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CorruptedFlame, you're making a lot of monsters recently. Are you trying to compete with Chopin? (not saying that's bad or anything, monsters are fun)

Anyway, here are more of my submissions.

Essentially a cooler Lanturn

DNA Donors: Floatzel + Raikou
Offspring Name: Raitzel
New typing: Water/Electric
New base stats: 88/95/75/120/75/125 (+10 Def, +20 SpA, +10 Spe) (578 BST)
New Ability + description: Swift Swim + Pressure = Swift Pressure (If Rain Dance is active, the bearer's Speed is doubled, but its PP usage is doubled, as well)
Notable moves: Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Weather Ball, Aura Sphere, Thunder, Ice Beam, Volt Switch, Focus Blast, Power-Up Punch, Waterfall, Wild Charge, Ice Punch, Crunch, Rain Dance, Me First, Calm Mind, Extrasensory, dual screens, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Hail
Role identification: Another sweeper for rain teams. It doesn't have to be just for rain teams, though, as it can fit onto hail teams, sand teams, and even some sun teams thanks to Weather Ball. It also gets a few helpful extras from its move-pool, such as Aura Sphere, Extrasensory, and Volt Switch.

Terminator Burd is here. And it's here to stay.

DNA Donors: Genesect + Honchkrow
Offspring Name: Genekrow
New typing: Bug/Dark
New base stats: 86/123/84/113/84/105 (+10 Def, +10 SpD, +20 Spe) (595 BST)
New Ability + description: Download + Super Luck = Critical Generator (The bearer's critical hit ratio of its special moves is raised by one stage if their target's Special Defense is lower than its Defense, and vice-versa)
Notable moves: Shift Gear, U-turn, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Blaze Kick, Gunk Shot, Iron Head, Brave Bird, Zen Headbutt, Superpower, Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Bug Buzz, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Heat Wave/Flamethrower, Energy Ball, Flash Cannon, Techno Blast, Psychic, dual screens, Thunder Wave, Defog, Roost, Sucker Punch, Taunt, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Thunder, Blizzard
Role identification: You know what I said about monsters being fun? Yeah, this is what I meant. Despite having an only decent offensive typing and a severe case of 4MSS, Genekrow can and will royally smash your face in if you allow it to set up. Average defensive stats do nothing to help Genekrow set up, but they're alright enough to take a weak hit. Anyway, the amount of coverage you get is absolutely incredible. If you go physical, you get Shift Gear, along with dual STABs and a lot of coverage to help you get past Fairies or Steels. If you go special, you get Nasty Plot, along with still dual STABs and one hell of a lot of coverage. Its Ability helps it to break those walls without Shell Armor, Battle Armor, or their subsidiaries, but it's not extremely reliable.

Never, EVER say no to panda if you value your life.

Parents: Pangoro + Darmanitan
Shared Egg Group: Field
Offspring Name: Pangoritan
New typing: Fire/Fighting
New base stats: 110/142/77/60/73/87 (549 BST)
New Ability + description: Iron Fist + Sheer Force = Power Puncher (The bearer's punch-based attacks have 1.5X power, but their secondary effects (if they have them) are lost)
Notable moves: Drain Punch, the elemental punches, Knock Off, Flare Blitz, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Hammer Arm, Gunk Shot, Hone Claws, Bulk Up, Iron Head, Poison Jab, Swords Dance, Zen Headbutt, X-Scissor, U-turn, Will-O-Wisp, Substitute, Focus Punch, Aerial Ace, Parting Shot
Role identification: My only gripe with this fusion is that its Speed is fairly lackluster. Choice Scarf fixes this problem, however. You could also try and run a gimmicky SubPunch set with insane power (after all, it has 337 BP OFF OF 142 BASE ATTACK!!). Pangoritan's Ability, though, is arguably the best part about it. With it, Fire Punch becomes almost as strong as a Flare Blitz, but without recoil. Have fun!

EDIT: Jeezus, am I the only person left who looks like he's even trying to not make the fusion Abilities over-the-top?
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DNA Donors:
Infernape + Jirachi
Offspring: Inferchi
New Typing: Fire/Steel
New Stats: 98/102/100/102/100/104 (+10 HP, +15 Def, +15 SpD) [BST: 606]
New Ability and Desc: Blaze + Serene Grace = Serene Flames: Fire-type moves all have a set 30% chance to inflict a burn.
Notable Moves: Fire Punch, Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, Overheat, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Flash Cannon, Close Combat, Mach Punch, Power-Up Punch, Vacuum Wave, Focus Blast, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Elemental Punches, Drain Punch, Grass Knot, Energy Ball, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Psychic, Psyshock, Stone Edge, Endeavor, U-Turn, Taunt, Encore, Wish, Healing Wish, Refresh, Stealth Rock, Magic Coat, Trick, Slack Off, Thunder Wave, Will-o-Wisp, Dual Screens, Bulk Up, Swords Dance, Calm Mind, Nasty Plot
Role Description: A beautifully versatile support mon/jack-of-all-stats, with a solid defensive typing and a movepool wider than the eye can see. I'd see it working similarly to Mew in standard play, but it can also work in an AoA role.
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