Fusion Evolution

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Had a free few mins today (don't know when I will in the next few days), so I generated the movesets for those 8 fusions to be used when you need them:
Merry Christmas guys!

You too ^_^

Welp; Might as well just skip all the wait and jump into discussion Phase.

Chatotorus: Finally! A good Boomburst User! With a good moveset combined with not terrible speed and Special Attack; My Little Fusion seems to fit right in with this Hyper offensive Metagame.


Chatotorus @ Life Orb/Choice Specs
Ability: Sandy Eyes
EVs: 4 Atk/252 SpA/252 Spe
Timid/Modest Nature
- Nasty Plot/Heat Wave/Earth power
- Boomburst
- Sludge Wave/Chatter
- Superpower/Knock Off

Dianbro: See Dictionary Definition of Wall. It's about the same. With Unreasonably good typing; Sky High Defenses, A decent Ability and Actual healing combined with a nice and strong Mega Evolution; Dianbro seems like a really scary balance/Stall pokemon

Set: [Mega]

Dianbro @ Slowbronite
Ability: Clear Tempo
EVs: 252 HP/ 40 Def / 216 SpD
Bold nature
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Slack Off
- Moonblast/Psyshock


Dianbro @ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Tempo
EVs: 252 HP/ 128 Def / 128 SpD
Modest Nature
- Moonblast
- Scald
- Slack Off
- Toxic

The Second Dianbro can be optimized though, but that's all for now!
Uh, sure discuss the winners. Sorry we don't have a nice and pretty post this time around but I'm just too busy to manage this project anymore.

We do need to start a new thread with new leadership, so if SpartanMalice (who also gets busy) passes on it, someone else can do it. PM me if you think that should be you. I'm looking for activity and long-term presence in this project as qualifications.
Thanks Eevee General; Pretty AF post just for you. [btw how about you just make a large council for this project?]

The Winners of This Slate are...


DNA Donors: Diancie and Slowbro
Offspring name: Dianbro
New type: Water/Fairy
New base stats: 90/90/130/100/130/40 (+18 HP, +3 Atk, +15 SpD) (BST 580)
New ability and desc: Clear Tempo (Clear Body + Own Tempo) - Immune to stat drops and confusion.
Notable moves: Calm Mind, Scald, Moonblast, Diamond Storm, Earth Power, Psychic, Psyshock, Slack-Off, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunder Wave, Trick Room, Stealth Rock
Role identification: This thing completely walls every Charizard fusion and Tyranichomp, even if not Mega-evolved. It can introduce stall and Trick Room into this meta, thanks to its insane 90/130/130 bulk. And you still haven't seen the Mega.

DNA Donors: Diancie and Mega Slowbro
Offspring name: Mega Dianbro
New type: Water/Fairy
New base stats: 90/90/200/130/130/40 (BST 680)
New ability and desc: Shell Armor
Notable moves: Calm Mind, Scald, Moonblast, Diamond Storm, Earth Power, Psychic, Psyshock, Slack-Off, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunder Wave, Trick Room, Stealth Rock
Role identification: Just put all your EVs in HP and SpD and wall everything, making your opponent go mad by CMinding to raise your SpA and SpD to extreme levels and shoot everything with a Scald or a Moonblast. A way to be hated by the opponent, especially if they have a Charizard fusion (the only one that could be annoying is Shaymizard, especially if Y, but just use Fire Blast or Flamethrower for neutral boosted damage) or Tyranichomp. It can afford even a moveset without CMind, but with Trick Room, using your opponent's DDances against them, or Thunder Wave to hax.
Chatot / Landorus

DNA Donors: Chatot/Landorus
Offspring name: Chatotorus
New type: Normal/Flying
New base stats: 93 / 105 / 78 / 134 / 81 / 116 (+0 Def,+20 SpA, +10 SpD, +10 Spe )
New ability and desc: Keen Eye + Sand Force = Sandy Eyes, In Sand, Accuracy is upped by one third, immunity to sand damage.
Notable moves: Nasty Plot, Chatter, Earth Power, Sludge Wave, Substitute, Psychic, Boomburst, Superpower, Knock Off, Heat Wave
Role identification: Welcome To Hell, First Stop, Torture Room. Chatorus is Probably pretty broken due to it's High Special Attack and the fact that it can Abuse Chatter AND boomburst, The most powerful special move in the game. Oh, and Look at that it can abuse sandstorm also. wow. But Seriously with Earth Power, Chatter, Boomburst and Nasty Plot, You have an amazing sweeper/Wallbreaker that can abuse confusion hax like a boss with Chatter, as well as nuke everything with boomburst and get coverage in Earth Power. Also Nasty Plot. Nasty Plot Boomburst. Oh But Wait, You Get Walled By Blissey And Chansey, Right? WRONG. You have coverage in superpower to completely demolish Them.

Parents: Togekiss & Blissey
Shared Egg Group: Fairy
Offspring Name: Blisskiss
New type: Normal/Fairy
New base stats: 185/45/67/112/140/82
New ability and desc: Serene Grace (giving +15 to averages of stats)
Notable Moves: Softboiled, Roost, Thunder Wave, Air Slash, Calm Mind, Wish, Protect, Heal Bell, Seismic Toss, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Dazzling Gleam, Stealth Rock, Defog, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, Light Screen, Reflect, Nasty Plot, Charge Beam, Hyper Voice, Toxic
Role Identification: I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. A titanic 185 HP stat backed up by scary 67/140 Defences and a usable 112 SpA stat makes this thing a horrifying wall, with an immunity to the meta's many powerful Outrages. And that's not even mentioning it's movepool. No less than three forms of recovery including Wish, the ability to cure all it's teams status, Stealth Rock and Defog, and Toxic and Thunder Wave for status. Speaking of Thunder Wave, Serene Grace gives it access to Paraflinch when it's already near immortal. Have fun with that. It also has access to two Special boosting moves, Nasty Plot and Calm Mind, turning this monstrosity into a sweeper of all things, allowing it to use it's wide coverage of Special moves (including Boltbeam and Ghost/Fighting coverage) which includes a guaranteed further SpA boost from Charge Beam. All in all, this makes Blisskiss a versatile terror in all the rolls it can fill, from dedicated wall, to amazing utility/support, to powerful sweeping to a near unkillable Paraflincher.

Parents: Bisharp and Toxicroak
Shared egg group: Human-like
Offspring name: Toxisharp
New type: Dark / Poison
New base stats: 84 / 125 / 92 / 83 / 77 / 87 (BST 548)
New ability and desc: Sharp Armor (Dry Skin+Defiant) - Atk is raised by 2 when hit by a Water-type move and lowered by 2 when hit by a Fire-type; gives immunity to Water-type moves.
Notable moves: Sucker Punch, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Drain Punch, Low Kick, Fake Out, Stealth Rock, Grass Knot
Role identification: Its role could be the same as Bisharp’s role now: switch on a Scald or a Water-type move and begin sweeping with Sucker Punch, STABs and a wide coverage of moves, including Ice punch against Ground-types and look at this calc:
0 SpA Life Orb Toxisharp Grass Knot (100 BP) vs. 104 HP / 0 SpD Mega Swampert: 296-354 (80.6 - 96.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
So, with a predict and a Sucker Punch you can even KO MSwampert. 83/92/77 isn’t very bad as a bulkiness, so you can even boost your Attack using SD or your Speed using RP, or even you Attack and Defense using Bulk Up (this can help you to resist to some EQ you may run into).

DNA Donors: Yanmega and Darkrai
Offspring Name: Darmega
New type: Dark/Bug
New base stats: 90 (+12)/83/88/140 (+15)/76 (+3)/120 (+10) (BST 597)
New ability and desc: Dream Crusher (Tinted Lens + Bad Dreams): The user deals 2x damage to sleeping targets.
Notable Moves: Disable, Dark Void, Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Taunt, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Will-O-Wisp, Icy Wind, Trick, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Ancient Power, U-Turn, Roost, Giga Drain, Tailwind
Role identification: Just something that absolutely abuses sleep. Put the mon that walls you the hardest to sleep, and suddenly it's not a problem anymore. 140 SpA combined with 120 Speed is terrifying, and the Dark/Bug STAB combo is nothing to sneeze at either.

Parents: Golurk + Aegislash
Shared egg group: DNA (Why Gamefreak?)
Offspring name: Golislash (For the sake of comfortability, even though it sounds stupid)
New type: Ghost/Steel
New base stats: Defense Forme: 74/87(+10)/115(+20)/52/115(+10)/52 Power Forme: 74/115(+20)/87(+10)/115(+10)/52/52 Weight: 191 Kg
New ability and desc: Combination Drive - The Pokémon changes form depending on how it battles. Entering Power Forme empowers Punch based moves by x1.5 for one attack. (Maybe this could work for Slash based moves as well? If it's codeable I'd like to add it. Slash based moves: Fury Cutter, Slash, Sacred Sword, False Swipe, Shadow Claw, Night Slash)
Notable moves: Phantom Force, Focus Punch, Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Hammer Arm, Rest, Rock Polish, Gyro Ball, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Substitute, Power-up Punch, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Magic Coat, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Zen Headbutt, Pursuit, Shadow Sneak, Night Slash, Power Trick, Head Smash, Swords Dance, King's Shield, Reflect, Destiny Bond, Magnet Rise. Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast
Role identification: Ability to weave in and out of the fight, delivering powerful blows every other turn and tanking hits with the amazing typing. It has so many good gimmicks moves, it can set up Reflect for the rest of the team, has Magic Coat, Stealth Rock, Pursuit, priority with Shadow Sneak, maybe a Power Trick set could work if you want to be crazy. Or it can set up Swords Dance or Rock Polish to do some serious damage or set up a Sub for a destructive Focus Punch, it also has King's Shield for extra mind games. It's really only held back by the stats, they aren't that good compared to other fusions but with that amazing combination of everything else it should still be pretty good. Only having 4 moveslots also hinders its coverage if it wants to carry status moves.
Edit: Since I had the stats wrong before, it looks like it could run a special move as surprise now with 125 SpA in Power Forme, although I doubt that it's a good idea.

Link to a picture because it's too big to embed:


DNA Donors: Landorus-I and Glalie
Offspring Name: Lag-I (Laggy)
New Typing: Ground/Ice
New base stats: 84/112/85/107/80/110 (+10 Atk, +10 SpA, +20 Speed)
New ability and desc: This pokemon's Ground/Rock/Steel/Ice attacks do 1.3x in Sandstorm and Hail, opposing attacks of those types heal by 1/16 under the same weather conditions.
Notable Moves:
Brick Break, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Earth Power, Earthquake, Explosion, Facade, Focus Blast, Extrasensory, Psychic, Frustration, Return, Grass Knot, Hammer Arm, Knock Off, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Superpower, Swords Dance, Toxic, U-turn, Gravity, Blizzard, Body Slam, Double Edge, Freeze-Dry, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Spikes, Switcheroo, Taunt
Role Identification: Not necessarily a purely offensive mon, Lag-I has several support and utility options at its diposal - pivoting with U-turn, supporting with Taunt and Knock Off, hazard stacking with Stealth Rock and Spikes, boosting moves for all of its offenses, good stabs on both sides (mostly related to its mega) with Freeze Dry in particular being more effective than OU Mamoswine due to hitting off of a competent SpA stat. It has a nifty ability that allows it to be offensive and defensive at once in a weather dominant meta - but if it wants accurate Blizzards without weather support, it can always run a gravity set. It can spread status while attacking with Body Slam - why Body Slam? Because this versatile mon has a mega...

DNA Donors: Landorus-I and Glalie
Offspring Name: Mega Lag-I (Laggy)
New Typing: Ground/Ice
New base stats: 84/152/85/147/80/130 (+10 Atk, +10 SpA, +20 Speed)
New ability and desc: Refrigerate
Notable Moves:
Brick Break, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Earth Power, Earthquake, Explosion, Facade, Focus Blast, Extrasensory, Psychic, Frustration, Return, Grass Knot, Hammer Arm, Knock Off, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Superpower, Swords Dance, Toxic, U-turn, Gravity, Blizzard, Body Slam, Double Edge, Freeze-Dry, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Spikes, Switcheroo, Taunt

Role Identification: Tremendous offenses with a great offensive typing. I'd wager this is not broken as: a) it does not have the best speed stat among Fusion Evolution megas, b) average defenses, c) no Extremespeed in comparison to some of the other -ates. Freeze Dry can be useful coverage coming off nearly equal offenses. Explosion is you want to get really cheeky - it's basically Mega Glalie's niche except it does it way better. The support options mentioned above + refrigerated moves can be useful. A purely offensive set can use any of the following: Double Edge/Return, U-turn, Knock Off, Earthquake for a purely physical set, slot in Freeze Dry somewhere if needed. Any dancing set can forego U-turn, and/or Freeze Dry if it's a physical set - and double dancing sets only need to make use of stabs. Knock Off is still usable as a third move if you only run one boosting move. All in all, a pretty great mega overall.


Parents: Heatran and Breloom
Shared Egg Group: DNA Fusion
Offspring Name: Heatloom
New Typing: Steel / Grass
Base Stats: 95 / 130 / 93 / 95 / 83 / 73 (+20 HP, +20 Atk) [BST 569]
New Ability and Desc: Flash Fire + Poison Heal = From Ashes: If the Pokémon is burned, it will gain 1/8 of its maximum HP at the end of each turn instead of taking damage. The Pokémon with this Ability does not lose Attack due to burn.
Notable Moves: Iron Head, Stun Spore, Leech Seed, Seed Bomb, Grass Knot, Giga Drain, Synthesis, Spore, Solarbeam, Bulk Up, Substitute, Sludge Bomb, Facade, Return, Fling, Stone Edge, Swords Dance, Power-up Punch, Thunder Punch, Heat Wave, Earth Power, Fire Fang, Crunch, Taunt, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Flame Blast, Flame Charge, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Stealth Rock
Role Identification: With 8 resistances and an immunity and burns providing passive recovery and status immunity, Heatloom is surprisingly resilient for something with its stats. Between the two parents, Heatloom has some really good coverage, set-up to capitalize on its decent bulk, and diverse recovery options. Could also serve as a good rock setter, though its low speed means you may want to run Protect alongside your Flame Orb to avoid faster status leads.
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Thanks Eevee General; Pretty AF post just for you. [btw how about you just make a large council for this project?]

The Winners of This Slate are...


DNA Donors: Diancie and Slowbro
Offspring name: Dianbro
New type: Water/Fairy
New base stats: 90/90/130/100/130/40 (+18 HP, +3 Atk, +15 SpD) (BST 580)
New ability and desc: Clear Tempo (Clear Body + Own Tempo) - Immune to stat drops and confusion.
Notable moves: Calm Mind, Scald, Moonblast, Diamond Storm, Earth Power, Psychic, Psyshock, Slack-Off, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunder Wave, Trick Room, Stealth Rock
Role identification: This thing completely walls every Charizard fusion and Tyranichomp, even if not Mega-evolved. It can introduce stall and Trick Room into this meta, thanks to its insane 90/130/130 bulk. And you still haven't seen the Mega.

DNA Donors: Diancie and Mega Slowbro
Offspring name: Mega Dianbro
New type: Water/Fairy
New base stats: 90/90/200/130/130/40 (BST 680)
New ability and desc: Shell Armor
Notable moves: Calm Mind, Scald, Moonblast, Diamond Storm, Earth Power, Psychic, Psyshock, Slack-Off, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunder Wave, Trick Room, Stealth Rock
Role identification: Just put all your EVs in HP and SpD and wall everything, making your opponent go mad by CMinding to raise your SpA and SpD to extreme levels and shoot everything with a Scald or a Moonblast. A way to be hated by the opponent, especially if they have a Charizard fusion (the only one that could be annoying is Shaymizard, especially if Y, but just use Fire Blast or Flamethrower for neutral boosted damage) or Tyranichomp. It can afford even a moveset without CMind, but with Trick Room, using your opponent's DDances against them, or Thunder Wave to hax.
Chatot / Landorus

DNA Donors: Chatot/Landorus
Offspring name: Chatotorus
New type: Normal/Flying
New base stats: 93 / 105 / 78 / 134 / 81 / 116 (+0 Def,+20 SpA, +10 SpD, +10 Spe )
New ability and desc: Keen Eye + Sand Force = Sandy Eyes, In Sand, Accuracy is upped by one third, immunity to sand damage.
Notable moves: Nasty Plot, Chatter, Earth Power, Sludge Wave, Substitute, Psychic, Boomburst, Superpower, Knock Off, Heat Wave
Role identification: Welcome To Hell, First Stop, Torture Room. Chatorus is Probably pretty broken due to it's High Special Attack and the fact that it can Abuse Chatter AND boomburst, The most powerful special move in the game. Oh, and Look at that it can abuse sandstorm also. wow. But Seriously with Earth Power, Chatter, Boomburst and Nasty Plot, You have an amazing sweeper/Wallbreaker that can abuse confusion hax like a boss with Chatter, as well as nuke everything with boomburst and get coverage in Earth Power. Also Nasty Plot. Nasty Plot Boomburst. Oh But Wait, You Get Walled By Blissey And Chansey, Right? WRONG. You have coverage in superpower to completely demolish Them.


Parents: Togekiss & Blissey
Shared Egg Group: Fairy
Offspring Name: Blisskiss
New type: Normal/Fairy
New base stats: 185/45/67/112/140/82
New ability and desc: Serene Grace (giving +15 to averages of stats)
Notable Moves: Softboiled, Roost, Thunder Wave, Air Slash, Calm Mind, Wish, Protect, Heal Bell, Seismic Toss, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Dazzling Gleam, Stealth Rock, Defog, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, Light Screen, Reflect, Nasty Plot, Charge Beam, Hyper Voice, Toxic
Role Identification: I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. A titanic 185 HP stat backed up by scary 67/140 Defences and a usable 112 SpA stat makes this thing a horrifying wall, with an immunity to the meta's many powerful Outrages. And that's not even mentioning it's movepool. No less than three forms of recovery including Wish, the ability to cure all it's teams status, Stealth Rock and Defog, and Toxic and Thunder Wave for status. Speaking of Thunder Wave, Serene Grace gives it access to Paraflinch when it's already near immortal. Have fun with that. It also has access to two Special boosting moves, Nasty Plot and Calm Mind, turning this monstrosity into a sweeper of all things, allowing it to use it's wide coverage of Special moves (including Boltbeam and Ghost/Fighting coverage) which includes a guaranteed further SpA boost from Charge Beam. All in all, this makes Blisskiss a versatile terror in all the rolls it can fill, from dedicated wall, to amazing utility/support, to powerful sweeping to a near unkillable Paraflincher.

Parents: Bisharp and Toxicroak
Shared egg group: Human-like
Offspring name: Toxisharp
New type: Dark / Poison
New base stats: 84 / 125 / 92 / 83 / 77 / 87 (BST 548)
New ability and desc: Sharp Armor (Dry Skin+Defiant) - Atk is raised by 2 when hit by a Water-type move and lowered by 2 when hit by a Fire-type; gives immunity to Water-type moves.
Notable moves: Sucker Punch, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Drain Punch, Low Kick, Fake Out, Stealth Rock, Grass Knot
Role identification: Its role could be the same as Bisharp’s role now: switch on a Scald or a Water-type move and begin sweeping with Sucker Punch, STABs and a wide coverage of moves, including Ice punch against Ground-types and look at this calc:
0 SpA Life Orb Toxisharp Grass Knot (100 BP) vs. 104 HP / 0 SpD Mega Swampert: 296-354 (80.6 - 96.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
So, with a predict and a Sucker Punch you can even KO MSwampert. 83/92/77 isn’t very bad as a bulkiness, so you can even boost your Attack using SD or your Speed using RP, or even you Attack and Defense using Bulk Up (this can help you to resist to some EQ you may run into).

DNA Donors: Yanmega and Darkrai
Offspring Name: Darmega
New type: Dark/Bug
New base stats: 90 (+12)/83/88/140 (+15)/76 (+3)/120 (+10) (BST 597)
New ability and desc: Dream Crusher (Tinted Lens + Bad Dreams): The user deals 2x damage to sleeping targets.
Notable Moves: Disable, Dark Void, Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Taunt, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Will-O-Wisp, Icy Wind, Trick, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Ancient Power, U-Turn, Roost, Giga Drain, Tailwind
Role identification: Just something that absolutely abuses sleep. Put the mon that walls you the hardest to sleep, and suddenly it's not a problem anymore. 140 SpA combined with 120 Speed is terrifying, and the Dark/Bug STAB combo is nothing to sneeze at either.

Parents: Golurk + Aegislash
Shared egg group: DNA (Why Gamefreak?)
Offspring name: Golislash (For the sake of comfortability, even though it sounds stupid)
New type: Ghost/Steel
New base stats: Defense Forme: 74/87(+10)/115(+20)/52/115(+10)/52 Power Forme: 74/115(+20)/87(+10)/115(+10)/52/52 Weight: 191 Kg
New ability and desc: Combination Drive - The Pokémon changes form depending on how it battles. Entering Power Forme empowers Punch based moves by x1.5 for one attack. (Maybe this could work for Slash based moves as well? If it's codeable I'd like to add it. Slash based moves: Fury Cutter, Slash, Sacred Sword, False Swipe, Shadow Claw, Night Slash)
Notable moves: Phantom Force, Focus Punch, Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Hammer Arm, Rest, Rock Polish, Gyro Ball, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Substitute, Power-up Punch, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Magic Coat, Stealth Rock, Superpower, Zen Headbutt, Pursuit, Shadow Sneak, Night Slash, Power Trick, Head Smash, Swords Dance, King's Shield, Reflect, Destiny Bond, Magnet Rise. Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast
Role identification: Ability to weave in and out of the fight, delivering powerful blows every other turn and tanking hits with the amazing typing. It has so many good gimmicks moves, it can set up Reflect for the rest of the team, has Magic Coat, Stealth Rock, Pursuit, priority with Shadow Sneak, maybe a Power Trick set could work if you want to be crazy. Or it can set up Swords Dance or Rock Polish to do some serious damage or set up a Sub for a destructive Focus Punch, it also has King's Shield for extra mind games. It's really only held back by the stats, they aren't that good compared to other fusions but with that amazing combination of everything else it should still be pretty good. Only having 4 moveslots also hinders its coverage if it wants to carry status moves.
Edit: Since I had the stats wrong before, it looks like it could run a special move as surprise now with 125 SpA in Power Forme, although I doubt that it's a good idea.

Link to a picture because it's too big to embed:


DNA Donors: Landorus-I and Glalie
Offspring Name: Lag-I (Laggy)
New Typing: Ground/Ice
New base stats: 84/112/85/107/80/110 (+10 Atk, +10 SpA, +20 Speed)
New ability and desc: This pokemon's Ground/Rock/Steel/Ice attacks do 1.3x in Sandstorm and Hail, opposing attacks of those types heal by 1/16 under the same weather conditions.
Notable Moves:
Brick Break, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Earth Power, Earthquake, Explosion, Facade, Focus Blast, Extrasensory, Psychic, Frustration, Return, Grass Knot, Hammer Arm, Knock Off, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Superpower, Swords Dance, Toxic, U-turn, Gravity, Blizzard, Body Slam, Double Edge, Freeze-Dry, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Spikes, Switcheroo, Taunt
Role Identification: Not necessarily a purely offensive mon, Lag-I has several support and utility options at its diposal - pivoting with U-turn, supporting with Taunt and Knock Off, hazard stacking with Stealth Rock and Spikes, boosting moves for all of its offenses, good stabs on both sides (mostly related to its mega) with Freeze Dry in particular being more effective than OU Mamoswine due to hitting off of a competent SpA stat. It has a nifty ability that allows it to be offensive and defensive at once in a weather dominant meta - but if it wants accurate Blizzards without weather support, it can always run a gravity set. It can spread status while attacking with Body Slam - why Body Slam? Because this versatile mon has a mega...

DNA Donors: Landorus-I and Glalie
Offspring Name: Mega Lag-I (Laggy)
New Typing: Ground/Ice
New base stats: 84/152/85/147/80/130 (+10 Atk, +10 SpA, +20 Speed)
New ability and desc: Refrigerate
Notable Moves:
Brick Break, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Earth Power, Earthquake, Explosion, Facade, Focus Blast, Extrasensory, Psychic, Frustration, Return, Grass Knot, Hammer Arm, Knock Off, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Superpower, Swords Dance, Toxic, U-turn, Gravity, Blizzard, Body Slam, Double Edge, Freeze-Dry, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Spikes, Switcheroo, Taunt

Role Identification: Tremendous offenses with a great offensive typing. I'd wager this is not broken as: a) it does not have the best speed stat among Fusion Evolution megas, b) average defenses, c) no Extremespeed in comparison to some of the other -ates. Freeze Dry can be useful coverage coming off nearly equal offenses. Explosion is you want to get really cheeky - it's basically Mega Glalie's niche except it does it way better. The support options mentioned above + refrigerated moves can be useful. A purely offensive set can use any of the following: Double Edge/Return, U-turn, Knock Off, Earthquake for a purely physical set, slot in Freeze Dry somewhere if needed. Any dancing set can forego U-turn, and/or Freeze Dry if it's a physical set - and double dancing sets only need to make use of stabs. Knock Off is still usable as a third move if you only run one boosting move. All in all, a pretty great mega overall.


Parents: Heatran and Breloom
Shared Egg Group: DNA Fusion
Offspring Name: Heatloom
New Typing: Steel / Grass
Base Stats: 95 / 130 / 93 / 95 / 83 / 73 (+20 HP, +20 Atk) [BST 569]
New Ability and Desc: Flash Fire + Poison Heal = From Ashes: If the Pokémon is burned, it will gain 1/8 of its maximum HP at the end of each turn instead of taking damage. The Pokémon with this Ability does not lose Attack due to burn.
Notable Moves: Iron Head, Stun Spore, Leech Seed, Seed Bomb, Grass Knot, Giga Drain, Synthesis, Spore, Solarbeam, Bulk Up, Substitute, Sludge Bomb, Facade, Return, Fling, Stone Edge, Swords Dance, Power-up Punch, Thunder Punch, Heat Wave, Earth Power, Fire Fang, Crunch, Taunt, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Flame Blast, Flame Charge, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Stealth Rock
Role Identification: With 8 resistances and an immunity and burns providing passive recovery and status immunity, Heatloom is surprisingly resilient for something with its stats. Between the two parents, Heatloom has some really good coverage, set-up to capitalize on its decent bulk, and diverse recovery options. Could also serve as a good rock setter, though its low speed means you may want to run Protect alongside your Flame Orb to avoid faster status leads.
Why are all the other ones inside Chatot/Landorus?
Yay, I'm really happy that my suggestion made it in!
I thought about using a Focus Punch set because it looks like an amazing niche combined with the ability and King's Shield and the typing, since it's immune to Fighting, Poison and Normal.

Golislash @ Leftovers
Ability: Combination Drive
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- King's Shield
- Focus Punch / Sacred Sword / Drain Punch
- Shadow Claw / Shadow Sneak
- Swords Dance / Shadow Sneak / Gyro Ball (+Brave Nature / 0 Speed IVs) / Substitute

Perhaps an Elemental Punch instead of Shadow Claw or SD, depending on which wall is going to be popular and if it has a weakness to Fire/Ice/Electric. Substitute is also good on every Focus Punch set because it allows one guaranteed success if you manage to get it up.
This set has more mindgames than Aegislash back when it was still OU, if you don't attack it, it will either boost or Focus Punch you with massive force, if you do attack it with a physical contact move and it uses King's Shield you are going to sit at -2 Attack. Aside from that, Fighting/Ghost is perfect neutral coverage unless I am forgetting something. If you want something safer you can use Sacred Sword or Drain Punch instead, both seem like good alternatives.
All around it's vulnerable to strong special attackers and STAB EQ and can be walled depending which set it runs. That reminds me of a different item that I really like using.

Golislash @ Choice Band
Ability:Combination Drive
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch / Sacred Sword
- Fire Punch
- Shadow Claw / Shadow Sneak
- Ice Punch / Shadow Sneak

Choice Band! Since Golislash should be able to switch in and out frequently and stay in for a turn and then switch out again after attacking once it wouldn't mind being locked to one move. With Choice Band and Combination Drive its attacks become even more fearsome after coming out of Defense Forme. The only dowside is not being able to boost up and not having the moves with the highest BP.
Just these two sets already show how much potential Golislash has. I'm excited to see how well it keeps up with the rest of the fusions but at the very least it's (probably) going to be one of those things that fit on every team because of the amazing typing.

Edit: I also didn't put any thought into the EVs, that's something that I don't want to think about until I can use the mons.
Glad we got some tanks this time around! Blisskiss and Toxisharp are also ideas I'd considered, so that's also pretty rad. Golislash is scary, for all the same reasons Aegislash was, and the mindgames with Darmega will be awful. I love it.

I expect Darmega will work well with Sash, in case of powerful priority threats and Lum Berries. Other than that, revenge kills and forced switches look to be its future, though it can certainly sweep if given the chance.
Darmega @ Life Orb
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ability: Dream Crusher
Timid Nature
- Dark Void
- U-Turn
- Dark Pulse
- Bug Buzz / Ice Beam / Sludge Bomb

This my friends, is The Sleeping Death set! Sure D.Void NPlot sets seem very tempting and powerful, but I believe this set would be most popular in the hyper offensive pace of the metagame. Dark Void and U-Turn are the cruz of this set, combining together to gain MASSIVE amounts of momentum for your team. Dark Pulse is the main attacking move of the set, hitting ghe large amount of Ghosts in this meta for supereffective or neutral damage. Its last moveslot can be Bug Buzz for secondary STAB hitting Dark types that resist Dark Pulse hard. Ice Beam is a great coverage move due to the large amount of Dragons in the tier and Sludge Bomb to smash Faires that would otherwise wall this set.
Let's keep on going with...


Oh man am I actually excited for this one! I mean come on, it's a physical attacker that's Immune to scald of all things; as well as water spout; which is nice. It also has amazing typing in Poison/Dark and I'm totally psyched to submit Weather wars V3: Acid rain again.

Toxisharp @ Life Orb
Ability: Sharp Armor
EVs: 252 Atk /4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly/Adamant Nature
- Knock Off/Sucker Punch
- Drain Punch
- Gunk Shot
- Swords Dance/Sucker Punch

This set is actually pretty good; with Fighting/dark/Poison coverage being outright amazing, and put a Swords dance set for sweeping or a SPunch Set to clean with Toxisharps already immediate Power. Switching in on scalds allow you to just break a ton of walls, especially with pretty good STABs and an insane amount of coverage in it's movepool.
Will o Wisp looks like a death sentence. But its a Good switch in to Dianbro. Get in on a Scald and Break shit up.

But lets close in on...

Bliskiss @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 Def / 176 HP / 80 SpD
Ability: Serene Grace
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Softboiled / Wish
- Dazzling Gleam
- Heal Bell

Its Special tank set is amazing, but its most dangerous set to me is arguably the Calm Mind set. Thanks to the similarity of the sets, it can wall mid game or sweep late game. However it shouldnt try both at once, as it might get too worn down by late game to properly sweep. But after a few Calm minds, its basically over.

After an arduous process to determine the next leaders of the Fusion Evolution pet mod, I've made my decision. The following people will lead the project:

rhydreigon - Thread manager
OM room (nice name change)


I expect nothing but the best from you all. Now go! Go and continue the project!

Oh, one last thing ...


(I'll leave this open until rhydreigon copies over the old fusions. Please don't post.)
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