AAA Garchomp [GP 1/1]

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name: Entry Hazard Setter
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Stealth Rock / Swords Dance
move 3: Spikes / Swords Dance
move 4: Dragon Tail
item: Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Fur Coat / Regenerator
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

With good natural bulk, a great typing, phazing, and both Spikes and Stealth Rock, Garchomp is an effective entry hazard setter that also checks common threats like Orichalcum Pulse Ceruledge. Swords Dance is an option over either entry hazard to pressure bulkier teams. Dragon Tail forces switches and potentially create a favorable situation for Garchomp and helps rack up even more entry hazard damage. As Garchomp does not have any reliable recovery, Leftovers is the preferred option on Fur Coat to give it Garchomp longevity, but Heavy-Duty Boots is great for opposing hazard-stack matchups. Fur Coat makes Garchomp it significantly better at handling targets such as Aerilate Dragonite and Adaptability Kingambit; however, Regenerator provides far better longevity, letting Garchomp set entry hazards multiple times. Due to Garchomp mainly being an entry hazard setter, it greatly appreciates teammates such as Good as Gold Skeledirge to keep the entry hazards up in the face of Defog and Rapid Spin. Garchomp also works well with offensive threats such as Sheer Force Iron Valiant, as the entry hazards can wear down Iron Valiant's checks into KO range. Garchomp struggles to check common attackers like Dragapult and Iron Valiant, so secondary checks like physically defensive Clodsire are appreciated.

- Written by: [[Codename C.A.T, 537972]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
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name: Entry Hazard Setter
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Stealth Rock / Swords Dance
move 3: Spikes / Swords Dance
move 4: Dragon Tail
item: Leftovers
ability: Fur Coat / Regenerator
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Garchomp's access to Stealth Rock and Spikes alongside great bulk and access to Dragon Tail make it an effective hazard setter that can check various threats such as Desolate Land Iron Moth and Aerilate Dragonite. With good natural bulk, a great typing, phazing, and both Spikes and Stealth Rock, Garchomp is an effective entry hazard setter that also checks common threats like Orichalcum Pulse Ceruledge. Earthquake allows Garchomp to threaten serious damage against any offensive targets that aren't immune or resistant to Ground, while Spikes and Stealth Rock can force chip damage on the opponent's walls to make them easier for offensive teammates to handle. self-explanatory for a mini Swords Dance is an option over either entry hazard to pressure bulkier teams. Additionally, Dragon Tail can help force switches into a more favorable matchup for Garchomp, and making it rack up even more entry hazard damage. As Garchomp does not have any reliable healing move, Leftovers is a mandatory option to give it longevity. Fur Coat makes it significantly better at handling targets such as Aerilate Dragonite and Adaptability Kingambit, but Regenerator provides far better healing, and which you use should be dependent on the team Garchomp is placed on longevity to set entry hazards multiple times. Due to Garchomp's main purpose being laying down entry hazards, it greatly appreciates teammates such as Good as Gold Skeledirge to keep the entry hazards up in the face of Defog and Rapid Spin. It also works well with offensive threats such as Sheer Force Iron Valiant, as the entry hazards can wear down Iron Valiant's checks into kill range for it. Garchomp struggles to check common attackers like Dragapult and Iron Valiant, so secondary checks like physically defensive Clodsire are appreciated.

- Written by: [[Codename C.A.T, 537972]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC 1/2!

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name: Entry Hazard Setter
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Stealth Rock / Swords Dance
move 3: Spikes / Swords Dance
move 4: Dragon Tail
item: Leftovers
ability: Fur Coat / Regenerator
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Garchomp's access to Stealth Rock and Spikes alongside great bulk and access to Dragon Tail make it an effective hazard setter that can check various threats such as Desolate Land Iron Moth and Aerilate Dragonite. With good natural bulk, a great typing, phazing, and both Spikes and Stealth Rock, Garchomp is an effective entry hazard setter that also checks common threats like Orichalcum Pulse Ceruledge. Earthquake allows Garchomp to threaten serious damage against any offensive targets that aren't immune or resistant to Ground, while Spikes and Stealth Rock can force chip damage on the opponent's walls to make them easier for offensive teammates to handle. self-explanatory for a mini Swords Dance is an option over either entry hazard to pressure bulkier teams. Additionally, Dragon Tail can help force switches into a more favorable matchup for Garchomp, and making it rack up even more entry hazard damage. As Garchomp does not have any reliable healing move, Leftovers is a mandatory option to give it longevity. Fur Coat makes it significantly better at handling targets such as Aerilate Dragonite and Adaptability Kingambit, but Regenerator provides far better healing, and which you use should be dependent on the team Garchomp is placed on longevity to set entry hazards multiple times. Due to Garchomp's main purpose being laying down entry hazards, it greatly appreciates teammates such as Good as Gold Skeledirge to keep the entry hazards up in the face of Defog and Rapid Spin. It also works well with offensive threats such as Sheer Force Iron Valiant, as the entry hazards can wear down Iron Valiant's checks into kill range for it. Garchomp struggles to check common attackers like Dragapult and Iron Valiant, so secondary checks like physically defensive Clodsire are appreciated.

- Written by: [[Codename C.A.T, 537972]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC 1/2!

implemented, thank you!
name: Entry Hazard Setter
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Stealth Rock / Swords Dance
move 3: Spikes / Swords Dance
move 4: Dragon Tail
item: Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Fur Coat / Regenerator
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

With good natural bulk, a great typing, phazing, and both Spikes and Stealth Rock, Garchomp is an effective entry hazard setter that also checks common threats like Orichalcum Pulse Ceruledge. Swords Dance is an option over either entry hazard to pressure bulkier teams. Dragon Tail can help force switches into a more favorable matchup for Garchomp, and making it rack up even more entry hazard damage. As Garchomp does not have any reliable healing move, Leftovers is the preferred option on Fur Coat to give Garchomp longevity, but Heavy-Duty Boots is great for opposing hazard-stack matchups. a mandatory option to give it longevity. Fur Coat makes it significantly better at handling targets such as Aerilate Dragonite and Adaptability Kingambit, but Regenerator provides far better longevity to set entry hazards multiple times. Due to Garchomp's main purpose being laying down entry hazards, it greatly appreciates teammates such as Good as Gold Skeledirge to keep the entry hazards up in the face of Defog and Rapid Spin. It also works well with offensive threats such as Sheer Force Iron Valiant, as the entry hazards can wear down Iron Valiant's checks into kill range for it. Garchomp struggles to check common attackers like Dragapult and Iron Valiant, so secondary checks like physically defensive Clodsire are appreciated.

- Written by: [[Codename C.A.T, 537972]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC 2/2
qc stamp 1.gif
Last edited:
name: Entry Hazard Setter
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Stealth Rock / Swords Dance
move 3: Spikes / Swords Dance
move 4: Dragon Tail
item: Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Fur Coat / Regenerator
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

With good natural bulk, a great typing, phazing, and both Spikes and Stealth Rock, Garchomp is an effective entry hazard setter that also checks common threats like Orichalcum Pulse Ceruledge. Swords Dance is an option over either entry hazard to pressure bulkier teams. Dragon Tail can help force switches into a more favorable matchup for Garchomp, and making it rack up even more entry hazard damage. As Garchomp does not have any reliable healing move, Leftovers is the preferred option on Fur Coat to give Garchomp longevity, but Heavy-Duty Boots is great for opposing hazard-stack matchups. a mandatory option to give it longevity. Fur Coat makes it significantly better at handling targets such as Aerilate Dragonite and Adaptability Kingambit, but Regenerator provides far better longevity to set entry hazards multiple times. Due to Garchomp's main purpose being laying down entry hazards, it greatly appreciates teammates such as Good as Gold Skeledirge to keep the entry hazards up in the face of Defog and Rapid Spin. It also works well with offensive threats such as Sheer Force Iron Valiant, as the entry hazards can wear down Iron Valiant's checks into kill range for it. Garchomp struggles to check common attackers like Dragapult and Iron Valiant, so secondary checks like physically defensive Clodsire are appreciated.

- Written by: [[Codename C.A.T, 537972]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
QC 2/2
View attachment 477481
implemented again, thank you again!
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ac = add comma, rc = remove comma
name: Entry Hazard Setter
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Stealth Rock / Swords Dance
move 3: Spikes / Swords Dance
move 4: Dragon Tail
item: Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Fur Coat / Regenerator
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

With good natural bulk, a great typing, phazing, and both Spikes and Stealth Rock, Garchomp is an effective entry hazard setter that also checks common threats like Orichalcum Pulse Ceruledge. Swords Dance is an option over either entry hazard to pressure bulkier teams. Dragon Tail forces switches and potentially create a favorable situation for Garchomp and helps rack up can help force switches into a more favorable matchup for Garchomp, and making it rack up even more entry hazard damage. As Garchomp does not have any reliable recovery, healing move, Leftovers is the preferred option on Fur Coat to give it Garchomp longevity, but Heavy-Duty Boots is great for opposing hazard-stack matchups. Fur Coat makes Garchomp it significantly better at handling targets such as Aerilate Dragonite and Adaptability Kingambit; (added semicolon) however, but Regenerator provides far better longevity, (ac) letting Garchomp to set entry hazards multiple times. Due to Garchomp mainly being an entry hazard setter, Garchomp's main purpose being laying down entry hazards, it greatly appreciates teammates such as Good as Gold Skeledirge to keep the entry hazards up in the face of Defog and Rapid Spin. Garchomp It also works well with offensive threats such as Sheer Force Iron Valiant, as the entry hazards can wear down Iron Valiant's checks into KO range. into kill range for it. Garchomp struggles to check common attackers like Dragapult and Iron Valiant, so secondary checks like physically defensive Clodsire are appreciated.

- Written by: [[Codename C.A.T, 537972]]
- Quality checked by: [[UT, 523866], [Isaiah, 375662]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036]]

GP Team done
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