Tournament Gen 9 Random Battles Open - (Won by MrSoup)

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Requesting an extension; facing a lack of communication from opponent re: scheduling and based on my availability and the significant time difference looking unlikely we play before the Sunday deadline. (first tournament; apologies if this is an early request)
Once again, Trying to contact, but no success:


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Calling act, my opponent hasn't responded to me and the last seen was Sep 3, and I'm going to be busy so it might be a bit complicated to play now.
Unfortunately going to have to call activity on hoopshl4 unless they respond relatively soon. I have a busy weekend coming up where I likely can't easily schedule. I'll give them until Saturday evening to get back to me.
act, my opponent only showed on thrusday and asked me when i wanted to play on friday but never replied/came on smogon or ps. (on his wall)

Edit : He gave the win
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calling act.

Contacted my opponent on monday and he replied to me today saying that he won't be able to play on the weekend and he talked about being available tuesday the 19th when the deadline is on the 17th
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