Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

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I doubt "lives in both Alola and other known region" auto-translates to "has a special Alolan form". For instance, I don't see Pikachu/Raichu getting a different Alolan form. (Can you imagine the backlash, for starters?) It'll apply to SOME previously known pokemon, but not the whole lot.

As for Z-Moves...Well, given their name, I suspect they were originally planned for Pokemon Z before G7 took precedence. That tells me that they will not displace Mega Evolutions. Indeed, I have a hunch that you have to choose BETWEEN having a Mega Evolution available, and having access to Z-moves. I can't remember if the trainer's Z-Crystal is supposed to be element-aligned or not, but if not, that would be the balance--potentially multiple critters with Z-move access (one use each), as opposed to only having the one Mega Evolution.
Well, this made me laugh and cry:

If you don't get the joke, here's context

I'm kind of surprised by the lack of water-type reveals. We have Bruxish and the starter, but that's it so far (oh, forgot the water-bug. I guess he counts too).

While on one hand water is probably the largest type and Kalos didn't introduce that many water types either (4 new species lines, right?). But just thought something like the Aloha region would have a few more.

That and my pre-release pokemon team plan has a water shaped hole in it. But if Ride Pokemon replace HM's then maybe I can get by with that for once.
About the possible replacing of gyms, i think thats not something neccesarily bad.It could be actually refreshing for the series and maybe just for this games, and also theres the possibility that we can have gyms and all this islands stuff simoultaneously, and that would be great imo.
About the possible replacing of gyms, i think thats not something neccesarily bad.It could be actually refreshing for the series and maybe just for this games, and also theres the possibility that we can have gyms and all this islands stuff simoultaneously, and that would be great imo.
In my opinion, the trial captains will end up being almost the same as gym leaders due to their specialist type. What exactly would the change be anyway?
About the possible replacing of gyms, i think thats not something neccesarily bad.It could be actually refreshing for the series and maybe just for this games, and also theres the possibility that we can have gyms and all this islands stuff simoultaneously, and that would be great imo.
Gyms and Island trials at the same time don't seem to work together. They're both major challenges. It has too be one of them. If it isn't I'll eat my metaphorical hat.

EDIT: Sniped
Last game I played was pearl so only have a normal ds, will it be worth getting a new 3ds or just a normal 3ds seeing as the only game il be playing is Pokemon
Last game I played was pearl so only have a normal ds, will it be worth getting a new 3ds or just a normal 3ds seeing as the only game il be playing is Pokemon
If you also want to play XY and ORAS, then yes. I have a feeling Gen 7 will be the last Pokemon game for the 3DS though, so you may want to think about other games you want.
If you also want to play XY and ORAS, then yes. I have a feeling Gen 7 will be the last Pokemon game for the 3DS though, so you may want to think about other games you want.
It's really only the 6th and 7th gen Pokemon games I'm interested in which is why I'm hesistant to spend the extra for a new 3ds if sun and moon will play fine on a normal 3ds, especially if a new consoles in the pipeline
Well, there would be at least a noticeable period of time between the Gen 7 games and whatever comes first of Pokemon in the next generation of consoles, so I'd say it's worth purchasing a 2DS/New 3DS (Heard the older 3DS has inferior performance) for Sun/Moon and Super Mystery Dungeon. At least, that's what I'm planning to do for christmas. (If only Puyo Puyo Tetris were released overseas...)
It's really only the 6th and 7th gen Pokemon games I'm interested in which is why I'm hesistant to spend the extra for a new 3ds if sun and moon will play fine on a normal 3ds, especially if a new consoles in the pipeline
The old 3DS works fine. There are onyl a few exclusive games for the New 3DS which aren't really worth to anyway imo.


Ranting & Raving!
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Now that I'm caught up, time for my opinion on the actual news! Before the news announcement I voiced my annoyance that they kept showing us new Pokemon but nothing about the region. Well this news announcement shut me up good (of course it now only makes me want more, but will GF & TPC decide to keep quiet about more details until the game's release?... Well, actually they just announced on the 12th we're getting more news plus CoroCoro so we'll probably be told more about the Alola Region stuff their)! We got a ton of news including new Pokemon, new forms for old Pokemon, and Alola region info from new characters and mechanics! It's a lot to take in, where does one start? Well I guess the most logical order of things is to follow the Sun & Moon's main site's listing. We'll start with Pokemon and I'll post my other stuff later, even focusing on one thing this will probably be a long post:

I was going to do the whole "let's force Gumshoos's description into being a Donald Trump allegory" sketch, but after reading its description I knew it was a no go. You see, Gumshoos is actually more mature in its personality.
Gumshoos does a whole 180 on Yungoos hunting style, patiently staying in one place waiting for prey to pass by instead of actively prowling a route. I guess this is why the beginning part of it's name (in both English and Japanese) derive from a term meaning "detective", it figures out the places it preys like to travel (I'd stay its a stretch, its description more focuses on how its behavior has changed from a rash, impulsive youth to a patient, planning adult). That said its still a tenacious hunter and falls asleep right on the spot it is, it's just not able to withstand being hungry until a meals comes strolling by.
Nothing really to talk about possible gameplay wise. What you can confer from Yungoos you can with Gumshoo. I guess its hunting style staying in one spot could be hint of a lower Speed (which would help with Stakeout against U-turn & Volt Switch users), and being a detective it could get maybe Odor Sleuth (Japanese being "Find Scent") so it's STAB Normal-type moves can hit Ghost (and if they fix it so Strong Jaw works with Hyper Fang (and if it learns Hyper Fang) that could be a nice combo).
The design doesn't really catch my interest. Yes, it now even looks more like Donald Trump, but I think that's because its standing now and its hair has taken over the top of its head. However I think what we're suppose to be getting is a detective appearance from it, like its suppose to look like its wearing a coat and the hair might suppose to reflect a deerstalker hat, aka the hat Sherlock Holmes wears. But overall its really just a bigger, hairy Yungoos (and yes, with the leaks looking more legitimate I'll give the one posted on this thread several pages back a lookover when I go over the Videos (since it'll be the shorter of the posts I'll be doing)).

Mudbray: Yet another cross species evolution, we now have a donkey evolving into a (Clydesdale) horse. Alright, I guess it makes sense, we've had stranger and at least a donkey and horse are close enough to each other that they can breed together (the hybrid child being mules (female horse, male donkey) and hinnies (female donkey, male horse); ~The more you know~).
It's also another Pokemon victim of overhunting... which I got to admit doesn't make sense. Okay, I get Farfetch'd being hunted for food and Lapras being hunted for its shell, but what do you get for hunting Mudbray? I would think its a Pokemon of labor so why would you hunt it? Personally I would have made its backstory about how they were domesticated and then brought to Alola, a region where vehicles would have a hard time getting around so Pokemon of labor would be ideal. But that's neither here nor there, the point is they're now only in Alola.
Mudbray can carry 50 times its own weight, which is 110 kg. 110 * 50 = 5,500 kg. A ton is roughly 907, so it can carry about 6 tons compared to its evolution's 10 tons. Alright, for a second there I thought I was going to find Mudbray could carry more than Mudsdale.
Of course it is a donkey so they have to add some moment of stubbornness. Mudbray is pretty chill as long as it has mud to play in. But no mud = no go. Without mud is becomes stressed and stops listening to orders (though I think at that point a responsible trainer would be worried about their Pokemon being stressed out, though I suppose this can translate it being difficult when trying to help it out).

Trainer: Come on Mudbray, there's a puddle of mud just around the corner!
Mudbray: No, I want the mud HERE!
T: Mudbray you're being cranky, there's mud to play in just a few footsteps, you can even smell it from here.
M: Oh, "just a few footsteps", la-di-da! DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE NOT TO HAVE MUD! Mud is love, mud is life!
T: ... You're being unreasonable.
M: Oh, you want reason? How about you get a bucket, scoop it with mud, and bring the mud HERE. Then we'll talk about me "taking a few steps".

Anyway not much to talk about gameplay-wise. Design wise its alright, my only problem is the eyes being maybe too different from in style for Mudsdale but they do look more like donkey eyes I suppose. I also like how it looks either less muddy or the mud looks more fresh than the dried layers of red mud on Mudsdale, showing a progression of some sort in aging.

Fomantis & Lurantis: Ooh, a praying mantis Pokemon that's not combined with a dino (still love ya Scyther)! I'm sure the Bug-type fans will be happy with this one. Huh? What do you mean it's not Bug? Pure Grass?! What the...
Okay, true Bug/Grass is kind of a bad type combination, but still you made it look like a mantis (and pure Grass ain't any better). Oh whatever, I guess after shafting the Grass-type of being the secondary type of Florges and now Comfey they deserve their own "hey this Pokemon looks like a dual-type but isn't".
Anyway, I think I can sum up Fomantis in a 4 second video:
Geez, we get it, photosynthesis is very important to Fomantis, can we be told something else about it? It's nocturnal & moves to new locations because of photosynthesis, its evolution's vibrant colors is because of photosynthesis, it'll attack those who gets in the way of its photosynthesis, and it can use Solar Beam but doesn't because it uses up the energy it got from photosynthesis (it also learns Vine Whip, excelling at long ranged attacks. Because a Pokemon called the SICKLE Grass Pokemon and based on a mantis would obviously be a long-ranged attacker).
Things are more interesting with Lurantis, using its flowery traits to draw in prey. It's supposedly the most gorgeous Grass-type and I guess I can see where they're going, it's definitely the more vibrant though it's mantis quality are distracting; it vaguely looks like a pure Grass-type. Though at least it sounds like its a physical attacker.
Going to gameplay, Leaf Guard is an okay but situational Ability (not to mention to use it you also empower one of Grass-type weaknesses. Honestly it, Chlorophyll, Flower Gift, and Solar Power should give a user some resistance to Fire-type moves to counteract that. Speaking of Chlorophyll, after going on about photosynthesis why don't they get it?). Solar Blade sounds like an interesting move, a physical Solar Beam, but there's a problem. If the Fomantis family get Leaf Blade or Petal Blizzard then Solar Blade has to be REALLY powerful otherwise it'll suffer the same fate as Solar Beam. As for other moves, well I think Synthesis is a give-in.
Finishing up with design, despite all my criticisms I do like the design. A praying mantis, especially the Orchid Mantis which they're based on, would make a great design for a Bug-type. Yes we have Scyther but as I said it also has a bit of raptor to it (plus Scizor is more of a flying ant/lobster). And here is Formantis and Lurantis... and they're pure Grass. GF, why don't you like Bug-types?

Minior: So once this thing has absorbed enough particles in the stratosphere they fall down from the sky? Being they way 88 pounds I can only imagine all the destruction and deaths a falling one has caused.
Is it just me or is it strange that if has the Flying-type? I mean it does makes sense if they don't want to give it Levitate to make room for a unique Ability yet be immune to Ground-type attacks, but this does give it weakness to Rock, Ice, and Electric which seems a bit odd for a hunk of rock (maybe the core is fragile?).
Minior looks to have two gimmicks both tied to its Ability, Shields Down (RED ALERT! RED ALERT!... err, sorry, just seems like the next thing to say after saying shields down). One is for gameplay where it starts with high defense and immunity to status conditions above half HP, but if it gets below its shell breaks and it becomes faster and more offensive. On paper it sounds like it has potential, though I have my doubts. Normally when you want either an offensive or defensive Pokemon so you know where to put the EVs and have what what Nature. But having a Pokemon that goes from defensive to offensive with little control from you means Minior will be useful for only half the time its out. I feel Aegislash did this concept better, you have complete control whether its defensive or offensive and can actively switch if you so choose. Also not helping is Minior's typing, its not the best defensive typing and I'm curious what its offensive stats and movepool is.
The second gimmick falls into the design category. For its shell form I like it, its a meteor but at the same time has a bit of an extraterrestrial feeling. But when it goes below half its HP and its shell falls off its inner core is revealed. This is where the gimmick kicks in as the cores can be different colors and you only know what color you're facing when the shell breaks. For the design of the core its cute, a bit of a juxtaposition to its more alien shelled design. As for the different colors, I guess its a neat gimmick but are there only four (yellow, orange, pinkish red, & blue)? Also are some colors rarer than others? I mean if not fine, though I think it might add a bit more value (for lack of a better word) if they had a whole palette of colors and some are rarer than others. I mean the colors are just cosmetic, they have no effect on gameplay and after having that a bit overdone in XY with the Flabebe family and Furfrou I'd like them to do something more with it if its not going to have affect on gameplay.

Oricorio: Speaking of forms, this is the kind of forms I like to talk about.
With Alola being an island chain of four (natural islands, in the case of this Pokemon the manmade one doesn't count), GF took advantage of this by having a Pokemon based on divergent evolution. Made famous by Charles Darwin's study of Galapagos Island finches (though the phrase was later coined by J. T. Gulick who was inspired by Charles Darwin's work. Another thing to note about Gulick is that he was born in Hawaii (though not a native islander, father was a missionary), studied the divergent evolution of Hawaiian snails, and later in life died and buried in Hawaii), divergent evolution basically has a single species evolve into different species or sub-species based on their environment and needs to survive. Pokemon early had use this idea with Sinnoh's Shellos family, though that was just cosmetic. The new bird Pokemon, Oricoro, takes it up a notch.
Though their name comes from the oriole (a bird species that's actually an example of convergent evolution, the opposite of divergent), I think Oricorio is more based on Darwin's Galapagos Finches... and type of dances. Apparently Oricorio likes to dance and feed on nectar, each island having its own species of flower so certain Oricorio evolved to drink that type of nectar changing in appearance, behavior, and typing. Baile Style Oricorio (based on Flamenco dancing, baile is a short theatrical performance in Spanish plays that happen between acts) is Fire/Flying, Pom-Pom Style (based on Cheerleading, pom-poms being a cheering accessory that this Oricorio's wings resemble) is Electric/Flying, Pa'u Style (based on hula dancing, pa'u is a kind of Hawaiian skirt) is Psychic/Flying, and Sensu Style (based on buyō (a Japanese dance), sensu is a type of holding fan that this Oricorio's wings resemble) is Ghost/Flying. And of course Kanto people would like the Sensu Style (possibly hinting the player character is from Kanto? Otherwise why mention just Kanto and not also Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh?).
Anyway, going into gameplay the type changes is interesting though stats would determine their usefulness, but I'm wondering if each Style get their own level-up movepool. But Oricorio has more tricks up its sleeves with both a Signature Move and new Ability! Its Signature Move, Revelation Dance, is just an attack which is the same type as the Style's primary type for guaranteed STAB. Its Ability is much more interesting, Dancer, which has Oricorio copy an opponent's dance move right after they use it. Now I'm wondering if this also counts for attacking dance moves like Petal Dance and Fiery Dance, meaning it'll be attacking two times that turn (and I guess this would also include its own Signature Move). For right now I'm just going to assume they mean just the status dance moves so if you ever were worried about Quiver Dance or Dragon Dance users than this could be your potential counter for them (just watch out for Lunar Dance). Though I do wonder if this will include Rain Dance as its Japanese name is "Rain Prayer".
As for design, I like them. They fit the Style they represent. BUT could their be more to their design? If each Oricorio represent their respective island, could their typing maybe represent their respective deity (the Pa'u Style one even says its dance is to express gratitude to its Guardian Deity). If true, Melemele Islands would have the Pom-Pom Style. Now Melemele is Hawaiian for the color yellow and they just revealed another island's name: Akala Island. Akala is Hawaiian for pink so it's probably getting the Pa'u Style. So following that logic Baile Style would be for a Ulaula Island (my guess the volcanic island) and Sensu Style would be for Poni Island (which I would guess be the mountain island as that's where the Ecruteak City looking place is). So that leaves Pa'u Style and Akala Island being the desert island (with giant tree and garden area). So are the remaining Guardian Deities type Fire, Psychic, and Ghost? Does this disprove the alchemy theory? Or is their more to piece together (which there is, but more on that later).

But for not let's end this. Oricorio isn't the only Pokemon in Alola that will show divergent evolution, for what if we applied this concept to older Pokemon who also live in Alola?

Next up: Alolan Pokemon
If they make a Water type Stunfisk to fill out a Water type, it will be so fitting. I'd also say they should make a Water Cradily (Water/Grass) and Armaldo (Water/Bug), but those are sort of dead, extinct, kicked the bucket, ya know?

Actually, if any of their designers frequent this forum, I might have given them an idea for the future, since it has been speculated that Fossils are Rock types because of the loss of genetic material due to time, or the mutation of DNA from being fossilized, similar to how they had to fill in missing genetic codes as explained in Jurassic Park and Jurassic World, affecting their appearance. There, now you have more ideas for alternate forms.

We're probably due to get more unpredictable type changes, like Ice Magmar (Ben 10 reference anyone?), Fire type Octillery or something that I just couldn't see coming, but in hindsight will seem fitting.
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Wait wait wait.

So, to put it another way: We might get Alolan Eeveelutions with secondary types?!
It'd be nice-- but I'd much rather them finish off the set.. Ghost, dragon, poison to name a few. Chances are we wont, at least this gen but i still believe it will be a possibility

BladePrincess unique methods are cool but personally, I'd be happy to for it to just be via moss stone equivalents or move and level or something.

On a side note... I haven't been keeping up with all the updates of late... But is there any confirmation or word on the gym order? Would be great for a bit of a shake ip n my view


Doesn't know how to attack
I love the new Ice Type Versions of Pokemon, but there's something about both of them that bothers me. Sandshrew does not bother me, but when it does a Pokemon Evolution into Sandslash, it doesn't look like a Steel Type anymore. I love Sandslash, so I'm not complaining about the typing. What bothers me about Vulpix and Ninetales is that they began as Fire Types and then had a Darwin Evolution into an Ice Type because of a climate. Why would it need to do that when it could keep itself warm as a Fire Type? In the Pokemon Ranger games, there were wild Fire Types including Vulpix in frozen areas which shows that they don't need a Darwin Evolution to survive. I know that Spinoff games are Non-cannon, but still.

Sorry about the nitpicking, here's some positive things I have to say. Look at Sandslash's claws. (Link to Serebii's page for Sandslash) The changes there were a nice touch. Ninetales could pass as a Psychic or Ghost type, but considering that Fire Type Ninetails is mystic, but quite a Psychic Type, Fairy may feel kind of slapped on, but I think that it's a good choice for a secondary typing.
I love the new Ice Type Versions of Pokemon, but there's something about both of them that bothers me. Sandshrew does not bother me, but when it does a Pokemon Evolution into Sandslash, it doesn't look like a Steel Type anymore. I love Sandslash, so I'm not complaining about the typing. What bothers me about Vulpix and Ninetales is that they began as Fire Types and then had a Darwin Evolution into an Ice Type because of a climate. Why would it need to do that when it could keep itself warm as a Fire Type? In the Pokemon Ranger games, there were wild Fire Types including Vulpix in frozen areas which shows that they don't need a Darwin Evolution to survive. I know that Spinoff games are Non-cannon, but still.
It could probably be the amount of time they spent on icy areas, they eventually became Ice-types. It would work better than being Fire-types, especially if one considers that, in the main series, wild Fire-types are hardly, if ever, found in cold areas.

I do agree that a Psychic or Ghost subtype would have been more fitting than Fairy, though.
I love the new Ice Type Versions of Pokemon, but there's something about both of them that bothers me. Sandshrew does not bother me, but when it does a Pokemon Evolution into Sandslash, it doesn't look like a Steel Type anymore. I love Sandslash, so I'm not complaining about the typing. What bothers me about Vulpix and Ninetales is that they began as Fire Types and then had a Darwin Evolution into an Ice Type because of a climate. Why would it need to do that when it could keep itself warm as a Fire Type? In the Pokemon Ranger games, there were wild Fire Types including Vulpix in frozen areas which shows that they don't need a Darwin Evolution to survive. I know that Spinoff games are Non-cannon, but still.

Sorry about the nitpicking, here's some positive things I have to say. Look at Sandslash's claws. (Link to Serebii's page for Sandslash) The changes there were a nice touch. Ninetales could pass as a Psychic or Ghost type, but considering that Fire Type Ninetails is mystic, but quite a Psychic Type, Fairy may feel kind of slapped on, but I think that it's a good choice for a secondary typing.
Now that I think about it this bothers me too. Some of Vulpix's Pokédex entries literally say: "Inside Vulpix's body burns a flame that never goes out."

Is it an Ice-type that has an eternal flame inside its body? lol
Now that I think about it this bothers me too. Some of Vulpix' Pokédex entries literally say: "Inside Vulpix's body burns a flame that never goes out."

Is it an Ice-type that has a flame inside that never goes out? lol
The pokedex also claims several pokemon can murder Indian elephants, Magcargo is hotter than the surface of the sun, Shedinja owners are all dead due to it's back sprite, and has a very poor understanding of what IQ points are (hint: it's an average, not a power level). The pokedex has always been a dubious source of info.

Long story short: Gamefreak - we do what we want!
The pokedex also claims several pokemon can murder Indian elephants, Magcargo is hotter than the surface of the sun, Shedinja owners are all dead due to it's back sprite, and has a very poor understanding of what IQ points are (hint: it's an average, not a power level). The pokedex has always been a dubious source of info.

Long story short: Gamefreak - we do what we want!
I get that. Lets add Alolan Vulpix to this list of ridiculous Pokédex entries that defy logic as we know it imo.
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