God vs Science

for someone who knows a lot more about the bible than any of us, you didn't seem to catch the mathematical issue presented earlier!


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*sigh* Pull out those hebrew passages that conflict each other as you so claim
I already did, I posted a huge list of Bible passages that conflict each other in every language on the last page. Here is another list, just in case you thought the first source was lying. You continue to assert that the Bible is factually accurate, how do you explain those passages that mention directly contradictory "facts".

You still haven't explained how both Jacob (MAT 1:16) AND Heli (LUK 3:23) are Joseph's father. If the Bible is truly accurate, then Joseph must have two fathers!

Look it all comes down to this since nobody will be convincing anybody of anything.

Either I die and realize that my whole life of Christianity has been worthless since God doesn't exist. Or the Bible continues to prove itself correct and the day comes when everyone will realize God's existence.
I won't even mention what will happen to any of you if you die and the latter is true.

One or the other. We'll just have to play the waiting game.
At the very least, I'd rather not risk Situation B.
Yeah, Pascal's Wager...if you had bothered to actually read this thread you would know that Brain already demolished this line of thinking in this thread.
so, HM, why do you want just original Hebrew, when that would only cover the Old Testament (a.k.a. Torah, Tanakh), and the new testament was originally written in GREEK. seems you should be asking for both...
Man, I'm not going to even mention what happens when a book thousands of years old is translated into a foreign language over and over again but hey, thanks for showing all the problems with the english translation of the Bible. I bet you could do a better job. Did everyone forget what I said about "Original Hebrew"?
Perhaps you should think long and hard about what happens when said book is copied by scribes for hundreds of years and we do not have the original manuscripts. (Although I am sure you are trolling.)
so, HM, why do you want just original Hebrew, when that would only cover the Old Testament (a.k.a. Torah, Tanakh), and the new testament was originally written in GREEK. seems you should be asking for both...
That's exactly what I was thinking. For a guy who "knows more about the bible than any one of us" you have managed to show a great lack of knowledge about it. You have made a fool of yourself, so I suggest that you stop bitching about everything that proves you wrong making up excuses and take a look at the facts so many people presented, instead of downright rejecting them.
luduan, you forgot the dead sea scrolls, which prove there is little to no changes to the Tanakh in at least 2100 years. so all the contradictions are still there :-P. the New Testament, as you pointed out...that's a different story...
Sorry for coming back here, just here to make one more post. Probably my last, since I am leaving tomorrow for 3 weeks, and the thread will probably be less active then.

Look Sean, whether you guys take me seriously doesn't matter to me. No one with credentials is going to take your arguments seriously because guess what - all these questions have been asked, answered and explained through years and years of research that you can't even begin to fathom. Like enigma said, about 5% of the population is Atheist. So this 5% claims to have found something that stops a force that hasn't been stopped for thousands of years? I don't think so. Try and try as you might, you can't disprove the Bible. It hasn't been done, this is very much true, and it won't be done. And there's nothing you can do, that hasn't been done before, to change that. But since you're so stubborn to ignore that one fact that destroys the basis of your belief, I'll give you this challenge; Of all these inconsistencies that you happened to find from the word of mouth from another, put those verses into context, research the original Hebrew, then do some more research on the meaning of some of the verses. Of course there will be symbolism that you might not understand, if so, take those questions to a Bible scholar. I'd say it'd be a waste of time, but actually learning the Bible instead of bandwagoning the opinions of others will do you some good. Thanks for the debate, it was a great experience.

Now in the event that through extensive research you find just one statement in the Bible that is proven to be false (i.e. The Bible says a Lion is the smallest animal or something - obviously that would be proven false ) I give you my word that I will join your ranks as a fellow Atheist.

PM me your finds. I'll get you a response.
You seem to misunderstand my reasearch. The 5% who are atheists are mainly composed of scientists (mainly meaning 70% of the 5%, for example). You can believe without a certain evidence, but you cannot know without a certain evidence.

The 5% was not to show the majority of the world is not atheist. That is given because only a fraction of the population was not stuffed with preachings of God as a kid, and throughout the years. Most of the 5% are converts; people who used to believe in God, like me.

My 5% was to show that the population of atheism is growing, since the past 30 to 35 years or so. That means that with the increase of knowledge, we decrease the belief. We are discovering new and new things. Hell, they even have a germ-killing vacuum cleaner. The 5% in 2009 could turn into 10% in 2014, and 12.5% in 2019, and it could keep increasing, just like it has for years.

The reason this is increasing is because more people are being enlightened with the statement "Proof, not belief, developes knowledge." More and more people cannot prove God's existance, therefore they are turning atheistic.

Before the Great Depression (2 years before, not a week before), not even a fraction of the people expected such an economy collapse. Everyone was booming with money, and luxuries were being bought by the dozen. Just because a fraction of the people believed something doesn't mean they are wrong. Hell, the bulk of those people were wrong, and were the ones ended up losing all their money because of the depression.

Saying that 5% compared to 95% automatically proves us wrong just increases the idiocy coming from your posts.

So, how was that? ;D

Wait, I'm still wondering how many people liked my story...

You know, the one that was on the front page, about the teacher...?
'Twas a biased tale.
You still haven't explained how both Jacob (MAT 1:16) AND Heli (LUK 3:23) are Joseph's father. If the Bible is truly accurate, then Joseph must have two fathers!
Long answer:


Short answer: Joseph had a father called Jacob. When Joseph married Mary (whose father was Heli - the genealogy in Luke is Mary's), he became Heli's "son", due to inheritance issues, for Heli had no sons of his own. The man who married Heli's daughter Mary (Joseph), was Heli's son-in-law - quite literally.

Luke's genealogy lists only male descendants of Adam, therefore Mary cannot be listed. So, Luke's genealogy lists Mary's father's son - Joseph.

Conclusion: Joseph had a father called Jacob and a father-in-law called Heli.

I honestly suggest you to read the book Hero mentioned, or to try searching Christian websites for answers.

To the discussion about quantum mechanics/Big Bang: Please clarify how quantum mechanics counter creationism, and how did the quantum mechanics come to be (remember - everyhing has a cause in rationalist thinking).

To the argument about God not revealing Himself enough (Beams of Light/Magic Tricks): Find a charismatic Christian who has knowledge of the Holy Spirit (depending on your region, most Pentecostals should do - howewer a growing number of other churches of Christians has a growing knowledge of Him...), and ask him to take you to a "charismatic" youth meeting/other gathering, for the Holy Spirit is the answer to your need of evidence. You won't believe me if I start telling you about "freak" stuff that we [(charismatic) christians] do. So go and see it yourself - it has convinced me.

Wait, I'm still wondering how many people liked my story...

You know, the one that was on the front page, about the teacher...?
I've read many of those, they happen. (I liked it)
I honestly suggest you to read the book Hero mentioned, or to try searching Christian websites for answers.
<sarcasm>Hey, Agape brings up a great point! Using Christian sources is obviously the best way to discover the truth. Why look for information about the Bible somewhere else, when you can find information about the Bible in the Bible? And when the Bible can't provide answers, speculate! Who needs the scientific process when you have faith?</sarcasm>

Honestly, every site you have shown us is about as fair and balanced as Fox News, and much like Fox News, they can only provide speculation instead of proof. It seems like getting your information from God, or God's word (the Bible), would be the best way. However, instead of following the word of God, you're following the word of men! If "God" wanted to show how his father did not have two fathers, it seems like God would have been smart enough to remove the logical fallacies. Omnipotent much? Either follow the Bible completely or admit it's flawed, because your links are pitiful. If you can speculate on one part of the Bible, then you can speculate on all of it, and speculations are not a reliable source. Find me the verse saying the same thing as your link and I'll gladly concede.

To the argument about God not revealing Himself enough (Beams of Light/Magic Tricks): Find a charismatic Christian who has knowledge of the Holy Spirit (depending on your region, most Pentecostals should do - howewer a growing number of other churches of Christians has a growing knowledge of Him...), and ask him to take you to a "charismatic" youth meeting/other gathering, for the Holy Spirit is the answer to your need of evidence. You won't believe me if I start telling you about "freak" stuff that we [(charismatic) christians] do. So go and see it yourself - it has convinced me.
I went to "charismatic" youth meetings when I was a kid. I noticed that I didn't feel a thing, while everyone else just seemed to be showing off to their parents/youth minister going "Hey, Jesus loves me more! That's why I'm screaming and writhing and you aren't!" If your argument lies is the supernatural, Christian websites, and the Bible, perhaps thinking a little bit might solve your God problem? Right now, you're just having other people do the thinking for you.

@HeroMasaki; I'm convinced you're a troll, and your arguments aren't even worth debating with. Refusing to look at proof doesn't mean it isn't there. (Feel free to twist this into a pro-God sentiment) Feel free to debate with my strawman though.


Much better post! However, you're using made up statistics again and your point about the Great Depression is totally incorrect.

Start with this point

.//enigma said:
The reason this is increasing is because more people are being enlightened with the statement "Proof, not belief, developes knowledge." More and more people cannot prove God's existance, therefore they are turning atheistic.
and expand, as I really liked this part.
To the discussion about quantum mechanics/Big Bang: Please clarify how quantum mechanics counter creationism, and how did the quantum mechanics come to be (remember - everything has a cause in rationalist thinking).
This makes no sense. (To me)

Evolution, or, on a larger scale, the Big Bang Theory/String theory would counter creationism, because they describe how we evolved/how the universe was created.

Quantum mechanics describes how the world works at a subatomic level (Electrons, Neutrons, Bosons, Leptons, etc.). It incorporates electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces into one theory. And the actual "force" that it exerts is represented by extremely small particles.

It came to be when the universe was created, just like all the other matter, energy, and forces in the universe.


or Varl
is a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Here's the thing. A substantial amount of the Bible has been proven true. None of it false. If you take just Prophesy for example. There's around 1000 different prophecies. About half of that have been proven to come true. None proven false. That's a score of 500-0. And that's just prophecy. I agree when you say that just because some of something being right doesn't make it automatically true. But when most of something has been proven true, more things being proven true after time, and NONE being proven false then that sounds pretty credible to me.
Here's the problem with prophecies in general: they are usually vague. This is so people can read into them and apply them to situations or events and say "there it is just like the prophecy said!"

I'm no expert on Biblical prophecies so it is hard for me to really debate with you here but I'm sure a good chunk you are referring to are prophecies that came true in relation to Jesus Christ. Which really doesn't prove anything. The Bible predicts things about Jesus and then later on in the same book these things happen to Jesus. So essentially, a book predicts something and then later tells you it happened so it must be true and this is your validation for the the credibility of the Bible? In literary terms, that's just foreshadowing.

Look, nobody is trying to make you an atheist. You can believe in whatever you like, it makes no difference to me or anyone else on this forum. The only reason people are still bantering with you is because you make a point and then end it smugly with "good game guys I win." Which is funny because even other Christian believers in this thread are contradicting some of your posts. You seem to believe the Bible contains facts and can be taken literally while others have posted saying that the Bible isn't meant to be taken literally and what's really important is the general moral teachings. And then you mention Pascal's Wager which is not a very good justification for having faith at all. If anything, it shows your lack of faith. So no, it's not "good game" and it never will be for this conversation. Humanity has wrestled with this for discussion for years and your posts will never be the end all winning argument.
I find the idea of a God who has human-like emotions to be nonsensical. People tend to point to the seeming intangibility of emotions as proof of the supernatural, but they really tell an opposite story. Our emotions are intrinsically tied to our mortality, there's no way around it. We fear because we might die, we love because others are protected by our affectionate attention, we covet because we (or those close to us) have mortal needs that need tending to. We lust because we need to reproduce, we desire to understand because it helps us live longer, and we feel guilt so that we don't cause harm again. Happiness and sadness spur us on to seek out or avoid certain situations, respectively. Empathy, which relates to all of these emotions, helps us stick together (although clearly not well enough) so that we may support and protect each other, extending our time on Earth and making better use of that time by working together.

Why would an immortal, all-powerful being feel any of these? There is no limit on its time, no possibility of dying. It can do an infinite amount in a finite time, so why bother feeling urgency, much less fear, love, hope, despair, hate, or any of the things that bring us to do finite things with our finite time. Emotions are our basis for action, and we need a basis for action because we are mortal. The God of the Bible who loves, hates, and covets for the hearts and minds of followers is merely a projection of our own emotional incentives upon the inanimate workings of the universe.

This argument says nothing about the existence of a creative force or even an intelligent (albeit non-emotional and therefore likely non-interactive) creator, so try to avoid quips along the lines of "well how could all of this have gotten here???".


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Conclusion: Joseph had a father called Jacob and a father-in-law called Heli.
I honestly suggest you to read the book Hero mentioned, or to try searching Christian websites for answers.
That is all speculation, there is no evidence at all that what your source said it true. In fact, in your own source it says that they only posted one explanation of the event, which points to the fact that they don't actually KNOW what happened...it is entirely speculation.

To the discussion about quantum mechanics/Big Bang: Please clarify how quantum mechanics counter creationism, and how did the quantum mechanics come to be
They don't counter creationism, they counter the need for creationism to explain events. Instead of saying "god did it", we would be able to say that "this happened at this point in time, and this is what it caused". If we can explain how the universe was created, then suddenly god is no longer a "necessary" tool in creation.

(remember - everyhing has a cause in rationalist thinking).
Not everything happens for a reason, this has already been posted if you were paying attention to this thread. Sometimes, things just happen for no reason. Please keep your fairy tale beliefs out of a post that you're trying to discuss rationality and science in.
You seem to believe the Bible contains facts and can be taken literally while others have posted saying that the Bible isn't meant to be taken literally and what's really important is the general moral teachings.
The Bible contains 66 books and was written by over 40 different authors, all of the inspired by God. Some books of the Bible are meant to be taken literally (Genesis, Numbers), while others are to be taken metaphorically (Psalms). It contains both facts, biographies, and poetry. Remember, the Bible isn't just one book.
The Bible contains 66 books and was written by over 40 different authors, all of the inspired by God. Some books of the Bible are meant to be taken literally (Genesis, Numbers), while others are to be taken metaphorically (Psalms). It contains both facts, biographies, and poetry. Remember, the Bible isn't just one book.
Does it actually say "this section is figurative" or "this section is literal"? Having to decide what is literal and what is figurative is almost as bad as deciding for yourself what parts are right and wrong. If the you decide that certain things don't make any sense to you, so they must be figurative, then you're just selecting those beliefs you like as the ones that are literally true... you aren't even using the book you claim to be 100% accurate. If you want to claim that a book is 100% accurate, and that you know it's accurate because God made it directly or indirectly (and that you know God made it because it says so), then you have to stick with every little claim that it makes, no matter how stupid those claims are.
Totally agree. People can't pick and choose parts out of a religion and say that they follow it 100%. If you want to pick the parts that you like, do us a favor and don't say that's your religion, because it isn't [in all entirety].

I've got history with ppl who do this, so sorry if coming off a bit angry.
Even if every last passage of the bible was factually correct and did not contradict any other passage, that would just mean that the authors of the bible met the standard we see in books today.
So this 5% claims to have found something that stops a force that hasn't been stopped for thousands of years? I don't think so. Try and try as you might, you can't disprove the Bible. It hasn't been done, this is very much true, and it won't be done. And there's nothing you can do, that hasn't been done before, to change that.
Ew this sounds too much like an evil villain from a comic book!!

Honestly this is my opinion on "these people", that they're too stubborn to "stop a force that hasn't been stopped for thousands of years". The statement "you can't disprove the Bible" isn't a fair fight because all of "them" just hide behind "their" "faith" and the fact that it's nearly impossible to disapprove something that leaves no physical evidence at all and has to be relied on by "faith". yuck
can't disprove the bible..?

according to the bible, the world is only abot six thousand years old.

according to science, we (as in the modern evolution of humans) have been around more than ten thousand years.

those two simple facts don't match up.

random tangent @ diin- for some reason today i read your name as dylan dog...


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Look it all comes down to this since nobody will be convincing anybody of anything.

Either I die and realize that my whole life of Christianity has been worthless since God doesn't exist. Or the Bible continues to prove itself correct and the day comes when everyone will realize God's existence.
I won't even mention what will happen to any of you if you die and the latter is true.

One or the other. We'll just have to play the waiting game.
At the very least, I'd rather not risk Situation B.
I'm kind of glad you mentioned this, as it's the only thing I like to add in religious debates. Essentially, you fear retribution in the afterlife enough to take Pascal's Wager. Basically it boils down to "believe in God, because you lose nothing in doing so."

I prefer to take the Atheist's Wager. I'll live my life happy, sane, and morally straight, while aiming for success in everything I do, trying to make the world a better place. And if there is a loving God, my actions in life should reflect upon myself as a good person with character, and I'll go to whatever positive afterlife he gives me. If God would really be so selfish and vain as to condemn me to eternal suffering after leading a very good life just because I did not cherry pick the correct old, dusty book and devote any of my limited time on Earth to hoping he exists and begging to him, then he's not a loving God and I would not like to have worshiped him anyway. In the likely event there is no God, then nothing happens.

Really, what does God have to gain by having us believe in him? Does he become more powerful when people take books with no evidence supporting them and decide to follow what they say? Does he really not trust humanity enough that he needs us to do good things only out of fear? Does he really punish morally straight people for basic skepticism?


what are birds? we just don't know.
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I hate to say it, but you guys are being trolled. HeroMasaki is leading you around in circles. He challenges you to disprove the bible on a factual basis, then when you do he claims that the bible is mostly metaphor, then when you are busy arguing about that he restarts his "disproving" argument. Repeat ad nauseum.
I agree with the argument, that this discussion is in circles.

Atheists write a argument against- or "contradiction" in -the Bible.

Christians counter it, but fail to open a new attack against atheists.

Atheists use the Christians' slacking and deal another scientific blow to the Bible/Christians.

It goes round and round...

I ask all of you honestly: Has this arguing made you change a single thing about your thinking/made you to feel different about the other arguing side?

For me, I've seen that some of you are more honest and careful in your opinions than many people that I argue with irl. Though my thinking/faith has not changed a bit. (Though you made me read an article about quantum mechanics :P)

I think that this discussion should be moved to irl, to your Christian/atheist friends, unless they lack the knowledge we smogonites lack.

Also, you people from other religions than Christianity/Atheism, which side gains your sympathies?

Please read all pages before answering, please.

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